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Foreign Relations, 1964-1968, Volume V, Vietnam 1967 Released by the Office of the Historian
Persons Akalovsky, Alexander, Political Officer at the Embassy in Moscow September 1965-1968 Alliluyeva, Svetlana, daughter of Josef Stalin Acheson, Dean, Secretary of State, 1949-1953 Akalovsky, Alexander, First Secretary and Political Officer at the Embassy in the Soviet Union Albert, Carl, Representative (D-OK), House Majority Leader Algard, Ole, Norwegian Ambassador to the People's Republic of China Alsop, Joseph W., journalist, author, and syndicated columnist Arends, Leslie C., Representative (R-IL), House Minority Whip Au Truong Thanh, former Vietnamese Economic Minister and Presidential candidate Aubrac, Raymond, Director of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and an intermediary in Pennsylvania Baldwin, Hanson W., author and Military Editor for The New York Times Bates, William H., Representative (R-MA), ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee Boggs, Hale, Representative (D-LA) Bohlen, Charles E., Ambassador to France Bolton, Frances P., Representative (R-OH), ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee Bow, Frank T., Representative (R-OH), ranking Republican on the House Appropriations Committee Bowles, Chester, Ambassador to India Bradley, General Omar N., USA (ret.), former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Brown, George, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Brown, Harold, Secretary of the Air Force Bruce, David K. E., Ambassador to the United Kingdom Bui Diem, Vietnamese Ambassador to the United States Bundy, McGeorge, President of the Ford Foundation; former Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Bundy, William P., Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Bunker, Ellsworth, Ambassador to Vietnam after April 5, 1967 Byroade, Henry A., Ambassador to Burma Califano, Joseph A., Jr., Special Assistant to the President Cao Van Vien, General, ARVN, Chief of the Joint General Staff; also Minister of Defense, January-October 1967 Carver, George, Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency Christian, George, Press Secretary to the President after February 1, 1967 Clifford, Clark M., Chairman, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Colby, William E., Chief, Far East Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency Cooper, Chester, Special Assistant to Ambassador at Large W. Averell Harriman Couve de Murville, Maurice, French Foreign Minister Dean, Sir Patrick, British Ambassador to the United States De Gaulle, Charles, President of France Denney, George C., Jr., Deputy Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State DePuy, Major General William E., USA, Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities, Joint Chiefs of Staff Dirksen, Everett McKinley, Senator (R-IL), Senate Majority Leader Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States D'Orlandi, Giovanni, Italian Ambassador to Vietnam Douglas, Senator Paul H. (D-IL) Duong Van Minh, former Vietnamese Chief of State Fanfani, Amintore, Italian Foreign Minister Ford, Gerald R., Representative (R-MI) Forsythe, Major General George I., USA, Assistant Deputy to the Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, for Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support Fortas, Abe, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court Fowler, Henry H., Secretary of the Treasury Freeman, Orville H., Secretary of Agriculture Fulbright, J. William, Senator (D-AR), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Gandhi, Indira, Indian Prime Minister Gardner, John W., Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Gaud, William S., Administrator of the Agency for International Development Gavin, Lieutenant General James M., USA (ret.), former Ambassador to France Ginsburgh, Colonel Robert, USAF, Member of the National Security Council Staff Goldberg, Arthur J., Representative to the United Nations Gonard, Samuel, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Goodpaster, Lieutenant General Andrew J., USA, Director, Joint Staff Greene, Fred, Director of the Office of Research and Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Greene, General Wallace M., Jr., USMC, Commandant of the Marine Corps Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Foreign Minister Gronouski, John A., Ambassador to Poland Habib, Philip C., Minister-Counselor at the Embassy in Vietnam; Deputy Assistant Secretary of East Asian and Pacific Affairs after June 1967 Harkins, General Paul D., USA, former Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, 1962-1964 Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador at Large Hart, John L., Chief of the CIA Station in Saigon Hayden, Carl, Senator (D-AZ), President Pro Tempore and Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee Helble, John J., Vietnam Working Group, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State Helms, Richard M., Director of Central Intelligence Hickenlooper, Bourke B., Representative (R-IA) Hoang Man Tu, National Liberation Front diplomatic representative in Algeria Hoang Xuan Lam, General, ARVN, Commander of I Corps, Republic of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Holdridge, John, Deputy Director, Office of Research and Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Holt, Harold, Australian Prime Minister until December Holyoake, Keith, Prime Minister of New Zealand Hoopes, Townsend W., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Hornig, Donald F., Special Assistant to the President Hughes, Thomas L., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Humphrey, Hubert H., Vice President