- 1 Biennial Report of the Chief of Stag of the United States f4rmy, July
1, 1943 to June 30, 1945 . . ., pp. 71, 73; see also maps, pp. 66-68.
2 U. S. Army Forces, Middle Pacific, History of G-5 Section, pp. 169-76; JCS 713/4, 12 Mar 44; JCS 924, 30 Jun 44: Opns against Japan Subsequent to Formosa.
3 Biennial Report Chief of Stag, p. 71.
4 Ltr CINCPOA to USAFPOA, Serial 000113, 16 Sep 44, sub: CAUSEWAY Objectives, cited in USAFMIDPAC
G-5 Hist, pp. 176-77.
5 Ltr HUSAFPOA to CINCPOA, Serial 0003, 27 Sep 44, sub: CAUSEWAY Objectives.
6 Ltr Hq AAFPOA to CINCPOA, 24 Sep 44, sub: CAUSEWAY Objectives, cited in USAFMIDPAC
G-5 Hist, p. 177; USAFPOA Participation in the Okinawa Operation Apr-Jun 45, I, 143.
7 Ltr Hq Tenth Army to CINCPOA, 26 Sep 44, sub: Feasibility of CAUSEWAY Opn; Ltr Hq Tenth
Army to CINCPOA, 4 Oct 44, sub: CAUSEWAY Objectives. Both cited in USAFMIDPAC
G-5 Hist,
PP. 177, 179.
8 JCS 713/18, 2 Oct 44.
9 JCS 713/19, 3 Oct 44.
10 CINCPOA dispatch 050644,-Oct 44, cited in USAFMIDPAC G-5 Hist, p. 180.
11 JCS 713/18, 2 Oct 44.
12 JPS 404/14, 7 Oct 44.
13 The description of the terrain of Okinawa is taken from the following sources: CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bull No.
161-44, 15 Nov 44: Okinawa Gunto; Office of the Chief of Naval Opns, Civil Affairs Handbook Ryukyu Islands, Op Nav
13-31, 15 Nov 44; Joint Amph Force Int Sec-Tenth Army G-2 Info Bull, Feb 45: Hagushi Landing Area; USAFPOA
G-2 Objective Data Section,1 Feb 45: Study of Okinawa Gunto; Tenth Army Tentative Opn Plan ICEBERG 1-45, 6 Jan 45, Annex 3; Tenth Army G-2 Int Monograph Ryukyus Campaign, Aug 45, Pt.
1, Sec. A, p. 4; Interv 1st I & H Service Off with 1st Lt Robert Seeburger, Photo Imerp Off,
G-2 XXIV Corps, 4 Jul 45; personal obsn from air by Lt Col John Stevens, Tenth Army Historian, 9 Jun 45. All interviews and notes of personal observation are recorded in the Okinawa Diary kept by Lt Col John Stevens and M/Sgt James M. Burns of the
1st Information and Historical Service. The diary is on file in the Historical Division, WDSS.
14 Comdr Task Force 51, Comdr Amph Forces, U S Pac Flt, Rpt on Okinawa Gunto Opn from 17 Feb to
17 May 45, 25 Jul 45 (hereafter cited as CTF 51 Actn Rpt), Pt. V, Sec. A, Int Rpt; Tenth Army Actn Rpt Ryukyus 26 Mar to 30 Jun 45, 3 Sep 45, Ch.
11, Sec. 11, G-2 Rpt; interv 1st I &-H Service Off with Lt Col James R. Weaver,
G-2 Sec, Tenth Army, 10 Jul 45.
15 CTF 51 Actn Rpt, Pt. V, Sec. A, p. 6 (hereafter cited by part, section, and page
as follows:V-A-6); interv 1st I & H Off with Lt Col James R. Weaver, G-2 Sec, Tenth Army, 10 Jul 45.
16 III Amph Corps Actn Rpt Ryukyus, 1 Jul 45, p. 10.
17 Comdr in Chief Pacific Ocean Areas (CINCPOA) Joint Staff Study ICEBERG, Serial 00031, 25 Oct
44, P- 8.
18 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, 6 Jan 45, Annex 3, G-2 Current Estimates, p.
10; CINCPACCINCPOA Bull No. 53-45, 28 Feb 45: Okinawa Gunto, p. 14. The only mention of possible civilian
conscription is in Tenth Army Estimate of the Situation, 3 Nov 44, P. 2.
