Endnotes for Chapter VIII
1 Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to CofAAF, 7 Dec 41, copy in USAFMIDPAC Hist, Bulky File; Notes on Conf in OCofS, 8 Dec 41, OCS Conf, binder 29; Memo, Lt Col Clayton L. Bissell for ACofS WPD, 9 Dec 41, WPD 3807-105; AAF Monograph 41, Operational History of the Seventh Air Force, p. 105.
2 Notes of Min, JB Mtgs, 8, 9, and 10 Dec 41, in OCMH files. See also, in this series, Matloff and Snell, Strategic Planning, 1941-42 PP. 78ff; and Richard M. Leighton and Robert W. Coakley, Global Logistics and Strategy, 1940-1943, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1955), PP. 143ff.
3 Memo, ACofS WPD for CofS, 12 Dec 41, WPD 4622-37.
4 On 10 Dec Mr. Stimson is reported to have said "that he thought Hawaii was still good as an outpost and a port of temporary call, but he did not consider it a full defensive area." Notes on Conf with SW, 10 Dec 41, OCS Conf, binder 29.
5 See, for example, Testimony of Capt Walter S. DeLany, USN, Operations Officer, CINCPAC, before Roberts Commission, 30 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, pp. 520-21.
6 Stimson Diary, entry of 20 Jan 42.
7 Testimony on 30 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, P. 544.
8 Notes on Conf at White House (President and American advisers only), 28 Dec 41, WDCSA 334 Mtgs and Confs (1-28-42). See also Morison, Rising Sun in the Pacific, ch. XI.
9 Ltr, CG Hawaiian Dept to CofS, 12 Dec 41, and other papers in AG 381 (12 Dec 41).
10 3d Ind, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 19 Mar 41, and Ltr, TAG to JAG, 25 Nov 40, AG 370.6 Hawaiian Dept (11-20-40).
11 Allen, Hawaii's War Years, pp. 35-36, 79-80; Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to JAG, 11 Dec 41, AG 381 (11-27-40) Gen.
12 Log of Honolulu Police Radio Broadcasts, 7-8 Dec 41, in USAFMIDPAC Hist, Bulky File, backing papers to pt. I, ch. 3.
13 Temporarily, with the establishment of unity of command on 17 Dec 1941 (see below), the Navy acquired control of the military governorship and its machinery. See Testimony of General Short before Roberts Commission, 23 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 90. A month later, and apparently after President Roosevelt made it clear that he intended control to remain with the Army, the commanding general was again in full charge; and to avoid further confusion he set up a separate organization for military government that was exempt from the Navy's over-all command of tactical forces.
14 Notes on WD War Council Mtgs, 13 Jul, 21 Oct, 16 Dec 42. Ltr, SW to Arty Gen Biddle, 2 Nov 43, OPD 370.5 Hawaiian Dept/8; Allen, Hawaii's War Years, p. 176. For a detailed account of the organization and operation of martial law in Hawaii during World War II, see USAFMIDPAC History, Part VIII, Civil Affairs and Military Government.
15 Allen, Hawaii's War Years, pp. 47ff; Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 2 Jan 42, AG 381 (11-27-41) sec. 1; WDC Interoffice Memo, 16 Mar 42, WDC 381 vol. II/4.
16 Memo, Acting ACofS WPD for COPS, 7 Apr 41, and other papers in WPD 3915.
17 Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 14 Dec 41, OPD Exec 8, bk. 1.
18 Allen, Hawaii's War Years, pp. 151-54; Memo, ASGS for CofS, 19 Feb 42, in OCS Conf, binder 33.
19 Tel Conv, CofS Hawaiian Dept with ASGS WD, 8 Dec 41, OPD 381 Hawaiian Dept/55 ; paraphrase of Navy Rad, 1 Mar 42, AG 370.5 (11-6-41) sec. 2 ; Allen, Hawaii's War Years, pp. 107-09.
20 Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 12 Dec 41, AG 381 (11-27-41) Gen.