Janczewski, Zbigniew, Polish Foreign Ministry official Javits, Jacob K., Senator (R-NY) Jenkins, Walter E., Jr., Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy in Poland Johnson, General Harold K., USA, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Johnson, U. Alexis, Ambassador to Japan Jones, Jim, Assistant to the President Jorden, William J., Senior Member of the National Security Council Staff Kaiser, Philip, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy, London Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Under Secretary of State Kennan, George F., author and former Ambassador to the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia Kennedy, Robert F., Senator (D-NY) Kissinger, Henry, Professor of Government at Harvard University and Consultant to the Department of State Kistiakowsky, George B., Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University and Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences Kohler, Foy D., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Komer, Robert W., President's Special Assistant until May 1967; thereafter Deputy to the Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, for Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support, and Special Assistant to the Ambassador to Vietnam with the personal rank of Ambassador Koren, Henry L. T., Staff Assistant to the Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam Kosygin, Alexei N., Soviet Premier Kraft, Joseph, journalist, author, and syndicated columnist Krulak, Lieutenant General Victor H., USMC, Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Kuchel, Thomas H., Senator (R-CA) Lansdale, Edward G., Special Assistant to the Ambassador to Vietnam Leonhart, William K., Deputy to Robert W. Komer until May 1967; thereafter Special Assistant to the President Le Trang, Deputy Chief of Mission, North Vietnamese Embassy in Moscow Le Van Truong, Vietnamese proponent of Cochinchinese autonomy residing in Europe Lewandowski, Januscz, Polish Representative to the International Control Commission Lilienthal, David, Chairman, Development Resources Corporation Linh Quang Vien, Lieutenant General, ARVN, Minister of National Security; Minister of Interior after November 9, 1967 Lippmann, Walter, author and journalist Locke, Eugene, Ambassador to Pakistan; Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam after May 1967 Lodge, Henry Cabot, Ambassador to Vietnam until April 1967 Long, Russell B., Senator (D-LA) Lovett, Robert A., banker and unofficial adviser to the President Lynd, Staughton, Professor of History at Yale University Lyng, John, Norwegian Foreign Minister Lucet, Charles E., French Ambassador to the United States Mahon, George H., Representative (D-TX), Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee Mai Thi Vang, wife of Trang Bach Dang released during the Buttercup contacts Mai Van Bo, Delegate General and Commercial Representative in France of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Manac'h, Etienne, Director of Asian Affairs, French Foreign Ministry Manatos, Mike, Special Assistant to the President for Congressional Liaison Mansfield, Mike, Senator (D-MT), Senate Majority Leader Marcos, Ferdinand, President of the Philippines Marcovich, Hebert, French professor and intermediary in Pennsylvania Marks, Leonard H., Director of the United States Information Agency Martin, Graham A., Ambassador to Thailand Martin, Paul J., Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs McBride, Robert H., Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy in France McCarthy, Eugene J., Senator (D-MN) McCloy, John J., lawyer and one of the "Wise Men" who served as unofficial advisers to President Johnson McConaughy, Walter P., Ambassador to Pakistan until May 17, 1966 McConnell, General John P., USAF, Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force McCormack, John W., Representative (D-MA), Speaker of the House McDonald, Admiral David L., USN (ret.), former Chief of Naval Operations McGovern, George S., Senator (D-SD) McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense McNaughton, John T., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs until July 19 McPherson, Harry C., Jr., Special Counsel to the President Meeker, Leonard C., Legal Adviser to the Department of State Michalowski, Jerzy, Director-General, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Miller, Robert H., Director, Vietnam Working Group, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State Molotov, Vyacheslav M., former Soviet Foreign Minister, 1946-1949 Momyer, General William H., USAF, Commander, U.S. 7th Air Force in South Vietnam. Moorer, Admiral Thomas H., USN, Chief of Naval Operations Morgan, Thomas E., Representative (D-PA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Morse, Wayne, Senator (D-OR) Moyers, Bill D., former Press Secretary to the President Mundt, Karl E., Senator (R-SD) Ngo Minh Loan, North Vietnamese Ambassador to the People's Republic of China Nguyen Bao Tri, Vietnamese Minister of Revolutionary Development after November 9, 1967 Nguyen Cao Ky, Air Vice Marshal, VNAF, Vietnamese Prime Minister and Chairman, National Executive Committee until October 31, 1967; thereafter Vice President Nguyen Chi Thanh, General, PAVN, Head of the Central Office for South Vietnam until July Nguyen Duc Thang, General, ARVN, Vietnamese Minister of Rural Revolutionary Development through October; thereafter Commanding General of IV CTZ. Nguyen Duy Trinh, North Vietnamese Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Nguyen Huu An, Permanent Secretary of the Vietnamese Red Cross Nguyen Huu Co, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister until January Nguyen Huu Hanh, Vietnamese Minister of Economy and Finance