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Bureau of Public Affairs > Office of the Historian > Foreign Relations of the United States > Johnson Administration > Volume X
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U.S. Department of State

Foreign Relations, 1964-1968, Volume X, National Security Policy
Released by the Office of the Historian


Note: References are to document numbers (refer to the table for specific file)

ABM (anti-ballistic missiles). See under Missiles.
Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft (AMSA), 1, 10, 31, 61, 103, 139, 150, 158, 195, 200, 210
Africa, 12, 43, 80, 118, 188, 225
African Development Bank, 79
Agency for International Development (AID), 19
Air National Guard, 202
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), 103, 139, 195, 200, 210, 221
Aircraft (see also Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft):

A-6A, 195
A-11, 15
Anti-bomber defense program, 61

Age and diminishing capability, 1, 10, 31
Airborne alert, 108
Budget for Defense Department, 195, 196, 200
JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967-71, 103
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968-72, 139
Nuclear weapons delivery, 28

B-58, 10, 31, 103
B-70, 15
Budget for Defense Department, 65, 195, 196, 200
C-2A, 195
C-47/54/117s, 195
C-118, 195
C-130, 195
Clifford's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970-74, 210
CX-(HLS), 65
F-4, 195
F-12, 139, 195, 200
F-106, 200
F-106X, 200
F-111, 139
F-111A, 139
F-111 (TFX), 65, 67
FB-111A, 103
FB-111M-3, 103
FB-111/SRAM, 103
Force structure changes, Defense Department summary of, 67
Hound-Dog A, 139
JCS and McNamara/Vance, disagreement between, 158
JSOP-68-75, 119
JSOP-i, 21
JSOP-70-77, 188
KC-130, 195
Manned Orbital Laboratory, 65
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967-71, 103
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968-72, 139
National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38
NIE 11-3-65, 106
NIE 11-3-68, 221
NIE 11-8-64, 55
NIE 11-8-65, 97
NIE 11-8-68, 217
NIE 11-14-65, 98
Overseas bases, survey of, 26
Oxcart, 11, 13, 15
RF-4B, 195
RF-4J, 195
U-2, 32

Air Force, U.S., 38, 53, 55, 59, 103, 191, 193, 195, 202, 215
Airlift capabilities, 21, 67, 120, 148, 188, 194, 195
Alaska, 103
Algeria, 43, 188
Alternate Joint Communications Center (AJCC), 77
Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC), 77, 86, 92
Amory, Robert, 171
Anthony, Robert N., 110
Anti-ballistic missile (ABM). See under Missiles.
Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel (ASW), 99, 101, 103, 124, 125, 194
Arab-Israeli dispute, 188
Argentina, 188
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), 6, 121, 122
Armstrong, Elgin B., 190
Army, U.S., 21, 53, 55, 67, 101, 103, 104, 150, 158, 195, 202
Asia (see also Vietnam), 12, 43, 63, 80, 94, 101, 188, 195, 202, 225
Asia Foundation, 132, 134, 176, 180, 209
Asian Development Bank, 79
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC):

Control procedures, 114
Dispersal plans, 90, 189
High-yield nuclear weapons, 25, 28, 29
NIEs, 55, 57, 69, 84, 93, 97, 98, 143, 146, 183, 217, 221
Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 35, 37, 46, 135, 136, 181, 201

Audio surveillance and countermeasures, 8, 27
Australia, 23, 80, 188, 225

Baker, Vincent, 96, 115, 163
Baldwin, Marion A., 33
Ball, George W., 14, 32, 74, 79, 96
Ballistic missile ships (BMS), 139, 195
Bandaranaike, 23
Barr, Joseph W., 225
Barrett, Richard W., 26
Bases, overseas, survey of, 26, 225, 226
Basic national security policy (BNSP), 19, 75
Beam, Jacob D., 79
Belgium, 118
Bell, David E., 79, 105
Bennett, Capt., 23
Benton, William, 32, 41
Berger, Samuel D., 163
Berlin, 80
Bethe, Hans A., 101, 116
Bethe Panel, 116
Betts, Gen. A. W., 190
B-52 bomber force. See Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft; under Aircraft.
Biological warfare. See Chemical/biological warfare.
Bissell, Richard, 171
Black, Eugene R., 134
Blackburn, Adm. Paul P., Jr., 86
Bohlen, Charles, 209, 225
Bolivia, 188
Bowles, Chester, 171
Bowman, R. C., 114
Branscomb, Lewis, 101
Broe, William, 186
Brown, Harold, 4, 166, 191
Brown, Winthrop, 180
Bryant, Farris, 125, 138, 177
Bundy, McGeorge, 6, 14, 101

