Appendix A
Tenth Army | |
Hq Tenth Army SPECIAL TROOPS Hq & Hq Det, Sp Trs, Tenth Army 163d Liaison Sq (AAF) 1st Depot Unit (AAF) 3236th, 3240th Sig Serv Dets (FA) 3040th QM Car Co (-2 Plats) Psychological Warfare Tm 143d-152d Photo lnterp Tms Base Censorship Det 32d, 33d Japanese Ord of Btl Tms 1st Info & Hist Serv K Hist Unit Civ Correspondent Gp 303d, 304th Hq Int Dets 105th, 901st, 902d, 903d Army Postal Units 357th Provisional Army Postal Unit |
310th Counter intelligence Corps Det Ten Counter Intelligence Corps Opns Tms Two Counter Intelligence Corps Hq & Adm Tms ARMORED 20th Armored Gp COAST ARTILLERY (AA) Hq & Hq Btry, Tenth Army (AAA) Hq & Hq Btry, 53d AAA Brig Hq & Hq Btrys, 43d, 44th, 97th, 136th, 137th AAA Gps 96th, 98th, 369th, 503d, 505th, 948th AAA Gun Bns, Semimobile 834th AAA Auto Wpns Bn, Self-propelled 866th AAA Autc Wpns Bn (-A, B, & C Btrys) |
779th, 870th AAA Auto Wpns Bn, Semi- mobile 294th, 295th, 325th AAA Searchlight Bns Hq & Hq Btry, 230th AAA Searchlight Bn A Btry, 230th AAA Searchlight Bn 1st Plat, C Btry, 230th AAA Searchlight Bn 162d AAA Opns Det COAST ARTILLERY (HD) Hq & Hq Btry, 144th CA Gp (155mm Gun) 38th, 179th, 282d CA Bns (155mm Gun) ENGINEER 1746th Engr Map Det SIGNAL 3d, 82d Sig Construction Bns, Light 85th Sig Opn Bn 3181st Sig Serv Bn, Mobile 3161st Sig Serv Co 241st Sig Opn Co Det, 585th Sig Depot Co Det, 57th Sig Repair Co 529th Sig Opn Co |
3385th Sig Serv Tm, Bn Hq 3373d Sig Serv Co (SIAM) Provisional Radio Int Co 8th, 108th, 110th, 111th, 274th Sig Radar Maintenance Units 279th Pigeon Combat Plat MEDICAL Hq Provisional Serv Unit 366th Orthopedic Tm 376th, 377th Surgical Tms 390th Neuro Surgical Tm 341st, 342d, 343d Surgical Dets Hq & Hq Det, Both Med Gp Hq & Hq Dets, 96th, 153d Med Bns 665th, 668th Clearing Cos 386th, 444th, 541st, 646th Collecting Cos 843d, 847th Supply Tms 176th Malaria Control Unit 215th Malaria Survey Unit MISCELLANEOUS 713th Armd Flame Thrower Bn Air Delivery Sec, III Phib Corps 2d Landing Force Air Support Control Unit |
XXIV Corps | |
Hq XXIV Corps CORPS TROOPS Hq Co, XXIV Corps XXIV Corps Military Police Plat 519th Military Police Bn (-Cos A & B) 235th Army Postal Unit 139th-7424, 161st Photo Interp Tms 3231st Photo Unit 306th, 307th Hq Int Dets L Hist Unit 29th Japanese Ord of Btl Tm Base Censorship Det 224th Counter Intelligence Corps Det Civ Correspondent Gp |
MEDICAL Hq & Hq Det, 71st Med Bn, Separate 594th QM Laundry Co (-3 Plats) 556th Ambulance Co, Separate, Motor- ized 394th Clearing Co, Separate 644th, 645th Collecting Cos 214th Malaria Survey Unit (FB) 2d Supply Tm Type #4, 726th Med Det 377th Surgical Det 366th Orthopedic Tm (EB) MILITARY GOVERNMENT UNITS Three Military Govt Dets |
III Amphibious Corps |
CORPS TROOPS Hq & Serv Bn, III Phib Corps Sig Bn, III Phib Corps Med Bn, III Phib Corps Hq Btry, III Phib Corps Arty 11th Mil Transport Bn, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific 1st Provisional Military Police Bn, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Co A, 51st Military Police Bn (USA) 2d, 3d Corps Evacuation Hospitals 456th Amphibious Truck Co (USA) 1st Bomb Disposal Co (-2 Plats) 3d Separate Radio Int Plat 1st Landing Force Air Support Control Unit 43-D Mobile Communication Unit |
7th Infantry Division |
77th Infantry Division | |
96th Infantry Division |
27th Infantry Division |
1st Marine Division |
Det, Air Warning Sq Co B, 51st Military Police Bn (USA) 3d 454th Amph Truck Cos 3d Provisional Armd Amph Bn 1st, 8th Amph Tractor Bns 4th War Dog Plat 4th Provisional Rocket Det 3d Marine Observation Sq Zd Plat, 1st Bomb Disposal Co ad Plat, 1st Laundry Co Two Military Govt Dets (USA) 17th, 18th G-10 Dispensaries (USN) 145th Naval Construction Bn (USN) |
6th Marine Division |
ORGANIC UNITS Hq Bn, 6th Marine Div 6th Tank Bn 6th Pioneer Bn 6th Engr Bn 6th Serv Bn 6th Med Bn 6th Motor Transport Bn 15th Marines (Arty Regt) 4th, 22d, 29th Marines (Inf Regts) |
6th Marine Observation Sq 3d Plat, 1st Bomb Disposal Co 3d Plat, 1st Laundry Co Two Military Govt Dets (USA) |
10th, 11th G-10 Dispensaries (USN) 58th Naval Construction Bn 11th Spec Naval Construction Bn (-Hq Det & 3 Cos) |
Tactical Air Force |
page created 10 December 2001