- 1 Notes of Tenth Army Staff Meeting, in Okinawa Diary kept by Stevens and Burns, 31 May
2 Ibid., 30 May 45; Tenth Army Opns Order No. 12-45, 31 May 45.
3 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 496; Notes of Tenth Army Staff Meeting, in Okinawa Diary kept by Stevens and Burns,
30 and 37 May 45.
4 XXIV Corps FO No. 52, 31 May 45; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 490; XXIV Corps G-3 Periodic Rpt, 31 May 45.
5 Interv 1st I & H Off with Lt Col J. R. Weaver, ACofS, G-2, Tenth Army, 5 Jun 45.
6 The III Amph Corps Opns Ord No. 25-45, 1 Jun 45, in accordance with Tenth Army Opns Ord No.
12-45, 31 May 45, directed the marines to join with XXIV Corps elements near Chan, This was not done, however, when it was realized that the bulk of enemy troops had escaped to the south. Statement of Capt James R. Stockman, USMC, Marine Corps Historian, 6 May 46.
7 Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 381-84; Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, pp.
8 Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, p. 173.
9 Gugeler, 7th Div History, p. 384.
10 Notes of Tenth Army Staff Meeting, in Okinawa Diary kept by Stevens and Burns, 4 Jun 45.
11 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 515.
12 Stockman, 1st Mar Div History; III Amph Corps G-3 Periodic Rpt, 1 Jun 45; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p.
13 Tenth Army Opns Ord No. 23-45, 4 Jun 45; Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 503-04.
14 Gugeler, 7th Div History, p. 386.
15 The account of the disposition of Admiral Ota's forces is taken from Tenth Army PW Interrog Summary No. 16, 28 Jul
45: Naval Units on Okinawa; Int Monograph, Pt. II, Sec. A: Oroku Hanto.
16 The account of the operations of 6th Mar Div on Oroku is taken from 6th Mar Div Special Actn Rpt Phase III, Ch. III and App. III; and Carleton, 6th Mar Div History, Ch. III.
17 Tenth Army Int Monograph, Pt. II, Sec. A: Oroku Hanto.
18 1st Mar Div Special Actn Rpt, Assault Narrative, Phase III, p. 12.
19 The account of Japanese strength on southern Okinawa at this time is taken from Tenth Army Int Monograph, Pt. I, Sec. B; Interrog Yahara; Interrog Shimada; Ap,pleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 493-96,
518-19; and Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 376-77. The Japanese strength as given in the text is only an estimate; accurate statistics are not available. While the figures for the
62d and 24th Divisions and the 44th Independent Mixed Brigade are reasonably- accurate, the number of other enemy troops was roughly estimated.
20 XXIV Corps Actn Rpt, p. 32.
21 Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, pp. 185-89.
22 Appleman, XXIV Corps History, p. 528.
23 Ibid., p. 500; Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 393-419.
24 763d Tk Bn S-3 Periodic Rpt, 10 Jun 45; 7 tith Tk Bn Actn Rpt, p. 18.
25 Gugeler, 7th Div History, PP- 405-11, 420.
26 Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, pp. 191-99.
27 Gugeler, 7th Div History, pp. 421-29.
28 7th Div G-2 Jnl, Msg Nos. 31, 32, 39, 11 Jun 45.
29 381st Inf Unit Jnl, Msg No. 45, 11 Jun 45.
30 Mulford and Rogers, 96th Div History, Pt. IV, pp. 204-06.
31 Cited in Appleman, XXIV Corps History, pp. 564-65.
32 Ibid., pp. 552-59.
33 Stockman, 1st Mar Div History, pp. 123-44.
34 1st Mar Div Special Actn Rpt, Assault Narrative, Phase 111, p. 14; Tank Support Annex, PP. 37-38, 49, 50; 111 Amph Corps G3 Periodic Rpt, 13 Jun 45, par. 3.