- Chapter VIII:
- Fire Support Base
(June 1969)
Fire Support Surveillance Base FLOYD
(August 1970)
- A major innovation of the
Vietnam War was the fire support base. Because there were no
well-defined battle lines, fire support of maneuver units could not
always be accomplished from secure, behind the line positions or from
major base areas. Often, positions had to be secured in
enemy-dominated territory.
- By late 1966 the usual
procedure was to establish fire support bases containing headquarters
elements, medical facilities, and other support activities, as well as
supporting light, medium, and sometimes heavy artillery. Setting up
such bases became the routine opening phase of search operations. For
example, the beginning of Operation JUNCTION CITY, 22 February-14 May
1967, included a drive by the 1st Infantry Division to open a road
northward through War Zone C for the purpose of establishing fire
support bases from which the maneuver battalions would operate and
receive their artillery support.
- These early bases were often
attacked by North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong forces, as they made
ideal targets for enemy offensive actions. Eventually, because of the
enemy's inclination to attack such installations, fire support bases
were established for the express purpose of decoying the enemy. In
these instances, sophisticated target detection means including radar,
sensor devices, and infrared night sighting devices were used to give
warning of the enemy's approach. This combination proved to be
eminently successful, and large numbers of attacking enemy forces were
destroyed in several such battles at little cost in friendly
casualties. The decoy concept was further expanded to include the
deployment of fire support bases to facilitate screening of suspected
major enemy avenues of approach. This technique was employed
extensively by the 25th Infantry Division during the later stages of
its tenure in Vietnam.[97]

- The action of 5-8 June
1969 at Fire Support Base CROOK in Tay Ninh province was a classic
example of "offensive fire support base" techniques.
Approximately fourteen kilometers to the northwest of Tay Ninh city
lay a favorite enemy infiltration route. Close to the Cambodian
border, the area was a major artery for enemy troops and supplies
moving back and forth between War Zone C in the east and Cambodia in
the west. In April 1969, Fire Support Base CROOK was established to
prevent enemy movement along this route and to provide support for
offensive operations in the vicinity. The plan assumed that the enemy
would not be able to resist an attempt to knock out the isolated post.
- Terrain surrounding the fire
support base was flat and generally forested. To the east lay the
triple-canopy jungle of War Zone C; to the southwest and west were
abandoned rice paddies, while north of the base was scattered
double-canopy jungle. Although observation and fields of fire were
limited to 200 meters on the east, they ranged out to as much as 1,000
meters over the abandoned rice paddies.
- [98]
- Positioned inside the
base was a small force of the 25th Infantry Division, consisting of
Company B, 3d Battalion, 22d Infantry; Battery A, 7th Battalion, 11th
Artillery, with six 105-mm. howitzers; and elements of the mortar,
communications, and medical platoons of the 3d Battalion, 22d
Infantry. U.S. planners hoped that the enemy would see Fire Support
Base CROOK as an attractive prospect for one of their carefully
planned night attacks. Though physically isolated, the base was far
from alone. Supporting fire from artillery at other locations as well
as from gunships and tactical air elements was arranged around the
fire support base perimeter. Early warning was provided for by all
available means, including the latest equipment such as sensors,
radars, starlight scopes, and patrolling helicopters mounting xenon
- Preparation of the area
surrounding Fire Support Base CROOK was extensive. Bulldozers cleared
fields of fire, but isolated patches of concealment were deliberately
left to attract North Vietnamese Army reconnaissance parties and
observers. These patches were placed so that radar was able to cover
them exactly, and direct 105-mm. howitzer fire was ready to destroy
anyone using them. There were concentric circles, resembling race
tracks, cut at 100-150 meters and 300 meters beyond the fighting
positions. These circles were to deny the enemy's rocket propelled
grenade gunners ideal firing positions and to increase the
effectiveness of U.S. supporting fire. From the air, observers used
the circles as a range scale, reducing the chance of error and
providing common frames of reference between the observers and the
- The situation at Fire
Support Base CROOK remained relatively quiet until the evening of June
5, when the seismic sensors picked up heavy enemy activity less than
one kilometer to the northwest. In addition, radar detected small
groups moving in the wood lines around the base. Artillery was fired
at these areas and, as apprehension of an impending attack grew, the
officer in command, Major Joseph E. Hacia, executive officer of the 3d
Battalion, 22d Infantry, ordered interdicting fire from supporting
artillery on trails, road junctions, and likely assembly areas.
