Chapter 1 Endnotes

1.The Third Army official Diary (MS), hereafter cited as TUSA Diary, well reflects this optimism.

2. The OVERLORD plan is discussed in Gordon A. Harrison, The Cross-Channel Attack, the first volume in the present series.

* All maps numbered in Roman are placed in inverse order inside the back cover.

3. SHAEF G-3 Daily Summary 88; 12th A Gp Situation Map, 1 Sep 44; OPD Situation Map, 3 1 Aug 44.

4. These strength figures include neither the German Nineteenth Army nor the U.S. Seventh Army, both in southern France.

5. Estimates of Allied materiel are based on the following: 21st A Gp Basic Statistical Rpt No. 5; 21st A Gp Daily Adm Bull No. 84, 2 Sep 44; 12th A Gp Armed Sec, Allocation of Equipment, 1 Sep 44; FUSA (First U.S. Army) Am Sup Rpt, 1-31 Aug 44; ETOUSA Progress Rpts CXI, 4 Sep 44, and CXV, 2 Oct 44. Estimates of German materiel are based on MSS #D-319 (Zimmermann), D-320 (Blumentritt), and D-321 (Blumentritt). See also Oberkommando des Heeres (hereafter cited as OKH), Stab General der Artillerie beim Chef Generalstab des Heeres, Anlagenheft Nr. 9 zum Kriegstagebuch (hereafter cited as KTB) Nr. 4/Band 2, 31.VII-26.IX.44, Anlage Nr. 699, 27 Aug 44. The dislocation and disregard of administrative routine and normal reporting procedures, during the August operations, show in the records of both the pursued and the pursuer. The 12th Army Group Ordnance Section Daily journal has numerous complaints, during August, on the incomplete and inaccurate materiel figures supplied by the Third Army. The journal concludes: "They don't know what they do have. . . ." Materiel status reports maintained by the First Army and 21st Army Group are somewhat better, but are by no means complete.

6. AAF Staff Control Aircraft Inventory, Combined Allied vs. Axis Air Strength Reports, 1 Sep 44.

7. Figures furnished by the British Historical Section and based on Luftwaffe records. Cf. MSS #B-190 (Rendulic) and T-42 (Guderian).

8. The somewhat involved command situation represented here is explained in the Report by the Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean: August 1944 (Washington, D.C., 1946), pp. 28 ff. Lt. Gen. J. L. Devers would assume command in southern France on 15 September 1944. For explanation of the creation of the 6th Army Group see Maj. James D. T. Hamilton, Southern France and Alsace, a volume now under preparation in this series.

9. Directive, Eisenhower to Commanders, 29 Aug 44, SHAEF SGS file, Post OVERLORD Planning, 381, I.

10. Ibid.

11. For this basic directive see the discussion in Forrest C. Pogue, The Supreme Command, a volume now under preparation in this series.

12. SHAEF Planning Staff draft of Post NEPTUNE Courses of Action after Capture of the Lodgment Area, 3 May 44, SHAEF SGS File, Post OVERLORD Planning, 381, I. Since most of the Lorraine Campaign was fought on French territory, French spelling is used for the Sarre River throughout the text of this narrative, although German spelling is retained in references to the Saar Basin, the industrial area that lies entirely in German territory. The maps accompanying the text use the German spelling, Saar, when the river lies on the German side of the boundary, and the French spelling when it lies on the French side. Names of places along the river generally retain the spelling of the country in which they are located.

13. Ltr, Eisenhower to Marshall, 24 Aug 44, Gen Eisenhower's files.

14. Bernard L. Montgomery, Normandy to the Baltic (London, 1947), Ch. 11, passim. For a study of this basic controversy see Pogue, The Supreme Command.

15. Memo for record, 2 Sep 44, sub: Notes on meeting of Supreme Commander with subordinate commanders, 12th A Gp files, Military Objectives, 371.3.

16. These officers were Col. R. E. Cummings, Col. J. F. Conklin, Col. E. F. Hammond, and Col. T. H. Nixon. See also page 608.

17. The earlier history of the 90th Infantry Division is given in R. G. Ruppenthal's Utah Beach to Cherbourg (AMERICAN FORCES IN ACTION)

18. TUSA G-1 Periodic Rpt, 26 Aug-2 Sep 44.

19. TUSA After Action Report (hereafter cited as AAR) II.

20. The allocation of supplies in late August and early September is treated in R. G. Ruppenthal, Logistical Support of the Armies, a volume now under preparation in this series. See also 12th A Gp Rpt of Opns VI.

