- 1 The account of the air battles was taken from Comdr Fifth Amph Force, Report of Capture of Okinawa
Gunto, 17 May-21 Jun 45, 4 Jul 45, 11, 5-6; III, 9-44; IV, 2, 3; CINCPAC-CINCPOA Opns in POA, May 1945; Tenth Army G-3 Jnl and G-2 Periodic Rpts, 24 May-3 Jun 45; XXIV Corps G-2 Periodic
Rpts, 23-31 May; G-2 Weekly Summary No. 11, 20-26 May 45; 53d AAA Brigade Unit Rpt No. 34, 25 May 45.
2 U. S. Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific), Naval Analysis Division, The Campaigns of the Pacific War (Washington, 1946), Ch. XIV.
3 The account of operations of the 1st Mar Div at Wana Ridge is taken from Stockman, 1st Mar Div Hist, and 1st Mar Div Special Actn Rpt, pp. 6-7.
4 Applernan, XXIV Corps History, p. 442.
5 The account of operations of the 96th Division at Oboe Hill was taken from Mulford and
Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, pp.141-44; 96th Div Actn Rpt, Ch. VII; 382d Inf Actn Rpt, Ch. VII.
6 The account of operations of the 6th Mar Div was, unless otherwise indicated, taken from 6th Mar Div Special Actn Rpt, Phase III, pp. 11-15; Carleton, 6th Mar Div History, pp. 122-36.
7 Tenth Army G-3 Jnl, Msg No. 25, 28 May 45.
8 Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. q, 1 Aug 45: The 44th Independent Mixed Brigade.
9 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 415ff. After the battle for Okinawa General Hodge stated that he had planned to use the 7th Division in such a maneuver even before the division had been relieved and before the attack of 11 May. See, however, Okinawa Diary, XXIV Corps, kept by Capt. Donald Mulford, 13-20 May 45, which indicates that General Hodge was even at that date somewhat uncertain about the maneuver.
10 The account of operations of the 184th Infantry, 7th Division, through the coastal corridor was, unless otherwise indicated, taken from Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 292-313.
11 Notes of Tenth Army Staff Meeting, 20 May 45, in Okinawa Diary kept by Lt Col Stevens and M/Sgt Burns.
12 Interrog Yahara.
13 The account of operations of 32d Infantry was, unless otherwise indicated, taken from Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 313-14,
320-27, 345-49, 362-66; 32d Inf Actn Rpt, pp. 23, 28.
14 Interrog Yahara.
15 XXIV Corps G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 55, 25 May 45 .
16 Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 2, 2 Aug 45: The 62d Division.
17 184th Inf Actn Rpt, pp. 16-17.
18 Tenth Army G-4 Summary No. 99 in G-3 Jnl, Msg No. 35, 31 May 45.
19 Interv XXIV Corps historian with Gen Hodge, 6 Jul 45.
20 XXIV Corps G-3 Jnl, 29 May 45.
21 Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 352-58; XXIV Corps G-2 Periodic Rpt No.
60, 31 May 45.