Endnotes for Chapter VII
1 See Conn and Fairchild, Framework of Hemisphere Defense, chs. IV-VI; Matloff and Snell, Strategic Planning, 1941-42, ch. IV; and Morton, Strategy and Command, ch. IV.
2 Testimony before Roberts Commission, 19 Jan 42, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt 23, p. 1081.
3 Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 7 Jul 41, WPD 4544; see chs. IX and XIII below.
4 Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 25 Jul 41, WPD 4544-3.
5 Testimony of Mai Gen Philip Hayes before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 9 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 27, pp. 138-39; Testimony of Gen Short before Roberts Commission, 23 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 32, and before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 11 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 27, pp. 218-19, 230-31.
6 Memo, WPD for CofS, 18 Oct 41, WPD 4544-5.
7 Testimony of Gen Short before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 11 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 27, p. 219.
8 The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, vol. III, The Lowering Clouds, 1939-1941 (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1954) pp. 649-50.
9 Memo, G-2 for WPD, 17 Sep 41, WPD 4344-4.
10 Notes on Conf in OCofS, 26 Nov 41. WDGSA 381 Philippines (12-4-41).
11 Draft of G-2 Brief Periodic Estimate of the Situation, forwarded to GHQ for comment on or about 28 Nov 41, in GHQ 381, binder 2 ; Memo, G-2 for CofS, 5 Dec 41, in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 14, pp. 1373-74
12 Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes, III, pp. 649-50.
13 Rad, CNO to CINCAF, CINCPAC, etc., 24 Nov 41, WPD 4544-12. Subsequently, General Short could not remember having seen this message, and no copy of it could be found in Army files.
14 Langer and Gleason, The Undeclared War, p. 900.
15 Clear evidence on this point is contained in the Notes on Conf in OCofS, 26 Nov 41, WDCSA 381 Philippines (12-4-41); and in Memo, ACofS WPD for CofS, 27 Nov 41, WPD 4544-13.
16 Rad, CofS to CG Hawaiian Dept, 27 Nov 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 14, p. 1328.
17 Testimony before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 9 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 27, p. 129.
18 Rad, G-2 to G-2 Hawaiian Dept, 27 Nov 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 14, p. 1329.
19 Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to COPS, 28 Nov 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 14, p. 1330
20 Rad, OPNAV to Fleet Comdrs, 27 Nov 41, WPD 4544-16.
21 Rads, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 28 Nov 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 14, p. 1330.
22 I got a reply back from the Adjutant General the next day." Testimony of General Short before Roberts Commission, 23 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 39.
23 Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 29 Nov 41, AG 381 (11-27-41) Gen.
24 Testimony of Gen Short before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 11 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 27, p. 230; USAFMIDPAC Hist, Bulky Package 2, draft ch., Implementation of Defense. The 5 Nov 1941 SOP is published in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 24, pp. 2107-20.
25 See testimony of Brig Gen Howard C. Davidson, CG 14th Pursuit Wing, before Roberts Commission, 23 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 110.
26 Honolulu Advertiser, Nov 28, 1941, p. 1.
27 Testimony before Roberts Commission, 23 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 36.
28 See particularly General Short's testimony before the Roberts Commission on 23 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, pp. 43. 85, 96- See also "Admiral Kimmel's Own Story of Pearl Harbor," in U.S. News and World Report, Dec 10 1954, P. 134.
29 Starting on 23 Dec 1941, the testimony on these various points before the several Pearl Harbor investigating committees was very voluminous, and all in Pearl Harbor Attack. War Department proposals and action can be followed in WPD 3878-12, WPD 4544-9, AG 381 (11-27-41), AG 381 (12-5-41), and WDCSA 381 Philippines (12-4-41) .
30 On this last point, see testimony of Gen Burgin before Pearl Harbor Bd, 8 Sep 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 28, p. 1370.
31 Corrected testimony before Roberts Commission, 27 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, P. 329.
32 Testimony before Roberts Commission of Admiral Bloch, 30 Dec 41, and of Rear Adm Patrick N. O. Bellinger, 31 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, PP. 500, 557-58.