19 XXIV Corps G-2 Summary No. 3 ICEBERG, 6 Mar 45; XXIV Corps Actn Rpt
Ryukyus, 1 Apr 4530 Jun 45. P. 116.
20 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bull No. 53-45, P. 14.
21 XXIV Corps G-2 Summary No. 3; CINCPOA Joint Staff Study ICEBERG; Comdr Amph Forces Pacific Fleet (CTF 51) Opn Plan
A1-45, 16 Feb 45, Annex B: Int Plan.
22 CTF 51 Opn Plan A1-45, Annex B: Int Plan; CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bull No. 53-45, PP.
8-12; CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bull No.161-44, 15 Nov 44, pp. 110-1 2
23 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bull No. 53-45, PP. 15-24; USAFPOA G-2 Objective Data Section,
1 Feb 45: Study of Okinawa Gunto; Tenth Army Actn Rpt, Ch. 7, Sec. IV, p.
1 (hereafter cited by chapter, section, and page as follows: 7-IV-I).
24 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, Annex 3: G-2 Current Estimates; 96 Div FO No. 12, 5 Mar 45, Annex 4, App.
1, p. 3; Tenth Army Opus Summary No. 10, 29 Mar 45, and No. 16, 31 Mar 45.
25 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, Annex 3: G-2 Current Estimates.
26 CINCPOA Joint Staff Study ICEBERG, p. 1. This was not a directive but a basis for planning the operation.
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid., pp. 2-4.
29 Fifth Fleet Opn Plan 1-45, 3 Jan 45, Annex E: Air Plan.
30 CINCPOA Opn Plan 14-44, 31 Dec 44, with changes to 20 Jul 45, P- 3 ; CINCPAC-CINCPOA Opns in the Pacific Ocean Areas during Apr 45, 16 Oct 45, Plate I.
31 Rad CINCPOA to CG Tenth Army, 9 Oct 44, cited in Tenth Army Actn Rpt,
3-0-1 .
32 CINCPOA Opn Plan 14-44, Annex F: Command Relationships in Ryukyus Opn.
33 Fifth Fleet Opn Plan 1-45, PP.1, 5, Annex E: Air Plan.
34 CTF 51 Opn Plan A1-45, 16 Feb 45, p. 1.
35 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, 6 Jan 45, pp. 1-10
36 CTF 51 Actn Rpt, Pt. V, Table 1.
37 Ibid., Tables 2a-2g: III Amph Corps Actn Rpt Ryukyus, 1 Jul 45, p. 28; XXIV Corps Actn Rpt Ryukyus, p. 6; 7th Div Actn Rpt Ryukyus, 30 Jul 45, Annex 1, App. B, pp.1,
2; 27th Div Actn Rpt Rcukyus, 19 Jul 45, p.10; 96th Div Actn Rpt Ryukyus, Ch. IX, p.
38 Tenth Army Actn Rpt, Ch. 3: Preliminary Planning.
39 CTF 51 Actn Rpt, V-C-1; Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 11-IV-3, 4.
40 Tenth Army Actn Rpt, Ch. 3: Preliminary Planning.
41 CTF 51 Opn Plan A1-45, p. 35.
42 Ibid., Annex A; CTF 52 Actn Rpt Okinawa, 1 May 45, V-H-1.
43 CTF 52 Actn Rpt, V-G-1.
44 CTF 51 Opn Plan A1-45, Annex G: Ship's Gunfire Support Plan.
45 Ibid., App. III.
46 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, Annex 6: Naval Gunfire Support.
47 Ibid., CTF 51 Opn Plan A1-45, Annex G: Ship's Gunfire Support Plan.
48 CTF 51 Opn Plan A1-45, Annex H: Air Support Plan.
49 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, Annex 7: Air Support Plan.
50 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, Annex 5: Planning and Coordination of Artillery, Naval Gunfire and Air Support.
51 CTF 51 Opn Plan A1-45, Annex A, pp. 35, 38; 77th Div Opn Plan ICEBERG, 18 Feb 45, Opn Plan I (Preferred Plan).
52 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, pp. 12-13; XXIV Corps FO 45, 8 Feb 45: Preferred Plan, pp.
53 Tenth Army Estimate of the Situation ICEBERG, 3 Nov 44, pp. 6-11.
54 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, p. 12.