21. An exhaustive study of the supply problem in this period will be found in Ruppenthal, Logistical Support.

22. Maps in POST NEPTUNE Planning Forecast 1, 27 May 44, SHAEF SGS File, POST OVERLORD Planning, 381, I. German surrender was assumed as of D Plus 360; Reims was to be reached by D plus 180, Verdun between D plus 270 and D Plus 330. These phase lines were based on the assumption that the German armies would make a stand at the Seine and Meuse Rivers.

23. See TUSA AAR II, G-4 Sec.

24. Ibid. See also Ruppenthal, Logistical Support.

25. E. de Martonne, Les Régions géographiques de la France (Paris, 1921); Lorraine Annexée, ed. Ministère de la guerre (Paris, 1917); OKH, Generalstab des Heeres (hereafter cited as OKH, Gen. St. d. H.), Abteilung fuer Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen, Militaergeographische Beschreibung von Frankreich, 1940; TUSA Target Area Analysis No. 10, 5 Sep 44; Douglas W. Johnson, Battlefields of the World War, Chs. IX and X, passim; A Manual of Alsace-Lorraine, ed. The Admiralty (London, 1920).

26. Nancy is a rail center of international importance since it is the junction point for the Calais-Basel and the Paris-Vienna-Orient lines.

27. Wea Div Hq AAF, Weather and Climate as related to military operations in France, Sep 46; Hq Air Wea Serv, Weather conditions in the European Theater of Operation on D Day and in November, 1944, Sep 46.

28. The total roster for German divisions and brigades is taken from a tabulation in OKH, Gen. St. d. H./Organisations Abiedung (hereafter cited as OKH/Org. Abl.) KTB, 13 October 1944, with some revisions, such as the deletion of divisions which had headquarters but no troops. The figure given for German divisions actually engaged has been compiled from situation maps now in the possession of GMDS.

29. The strength, loss, and replacement statistics used in this section have been taken from a variety of KTB's and Anlagen files for 1944 and 1945. The most useful sources are Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Organisations Abiedung (hereafter cited as OKW/Org. Abt.); OKH/Org. Abt.; OKW/Allgemeines Wehrmachts Amt, "Verluste der Wehrmacht bis 1944," 1 Dec 44; and OKH/Generalquartiermeister, der Heeresarzt KTB and Anlagen. German losses given for this period are only approximate. The card files of the Heeres-Personalamt have been partially destroyed; many have been lost. However, the figures used in the text are very close to those found in MSS #T-121, T-122, Geschichte des Oberbefehlshaber West (Zimmermann et al.). See also the loss statistics Major Percy Schramm, OKW historian, obtained from the 14 March 1945 issue of the OKW, Wehrmachtfuehrungsstab (hereafter cited as OKW/WFSt) monthly publication, Beurtedung der personellen und materiellen Ruestungslage der Wehrmacht. MS #B-716 (Schramm).

30. OKH/Org. Abt. KTB and Anlagen 1944; see also the respective OKH/Org. Abt. Karteiblaetter, 1942-45.

31. Hitler relaxed this order in late August 1944.

32. See discussion in Harrison, Cross-Channel Attack.

33. Monthly tables appearing in OKH, Der Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen, Fuehrer Vortrag-Notizen, Jul-Dec 44.

34. OKW/WFSt KTB Ausarbeitung, "Der Westen" 1.IV.-16.XII.44 (hereafter cited as OKW/WFSt KTB Ausarbeitung Der Westen), 4 and 8 Sep 44. This draft War Diary (KTB) is based on the detailed daily working notes kept by Major Schramm in his capacity as historian at the headquarters of OKW. Until the end of 1943 the Diary was arranged purely chronologically, supplemented by information from participants in operations. After 1943 the Diary was arranged according to subject matter and fronts (Ausarbeitungen), for example, the Anzio Beachhead, Shifting of Divisions between Fronts, and so forth, and was supplemented by a Merkbuch kept by Schramm, with notes of the discussions at the situation meetings he attended and notes obtained from special interviews with the Deputy Chief of WFSt, General Warlimont. From 1 January 1945 the chronological order was reintroduced. In view of the subsequent destruction of the OKW records ordered by General Scherff, the copies of the Ausarbeitungen for 1944 and the personal commentaries preserved by Schramm represent a unique and valuable source. Also in Historical Division files as MS #B-034 (Schramm).

