[Further arranged according to Flora of South
Australia Author: J.M.Black and Supplement
- Hibbertia glaberrima, F.M., Fragm. 3, 1.
- Mount Olga, Glen of Palms.
[Brassicaceae =] CRUCIFERAE:
- Menkea sphaerocarpa, F.M., Fragm. 8, 223.
- Near Mount Olga.
- [Lepidium oxytrichum] Lepidium papillosum, F.M. in Linnaea 25,
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Lepidium rotundum] Lepidium phlebopetalum, F.M., Plants of
Vict. 1, 47.
- Between the River Finke and Lake Eyre.
- [Blennodia trisecta] Sisymbrium trisectum, F.M., Transact.
Vict. Inst. 1, 114.
- Near Lake Eyre and Mount Olga.
[Capparidaceae] CAPPARIDEAE:
- Cleome viscosa, L. Sp. Pl., 938.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [Capparis mitchellii] Capparis Mitchelli, Lindl. in Mitch.
Three Exped. 1, 315.
- MacDonnell's Range, Mount Udor.
[Pittosporaceae] PITTOSPOREAE:
- Pittosporum phillyroides, Cand. Prodr. 1, 347.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, also on Gosse's Range.
- [Drosera indica] Drosera Indici, L. Sp., 403.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [?] Drosera Burmanni, Vahl., Symb. 3, 50.
- MacDonnell's Range.
[Polygalaceae] POLYGALEAE:
- [?] Comesperma silvestre, Lindl. in Mitch. Trop. Austr.,
- Between MacDonnell's and Gill's Ranges.
- [?] Ionidium aurantiacum, F.M. in Benth. Fl. Austr. 1,
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Oxalis corniculata L. Sp., 624.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [?] Corchorus sidoides, F.M., Fragm. 3, 9.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Hibiscus Farragei, F.M., Fragm. 8, 241.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Hibiscus Sturtii, Hook. in Mitch. Trop. Austr., 363.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [Hibiscus brachychlaenus] Hibiscus microchlaenus, F.M., Fragm.
2, 116.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [Gossypium sturtianum] Gossypium Sturtii, F.M., Fragm. 3,
- On Mount Olga, also towards the Alberga, Gosse's Range, and
MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Abutilon diplotrichum, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 380.
- Between Lake Eyre and the River Finke.
- Abutilon halophilum, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 381.
- Near Lake Eyre.
- Sida cardiophylla, F.M., Fragm. 8, 242.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [Sida platycalyx] Sida inclusa, Benth., Flor. Austr. 1,
- Rawlinson's Range, MacDonnell's Range.
- Sida cryphiopetala, F.M., Fragm. 2, 4.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Sida virgata, Hook. in Mitch. Trop. Austr., 361.
- Mount Olga.
- Sida petrophila, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 381.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Sida trichopoda] Sida corrugata, Lindl. in Mitch. Three Exped.
2, 13.
- Lake Eyre, Mount Olga, Gosse's Range, MacDonnell's Range, Lake
- Malvastrum spicatum, As. Gr. Plant Fendl., 23.
- Near Lake Eyre.
- Plagianthus glomeratus, Benth. in Journ. of Linn. Soc. 6,
- Near Lake Eyre.
- [?] Keraudrenia nephrosperma, Benth., Fl. Austr. 1, 246.
- Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Keraudrenia Hookeriana, Walp. Annal. 2, 164.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Rulingia magniflora F.M., Fragm. 8, 223.
- Mount Olga.
- [?] Rulingia loxophylla, F.M., Fragm. 1, 68.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Brachychiton Gregorii, F.M. in Hook. Kew Mis. 9, 199.
- Mount Stevenson, MacDonnell's Range, Carmichael's Creek, Mount
Udor. The specific position, in the absence of flowers and fruit,
not to be ascertained beyond doubts from the material secured.
- Frankenia pauciflora, Cand. Prodr. 1, 350.
- Lake Eyre, River Finke.