Despite the artillery fire, enemy activity continued, and by
midevening, Major Hacia had ordered a 100percent alert. At 0255 hours,
a barrage by 107-mm. and 122-mm. rockets, 75-mm. recoilless rifles,
rocket propelled grenades, and 60mm. and 82-mm. mortar fire was
directed at the base. Fortunately, most of the rocket fire went over
the base, but mortar rounds hit in and around the perimeter, killing
one U.S. soldier. Otherwise, damage was slight.
- Co-ordinated with the attack
by fire, the enemy launched a battalion-size ground attack from the
south and west, which was met by a heavy volume of grazing fire from
the defenders. The artillery battery
- within the base went into
action with a close fire support technique referred to as "killer
junior." This technique provided light artillery fire to a depth
of 150 to 200 meters around the base, while medium and heavy
supporting artillery hit suspected enemy positions throughout the
area. On the perimeter, a sixteen-man enemy force did succeed in
breaking through the wire with bangalore torpedoes, but it was stopped
by riflemen in the bunkers.
- By 0400 hours, the full gamut
of air support, including tactical air fighters and gunships of all
kinds, went into action over the battle area, hitting suspected enemy,
rocket and mortar positions and covering all the open areas around the
base with fire. Some fifteen enemy. 51-caliber antiaircraft machine
guns were reported in action, but they were suppressed by the
- Wilting under the heavy
supporting fire, the enemy withdrew into the jungle, and by 0530 the
base was receiving only light, sporadic fire. Tactical air and
artillery fire continued to pound away at the withdrawing enemy, in an
effort to restrict his movement and inflict additional casualties. At
first light, B Company moved out of the base on a sweep which
uncovered seventy-six enemy bodies and fifteen small arms, plus a
variety of ammunition, documents, and extraneous gear.
- The next evening enemy
activity resumed in almost the same pattern. First, the seismic sensor
equipment and radars picked up heavy movement, this time to the
northwest and east of the base; then radars began detecting three- to
five-man groups moving in the wood lines. All return fire was made
with artillery and mortars, including the base's artillery battery,
which engaged in direct fire. Although all detectable movement had
ceased by 0100 hours, the artillery continued firing "killer
- At 0200 hours, a Nighthawk
helicopter with a xenon searchlight spotted large groups of enemy
troops moving toward the base along the road from the east. Shortly
after the artillery shifted and began pounding these new targets, the
base was hit with intense enemy preparatory fire followed by
simultaneous ground attacks by battalion size forces from the northeast
and northwest. Again the base suffered minimal damage, and only three
men were wounded.
- Army and Air Force gunships,
including the Nighthawk helicopter and AC-119 and AC-47 fixed-wing
aircraft, engaged the attacking enemy forces under illumination to the
northeast and northwest. Additional helicopter gunships suppressed the
enemy's .51-caliber antiaircraft guns firing from the west. Available
artillery and mortar fire engaged the enemy's supporting positions to
the east and south. All this firing, along with intense small arms,
automatic weapons, and direct artillery fire from the base itself,
wreaked havoc with the attacking enemy battalions.[100]
- Despite the volume of
defensive fire, the northwestern attacking battalion succeeded in
breaching the outer wire before it was stopped. However, the
northeastern assault was stopped short of the wire. Most of the
attacking force were trapped and cut down in the open as they
attempted to withdraw, and by 0530 enemy troops that were able to do
so had retreated into the jungle. A sweep of the area on the morning
of the third day, 7 June, yielded 323 enemy bodies, 10 prisoners, and
over 40 weapons, including two machine guns and two mortars, plus a
large quantity of documents, ammunition, and equipment. The following
evening the base received light small arms and mortar fire, which
caused no casualties. There was no ground attack. In general, this
last attack seemed little more than a parting gesture from the badly
beaten 272d Viet Cong Regiment.