Audio surveillance and countermeasures, 27
Budget for Defense Department, 66
Chemical/biological warfare, 85, 121
Counter-intelligence posture of the U.S., 47
Deep Underground Command Center, 4
Evacuation and protection of U.S. citizens abroad, 30
Nuclear weapons/issues:

Control procedures, 114
Dispersal plans, 90
Emergency planning, 24, 54
High-yield weapons, development of, 28
National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 81
Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 46

President, command and control support to, 87
President's Science Advisory Committee, 99
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 41
303 Committee, 171
Youth and student actions, 171

Bunte, Donald W., 19
Bureau of the Budget (BOB), 133, 135
Burma, 202
Business and Defense Services Administration, 91

Cabell, Gen. Charles, 171
Califano, Joseph, 133, 192
Calvert, Capt., 23
Cambodia, 188, 202
Camp David, 77
Canada, 23, 80, 103, 115, 188, 190
Cannon, Howard W., 13
Carroll, Gen. Joseph, 106, 146, 183
Carter, Gen. Marshall S., 50, 106
Carter, Pat, 11, 18, 203
Caspian Sea, 6
Castro, Fidel, 188
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also Helms, Richard; McCone, John A.; National Intelligence Estimates), 8, 180, 209

Asia Foundation, 132, 134, 176
Audio surveillance and countermeasures, 27
Counter-intelligence posture of the U.S., 47
DCI responsibilities, 2
Internal defense, overseas, 19
Khrushchev's announcement of new weapon, 51
NSA occupancy of CIA-owned buildings, 186
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 203, 222
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 2, 34
Soviet missile system, assessing, 106, 130, 137, 179, 206
Youth and student groups, support for, 171

Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 12, 43, 188
Ceylon, 23
Chamberlain, Donald F., 116
Chapman, Gen. Leonard, 219, 227
Chayes, Abram, 6
Chemical/biological warfare, 43, 56, 122

Clandestine introduction of weapons into the U.S., 208
Defense Department position, 121, 145
Draft NSAM, 145, 153, 178, 220
JCS position, 76, 127, 178
President's Science Advisory Committee, 154
Scientists' petition, 170
UN position, 154
U.S. position, 85, 145, 173

Chiang Kai-shek, 43
Chile, 188
China, People's Republic of:

Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 124
Foreign intelligence efforts of U.S., 125
JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202

JSOP-68-75, 118
JSOP-69, 12
JSOP-70, 43
JSOP-70-77, 188

Missiles, 94, 100, 165, 185, 190

Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
Johnson and science advisers, meeting between, 166
JSOP-70, 43
JSOP-70-77, 188
McNamara's assessments/recommendations, 103, 139, 160
Nike-X deployment study, 104
U.S. guidance, 163
Vance's assessments/recommendations, 155

NIE 4-2-64, 57
NIE 11-3-68, 221
NIE 11-4-67, 187
NIE 11-12-65, 94
NIE 11-14-65, 98
Nuclear weapons/issues:

Assured destruction, 210
Clandestine introduction of weapons into U.S, 208
Damage limitation, 200, 210
JSOP-70-77, 188
McNamara's assessments/recommendations, 148, 160
U.S. position, 23, 163

President's Science Advisory Committee, 99
Rostow's reflections on U.S. national security policy, 80
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, U.S., 2
Soviet Union, relations with and, 51, 98, 183

