- 1 The data for this account were taken from monthly reports of operations by Admiral Nimitz entitled "Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas during the Month of__
."Copies of the reports are available in the Historical Division, WDSS.
2 ONI Weekly, Vol. IV, No. 30, 25 Jul 45, pp. 2276-77, Translated Diary of Miyashita Kuraji.
3 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bull No. 170-45, 7 Jul 45, Transl and Interrog No. 35: Effccts of First Carrier Plane Attack on Okinawa, Ishi Condition Rpt No. 1,
62d Div Hq, 17 Oct 44, pp. 89-93.
4 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bull No. 147-45, 16 Jun 45, Transl and Interrog No. 32: Translation of Diary Captured on Okinawa, p. 71.
5 Ibid., Extracts from an Okinawa Diary, p. 49.
6 CTF 58 Actn Rpt, pp. 2-3, Incl A, p. 1.
7 Ibid., PP. 4-5.
8 CTF 51.1 Rpt, I-1-19, III-5-17.
9 CTF 52 Actn Rpt Okinawa, II-C-1, 4; V-H-1; V-G-1.
10 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Info Bull No. 161-44, 15 Nov 44; Okinawa Gunto, pp. 56-58; Supplement, 17 Dec 44: Okinawa Gunto, pp. 35-46.
11 CTF 52 Actm Rpt Okinawa, II-C-3;77th Div Opn Rpt, pp. 25-26.
12 77th Div G-3 Jnl and Msg File, 26 Mar 45. This time is erroneously reported as 0904 in the Opn R,pt.
13 77th Div Opn Rpt, p. 25.
14 Terrain descriptions are from 77th Div G-2 Estimate of the Situation ICEBERG, 15 Mar 45; Capt Paul R. Leach (77th Div Historian), Opns of 77th Div in Kerama Retto; Narrative of Actn from 77th Div Opn
Rpt Kerama Retto; G-2 and G-3 Periodic Rpts, 27-31 Mar 45; and G-2 and G-3 jnls and msg files for the same period.
15 77th Div Opn Rpt, pp. 26, 30-32, 41 .
16 77th Div Opn Rpt, pp. 33, 35; 870th AAA AW Bn Actn Rpt Kerama Retto, p. 5.
17 Tenth Army Transl No. 248, 8 Jul 45: 32d Army Ord, 31 Mar 45.
18 420th FA Gp Actn Rpt, 31 Mar to 30 Jun 45, pp. 4-6; 531st FA Bn Actn Rpt, pp.
1-2; 532d FA Bn Actn Rpt, p. 1.
19 Interrog Yahara; 77th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 4, 30 Mar 45; XXIV Corps
PW Interrog No. 71, 20 Apr 45.
20 77th Div Opn Rpt Kerama Retto, pp. 38-39; G-2 Periodic Rpt, 26-31 Mar 45.
21 Personal Obsn of Capt Leach, 77th Div Historian, and Cpl Alexander Roberts, 1st
I & H Service.
22 XXIV Corps PW Interrog No. 71, 20 Apr 45; 77th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 3, 29 Mar 45: Order of Battle Rpt.
23 Tenth Army Transl No. 231, 6 Jul 45: 32d Army Opn Ord No. 115, 23 Mar 45.
24 Tenth Army Transl No. 210, 11 Jul 45: 20th Sea Raiding Bn Opn Ord No. 26, 16 Feb 45.
25 77th Div Opn Rpt, p. 40.
26 77th Div Opn Rpt Kerama Retto [n. d.], p. 38; Interrog Yahara; Tenth Army G-2 CICA Transl No.
231, 6 Jul 45: 32d Army Opn Ord No. 115.
27 CTF 52 Actn Rpt Okinawa, I-C-1, 2.
28 Ibid., V-C-1, 7.
29 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Opns in POA, Apr 45, PP. 35-36. See below under "The Japanese Plan of Defense," p. 93.
30 CTF 52 Actn Rpt, pp. V-E-1-7; CINCPAC-CINCPOA Opns in POA, Apr 45, PP. 37-38.
31 CTF 52 Actn Rpt, V-G-1, 2, 3; CINCPAC-CINCPOA Opns in POA, Apr 45, pp. 32-33
32 CINCPAC-CINCPOA Opns in POA, Apr 45, pp. 67-68.
33 Ibid., p. 61.
34 Com Amphib-Gp 1, CTF 52 Actn Rpt, IV-B-10.