A total disaster for the
enemy, Fire Support Base CROOK was another example of the ability to
defeat the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong during one of their
classic offensive operations. The battle demonstrated the rapid
building of a fire base, the use of modern detection equipment, and
the integration of the full spectrum of modern fire support techniques
to achieve a decisive victory.
Later in the Vietnam
conflict, another generation of fire support bases was developed. Fire
Support Surveillance Base FLOYD was conceived by the 173d Airborne
Brigade as a total interdiction base covering an entire valley floor.
The base properly integrated sensors, radar, and other target
acquisition means with the system of direct and indirect fire support.
Fire base facilities were organized to enable rapid reaction to
confirmed targets and to provide adequate base defense. (Diagram 2)
The nerve center of the base was the tactical operations center, in
which radar and optical scopes and monitoring devices were located.
Installing the target acquisition means nearby insured rapid
comparison of readouts and confirmation of targets. The mortar fire
direction centers were also located in the tactical operations center
in order to disseminate target information more efficiently to the
indirect fire weapons.
Successful implementation of
this fire base concept took place shortly before daylight on 29 August
1970. The 3d Battalion, 2d North Vietnamese Army Regiment, entered a
valley in northern Binh Dinh Province from the south and marched
openly along the road toward the area of Hoai An District, where they
were to occupy mountain base camps and conduct operations against
district forces while replenishing their supply of rice. As the enemy
column entered the valley, the southernmost sensor was activated,
continuing for twenty minutes. A sweep by the PPS-5 radar confirmed
that an enemy column was moving north in the valley. The decision was
made to engage the rear of the column in the hope of getting a second
try at its head. The rear was hit with mortar fire and, as hoped, the

Diagram 2. Fire Support
Surveillance Base FLOYD layout, 29 August 1970.
- 102]
remainder of the column
marched on. The radar continued to track the enemy, and additional
sensors became active. By this time night observation devices had
picked up enemy activity. When the head of the column activated a
sensor, it was hit by fire from 105-mm. howitzers, 4.2-inch mortars,
and 81-mm. mortars. After this barrage, the PPS-5 and night
observation devices confirmed that the enemy was fleeing to the west.
Quad .50-caliber machine gun fire pursued the retreating enemy, and
mortar fire blocked his escape to the west. Contact was not lost until
the enemy left the killing zone.
- At first light, a reaction
force from the 173d Airborne Brigade began a sweep of the valley
floor. Blood trails leading west into the high ground confirmed the
accuracy of the barrages. The enemy had not been able to remove all of
his dead and wounded. Reconnaissance forces found six dead enemy
soldiers and one wounded, along with one AK-50, one 60-mm. mortar, and
numerous pieces of individual equipment that had been discarded. On 3
September a wounded enemy soldier, captured in the mountains near the
506 Valley, confirmed that the toll of dead and wounded had been
- The exact results of the
action will probably never be known; however, because of the damage
done, the 3d Battalion, 2d North Vietnamese Army Regiment, avoided
significant contact with allied forces for several months. The results
were substantial considering there was no close contact between
infantry units.