[Zygophyllaceae] ZYGOPHYLLEAE
- Tribulus terrestris, L. Sp., 554.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- Tribulus Hystrix, R. Br., App. to Sturt's Centr. Austr.,
- Near Lake Amadeus.
- [Zygophyllum aurantiacum] Zygophyllum fruticulosum, Cand.
Prodr. 1, 705.
- Near Lake Eyre.
- Atalaya hemiglauca, F.M. in Benth. Fl. Austr 1, 463.
- MacDonnell's Range and Lake Amadeus.
- Dodonaea viscosa, L. Mantiss., 231
- Alberga, Mount Olga, Rawlinson's Range, Barrow's Range, D.
microzyga, F.M., Plants of Stuart's Exped., 1862. page 12, is known
from the Neale River.
- [?] Diplopeltis Stuartii, F.M., Fragm. 3, 12.
- MacDonnell's Range.
[Phytolaccaceae] PHYTOLACCEAE:
- Codonocarpus cotinifolius, F.M., Plants of Vict. 1, 200.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Gyrostemon ramulosus, Desf. in Mem. Du Mus. 6, 17, t. 6.
- Glen of Palms.
- [Gyrostemon australasicus] Cyclotheca Australasica, Mog. in
Cand. Prodr. 13, Sect. 2, 38.
- Mount Olga, Rawlinson's Range, Barrow's Range.
[Caryophyllaceae] CARYOPHYLLEAE:
- Polycarpaea corymbosa, Lam. 3, N., 2798.
- Glen of Palms.
[Aizoaceae] FICOIDEAE:
- Trianthema crystallina, Vahl., Symb. 1, 32.
- Near Lake Eyre.
- Aizoon zygophylloides, F.M., Fragm. 7, 129.
- Between Lake Eyre and the River Finke.
[Portulacaceae] PORTULACEAE:
- [Calandrinia balonensis] Calandrinia Balonnensis, Lindl. in
Mitch. Trop. Austr., 148.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Portulaca oleracea, L. Sp. Pl., 638.
- Towards MacDonnell's Range.
[Chenopodiaceae] SALSOLACEAE:
- Rhagodia nutans, R. Br., Prodr., 408.
- Lake Eyre.
- Rhagodia spinescens, R. Br., Prodr., 408.
- Lake Eyre.
- Chenopodium carinatum, R. Br., Prodr., 407.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Babbagia dipterocarpa, F.M., Rep. on Babb. Pl., 21.
- Lake Eyre.
- Kochia villosa, Lindl. in Mitch. Trop. Austr., 91.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
[Amaranthaceae] AMARANTACEAE:
- Hemichroa mesembryanthema, F.M., Fragm. 8, 38.
- Lake Eyre.
- [Amaranthus mitchellii] Euxolus Mitchelli, Amarantus Mitchelli,
Benth., Fl. Austr. 5, 214.
- Lake Eyre.
- Alternanthera nodiflora, R. Br., Prodr., 417.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Ptilotus obovatus, F.M., Fragm. 6, 228.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; MacDonnell's and
Rawlinson's Ranges.
- [Ptilotus polystachyus] Ptilotus alopecuroides, F.M., Fragm. 6,
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Ptilotus nobilis, F.M., Fragm. 6, 227.
- Mount Olga.
- Ptilotus Hoodii, F.M., Fragm. 8, 232.
- Mount Olga.
- Ptilotus helipteroides, F.M., Fragm. 6, 231.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; also Barrow's Range.
- [Ptilotus gaudichaudii] Ptilotus hemisteirus, F.M., Fragm. 6,
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
[Nyctaginaceae] NYCTAGINEAE:
- [Boerhavia repanda] Boerhaavia repanda, Willd., Sp. Pl., 1,
- Lake Eyre.
- [Boerhavia diffusa] Boerhaavia diffusa, L. Sp. Pl., 4.
- Lake Amadeus.
[not a family] LEGUMINOSAE:
[Fabaceae (=Papilionaceae)]
- Daviesia arthropoda, F.M., Fragm. 8, 225.