33 Pearl Harbor Report, p. 153.
34 Memo, COMINCH for SN, 3 Dec 44, in Pearl Harbor Attack, Pt. 39, pp. 383-86.
35 Honolulu Advertiser, Dec 2, 5, and 6, 1941.
36 Ibid., Dec 7, 1941 (preattack edition).
37 Ltr, CO Hickam Field to CG Hawaiian Air Force, 3 Dec 41, copy in notes used in preparation of USAFMIDPAC Hist.
38 Summary of Situation, by ACofS G-2 Hawaiian Dept, written on 22 Dec 4, but depicting outlook as of 7 Dec 41, in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 25.
39 The best and most detailed account of the Japanese plans and preparations for the Pearl Harbor attack is that by Robert E. Ward, "The Inside Story of the Pearl Harbor Plan," in United States Naval Institute Proceedings (December 1951), vol. 77, pp.1271-83. The operation is best described in Morison, Rising Sun in the Pacific, pp. 80ff.
40 Grew's report was duly though not quite accurately passed on to the War Department, as indicated by Memo, Lt Col Rufus S. Bratton, G-2, for Col Charles H. Mason, G-2, 28 Jan 41, in OPD Pearl Harbor Resume.
41 See Japanese Monograph No. 152, Political Strategy Prior to Outbreak of War, pt. V, 1940-41, especially pp. 44-48; and Far East Hist Source file, Important National Policy Decisions, app. XVIII.
42 Ward, op. cit., p. 1278; Japanese Monograph No. 97.
43 Japanese Monograph No. 102.
44 On General Marshall's movements and actions this day, see especially Memo for Rcd, Col Walter B. Smith, SGS, 15 Dec 41, and Memo, Col John R. Deane, ASGS, for Brig Gen Walter B. Smith, 8 Jun 42, both in WDCSA Hawaii 1940-43. For a more detailed account in this series, see Watson, Prewar Plan and Preparations, pp. 512-19.
45 Morison, Rising Sun in the Pacific, pp. 95-97; Walter Lord, Day of Infamy (New York; Henry Holt and Company, 1957), contains a detailed and authentic blow-by-blow account of the whole Pearl Harbor action, including these midget submarine operations.
46 Rpt as stated by Rear Adm R. B. Ingles, Dir, Naval Intel, in Tel Conv with Lt Gen Thomas T. Handy, DCofS, 8 Nov 45, extract in OPD Pearl Harbor file, Misc Corresp. See also Army Exhibit, p. 8, copy in oPD file, Documentation-Pearl Harbor Brief; Morison, op. cit., p. 138 and n. 84; and Testimony of Lt Col William E. G. Taylor before Roberts Commission, 3 Jan 42, in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 23, p. 757. This incident escaped the attention of all the Pearl Harbor investigating committees.
47 Thompson, et al., The Test, pp 3-4.
48 Two works by Japanese authors contain chapters on the Pearl Harbor action that are interesting supplements to the many other published works that have appeared. These volumes are: Mitsuo Fuchida and Masatake Okumiya, Midway: The Battle That Doomed Japan: The Japanese Navy's Story (Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1955) ; Masatake Okumiya and Moro Horikoshi, Zero: The Inside Story of the Naval Air War in the Pacific (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc., 1956). On Japanese plane losses, see Craven and Cate, eds., Plans and Early Operations, p. 200.
49 Exhibit 6, Pearl Harbor Attack, Part 12, pp. 351-58, in which a loss of 5 planes from the Enterprise is recorded. But see Morison, op. cit., p. 121; and Walter Karig and Welbourn Kelley, "Battle Report," Pearl Harbor to Coral Sea (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1944), p. 19. which gives figures of II planes and 9 men lost.
50 Ltr, CG Hawaiian Dept to CofS, 12 Dec 41, and rpts in AG 381 (12-Dec-41) .
51Craven and Cate, eds.; Plans and Early Operations, pp. 199-200.
