- 1 The account of the conference is based on Interrog Yahara; Interrog Shimada; Tenth Army Int Monograph, Pt. II, Sec. D:
32d Army Hq, Shuri; PW Interrog Summary No. 2, 2 Aug 45: 62d Division.
2 Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 6, 3 Aug 45: Shipping Engineers.
3 96th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 45, 16 May 45.
4 Seven Japanese orders for the attack were later captured. Two were 24th Division
orders covering the entire ground attack; the others were regimental and battalion orders. The
32d Army orders were not recovered. For copies of the orders see Tenth Army Int Monograph, Pt. I, Sec A, p. 13; 96th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt, No. 42, 13 May 45, and No. 44, 15 May 45; 7th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 36, 6 May 45See also Interrog Yahara and Shimada; Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 4,
1 Aug 45- 44th Independent Mixed Brigade.
5 Tenth Army Transl No. 116, t Jun 45: 24th Div Ord No. 179, 2 May 45; 77th G-2 Periodic Rpt
No. 51, 16 May 45.
6 7th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 36, 6 May 45.
7 XXIV Corps G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 32, 3 May 45; interv 1st I & H Off with Gen Buckner,
1 May 45.
8 Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 8, 25 Jul 45: 27th Tank Regiment.
9 7th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 38, 8 May 45.
10 CTF 51 Actn Rpt, III-75, 76.
11 XXIV Corps PW Interrog Rpt No. 82, 14 May 45; G-2 Summary No. 8, 29 Apr-5 May 45, P. 4; Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 6, 3 Aug 45: Shipping Engineers; Stockman, 1st Mar Div History.
12 7th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 34, 4 May 45; Gugeler, 7th Div History, p. 243; Tenth Army PW Interrog Rpt No.
10, 2 Jun 45.
13 7th Div G2 Periodic Rpt No. 34, 4 May 45.
14 The account of the operations of the 7th Division during the Japanese attack is taken from Gugeler, 7th Div History.
15 7th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 36, 6 May 45.
16 Ibid.
17 Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 8, 25 Jul 45: 27th Tank Regiment; Transl No. 754, 15 Jun 45; Interrog Shimada; 96th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 45, 16 May 45.
18 The account of the operations of the 77th Division during the Japanese attack is, unless otherwise noted, based on Leach, 77th Div History, Vol. 11, Ch. II.
19 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 310-11; XXIV Corps PW Interrog Rpt No. 144, 15 Jun 45.
20 77th Div C-a Periodic Rpt No. 51, 16 May 45.
21 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 305-06; XXIV Corps Actn Rpt, p. 112; G-2 Summary No. 8, p. 5; Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 12,3 Aug 45: Army AAA Units on Okinawa.
22 CTF 51 Actn Rpt, III-75-79; IV-2-65; V-H-2-10.
23 7th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 37, 7 May 45, and No. 38, 8 May 45; Tenth Army PW Interrog
Summary No. 3, 2 Aug 45: 24th Division; 96th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 41, 12 May
24 Leach, 77th Div History, Vol. II, Ch. II, pp. 37-40; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 313-15.
25 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 316-17.
26 The account of the operations of the 7th Division in retaking Tanabaru Escarpment is, unless
otherwise noted, based on Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 255-63.
27 XXIV Corps G-3 Periodic Rpt No. 37, 7 May 45; 7th Div G2 Periodic Rpt No. 37, 7 May 45.
28 Tenth Army Transl No. 243, 7 Jul 45.
29 Interrog Yahara; Interrog Shimada; Tenth Army G-2 Weekly Summary, 15 Aug 45.
30 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 326; 77th Div G-2 Rpt No. 51, 16 May 45.
31 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 324.
32 XXIV Corps FO No. 49, 7 May 45.
33 Gugeler, 7th Div History, p. 269; 96th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 43, 14 May 45.
34 XXIV Corps G-2 Transl Batch No. 473, Sec. 1, 1 Jun 45.
35 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 335-37; XXIV Corps G2 Summary No. 9, 15 May 45.
36 XXIV Corps G2 Summary No. 9, 15 May 45; 96th Div G2 Periodic Rpt No. 46, 27 May 45.
37 XXIV Corps G2 Transl Batch No. 502, Item 1, 6 Jun 45.
38 The account of operations of the Marines on Nan Hill and Hill 60 is taken from Stockman,
1st Mar Div History.
39 The account of operations of the 7th Division from 5 to 10 May is taken from Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 264-85.
40 96th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 47, 18 May 45.
41 Ibid.
42 XXIV Corps G-3 Periodic Rpt No. 41, 11 May 45. The figure cited in the text is only- approximate because 1st Marine Division losses during 7-10 May were estimated on the basis of previous losses during
30 April-6 May, when the division was under XXIV Corps.