- Mount Olga.
- Brachysema Chambersii, F.M. in Benth. Fl. Austr. 2, 13.
- Mount Olga; MacDonnell's Range.
- Isotropis atropurpurea, F.M., Fragm. 3, 16.
- Mount Olga.
- [?] Burtonia polyzyga, Benth., Fl. Austr. 2, 51.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Mirbelia oxyclada, F.M., Fragm. 4, 12.
- MacDonnell's and Rawlinson's Ranges.
- Gastrolobium grandiflorum, F.M., Fragm. 3, 17.
- Glen of Palms.
- Psoralea patens, Lindl. in Mitch. Three Exped. 2, 9.
- Between Lake Eyre and Mount Olga. P. balsamica is known from
MacDonnell's Range.
- [Crotalaria cunninghamii] Crotalaria Cunninghami, R. Br., App.
to Sturt's Exped., 8.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- Crotalaria dissitiflora, Benth. in Mitch. Trop. Austr.
- Lake Eyre.
- [Clianthus dampieri] Clianthus Dampierii, A. Cunn. in Trans.
Hort. Soc. Lond., Sec. Ser. 1, 522.
- Mount Whitby.
- Swainsona phacoides, Benth. in Mitch. Trop. Aust., 363.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Swainsona unifoliolata, F.M., Fragm., 8, 226.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; also on Rawlinson's Range.
Several other species of Swainsona, but in an imperfect state,
occur in the collection, also a species of Tephrosia.
- Lotus Australis, Andr., Bot. Reg., t. 624.
- Lake Eyre.
- [?] Caulinia prorepens, F.M., Fragm. 8, 225.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [?] Indigofera monophylla, Cand. Prodr. 2, 222.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Indigofera brevidens, Benth. in Mitch. Trop. Austr., 385.
- Between Lake Eyre and the River Finke; also Glen of Palms,
MacDonnell's Range, Rawlinson's Range, between Mount Olga and
Barrow's Range. (I. villosa is also known from MacDonnell's
- Erythrina Vespertilio, Benth. in Mitch. Trop. Austr., 218.
- MacDonnell's Range, Mount Udor.
- [?] Bauhinia Leichhardtii, F.M. in Transact. Vict. Inst. 3,
- Occurs also in many of the central regions of the
- Cassia notabilis, F.M., Fragm. 3, 28.
- Mount Olga, Rawlinson's Range.
- Cassia venusta, F.M., Fragm. 1, 165.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Cassia pleurocarpa, F.M., Fragm. 1, 223.
- Between Lake Eyre and the River Finke; also between the Alberga
and Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range.
- Cassia desolata, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 389.
- Mount Olga, Rawlinson's Range.
- Cassia artemisioides, Gaud. in Cand. Prodr. 2, 495.
- From the Alberga to Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- Petalostylis labicheoides, R. Br., App. to Sturt's Centr.
Austr., 17.
- Glen of Palms; between the Alberga and Mount Olga, and towards
Barrow's Range.
- [Acacia victoriae] Acacia Sentis, F.M. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 3,
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- [Acacia maitlandii] Acacia patens, F.M. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 3,
- Mount Olga and MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Acacia spondylophylla, F.M., Fragm. 8, 243.
- Glen of Palms; MacDonnell's and Rawlinson's Ranges.
- [?] Acacia lycopodifolia, A. Cunn. in Hook. Icon., 172.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Acacia minutifolia, F.M., Fragm. 8, 243.
- Mount Olga.
- Acacia strongylophylla, F.M., Fragm. 8, 226.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, Glen of Palms, MacDonnell's
- Acacia salicina, Lindl. in Mitch. Three Exped. 2, 20.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range; also
towards Lake Amadeus and Barrow's Range.
- Acacia aneura, F.M. in Linnaea 26, 627.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
Numerous other species of Acacia were gathered, but not found in
flower or fruit, hence are not with certainty referable to the
respective species of this great genus.