55 Interv 1st I & H Off with Gen Buckner, CG Tenth Army, 21 Mar 45, and with Gen Hodge, CG XXIV Corps,
12 Mar 45.
56 Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, p. 13.
57 Ibid., pp. 13-14.
58 Ibid., Annex 18; Tenth Army Estimate of the Situation ICEBERG, pp. 9,
11. Plan Baker was the basis for the alternate plan.
59 Interv with Gen Buckner, CG, Tenth Army, 21 Mar 45, Command Ship El
Dorado, off Leyte, and with Gen Hodge, CG, XXIV Corps, 12 Mar 45, Leyte; interv with 2d Lt Alfred S. Yudkoff, Combat Propaganda Team en route to Okinawa,-Mar 45.
60 Tentative Opn Plan, ICEBERG, Annex 5, "Intelligence Plan," pp.
61 CINCPOA Opn Plan 14-44, Annex G: Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, Annex 15: Military Government; Tenth Army 0pnl Directive No. 7, 6 Jan 45; Tenth Army Tech Bull Mil Govt, 25 Feb 45, P. 5; Tenth Army Mil Govt Opn Rpt, 2 Aug 45.
62 Tentative Opn Plan, ICEBERG, "Military Government Plan," Annex 15, pp.1-5. Cf. App.
1, Table of Population.
63 CTF 51 Actn Rpt, I-5, 6, 7, and V-I-12; Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 11-IV-1,
64 CINCPOA Joint Staff Study, p. 29; Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 11-IV-1-12; Com Phibs Pac Op Ord
65 CINCPOA Opn Plan 14-44, Annex D, pp. 1, 2, 20, 21.
66 Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 11-I V-3, 4.
67 Ibid., 5-0-4, 11-IV-8.
68 A CINCPOA U/F was a balanced assortment of ammunition based on Central Pacific
experience. It included, among other types,100 rounds for the M1 Rifle, 1,500 for the
.30-caliber machine gun. 600 for the .50-caliber machine gun, 275 for the
60-mm. and 81-mm. mortars, 250 for the 105-mm. howitzer: M2, and 150 for the 155-mm. howitzer. See Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan 1-45, Annex 13, App. B,
Incl. for the complete description of CINCPOA U/F, 6 Dec 44.
69 CINCPOA Opn Plan 14-44, Annex D, pp. 4-11 ; Tenth Army Actn Rpt,
11-IV-11 : inter 1st I & H Off with Brig Gen David H. Blakelock, ACofS G-4, Tenth Army, 22 May 45.
70 Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 11-III-8, 9;11-XI V-15; USAFPOA, Participation in the
Okinawa Operation, I, 63, 240. See also below, pp. 256-57.
71 CINCPOA Opn Plan 14-44, Annex D, pp. 8-12: Tenth Army Actn Rpt,
72 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Opus in the POA during May 45, p. 46; CINCPOA Joint Staff Study, App. E; CINCPOA Base Development Plan LEGUMINOUS, Serial 000221, to Feb 45 (LEGUMINOUS was the code name for the base development of Okinawa); Tenth Army Actn Rpt,11-IV-7.
73 CINCPOA Opn Plan 74-44, Annex D, p. 36, and Annex F, pp. 1, 2; Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan
1-45, Annex 12: Island Command Plan; Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 5-0-8, 9; 11-IV-6, 9,
10; 11-XXVI-1.
74 Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 4-0-1-6, 11-III-8, 9.
75 XXIV Corps Actn Rpt, pp. 4, 6, 8, 18; 7th Div Actn Rpt, pp. 4, 28, 29; 96th Div Actn Rpt, Ch. V, pp.
1, 2; 77th Div Actn Rpt, pp. 8, 19; 27th Div Acm Rpt, pp. 18-21.
76 III Amph Corps Actn Rpt, PP- 23, 24.
77 Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 5-0-1, 2, 6.
78 CTF 51 Actn Rpt, V-I-14, 21; Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 5-0-1, 3. 6, 7.
79 Ibid.; see also sections on loading in the Actn Rpts of XXIV Corps and the 7th, 27th, 77th, and 96th Divisions.
80 III Amph Corps Actn Rpt, pp. 3 1, 32.
81 CTF 51 Actn Rpt, II-7-13; XXIV Corps Actn Rpt. Ch. VI.