21 Allen, Hawaii's War Years, pp. 146-48.
22 Memo, G-4 for TAG, 9 Dec 41, OCS 20188-12.
23 Tel Conv, Gen Short and DCofS Gen Bryden, 10 Dec 41, WPD Message File 1; Telg, Dist Engr San Francisco to CofEngrs, 24 Dec 41, WPD 1928-45.
24 App. 1 of Army Pearl Harbor Bd Rpt, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 39, especially pp. 207-10; Ind to Memo, CG SOS for ACofS OPD, 8 May 42, OPD 333.1 Hawaiian Dept/2. For a detailed account of Army construction activity in Hawaii before and after Pearl Harbor, see the forthcoming volume by Karl A. Dod, The Corps of Engineers: Operations in the War Against Japan, chs. I and VIII, to be published in the UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II series. The Navy's construction work is described in Bureau of Yards and Docks, Building the Navy's Barer in World War II (Washington, 1947), vol. II, ch. 22.
25 Telg, Gen Emmons to COB, 22 Dec 41, AG 381 (12-17-41).
26 Stimson Diary, entry of 12 Dec 41; Memo, CofS for CNO, 16 Dec 41, and other papers in WPD 2917-38.
27 The establishment and workings of unity of command are described at length though not completely in USAFMIDPAC History, pt IV, Joint Army-Navy Action, pp. 794ff.
28 Testimony before Roberts Commission of Adm Bellinger, 31 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 566, and of Brig Gen Clarence L. Tinker, 8 Jan 42, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 23, pp. 1027-28; Memo, CINCPAC to COMINCH, 7 Jan 42, copy in WPD 3444-25.
29 See ch. IV above.
30 Japanese Monographs 102;108; General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Japan, Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area (Southwest Pacific Series, vol. II), National Archives and Records Service, p. 70 (hereafter cited as Far East History).
31 The latter flight is recorded in List of Sub-Carried Plane Strikes, prepared by the Japanese Navy, in Pearl Harbor Attack pt. 13, pp. 650-51.
32 Rads, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 16 and 31 Dec 41, and 1 Jan 42, all in AG 381 (11-27-41) Gen; Japanese Monograph rob ; Allen, Hawaii's War Years, p. 59.
33 The general position of the Japanese in Hawaii before and during the war is discussed in detail in Albert W. Lind, Hawaii's Japanese: An Experiment in Democracy (Princeton:. Princeton University Press, 1946) (hereafter cited as Hawaii' Japanese); Allen, Hawaii's Wear Years; Joseph Barber, Jr., Hawaii: Restless Rampart (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1941; and John A. Rademaker, These Are Americans: The Japanese Americans in Hawaii in World War II (Palo Alto, Calif.: Pacific Books, 1951) (hereafter cited as Rademaker, These Are Americans).
34 Telg, G-2 GHQ to CG WDC, 19 Dec 41, WDC-CAD 014.31; Honolulu Advertiser, Dec. 22, 1941. PP- 1, 6; Lind, Hawaii's Japanese, pp. 70-71; Allen, Hawaii's War Years, pp. 83-84. The exception was the Niihau incident, mentioned in Chapter VII above.
35 Stimson Diary, entries of 19 and 20 Dec 41.
36 Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 10 Jan 42; Rad, Gen Emmons to TAG, 11 Jan 42. Both in AG 014.311 (1-13-41) , sec. II.
37 Stimson Diary, entry of 30 Jan 42; Memo, WPD for CON, 1 Feb 42, and accompanying Memos of 30 and 31 Jan, AG 014.311 (1-13-41), sec. II.
38 Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 2 Feb 42, Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 4 Feb 42. Both in WPD 4250-5.
39 Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 8 Feb 42; Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 9 Feb 42. Both in WPD 4250-5.
40 Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 9 Feb 42 ; Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 12 Feb 42 ; Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 10 Feb 42. All in WPD 4072-9.
41 Memo, WPD for CofS, 14 Feb 42, WPD 4250-5.
42 Memo, President Roosevelt for SN, 26 Feb 42, OPD 370.05 Hawaii (3-4-42).
43 Memo, WPD for CofS, 27 Feb 42, annotations thereon, and accompanying notes, WPD 4250-5.
44 SW Notes after Cabinet Mtg, 27 Feb 42, WDCSA 334 Mtgs and Confs.
45 Notes, JCS Mtg, 9 Mar 42, and Addendum, 11 Mar 42, to JCS 11, 12 Feb 42, sub: Hawaiian Def Forces, ABC 381 Hawaii (2-12-42).
