- 1 Tenth Army Opn Ord 4-45, 11 Apr 45; Tenth Army Tent Opn Plan
1-45, p. 13; Tenth Army Actn Rpt, 3-0-4, 7-IV-I; 77th Div Actn Rpt Ie Shima, p.
2 Capt. Paul R. Leach, Operational History of 77th Inf Div on Ie Shima (hereafter cited as Leach, 77th Div Ie Shima History), pp. 2-3; 77th Div
G-2 Estimate of the Situation ICEBERG, 16 Jan 45.
3 77th Div G-2 Summary No. 7, 28 Apr 45.
4 Tenth Army Transl No. 230, 6 Jul 45: 32d Army Ord No. 113, 21 Mar
5 77th Div Actn Rpt Ie Shima, pp. 8-9, 50-52.
6 Tenth Army Transl No. 225, 5 Jul 45: 32d Army Ord No.111, about Mar 45.
7 77th Div Actn Rpt, p. 5.
8 77th Div G-2 Estimate, 15 Mar 45, App. IV: Discussion of Ie Shima Defenses; see also G-2 Estimate, 16 Jan 45, 26 Feb 45, 14 Apr 45.
9 77th Div FO No. 26, 12 Apr 45.
10 77th Div G-2 Estimate, 16 Jan 45.
11 77th Div Actn Rpt, pp. 9-10, 42-44.
12 77th Div G-3 Msg File, Msg No. 3, 7 Apr 45; see also Msgs No. 9, 7 Apr 45, and No. 23, 13 Apr 45.
13 77th Div Actn Rpt, pp. 7-8.
14 The account of preliminary support operations is taken from Comdr Amph Group 4 PACFLT (CTF 53). Actn Okinawa Gunto, 20 Jul 45, Pt. V.
15 77th Div Actn Rpt, pp. 16-17.
16 Tenth Army Transl No. 233, 6 Jul 45: 32d Army Ord No. 117, 24 Mar q5.
17 77th Div G-2 Periodic Rpt No. 26, 21 Apr 45.
18 The account of the landings and ensuing action on Ie Shima is based on the following sources: Leach, 77th Div Ie Shima History; 77th Div Actn Rpt Ie Shima, a superior after-action report; G-2 Periodic Rpts, Summaries, Jnls, Msg Files; G-3 Periodic Rpts, Jnls, Msg Files; Tenth Army
Jnl and Msg Files, 15-22 Apr 45. Particularly valuable sources are: (1) Memo CG 77th Div for CG Tenth Army, in 77th Div G-3 Msg File, Msg No. 32,
20 Apr 45, in which General Bruce discusses the problems of the Ie Shima campaign; (2) Memo CG 77th Div for Capt Leach, 26 Oct 45, in which General Bruce answers questions submitted to him by the 77th Div historian.
19 Leach, 77th Div Ie Shima History, p. 17.
20 See CTF 53 Actn Rpt, V-F-3.
21 77th Div G-3 Msg File, Msg No. 85, 19 Apr q5.
22 77th Div G-3 Msg File, Msg No. 97, 20 Apr 45.
23 77th Div Actn Rpt, p. 32.
24 77th Div G-3 Msg File, Msg No. 64, 20 Apr 45,
25 77th Div G-3 Msg File, Msg No. 70, 21 Apr 45.
26 77th Div G-3 Msg File, Msg No. 97, 22 Apr 45.
27 77th Div Actn Rpt, p. 42.
28 77th Div G-3 Msg File, p. 55.