- [?] Adriana tomentosa, Gaud. in Ann. Sc. Nat., Prem. Ser. 6,
- From the Alberga to Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range, Barrow's
- [Euphorbia drummondii] Euphorbia Drummondi, Boiss., Cent.
Euph., 14.
- Finke's River.
- [Euphorbia clutioides] Euphorbia eremophila, A. Cunn. in Mitch.
Austr., 348.
- Lake Eyre; MacDonnell's Range.
[Urticaceae] URTICEAE:
- Ficus platypoda, A. Cunn. in Hook. Lond. Journ. 6, 561.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, Ayers Range, Gill's
- [?] Ficus orbicularis, A. Cunn. in Hook. Lond. Journ. 7,
- Glen of Palms.
- Parietaria debilis, G. Forst., Prodr., 73.
- Mount Olga.
- Spyridium spathulatum, F.M. in Benth. Fl. Austr. 1, 430.
- Glen of Palms.
- [Calytrix longiflora] Calycothrix longiflora, F.M., Fragm. 1,
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; MacDonnell's Range.
- Thryptomene Maisonneuvii, F.M., Fragm. 4, 64.
- On Mount Olga, also towards the Alberga.
- [Micromyrtus flaviflora] Thryptomene flaviflora, F.M., Fragm.
8, 13.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Baeckea polystemonea, F.M., Fragm. 2, 124.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Eucalyptus pachyphylla, F.M. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 3, 98.
- Glen of Palms.
- Macgregoria racemigera, F.M. in Caruel's Giorn., 1873, page
- MacDonnell's Range; between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- [?] Stackhousia megaloptera, FM., Fragm. 8, 35.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Melothria maderaspatana] Mukia scabrella, Arn. in Hook. Journ.
3, 276.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [Cucumis melo] Cucumis trigonus, Roxb., Flor. Indic. 3,
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Lysiana exocarpi] Loranthus Exocarpi, Behr in Linn. 20,
- Musgrave Range.
- Santalum lanceolatum, R. Br., Prodr., 256.
- Mount Olga, Rawlinson's Range, Lake Amadeus.
- Santalum acuminatum, A. de Cand. Prodr. 14, 684.
- Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range, Mount Udor, Lake Amadeus,
Musgrave Range, Fort Mueller, Petermann's Range.
- [Anthobolus leptomerioides] Anthobolus exocarpoides, F.M.,
Fragm. 9, ined.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Hakea francisiana] Hakea multilineata, Meissn. in Lehm. Pl.
Preiss. 2, 261.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Hakea suburea] Hakea lorea, R. Br., Prot. Nov., 25.
- Glen of Palms, MacDonnell's, Petermann's, and Rawlinson's
- Grevillea stenobotrya F.M., Fragm. 9, ined.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Grevillea juncifolia, Hook. in Mitch. Trop. Austr., 341.
- Glen of Palms, MacDonnell's Range, Mount Olga, and towards the
- Grevillea pterosperma, F.M. in Trans. Phil. Soc. Vict. 1,
- Mount Olga.
- [?] Grevillea Wickhami, Meissn. in Cand. Prodr. 14, 380.
- Glen of Palms, Gosse's Range, MacDonnell's Range; towards Lake
[Thymelaeaceae] THYMELEAE:
- Pimelea trichostachya, Lindl. in Mitch. Trop, Austr., 355.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, Gosse's Range.
- Pimelea ammocharis, F.M. in Hook. Kew Misc. 9, 24.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
[Apiaceae =] UMBELLIFERAE:
- [Trachymene glaucifolia] Didiscus glaucifolius, F.M. in Linnaea
25, 395.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Hydrocotyle trachycarpa, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 394.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Pomax umbellata, Soland. in Gaertn. Fruct. 1, 112.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Canthium latifolium] Plectronia latifolia, Benth. et Hook.
Gen. Pl. 2, 110.
- MacDonnell's Range.
[Asteraceae =] COMPOSITAE:
- [?] Aster subspicatus, F.M., Fragm. 5, 68.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Aster stuartii] Aster megalodontus, F.M., Fragm. 8, ined.