52 Ltr, Post Operations Officer, Wheeler Field, to CG Hawaiian Air Force, 18 Dec 41, AG 381 (12 Dec 41) ; Testimony of Col Lorry N. Tindal before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 2 Oct 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 29, pp. 2290-94; Testimony of Maj George S. Welch before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 30 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 28, p. 1050.
53 The most reliable contemporary account of Army fighter activity appears to be that in the letter of the Post Operations Officer, Wheeler Field, cited in the preceding footnote. See also Lord, Day of Infamy, pp. 59ff.
54 The Hawaiian Air Force had an assigned strength of 231 planes on 7 December, but the number actually on hand appears to have been somewhat greater. The figures given on planes involved and losses have been calculated from divergent figures contained in Army Exhibit, p. 9; Incl to Ltr Post Operations Officer, Wheeler Field, to CG Hawaiian Air Force, 18 Dec 41, cited, reporting aircraft status and losses at Wheeler and its satellite fields as of 9 December 1941; and Memo, CofS Hawaiian Air Force to CG Hawaiian Air Force, 20 Dec 41, copy in USAFMIDPAC Hist notes, reporting aircraft status and losses at all fields as of 20 Dec 41.
55 Tel Conv, Gen Short and DCofS Bryden,: 10 Dec 41, in OCS Tel Conv, binder 1 ; Testimony of Gen Short before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 11 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 27, p. 172.
56 Details of Army antiaircraft action are set forth in Ltr, CO 53d Coast Artillery Brigade (AA) to CG Hawaiian Dept, 20 Dec 41, in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 7, pp. 3002-004, and in War Diary, Hawaiian Coast Artillery Command, 7 to 31 Dec 41, in AG 3811 (12 Dec 41) (Bulky Package). In all, the Army claimed 11 Japanese planes shot down, the Navy 28; on the other hand the Japanese claimed all but 29 planes returned to the carriers. See Pearl Harbor Report, p. 65.
57 Testimony of Gen Short before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 11 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 27, p. 231, and of Capt Frank W. Ebey before Roberts Commission, 26 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 264.
58 War Diary in AG 381 (12 Dec 41) (Bulky Package).
59 Staff journal, 25th Inf Div, 7 to 31 Dec 41, in AG 381 (12 Dec 41) (Bulky Package).
60 Allen, Hawaii's Was Years, pp. 5-9; Testimony of Col Webster A. Capron, 30 Aug 44, and of Gen Burgin, 8 Sep 44, before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 28, pp..1059, 1372.
61 Morison, Rising Sun in the Pacific, p. 126.
62 Ltr, CG Hawaiian Dept to CofS, 12 Dec 41, AG 381 (12 Dec 41). The History of the Office of the Surgeon General, Hawaiian Department, in the USAFMIDPAC Hist, compiled later from similar sources, lists 229 known Army dead or died of wounds, 113 seriously wounded, and 346 slightly wounded. See also the Pearl Harbor Report, p. 65 and note 29, which list 194 killed in action, 22 missing in action, 21 died of wounds, 3 other dead (nonbattle) or declared dead, and 360 wounded.
63 Pearl Harbor Report, p. 65 ; Japanese Monograph 102, p. 13.
64 Allen, Hawaii's War Years, pp. 44-46; Lord, Day of Infamy, pp. 195-200; Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 15 Dec 41, AG 381 (11-27-41) (Gen).
65 Rpt, SN to President, n.d. (circa 14 Dec 41), Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 24, p. 1753.
66 Ibid., p. 1756.
67 Naval Intelligence in Washington estimated that, of eight carriers in operation, Japan had used no more than three in the Oahu raid. Min, JB Mtg, 8 Dec 41. Ltr, G-2 Hawaiian Dept to G-2 War Dept, 20 Dec 41, and other papers in AG 381 (12 Dec 41), estimate 160-180 planes and "at least three carriers."
68 See Testimony of Gen Short before Congressional Jt Comm, 23 Jan 46, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 7, p. 2995.
69 Memo, COMINCH to SN, 3 Dec 44, par. II, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 39, p. 385.
70 Testimony before Roberts Commission, 8 Jan 42, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 23, p. 987.
71 Stimson Diary, entry of 25 Jan 42.
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