China, Republic of, 12, 43, 188
Chou En-lai, 23
Christian, George, 171, 219
Chukov, Marshal, 98
Civil Defense Program, 103, 139, 146, 200
Clark, Jim, 4, 225
Cleveland, Harlan, 115
Clifford, Clark, 171, 201, 213, 215, 216, 219, 222
Clifton, Gen. C. V., 16, 17, 40, 71, 87
Cline, Ray, 6, 48
Colbert, Richard G., 26
Collins, Gen. James L., Jr., 183
Colombia, 188
Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense Command (CINCONAD), 38, 104
Commander in Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC), 38
Commerce Department, U.S., 91
Common Market concept, 12
Computers and missiles, 160
Conroy, John J., 26
Costagliola, Capt. F., 60
Council of Economic Advisers, 91
Coyne, J. Patrick, 7, 222
Cuba, 2, 12, 32, 41, 43, 80, 188
Cyprus, 150
Czechoslovakia, 217, 222

Davis, Jeanne, 23
Davis, Gen. John, 106
De Gaulle, Charles, 39, 43
Dean, Patrick, 95
Deep Underground Command Center (DUCC). See under Emergency planning.
Defense, Department of (see also Clifford, Clark; McNamara, Robert S.):

Budget figures, 65, 66, 71, 150, 185, 195, 200, 224, 227
Chemical/biological warfare, 121, 145
Deep Underground Command Center, 110
Force structure planning/changes, 63, 67
Human Resources Intelligence Collection, 111
Internal defense, overseas, 19
Missiles, 101, 102, 107
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 72
NIEs, 55, 56, 57, 69, 84, 93, 94, 97, 98, 143, 146, 183, 217, 221
Nuclear weapons/issues:

Assured destruction, 102
Dispersal plans, 90, 189
Evaluation of relative strength of the U.S. and Soviet Union, 215
High-yield weapons, 28, 29
Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 37, 136, 181, 201

Overseas bases, survey of, 26
President, command and control support to, 86, 87, 92
President's Science Advisory Committee, 99
Systems-engineering-technical-direction, 50

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 47, 55, 56, 57, 69, 84, 93, 94, 97, 98, 111, 125, 137, 143, 146, 183, 217, 221, 222
Defense Materials System, 91
Defense Production Act of 1950, 91
Deterrence (see also Assured destruction and Damage limitation under Nuclear weapons/issues), 118, 188
Developing countries, U.S. policy on internal defense in, 204
Dillon, C. Douglas, 26
Dillon, Thomas P., 26, 53
Dirksen, Everett, 166
Disarmament conferences, 43
Donaldson, Col., 115
Douglas-Home, Alec, 96
Draft Presidential Memoranda (DPMs), 72, 103, 139, 160, 195, 200
Drell, Sidney, 101
Dulles, Allen, 171
Dunlap, Jack, 47

Eighteen Nation Disarmament Conference, 43
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 6, 20, 72
Ellington, Buford, 83, 91
Emergency planning:

Airborne Warning and Control System, 103, 139, 195, 200, 210, 221
Alternate National Military Command Center, 77, 86, 92
Civil Defense Program, 103, 139, 146, 200
Deep Underground Command Center, 3, 4, 52, 77, 86, 92, 110
Emergency Broadcast System, 159
Emergency Planning Committee, 44, 64
Fallout shelters, 61, 103, 139
"Guidance for Non-Military Planning," 83
Headquarters emergency operating facilities, 64, 70
National Command Authorities, 164, 168
National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP), 77, 86
National Emergency Command Post Afloat (NECPA), 77, 86
National Military Command System, 3, 4, 52, 77, 86, 89, 92, 164
Nuclear weapons/issues, 16, 20, 24, 54
Office of Emergency Planning, 33, 44, 48, 91, 125, 138, 177
President, command and control support to, 86, 87, 92
"Report to the President: Civil Emergency Preparedness; Program Status and a Five-Year Projection," 48
Resource Mobilization Plan for Limited War, 138, 177
Special Facility, 64, 70
Supply-requirements study for nuclear war and reconstruction, 126