- Mount Olga.
- [?] Aster Ferresii, F.M., Fragm. 5, 75.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Calotis lappulacea, Benth. in Hueg. Enum., 60.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Pluchea rubelliflora] Pluchea Eyrea, F.M., Rep. on Babb. Pl.,
- Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Minuria leptophylla, Cand. Prodr. 5, 298.
- Between Lake Eyre and the River Finke, thence to Mount Olga and
Lake Amadeus.
- Flaveria Australasica, Hook., in Mitch. Trop. Austr., 118.
- Lake Eyre.
- [Gnephosis skirrophora] Gnephosis codonopappa, F.M., Fragm. 9,
- Beyond Lake Eyre.
- Angianthus tomentosus, Wendl. Coll. 2, 31, t. 48.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- [Calocephalus multiflorus] Calocephalus platycephalus, Benth.,
Fl. Austr. 3, 576.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Myriocephalus Stuartii, Benth., Fl. Austr. 3, 560.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Pterocaulon sphacelatum] Pterocaulon sphacelatus, Benth. et
Hook., Gen. Pl. 2, 295.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, also on Rawlinson's
- Ixiolaena tomentosa, Sond. et Muell. in Linnaea 25, 504.
- Lake Eyre.
- [?] Helichrysum Thomsoni, F.M., Fragm. 8, 45.
- MacDonnell's Range, Mount Olga.
- Helichrysum Ayersii, F.M., Fragm. 8, 167.
- Mount Olga.
- Helichrysum semifertile, F.M., Rep. on Babb. Plants, page
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Helichrysum davenportii] Helichrysum Davenporti, F.M., Fragm.
3, 32.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Helichrysum Cassinianum, Gaud. in Freyc. Voy. Bot., 466, t.
- MacDonnell's Range; also between the Alberga and Mount
- [?] Helichrysum lucidum, Henck. Adumb. Ann., 1806.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, Glen of Palms, Rawlinson's
- Helichrysum apiculatum, Cand. Prodr. 6, 195.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- Helichrysum rutidolepsis, Cand. Prodr. 6, 194.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Helipterum stuartianum] Helipterum floribundum, Cand. Prodr.
6, 217.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Helipterum Tietkensii, F.M., Fragm. 8, 227.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Helipterum albicans] Helipterum incanum, Cand. Prodr. 6,
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Helipterum stipitatum, F.M. in Benth. Fl. Austr. 3, 643.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Helipterum Charsleyae, F.M., Fragm. 8, 168.
- Lake Amadeus.
- Gnaphalium luteo-album, L. Sp. Pl., 1196.
- Mount Olga.
- Gnaphalium Japonicum, Thunb., Fl. Jap., 311.
- Mount Olga.
- Senecio Gregorii, F.M. in Greg. Rep. On Leich. Search, page
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range.
- Senecio lautus, G. Forst., Prodr., 91.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Senecio magnificus, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 418.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Erechtites runcinifolius] Erechtites picridioides, Turcz. in
Bull. de Mosc., 1851, part 1, 200.
- Mount Olga.
- Sonchus oleraceus, Linne, Sp. Pl., 1116.
- Mr. Giles records this in his journal as abundant on the banks
of the Finke River, towards its source.
- [?] Wahlenbergia gracilis, A. de Cand. Monogr. des Camp.,
- Mount Olga, Barrow's Range, Lake Amadeus.
- [?] Lobelia heterophylla, Labill. Specim. 1, 52, t. 74.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- Isotoma petraea, F.M, in Linnaea 25, 420.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range.
[Goodeniaceae] GOODENOVIACEAE:
- Brunonia Australis, Sm. in Transact. Linn. Soc. 10, 367, t.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Goodenia Vilmoriniae, F.M., Fragm. 3, 19, t. 16.
- Mount Olga.
- Goodenia heterochila, F.M., Fragm. 3, 142.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- [?] Goodenia Mueckeana, F.M., Fragm. 8, 56.