- Fire Support
Surveillance Base FLOYD represented an economy-of-force measure
employing a target acquisition system and immediate fire support in an
interdiction mission. The terms "killer junior" and
"killer senior" referred to direct fire defensive programs
of the field artillery. Both techniques were designed to defend fire
bases against enemy ground attack and used mechanical, time-fuzed
projectiles set to burst approximately thirty feet off the ground at
ranges of 100 to 1000 meters. The name "killer junior"
applied to light and medium artillery (105-mm. and 155-mm.), while
"killer senior" referred to the same system using eight-inch
howitzers. This technique proved more effective in many instances than
direct fire with "beehive" ammunition, because the enemy
could avoid the beehive ammunition by lying prone or crawling. For
example, in October 1967 during the battle of Xa Cat, which. involved
an attack by several enemy battalions on the 1st Infantry Division's
Fire Base CAISSON VI, artillery firing beehive ammunition had little
effect on attacking enemy troops, because they approached the
perimeter by crawling. However, a switch to timefuzed explosives
stopped the advance. Another successful application of the
"killer" technique was in clearing snipers from around base
- In building Fire Support
Base CROOK, many of the rapid construction techniques which had been
developed during the previous
- months, while
positioning divisional patrol bases along the Cambodian border, were
used. Construction usually started early in the day and proceeded
according to the following steps. The exact position of the fire
support base was selected and an engineer stake was driven at the
center. A rope forty meters long was attached to the stake and stretched
out from the center, forming the radius of the base and establishing
the location of the bunker line. Next, an aiming circle was positioned
at the center and a stake was driven at 0° to mark the location of
the first bunker. Additional stakes were driven every 15° around the
perimeter to mark the location of all twenty-four bunkers, which had
been established as the ideal number for a rifle company. Another
circle was marked seventy-five meters out from the bunker line, thus
establishing the location of the defensive wire barrier.
- After the bunker positions had
been marked, a standard package was dropped at each of the twenty-four
stakes by a helicopter. This package contained one fifteen-pound,
shaped demolition charge; two sheets of pierced steel planking; and a
bundle of sandbags. The shaped charges were placed next to the
engineer stakes, and the initial hole for the bunker was blown. A
standard nine-foot bunker was then built by using the pierced steel
planking and sandbags and by squaring up the blown crater.
- While the fighting bunkers
were being constructed, bulldozers were busily digging holes for
larger command and control bunkers inside the perimeter. The beans
were pushed up for artillery firing positions and later between the
bunkers on the outer perimeter. The wire barrier was established using
one row of triple concertina wire. The area between the bunker line
and the wire barrier was then laced with claymore mines. The fire
support base was completed when a Chinook helicopter flew in with a
fully assembled, twenty-foot observation tower. Time of construction
varied, but in each case the company defending the base was dug in
with complete overhead cover by nightfall of the first day.
- The fights at Fire
Support Base CROOK and Fire Support Surveillance Base FLOYD
demonstrated the successful integration of sensor devices to provide
early warning and identification of enemy units. These devices were
positioned either through the air or by hand and could detect the
movement of humans within a range of about 40 meters and of vehicles
within 300 meters.
- Other target acquisition
devices used successfully at Fire Support Base CROOK and Fire Support
Surveillance Base FLOYD were the ground surveillance radars and the
night observation devices. The radar sets organic to division maneuver
battalions were used primarily to provide short- and medium-range
identification and location of enemy targets during periods of limited
visibility. The AN/PPS-5 radar had a maximum range of 5 kilometers and
the AN/PPS-4 radar

had a 1.5-kilometer
range for personnel detection. Both were used to protect the night
defensive positions. Along with radar there were the night observation
devices, either the older infrared lights or the newer starlight
scopes. These scopes intensified the available light rather than
emitting a light source of their own. The new sensors were of limited
value in themselves, but when properly integrated into an overall
surveillance and target acquisition plan, as at Fire Support Base
CROOK and Fire Support Surveillance Base FLOYD, they were most
A final innovation was the
artillery ambush, a technique developed by the 1st Battalion, 77th
Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division Artillery. The ambush involved the
covert planning of a homemade trip flare device with the trip wire
running across the road. A fire unit was laid on this grid and fired
on the flare signal. Two flares of different colors could be used to
determine the direction of travel of the target unit. Later, with the
arrival of the modern sensor devices, the technique was further
- In conclusion, the unique
employment of the fire support bases in Vietnam can be considered an
innovation. The use of these bases to

invite enemy attacks, the
placement of the bases, the techniques of co-ordinating supporting fire,
and the co-ordination of target acquisition means were prime examples of
the integration of various methods and the use of new equipment to
destroy the enemy.
- [106]
- page created 15 December 2001
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