Enthoven, Alain, 102, 117, 128, 163, 190, 210
Ethiopia, 225
Europe, 12, 43, 60, 62, 63, 80, 94, 101, 105, 115, 118, 148, 160, 165, 188, 202, 225
Evacuation and protection of U.S. citizens abroad, 30
Executive Order 10480, 91
Executive Order 10501, 82
Executive Order 10964, 82
Fallout shelters, 61, 103, 139
Farmer, Thomas L., 134
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 47, 55
FIAB. See President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).
Finland, 43
Fisher, Adrian, 6, 122, 153, 170, 192
Flexible response, capability for, 188
Fluckey, Adm. E. B., 146
Forbes, Col. R. C., 12, 71, 100, 101
Force structure issues, 63, 67, 151, 158
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. See President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).
Foreign Weapons Evaluation Group, 116
Foster, John S., 100, 130, 137, 166, 190, 195
Foster, William C., 121
Foy, Nick, 152
France, 57, 118, 188
Franco, Francisco, 43
Frutkin, Arnold W., 26
Fubini, Eugene G., 11, 110
Fulbright, J. William, 79

Gannett, Michael R., 115
Gardner, John W., 176
Gardner, Richard N., 23
Garthoff, Raymond L., 45
Garwin, Richard L., 101
Gaithright, Wreatham, 163
Geneva Protocol, 170
George, Scott, 60, 96, 115
Germany, 12, 80, 115, 118, 131, 160, 188
Getzin, Edmund, 126
Gildner, Jay W., 53
Gilman, Robbins P., 115
Gilpatric, Roswell, 171
Ginsburgh, Gen. Robert, 140, 225
Glassboro Summit, 190
Goldberger, Marvin, 101
Goldwater, Barry, 54
Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew J., 62, 75, 115
Gordon, Kermit, 65, 66, 171
Grant, James P., 23
Gray, Gordon, 171
Greene, Gen. Wallace M., Jr., 17, 40, 71, 150, 196
Greenfield, James L., 53
Greenland, 103
Gronouski, John A., 192
Gruenther, Gen. Alfred, 166
Guatemala, 188
Guevara, Che, 43
Gulf of Siam, 188

Halperin, Morton, 225
Hansen, Allen C., 163, 171
Harriman, W. Averell, 14
Hartman, Arthur A., 225
Hawaii, 38
Hayden, Carl, 110
Helicopters, 195, 196
Hellyer, Paul T., 190, 192
Helms, Richard, 143, 144, 147, 180, 197

Asia Foundation, CIA support for, 134
Nike-X, 152
NSA occupancy of CIA-owned buildings, 186
Private organizations and government agencies, relationships between, 176
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 197
Youth and student actions, CIA support for, 171

Herter, Christian, 171
Hilliker, Grant G., 53
Ho Chi Minh, 43
Hoffman, F. S., 112
Home, Alec, 90
Honduras, 188
Hoopes, Townsend, 154
Hornig, Donald F.:

Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 99
Budget for Defense Department, 66, 195
Chemical/biological warfare, 154, 170, 173
Manned orbital laboratory, 65

ABM, 130, 156, 165, 166
Nike-X, 152

Horwitz, Solis, 138, 168
House Armed Services Committee, 110
Howard, W. J., 5, 29, 60
Hughes, Thomas L., 6, 32, 106, 186
Human Resources Intelligence (HUMINT) Collection, 111
Humphrey, Hubert H., 129, 166

Ignatius, Paul R., 110
India, 12, 43, 57, 105, 165, 188
Indonesia, 12, 43, 188
Intelligence efforts (see also Central Intelligence Agency; National Intelligence Estimates; President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board), 125, 222
Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICMBs). See Missiles.
Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security (ICIS), 199
Interdepartmental Intelligence Conference (IIC), 199
Internal defense, overseas, 19, 204
Internal defense plans (IDP), 19
International Student Conference, 171
International Union of Socialist Youth, 171
International Union of Students (IUS), 171
Iran, 188, 225
Irwin, John N., 171
Israel, 2, 57, 188, 222

Jamison, Donald, 180
Japan, 12, 43, 80, 165, 188, 225
Javits, Jacob, 150
JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Jenkins, Walter, 33
Jessup, Peter, 45, 134, 180, 186, 197
J.M. Kaplan Fund, 49
Johnson, Charles E., 5, 23, 32, 41, 45, 98, 133
Johnson, Gen. Chester L., 146
Johnson, G. Griffith, 33
Johnson, Gen. Harold K., 40, 71, 150, 166, 193, 196
Johnson, Gen. Leon W., 62
Johnson, Lyndon B., 171

Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 99
Budget for Defense Department, 71
Chemical/biological warfare, 85, 173
Emergency planning, 20, 44, 48, 159
Evacuation and protection of U.S. citizens in danger areas abroad, 30
JCS, meetings with, 17, 40, 71, 150, 196
McCone, meetings with, 2, 13, 39, 49, 73
McNamara, communications with, 167, 200
McNamara, meetings with, 150, 196
Missiles, 150, 166, 167, 185, 192
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 82
NSC staff, meetings with, 129
Nuclear weapons/issues:

Authority to release nuclear weapons, 219
Deployment authorization for FY 1969 and 1970, 207
Dispersal plans, 189
Emergency planning, 20, 54
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 142
NSAM No. 370, 207
Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 35, 37, 46, 135, 136, 181
Wilson, communications with, 96

Oxcart, 13, 15
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 222
Private organizations and government agencies, relationships between, 176
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 13, 39, 53
Wheeler, meetings with, 40, 150, 196

Johnson, Tom, 171, 219
Johnson, U. Alexis, 6, 14, 23, 26, 41, 105, 115, 134
Johnston Island, 5
Johnstone, James R., 26
Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC), 116
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) (see also Wheeler, Gen. Earle G.):

Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft, 1, 10
Budget for Defense Department, 195, 200, 227
Chemical/biological warfare, 76, 127, 178
Deep Underground Command Center, 3, 52, 110
Disagreements with Clifford/McNamara/Vance, 158, 200, 210
Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 67
High Heels exercise, 40
Intelligence gaps/deficiencies, 125
Internal defense, overseas, 19
Johnson, meetings with, 17, 40, 71, 150, 196
JSOP-68-75, 118, 119, 120
JSOP-69, 12, 21
JSOP-70, 43, 62, 78
JSOP-70-77, 188
JSOP-71, 104
JSOP-71-78, 223
McNamara, meetings with, 196
Military posture worldwide, U.S., 202
National Command Authorities, 164
National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38
National Military Command System, 77, 89
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 72, 75
Nike-X, 24, 104, 149, 162, 184
Nuclear weapons/issues (see also JSOP subheadings above):

Clandestine introduction of weapons into the U.S., 199
Clifford's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970-74, 213
Dispersal plans, 189
Emergency planning, 16
High-yield weapons, development of, 25
Resource Mobilization Plan for Limited War, 138
Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 135, 201
Unauthorized use, 193

President, command and control support to, 86
Unresolved issues, Taylor's summary, 36

Joint Strategic Operations Plans (JSOP) (see also Joint Chiefs of Staff):

JSOP-68-75, 118, 119, 120
JSOP-69, 12, 21
JSOP-70, 43, 62, 78
JSOP-70-77, 188
JSOP-71, 104
JSOP-71-78, 223

Joint War Games Agency (JWGA), 215
Jordan, 150
Judd, Thomas M., 96

Kamchatka Peninsula, 6
Karpov, Viktor, 32
Kashmir dispute, 12, 43, 188
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 153, 173, 176, 192, 197, 225
Katzenbach Committee, 176
Kaysen, Carl, 4
Keeny, Spurgeon, Jr., 41, 66, 101, 102, 106, 123, 130, 140, 141, 165, 173, 192
Kennedy, John F., 2, 19, 28, 44
Khrushchev, Nikita S., 6, 13, 32, 34, 39, 43, 51, 84, 98
Killian, James, 166, 222
Kintner, Robert, 166
Kirn, Adm. L. J., 76
Kistiakowsky, George, 166
Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 19, 23, 70, 75, 163
Knepper, William E., 33
Knox, M. Gordon, 23
Kohler, Foy, 148, 163, 180
Komer, Robert, 133
Korea, 43, 150, 188, 202
Kosygin, Aleksei N., 190
Kuchel, Thomas, 150
Kuriles, 6, 12, 43
Kwajalein Atoll, 160

Labor Department, U.S., 91
Lang, William, 23
Lansdale, Gen. Edward, 171
Laos, 12, 43, 188
Larsen, Finn, 121
Latin America, 12, 43, 80, 188, 202:
Latter, Richard, 101
Leddy, John, 115
LeMay, Gen. Curtis E., 1, 10, 15, 40, 71
Leonhart, William, 225
Liberia, 225
Libya, 188
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 25, 28, 43
Lockheed, 15
Long, Paul J., 163
Lopez Mateos, Adolfo, 23