- Between Mount Udor and Gill's Range, also on or near Mount
- Goodenia Ramelii, F.M., Fragm. 3, 20 t. 17.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; also on Rawlinson's Range
and towards Barrow's Range.
- Leschenaultia divaricata, F.M., Fragm. 3, 33.
- Lake Amadeus.
- [?] Leschenaultia striata, F.M., Fragm. 8, 245.
- Mount Olga.
- [Catosperma goodeniaceum] Catosperma Muelleri, Benth., Fl.
Austr. 4, 83.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Scaevola collaris, F.M., Rep. on Babb. Plants, 15.
- Lake Eyre.
- Scaevola spinescens, R. Br., Prodr., 568.
- Lake Eyre.
- Scaevola depauperata, R. Br., Append. to Sturt's Centr. Austr.,
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Velleia connata] Velleya connata, F.M. in Hook. Kew Misc. 8,
- MacDonnell's Range.
[Stylidaceae] STYLIDEAE:
- [?] Stylidium floribundum, R. Br., Prodr., 569.
- MacDonnell's Range.
[Boraginaceae] ASPERIFOLIAE:
- [?] Heliotropium asperrimum, R. Br., Prodr., 493.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, MacDonnell's Range.
- Heliotropium undulatum, Vahl., Sym. 1, 13.
- Near Lake Eyre.
- [Cynoglossum australe] Cynoglossum Drummondi, Benth., Fl.
Austr. 4, 409.
- On Mount Olga and towards the Alberga.
- [Trichodesma zeylanicum] Trichodesma Zeilanicum, R. Br.,
Prodr., 496.
- From the Alberga to Mount Olga and MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Halgania anagalloides, Endl. in Ann. des Wien. Mus. 2,
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Halgania cyanea, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 25, App., 40.
- MacDonnell's and Petermann's Ranges.
[Lamiaceae =] LABIATIAE:
- Plectranthus parviflorus, Henck. Adumb., 1806.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- [?] Microcorys Macredieana, F.M., Fragm. 8, 231.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- Prostanthera striatiflora, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 425.
- From the Alberga to Mount Olga; also on Gosse's Range and
MacDonnell's Range.
- Prostanthera Wilkieana, F.M., Fragm. 8, 230.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- Teucrium racemosum, R. Br., Prodr., 504.
- Lake Eyre, Lake Amadeus, Finke River.
- [Newcastelia bracteosa] Newcastlia bracteosa, F.M., Fragm. 8,
- MacDonnell's Range; between Mount Olga and Warburton's Range;
Gill's Range.
- [Newcastelia cephalantha] Newcastlia cephalantha, F.M., Fragm.
9, ined.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Newcastelia spodiotricha] Newcastlia spodiotricha, F.M.,
Fragm. 3, 21, t. 21.
- MacDonnell's and Rawlinson's Ranges.
- [Dicrastylis doranii] Dicrastylis Dorani, F.M., Fragm. 8,
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [Dicrastylis exsuccosa] Dicrastylis ochrotricha, F.M., Fragm.
4, 161.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- Dicrastylis Beveridgei, F.M., Fragm. 8, 50.
- Between Mount Udor and Gill's Range, also on Mount Olga.
- Dicrastylis Gilesii, F.M., Fragm. 8, 229.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; Glen of Palms.
- [Dicrastylis lewellinii] Chloanthes Lewellini, F.M., Fragm. 8,
- Mount Olga; MacDonnell's Range.
[Myoporaceae] MYOPORINAE:
- [Eremophila macdonnellii] Eremophila Macdonnelli, F.M., Rep. on
Babb. Plants, 18.
- Between Lake Eyre and the River Finke.
- Eremophila Willsii, F.M., Fragm. 3, 21, t. 20.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; Rawlinson's Range.
- [Eremophila gilesii] Eremophila Berryi, F.M., Fragm. 8,
- Musgrave Range.
- [Eremophila goodwinii] Eremophila Goodwini, F.M., Rep. on Babb.
