- 1 Tenth Army Int Monograph, Ryukyus Campaign, Ch. III, "Engineer," pp.
16-18; XXIV Corps G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 9, 10 Apr 45.
2 Captured and Destroyed Enemy Weapons and Equipment Chart, Incl 2 to XXIV Corps G-2 Summary No. 15, 26 Jun 45; Tenth Army Int Monograph, Ryukyus Campaign, Pt. I, Sec. D, Ch.
I, "Artillery," pp. 2-3.
3 Tenth Army G-2 Summary No. 2, 4 Jun 45, Notes on Construction of Positions,
44th IMB, 7 May 45.
4 Actn Rpt XXIV Corps, p. 45; G-3 Periodic Rpt XXIV Corps, 19 Apr 45. b
- 5 Sgt Bert Bamer, USAFMIDPAC G-2 Hst Sec, Japanese Counter-Tactics against U. S. Infantry-Tank Teams Okinawa. (On file in Hist Div, WDSS.)
6 Engineers of the Southwest Pacific, 1944-45, VOL. I: Engineers in Theater Operations. OCofEngr, GHQ Army Forces, Pacific.
7 Journal, Hist Off XXIV Corps, 1 May 45; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 257.
8 Actn Rpt Mth Tank Bn, Jul 45; Appleman Diary, 15 Jun 45.
9 Actn Rpts Sound Location Teams Nos. 1-5; Appleman Diary, 13 Jun 45.
10 Appleman Diary,11 Jun 45.
11 This section is of necessity based primarily on statements by and interviews with various commanders and staff officers. No contemporary records were found of the numerous discussions of the subject, which were largely informal. As is evident, it has been impossible to fix the time and content of the discussions with any great degree of accuracy. The sources used are as follows: statements of Brig Gen Elwyn D. Post, CofS, Tenth Army,
10 Jun 46; Brig Gen Laurence E. Schick, DCofS, Tenth Army, 13 Jun 46; Brig Gen David H. Blakelock, ACofS, G-4, Tenth Army, 8 Feb 46; Col Virgil Shaw, ACofS, G-3, Tenth Army, 6 Feb 46; Brig Gen Oliver P. Smith, Marine DCofS, Tenth Army, 30 Jul 46; Lt Gen John R. Hodge, CG XXIV Corps, 1 Feb 46; Lt Col Max Meyers, ACofS, G-2, 77th Div,-Apr 46; Capt Edmund G. Love, 27th Div Hist Off, 23 Feb 47; interv 1st I & H Off with Gen Buckner, CG Tenth Army, 15 Jun 45; with Maj James H. McMullen, G-3 Sec, Tenth Army, 18 Jun 45; with Brig Gen Walter A. Dumas, ACofS, G-3, Tenth Army,
9 Jul 45; with Lt Col James R. Weaver, ACofS, G-2, 13 Jun 45; interv XXIV Corps Hist Off with Col John W. Guetard, ACofS, G-3, XXIV Corps, 1 Jul 45; with Col Cecil W. Nist, ACofS, G-2, XXIV Corps, 15 Jun 45; with Brig Gen Josef R. Sheetz, CG XXIV Corps Arty, 23 Jun 45; with Col Kenneth C. Strothers, DCofS for Opns, XXIV Corps, 27 Jun 45; with Capt Mervin A. Elliott, G-2 Sec, XXIV Corps, 27 Jun 45. Interviews conducted by the XXIV Corps Hist Off are recorded in the Okinawa Diary, XXIV Corps, kept by Maj Roy Appleman, on file in the Hist Div, WDSS; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, Vol. IV, Annex II, has a useful discussion of the entire problem. For Japanese plans and dispositions see Interrog Yahara; Tenth Army Transl No. 246, 8 Jul 45:
32d Army Ord No. 170, 22 Apr 45; Transl No. 244, 7 Jul 45:
32d Army Ord No. 172, 23 Apr 45; Transl No. 273, 13 Jul 45: 32d Army Ord No. 175, 26 Apr 45.
12 New York Herald Tribune, June 18, 1945. Admiral Turner, in conferences recalled by Col. V. F. Shaw, G-3 Plans, Tenth Army, also expressed opposition to a second landing, because of lack of sufficient combat ships to screen another anchorage. Interv Hist Div, SSUSA, with Col. Shaw, 29 Jan 48.
13 See below, pp. 358-59.