- 1 Notes on Tenth Army staff meeting, 4 May 45, in Okinawa Diary kept by Stevens and Burns, entry 4 May 45.
2 Tenth Army G-3 JnI, outgoing Msg No. 7, 3 May 45; Opns Ord 7-45, 5 May 45; XXIV Corps FO No. 50, 9 May 45; interv 1st I & H Off with Gen Buckner, to May 45
3 Tenth Army Opns Ord 8-45, 7 May 45; interv 1st I & H Off with Brig Gen Walter A. Dumas, ACofS, G-3, Tenth Army, 9 Jul 45. There is still some question as to the precise scheme of maneuver. The Tenth Army operation plan overlay, which according to the text of the plan was to show the scheme of maneuver more precisely than the order itself, indicated a very close envelopment of Shuri by the two divisions immediately north of the Japanese headquarters city. The XXIV Corps field order indicated pressure across the line by both its divisions rather than major effort near the center of the Army line. Despite the scheme of maneuver outlined on the Tenth Army overlay, it seems that the actual plan was for uniform pressure across the line which would crack the Japanese defenses at some point and be
immediately exploited wherever the particular break might come.
4 Interv 1st I & H Off with Gen Buckner, 10 May 45.
5 Change No. 1, to Tenth Army Opns Ord 8-45, 9 May 45; interv XXIV Corps Hist Off with Brig Gen Josef R. Sheetz, CG XXIV Corps Arty, 23 Jun 45.
6 Tenth Army Transl No. 294, 10 Jul 45: 32d Army Ord No. A to, 11 May 45; Transl No. 176, 21 Jun 45,
32d Army Ord No. A 23, 14 May 45; Transl No. 300, 10 Jul 45: 32d Army Ord No. A 19, 12 May 45; Interrog Shimada.
7 The account of operations of the 6th Marine Division is taken from Carleton, 6th Mar Div History, Ch. II, supplemented and corrected by III Amph Corps G-3 Periodic Rpts for the period and 6th Mar Div Actn Rpt, a detailed and well-balanced narrative.
8 6th Mar Div Tng Ord No. 23-45, 6 May 45, cited in Carleton, 6th Mar Div History, Ch. II, pp. 5-7.
9 Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 4, 1 Aug 45: 44th Independent Mixed Brigade, p.
10 Personal obsn of Lt Col John Stevens, Tenth Army historian, and Maj Roy Appleman, XXIV Corps historian.
11 Personal Obsn of Lt Col John Stevens, Tenth Army historian.
12 Tenth Army Transl No. 176,21 Jun 45: 32d Army Ord No. A 23, 14 May 45; PW Interrog Summary No. 2, 2 Aug 45:
62d Division; 96th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 55, 26 May 45.
13 The account of operations of the 1st Marine Division is based on Stockman, 1st Mar. Div History, and III Amph Corps G-3 Periodic Rpts for the period.
14 Some confusion had arisen as to the location of the town of Wana because the standard target map showed it on the southwest slopes of Warta Ridge. Study of the ground by historians indicated that the town actually may have been located southeast of Dakeshi and northeast of Wana Ridge.
15 77th Div G2 Periodic Rpt No. 48, 13 May 45; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 338.
16 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 353; XXIV Corps G-3 Periodic Rpt No. 45, 15 May 45
17 The account of the night attack of Company E, 307th Infantry, is based entirely on the signed statement of 2d Lt Robert F. Meiser, commanding 2d Platoon, Company E. This statement is recorded in Leach, 77th Div History Okinawa, Vol. II, Ch. III, pp.
18 77th Div G3 Periodic Rpts Nos. 54-57. 18-21 May 45; Leach, 77th Div History Okinawa, Vol. II, Ch. III, pp. 85-86.
19 Personal Obsn of 1st I & H Off. The precise location of Chocolate Drop Hill is not clear. While XXIV Corps and 77th Division records place it in Target Area 8073P of the 1:25,000 map of Okinawa, observation of the ground and study of photographs indicate that the hill is located from 200 to 300 yards northeast of that point.
20 The account of the capture of Chocolate Drop is taken from Leach, 77th Div History Okinawa, Vol. II, Ch. III, pp. 48-87; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 341-51; 77th Div Actn Rpt Okinawa; 306th Inf Actn Rpt; 307th Inf Actn Rpt; 706th Tk Bn Actn Rpt.
21 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 347.
22 96th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 47, is May 45; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 369-70.
23 The account of operations of the 96th Divisions at Dick Hills is based on Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, pp.
25-31, 58-62, 64-67 72-74
24 The account of operations of the 77th Division at Flattop Hill is based on Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 366-77, and Leach, 77th Div History Okinawa, Vol. II.
25 Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, PP. 78-81, 95-97, 103-06,
110-11, 719-21.
26 XXIV Corps G-2 Weekly Summary No. 10, 13-19 May 45.
27 Interv 1st I & H Off with Gen Buckner, 15 Jun 45: 96th Div FO No. 21,
10 May 45; Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, pp. 13, 14.
28 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 385-87; Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, pp.
29 The account of operations of the 96th Division at Conical Hill is taken from Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV; 96th Div Actn Rpt, Ch. VII; G-a Periodic Rpts for the period.
30 Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, P. 49.
31 Ibid., p. 101.
32 Casualty figures from 381st Inf Jul, Msg No. 65, 21 May 45.
33 Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 7-III-21.