46 Ltr, CNO to President Roosevelt, II Mar 42 (photostat copy, with pen notations indicating President Roosevelt's approval.), PMG 383.01 Hawaii.
47 Memo, Gen Eisenhower, OPD, for CofS, 27 Mar 42, OPD Exec 8, bk. 4.
48 Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to CG SOS, 27 Mar 42, PMG 383.01 Hawaii.
49 Notes, War Council Mtg, 23 Mar 42, SW Conf, binder 2.
50 Memo, Mr. McCloy for Gen Eisenhower, 28 Mar 42 ; Memo, OPD for ASW, 3 Apr 42. Both in WPD 4250-5. Honolulu Advertiser, Mar. 28, 1942, p. 3; Lind, Hawaii's Japanese, PP- 78-79, 108-09.
51 Memo, SN for President Roosevelt, 20 Apr 42 ; Memo, President Roosevelt for SN, 23 Apr 42. Both in ASw 014.311 Hawaii. SW Notes after Cabinet Mtg, 24 Apr 42, WDCSA 334 Mtgs and Confs.
52 Two OPD Memos for Rcd, 28 Apr and 27 Jun 42, OPD 370.05 Hawaii (3-4-42) ; Memo, SN for SW, 3 Mar 42, WPD 4250-5.
53 SW notes for Cabinet Mtg, 1 May 42, WDCSA 334 Mtgs and Confs; Ltr, ASW to Gen Emmons, 18 May 42, ASW 014.311 Hawaii.
54 Memo, G-I for TAG, 16 Dec 41, OCS 16418-97; Memo, OPD for COMINCH, 29 May 42, OPD 370.5 Hawaii/11; Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to WD, 29 May 42; OPD Memo for Rcd, 21 Jun 42. Last two in OPD 320.2 Hawaii/64, 94. OPD Routing Form, 26 Jun 42, OPD 370.5 Hawaii/13. For details of the military service and gallant combat record of these and other Hawaiian troops of Japanese ancestry, see Thomas D. Murphy, Ambassadors in Arms (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1954) ; Allen, Hawaii's War Years, chs. 16 and 17; and Rademaker, These are Americans, ch. 3.
55 Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to WD, 20 Jun 42; Rad, WD to CG Hawaiian Dept, 23 Jun 42, and related exchanges through 7 Oct 42. All in OPD 370.05 Hawaii (3-4-42). JCS 71, 14 Jul 42 (as approved by President Roosevelt on 17 July), ABC 381 Hawaii (2-12-42).
56 Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to WD, 2 Oct 42, AG 370.05 (11-6-41 ), sec. 2 ; various papers, dated 7-12 Oct 42, OPD 370.05 Hawaii (3-4-42) ; Ltr, Gen Emmons to SW, 2 Nov 42, ASW 014.311.
57 Ltr, SN to President Roosevelt, 17 Oct 42; Memo, President Roosevelt for SW and CofS, 2 Nov 42. Both in WDCSA 42-43 Hawaii.
58 Rad, ASW to CG Hawaiian Dept, 2 Apr 43 ; Rad, ASW to CG Hawaiian Dept, 15 Apr 43 ; Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to ASW, 8 Apr 43. All in ASW 014.311 Hawaii.
59 War Relocation Authority, The Evacuated People: A Quantitative Description (Washington, 1946), PP. 183, 191.
60 Quoted in Lind, Hawaii's Japanese, P. 79.
61 The Army records relating to this initial movement of reinforcements to Hawaii are voluminous; see, among other files, AG 381 (11-27-41), WPD 3444-14. WPD 4622-37, and 43; and OPD Exec 4, item 4. See also Leighton and Coakley, Global Logistics and Strategy, 1940-43, PP. 146-49.
