AA | Antiaircraft |
AAF | Army Air Forces |
ACofAS | Assistant Chief of Air Staff |
ACof S | Assistant Chief of Staff |
ADC | Alaska Defense Command |
ADF | Alaska Defense Frontier |
AG | Adjutant General |
AR | Army Regulations |
ARCADIA | United States-British conference in Washington, December 1941-January 1942 |
ASF | Army Service Forces |
ASGS | Assistant Secretary, General Staff |
ASV | Air-to-surface-vessel (radar) |
ASW | Assistant Secretary of War |
AVN | Aviation |
AXIS | Aircraft Warning Service |
BC | Base Command |
BCT | Battalion Combat Team |
Bd | Board |
BLUIE | Greenland |
BLUIE WEST | U.S. air bases in Greenland |
BOLERO | Build-up of United States forces and supplies in United Kingdom for cross-Channel attack |
Br | Branch |
Bull | Bulletin |
Bur | Bureau |
Cable | Cablegram |
CAD | Civil Affairs Division |
CDC | Caribbean Defense Command |
CE | Corps of Engineers |
CG | Commanding general |
CHL | Chain Home Low |
CinC | Commander in Chief |
CINCLANT | Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet |
CINCPAC | Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet |
Cir | Circular |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations |
Co | Company |
CO | Commanding officer |
CofAAF | Chief of the Army Air Forces |
CofAC | Chief of Air Corps |
CofAS | Chief of Air Staff |
CofCA | Chief of Coast Artillery |
Cof CWS | Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service |
CofEngrs | Chief of Engineers |
CofOrd | Chief of Ordnance |
CofS | Chief of Staff |
COMALSEC | Commander, Alaskan Sector |
Comd | Command |
Comdr | Commander |
Comm | Committee |
COMINCH | Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet |
Conf | Conference |
Cont | Continental |
Conv | Conversation |
Corresp | Correspondence |
CRIMSON | Air routes through central and northeastern Canada, part of the air ferry route to the British Isles |
CRYSTAL | Three meteorological stations in northern Canada |
CSigO | Chief Signal Officer |
CTF | Commander, Task Force |
CWS | Chemical Warfare Service |
CZ | Canal Zone |
DCofS | Deputy Chief of Staff |
Dept | Department |
D/F | Disposition Form |
Dir | Director |
Dist | District |
Doc | Document |
DQMG | Deputy Quartermaster General |
EDC | Eastern Defense Command |
Engr | Engineer |
ETO | European Theater of Operations |
FDRL | Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library |
FF | Field Forces |
FM | Field Manual |
FO | Field Orders |
FY | Fiscal Year |
G-1 | Personnel section of a divisional or higher staff |
G-2 | Military intelligence section of a divisional or higher staff |
G-3 | Operations and training section of a divisional or higher staff |
G-4 | Supply and evacuation section of a divisional or higher staff |
GBC | Greenland Base Command |
GCI | Ground controlled interception (radar) |
GHQ | General Headquarters |
GO | General Orders |
H. Doc. | House Document |
IBC | Iceland Base Command |
Ind | Indorsement |
INDIGO | Plan for movement of troops to Iceland |
Instr | Instructions |
Interv | Interview |
JAG | Judge Advocate General |
JB | Joint Army and Navy Board |
JCS | Joint Chiefs of Staff |
JPs | Joint Staff Planners |
Jt | Joint |
MID | Military Intelligence Division |
Min | Minutes |
MIS | Military Intelligence Service |
Mtg | Meeting |
NBC | Newfoundland Base Command |
N.d. | No date |
NOB | Naval operating base |
NYPE | New York Port of Embarkation |
OCD | Office of Civilian Defense |
OCS | Office of the Chief of Staff |
OCSigO | Office of the Chief Signal Officer |
ODCofS | Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff |
OFF | Office of Facts and Figures |
ONI | Office of Naval Intelligence |
OQMG | Office of The Quartermaster General |
ORANGE | Prewar plan for operations in event of war with Japan |
PBY | Twin-engine Navy patrol-bomber |
PCD | Panama Canal Department |
PJBD | Permanent Joint Board on Defense |
PMG | Provost Marshal General |
PRD | Puerto Rican Department |
P/W | Prisoner of war |
QMC | Quartermaster Corps |
Rad | Radiogram |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
RAINBOW | Various plans prepared between 1939 and 1941 to meet Axis aggression |
RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force |
Rcd | Record |
RLG | Regimental Landing Group |
ROUNDUP | Plan for major United States-British attack across the Channel in 1943 |
Rpt | Report |
SDC | Southern Defense Command |
Secy | Secretary |
Sess. | Session |
SGS | Secretary, General Staff |
SLC | Standing Liaison Committee (of State, War, and Navy Departments) |
SLEDGEHAMMER | Plan for limited cross-Channel attack in 1942 |
SN | Secretary of the Navy |
SOS | Services of Supply |
S&P | Strategy and Policy |
SPOBS | Special Observer Group, London |
SW | Secretary of War |
TAG | The Adjutant General |
TBC | Trinidad Base Command |
Tel | Telephone |
Telg | Telegram |
TIG | The Inspector General |
Trans | Transportation |
TS | Trinidad Sector |
USAFBI | U.S. Army Forces in the British Isles |
USAFMIDPAC | U.S. Army Forces, Middle Pacific |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAT | United States Army Transport |
USO | United Service Organizations |
USW | Under Secretary of War |
WD | War Department |
WDC | Western Defense Command |
WDCMC | War Department Classified Message Center |
WDCSA | Chief of Staff, U.S. Army |
WDSS | War Department Special Staff |
WPD | War Plans Division |
WSF | Western Sea Frontier |
page created 30 May 2002