and Governor, National Bank of Vietnam Nguyen Huu Tho, Chairman of the Central Committee of the National Liberation Front until March Nguyen Khanh, former Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Luu Vien, Vietnamese Deputy Premier and Minister for Cultural and Social Affairs Nguyen Ngoc Loan, Director General of the Vietnamese National Police and Chief of the Military Security Service Nguyen Tho Chan, North Vietnamese Ambassador to the Soviet Union Nguyen Van Loc, President, Army People's Council and Prime Minister after October 31, 1967 Nguyen Van Thieu, Lieutenant General, ARVN, Vietnamese Chief of State and Chairman, National Leadership Committee until October 31; thereafter President Nguyen Van Vy, General, ARVN, Chief of Staff, ARVN; Minister of National Defense after November 9, 1967 Nilsson, Torsten, Swedish Foreign Minister Nitze, Paul, Secretary of the Navy through June 1967; thereafter Deputy Secretary of Defense Nixon, Richard, former Vice President O'Brien, Lawrence, Postmaster General Owen, Henry D., Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State Park, Chung Hee, President of Korea Pearson, Lester, Canadian Prime Minister Pell, Claiborne, Senator (D-RI) Pham Thi Yen, wife of Tan Buu Kiem Pham Van Dong, Premier of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Phan Khac Suu, chairman of the Vietnamese Constituent Assembly and presidential candidate Phan Huy Quat, former Vietnamese Premier and Presidential candidate Poats, Rutherford, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for the Far East, Agency for International Development; Deputy Administrator, Agency for International Development after May 1967 Pompidou, Georges, French Premier Porter, William J., Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam; after May 1967 Ambassador to Korea Rapacki, Adam, Polish Foreign Minister Read, Benjamin H., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary of the Department Reston, James B., journalist and Associate Editor, The New York Times Rice, Edward, Consul General in Hong Kong Ridgway, General Matthew B., USA (ret.), U.S. Army Chief of Staff, 1953-1955 Rivers, L. Mendel, Representative (D-SC), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Roche, John P., Special Consultant to the President Ropa, Donald W., Member of the National Security Council Staff Rostow, Eugene V., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Rostow, Walt W., Special Assistant to the President Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State Russell, Richard B., Senator (D-GA), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee Sainteny, Jean, former French colonial official in Indochina and adviser to President Charles de Gaulle Sato, Eisaku, Japanese Prime Minister Sau Ha, Viet Cong courier whose arrest initiated the Buttercup contacts Sharp, Admiral Ulysses S. Grant, USN, Commander in Chief, Pacific Shelepin, Alexandr N., Secretary of the Central Committee, Soviet Communist Party Sieverts, Frank, Special Assistant to Ambassador at Large W. Averell Harriman Smathers, George A., Senator (D-FL) Smith, Bromley K., Executive Secretary of the National Security Council Sorensen, Theodore, Adviser to Senator Robert Kennedy Souvanna Phouma, Prince, Laotian Prime Minister Starbird, Lieutenant General Alfred D., USA, Director, Defense Communications Agency Steadman, John M., Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense Stearns, Monteagle, Special Assistant to Ambassador at Large W. Averell Harriman Stennis, John C., Senator (D-MS) Stewart, Michael N.F., British Ambassador to the United States Sullivan, William H., Ambassador to Laos Symington, Stuart, Senator (D-MO) Tan Buu Kiem, Chief, Foreign Affairs Committee, National Liberation Front Taylor, General Maxwell D., USA (ret.), Special Consultant to the President Thanat Khoman, Thai Foreign Minister Thanom Kittikachorn, Thai Prime Minister and Defense Minister Thant, U, Secretary-General of the United Nations Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., Ambassador to the Soviet Union Tibbets, Margaret Joy, Ambassador to Norway Tran Bach Dang, Presidium Member, National Liberation Front Central Committee Tran Quoc Buu, Vietnamese labor leader Tran Van Do, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Tri Quang, leader of the Buddhist Struggle Movement Trueheart, William C., Deputy Director for Coordination, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Truong Dinh Dzu, South Vietnamese presidential candidate Truong Binh Tong, imprisoned National Liberation Front official who was released to act as intermediary in the Buttercup episode Unger, Leonard S., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs until August 11, 1967; thereafter Ambassador to Thailand Vance, Cyrus R., Deputy Secretary of Defense until June Vinh Loc, General, ARVN, Commander of II Corps Vo Nguyen Giap, General, PAVN, Minister of National Defense, Democratic Republic of Vietnam Vu Van Thai, former Vietnamese Ambassador to the United States Walt, Lieutenant General Lewis W., USMC, Commander of the U.S. III Marine Amphibious Force and I Corps Senior Adviser Wehrle, Leroy S., Associate Director and Economic Counselor in Vietnam, Agency for International Development Westmoreland, General William C., USA, Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Wheeler, General Earle G., USA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Wilson, Harold, British Prime Minister Wilson, Samuel V., Saigon Mission Coordinator Y Bham Enuol, Chairman, United Front for the Struggle of the Oppressed Race (FULRO) Zorthian, Barry, Minister-Counselor for Information at the Embassy in Vietnam and Director, U.S. Joint Public Affairs Office. 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