35. Gruppe von Kleist (GKdo XXII A.K.), la: Anlagenhelt 3 zu KTB Nr. 4, 24-31 May 40; Heeresgruppe A, KTB West II. Teil, 17-25 May 40. See also interrogations of Warlimont (State Department Special Interrogation Mission, 20 Sep 45), Guderian (State Department Special Interrogation Mission, 7-8 Sep 45), and Rundstedt (CPM, MIS, 6 Sep 45).

36. The German term, "Oberbefehlshaber West," which may mean either the Commander in Chief West or his headquarters, has been rendered as "OB WEST" when it refers to the headquarters and as "C-in-C West" when it refers to the person.

37. MS #B-308 (Zimmermann); OKW/WFSt KTB, Ausarbeitung Der Westen.

38. Heeresgruppe B (hereafter cited as Army Group B), Lagebeurteilungen, Ia. Actually the Allied strength was some fifteen divisions short of Model's estimate.

39. Army Group B, Lagebeurteilungen, Ia.

40. Ibid.

41. MSS #T-121, T-122 (Zimmermann et al.); see also MS #B-308 (Zimmermann).

42. Army Group B, Lagebeurteilungen, Ia.

43. OKW/WFSt KTB, Ausarbeitung Der Westen.

44. The German situation in the West at the beginning of September is taken from situation maps maintained by the OKH, Gen. St. d. H./Operations Abteilung and OKW/WFSt.

45. This and subsequent biographical notes are taken from the Personalakten of the officers named. The German Personalakten correspond to the 201 files kept by the U.S. Army. They are now in the GMDS collection.

46. MS #B-222 (Knobelsdorff).

47. MS #B-006 (Beyer).

48. MS #B-002 (Sinnhuber), Hist Div files.

49. MS #B-363 (Emmerich); MS #B-214 (Mantey). The general condition of the First Army is outlined daily in OB WEST KTB (Text) (hereafter cited as OB WEST KTB) for the period. The KTB for the First Army during this period has been lost or destroyed, probably the latter.

50. Armeegruppe G (Fuehrungsabteilung) KTB Nr. 2 (hereafter cited as Army Group G KTB Nr. 2) and Anlagen, 1.VII-30.IX.44; see also Obkdo. Heeresgruppe G, KTB der Fuehrungsabteilung Nr. 3a and Nr. 3b (hereafter cited as Army Group G KTB Nr. 3a and 3b) and Anlagen, 1.X-31.XII.44. The retreat from the south and southwest has been recounted by several of the high-ranking German officers who took part. See Army Group G: Report of the Chief of Staff, MS #A-999 (Mellenthin).

51. During this same period the First Army receipts had averaged 435,851 gallons per day.

52. These figures have been compiled by R. L. Thompson of the Historical Division staff from daily reports prepared in the headquarters of the 12th Army Group, First Army and Third Army. See Thompson manuscript in Historical Division files.

53. Msg, Eisenhower to commanders, FWD-13765, 4 Sep 44, SHAEF file, Post OVERLORD Planning 381, I. The capture of Brest, earlier assigned as a Third Army mission, now was given to the new Ninth Army. The VIII Corps passed to General Simpson's Ninth Army at noon on 5 September. The Third Army retained the mission of protecting the Allied right flank.

54. Diary, Office of the Commander in Chief, under date of 5 Sep 44. This diary was kept on instructions of General Eisenhower by Capt. Harry C. Butcher, naval aide (deposited in Adjutant General's Office, Department of the Army).

55. TUSA Diary, 5 Sep 44.

56. TUSA AAR II, 5 Sep 44.

57. TUSA Diary, 7 Sep 44.

58. Gen George S. Patton, Jr., War as I Knew It (Boston, 1947), p. 119f. After the war and before his execution, General Jodl, Chief of the WFSt, told interrogators that he had feared a co-ordinated drive, supported by all of the Allied resources, straight toward Frankfurt. See interrogation by Maj. Kenneth Hechler in Historical Division files.

59. Montgomery to Eisenhower, 7 Sep 44, SHAEF SGS File, Supply Problems of Allied Advance, 400.3/1.

60. Eisenhower to Montgomery, 8 Sep 44, SHAEF SGS File, Supply Problems of Allied Advance, 400.3/1.

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