Plants, 17.
- Beyond Lake Eyre, Glen of Palms, MacDonnell's Range.
- Eremophila maculata, F.M. in Papers of the Roy. Soc. of Tasm.
3, 297.
- Lake Eyre.
- [Eremophila glabra] Eremophila Brownii, F.M. in Papers of the
Roy. Soc. of Tasm. 3, 297.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Eremophila Sturtii, R. Br., App. to Sturt's Centr. Austr.,
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Eremophila Gilesii, F.M., Fragm. 8, 49.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Eremophila longifolia, F.M. in Papers of the Roy. Soc. of Tasm.
3, 295.
- Gosse's Range; MacDonnell's Range.
- [Eremophila serrulata] Eremophila latifolia, F.M. in Linnaea
25, 428.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Eremophila alternifolia, R. Br., Prodr., 518.
- Mount Olga.
- Eremophila Latrobei, F.M. in Papers of the Roy. Soc. of Tasm.
3, 294.
- Mount Olga; Rawlinson's Range; MacDonnell's Range.
- Eremophila Elderi, F.M., Fragm. 8, 228.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [?] Eremophila Hughesii, F.M., Fragm. 8, 228.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [Eremophila gibsonii] Eremophila Gibsoni, F.M., Fragm. 8,
- Between Mount Olga and the Alberga.
- Eremophila scoparia, F.M. in Papers of the Roy. Soc. of Tasm.
3, 296.
- About Lake Eyre.
- [Myoporum montanum] Myoporum Cunninghami, Benth. in Hueg.
Enum., 78.
- Glen of Palms.
[Oleaceae] JASMINEAE:
- Jasminum lineare, R. Br., Prodr., 521.
- MacDonnell's Range; Gosse's Range.
- [?] Jasminum calcareum, F.M., Fragm. 1, 212.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Convolvulus erubescens, Sims, Bot. Mag., t. 1067.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Evolvulus linifolius, L. Sp. Pl., 392.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Bonamia rosea] Breweria rosea, F.M., Fragm. 1, 233.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga, Glen of Palms,
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Pandorea doratoxylon] Tecoma Australis, R. Br., Prodr.,
- Mount Olga, Rawlinson's Range.
[Asclepiadaceae] ASCLEPIADEAE:
- Sarcostemma Australe, R. Br., Prodr., 463.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [Leichhardtia australis] Marsdenia Leichhardtiana, F.M., Fragm.
5, 160.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [Rostellularia pogonanthera] Justicia procumbens, L. Fl. Zeil.,
- Mount Olga and towards Lake Eyre.
[Gentianaceae] GENTIANEAE:
- [Centurium spicatum] Erythraea Australis, R. Br., Prodr.,
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range, MacDonnell's Range.
[Schrophulariaceae] SCROPHULARINAE:
- Mimulus gracilis, R. Br., Prodr., 439.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- Stemodia viscosa, Roxb., Pl. Coromand. 2, 33, t. 163.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- [?] Stemodia pedicellaris, F.M., Fragm. 8, 231.
- Rawlinson's Range.
- Anthotroche Blackii, F.M., Fragm. 8, 232.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- [?] Anthocercis Hopwoodii, F.M., Frag. 2, 138.
- Near Mount Liebig.
- Nicotiana suaveolens, Lehm., Hist. Nicot., 43.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; Glen of Palms; Lake
- Solanum esuriale, Lindl. in Mitch. Three Exped. 2, 43.
- Lake Eyre; thence to MacDonnell's Range.
- Solanum ferocissimum, Lindl. in Mitch. Three Exped. 2, 58.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- Solanum ellipticum, R. Br., Prodr., 446.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; thence to Barrow's Range,
MacDonnell's Range.
- Solanum petrophilum, F.M. in Linnaea 25, 433.
- Mount Olga.
- Solanum lacunarium, F.M. in Trans. Phil. Soc. Vict. 1, 18.
- Lake Eyre.