62 Notes on Min, of JB Mtg, 13 Dec 41, in OCMH files; Rad, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 15 Dec 41, copy in USAFMIDPAC Hist, Bulky File.
63 Memo, WPD for G-3 and G-4, 24 Dec 41, WPD 3444-20; Memo for Rcd, WPD, (about 3 Jan 42), WPD 3444-16.
64 Dfemo, Dt'PD for CofS, 6 Feb 42, Navy Nfemo re Hawaiian Def Force, 16 Feb 42, and other papers, in WPD 3444-25 ; Memo, Gen Marshall for Gen Gerow, 30 Jan 42, AG 014.311 (1-13-41).
65 Rads, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 8 Feb 42, and CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 16 Feb 42, AG 381 (11-27-41), sees. 2-A, 2-B; Tab 1, Memo, Col John L. DicKee OPD, for ACofS OPD, 26 May 42, sub: Visit to Hawaii and Central Pacific Theater Bases OPD 333.1 Hawaii.
66 JCS II and Addendum, 11 Afar 42, and other papers in ABC 381 Hawaii (2-12-42).
67 Rad, CofS to CG Hawaiian Dept, 1 Apr 42, OPD 452.1 Hawaii/26; OPD Weekly Status Map, Mar-June 42, OPD Exec file.
68 Navy Memo for CofS CINCPAC, 18 Apr 42, copy in USAFMIDPAC History, Bulky File, reviews both Army and Navy shipping and supply systems and problems with clarity.
69 Memo, William H. Husted for E. A. Locke, Jr., 4 Mar 42, Pers Ltr, Gen Emmons to Lt Gen Brehon B. Somervell, 21 Mar 42, Ltr, Gen Emmons to Adm Nimitz, 25 Mar 42, and other papers in USAFMIDPAC Hist, Bulky File. On Hawaiian supply problems in the early months of the war, see also, in this series, Leighton and Coakley, Global Logistics and Strategy, 1940-43, PP. 161-65; and Joseph Bykofsky and Harold Larson, The Transportation Corps: Operation Overseas (Washington 1957), PP. 491-94.
70 Notes, War Council Mtg, 23 Mar 42, in SW Conf, Binder 2; Memo, ASW McCloy for SW, 1 Apr 42, WDCSA 42-43 Hawaii.
71 Memo and Incls, CG Hawaiian Dept to TAG, 14 Mar 42, AG 381 (3-14-42) ; Honolulu Advertiser, March 4 and 5, 1942; Japanese Monograph roe, p. 18; AAF Monograph 41, Operational Hist of the Seventh Air Force, p. 12; Morison, Coral Sea, Midway, and Submarine Actions, p. 69.
72 Par 9, Incl to Memo, CG SOS for ACofS OPD, 8 May 42, OPD 333.1 Hawaiian Dept/I.
73 This paragraph and the two following are based on: Morison, Coral Sea. Midway and Submarine Actions, ch. VI; Japanese Monographs 93, Midway Operations, Dfay-June 1942; 45, History of Imperial General Headquarters, Army Section (1941-1945) ; 46, Aleutians Operations Record, June 1942-July 1943: 88. Aleutian Naval Operations, Mar 1942-Feb 1943; 110; Far East History, 11, pp. 124-25; Fuchida and Okumiya, Midway, chs. I-VII.
74 6 June, Hawaiian dating. Hereafter, west longitude dating will be used in this section.
75 Memo, G-2 for OPD, 20 Apr 42, and other papers, in OPD 381 Japan/6; Stimson Diary, entry of 21 Apr 42. See above, p. 88.
76 Rad, COMINCH and CofS to CINCPAC (Info to CG Hawaiian Dept), 14 May 41, WDCSA 42-43 Hawaii. See above, p. 44.
77 Dfemo, G-2 for CofS, 17 May 42, OPD 381 WDC/42; Rad, COMINCH to CINCPAC, 21 May 42, OPD Exec 8, bk. 5.
78 Craven and Cate eds., Plans and Earl) Operations, pp. 451-62 ; AAF Monograph 41, Operational Hist of the Seventh Air Force, pp. 13-26, and appendices.
79 See ch. X, below.
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