- [Datura leichhardtii] Datura Leichhardti, F.M. in Trans. Phil.
Soc. Vict. 1, 20.
- Between the River Finke and the Glen of Palms.
- Samolus repens, Pers. Synops. 1, 171.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
[Casuarinaceae] CASUARINEAE:
- Casuarina Decaisneana, F.M., Fragm. 1, 61.
- From the Alberga and Finke River to Mount Olga; Gardiner's and
MacDonnell's Ranges; Glen of Palms; also near Musgrave's Range and
on Rawlinson's, Petermann's, and Barrow's Ranges; Gibson's
- [?] Encephalartos Macdonnelli, F.M. in Vers. Akad. Wet.
Amsterdam, 15, 376.
- On Neale's River, found by J.M. Stuart, and probably the same
species on Gill's Range.
[Cupressaceae] CONIFERAE:
- Callitris verrucosa, R. Br. in Memoir. du Mus. Paris 13,
- It is supposed that it is this species, which was seen on the
River Finke, Lake Amadeus, and in the MacDonnell's, Gill's,
Rampart's, Musgrave's and Gosse's Ranges, as it is the only one
hitherto recorded from Central Australian collections.
- [?] Thysanotus sparteus, R. Br., Prodr., 283.
- Between Mount Olga and Barrow's Range.
- [?] Anguillaria Australis, F.M. Fragm. 7, 74.
- Between Lake Eyre and the River Finke. A species of
Xanthorrhoea, reaching a height of twelve feet, was seen on the
ranges along Rudall's Creek, but no specimen for examination was
- [?] Livistona Mariae, F.M., Fragm. 9, ined.
- Glen of Palms. Height up to 60 feet.
- Typha Muelleri, Rohrb. in Verhandl. Brandenb., 1869, page
- It is probably this species which is recorded in the Journal as
occurring in the swamps of Rawlinson's Range.
[Poaceae =] GRAMINEAE:
- [?] Andropogon laniger, Desf., Fl. Atlant. 2, 379.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Eriachne scleranthoides, F.M., Fragm. 8, 233.
- Mount Olga.
- [?] Pappophorum commune, F.M. in Greg. Rep. on Leichh. Search,
App., page 10.
- MacDonnell's Range.
- [?] Panicum Pseudo-Neurachne, F.M., Fragm. 8, 199.
- Lake Amadeus.
- [?] Eleusine cruciata, Lam. Encyc., t. 48, f. 2.
- Lake Eyre; between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- [Aristida browniana] Aristida stipoides, R. Br., Prodr.,
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Bromus arenarius, Labill., Specim. 1, 23, t. 28.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Festuca irritans, F.M., Chath. Isl. Veget., 59 (Triodia
irritans, R. Br. Pr., 182).
- Dispersed widely through the deserts, and called Spinifex by
the explorers.
- [?] Cyperus textilis, Thunb., Prodr. Pl. Cap., 18.
- MacDonnell's Range.
[Class: Pteropsida] FILICES:
- Cheilanthes tenuifolia, Swartz, Syn. Fil., 129.
- Rawlinson's Range; between the Alberga and Mount Olga.
- Cheilanthes vellea, F.M., Fragm. 5, 123.
- Between the Alberga and Mount Olga; also on MacDonnell's Range.
C. Reynoldsii, discovered by Mr. Gosse, does not occur in Mr.
Giles's collection, and is probably very local.
Mr. Giles's collection contains also species of the genera
Vigna, Tephrosia, Melaleuca, Callistemon, Haloragis, Pterigeron,
Brachycome, Dampiera, Ipomoea, Morgania, Enchylaena, and Atriplex;
as also additional species of Rulingia, Abutilon, Sida, Dodonaea,
Euphorbia, Spyridium, Acacia (many), Eucalyptus, Scaevola,
Goodenia, Eremophila, Heliotropium, Rhagodia, Ptilotus, Hakea, and
Panicum, but none in a state sufficiently advanced to admit of
ascertaining their precise specific position.