Mackay, Duncan A., 23
Mahon, George, 13, 110
Malaysia, 12, 43, 163
Malinovskiy, Marshal, 98
Mangrum, Gen. Harold, 166
Manhart, Gen. A. H., 104
Manned aircraft. See Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft (AMSA).
Manned Orbital Laboratory (MOL), 65
Mansfield, J. E., 100, 101
Mao Tse-tung, 43
Marine Corps, U.S., 195, 202
Maritime Administration, 91
Maritime capabilities of major nations, JSOP-70-77 and, 188
Marsh, John, 186
Matthews, Capt., 115
Maxey, Jackson, 11
McClintock, Robert, 225
McCloskey, Robert J., 163, 197
McCloy, John, 166
McCone, John A., 6, 15, 42, 68

Air Force dissents to NIE, 59
Johnson, meetings with, 2, 13, 39, 49, 73
Oxcart, 11, 13
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 39, 41, 45
Systems-engineering-technical-direction, 50
Youth and student activities, CIA support for, 171

McConnell, Gen. John, 150, 190, 196, 219
McCormack, John, 15
McDermott, Edward, 33, 44, 48, 64, 70
McDonald, Gen., 225
McDonald, Adm. David, 17, 71, 150, 158, 166
McKesson, John A., 27
McMillan, Brockway, 11
McNamara, Robert S., 6, 154, 171

Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft, 10, 103, 139
Air Force dissents to NIEs, 59
Basic national security policy, 75
B-52 airborne alert, 108
Budget for Defense Department, 65, 71, 195
Chemical/biological warfare, 85, 145, 153, 178
Deep Underground Command Center, 3, 52, 110
Draft Presidential Memoranda, 72, 103, 139, 160, 195, 200
Emergency planning, 44, 83
Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 63
JCS, disagreement with, 158, 200
JCS, meetings with, 196
JSOP-68-75, 119
JSOP-69, 12, 21
JSOP-70, 78
Missiles, 130, 166, 167, 190

Minuteman, 112
Nike-X, 100, 103, 104, 139, 148, 152, 160, 184
Penetration capability of U.S. missiles vs. Soviet ABM defense, 137
Speech about ABM deployment, reactions to, 192

Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 72, 74
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 105, 160
Nuclear weapons/issues (see also Strategic forces subheadings below), 96

Assured destruction, 102
China, 160
Control procedures, 123
Emergency planning, 20, 21, 24
High-yield weapons, development of, 25
National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38, 81
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 142
Resource Mobilization Plan for Limited War, 138
Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 35, 46, 133, 136

Oxcart, 15
Resignation, 196
Rostow's reflections on U.S. national security policy, 80
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 5, 45, 53
Shipbuilding, 150
Strategic retaliatory forces, 31, 80
Strategy Discussion Group, 115
Strategic forces for FY 1967-71, proposed, 103, 105
Strategic forces for FY 1968-72, recommended, 139, 148
Strategic forces for FY 1969-73, recommended, 194
Submarines, 150
303 Committee, 115
Wheeler, communications with, 61, 112

McNaughton, John T., 60, 80, 113, 115, 123, 148, 163, 171
McPherson, Harry, 134
Mediterranean area, 188
Mexico, 23
Meyer, Cord, 134, 171, 180, 186, 209
Meyer, Gen. John C., 125
Meyers, Howard, 26
Middle East, 12, 43, 80, 188, 202, 225
Minuteman. See under Missiles.
Missiles (see also under China, People's Republic of and Soviet Union), 102

ABM (see also Nike-X below):

Budget for Defense Department for FY 1969, 195
Canada-U.S. relations and, 190
CIA assessment of recent developments in the Moscow system, 107, 130, 179, 206
Clifford's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970-74, 210
Hornig's assessments/recommendations, 156
JCS and McNamara/Vance, disagreement between, 158
Johnson and science advisers, meeting between, 166
Johnson/JCS/McNamara meeting, 150
Johnson-McNamara communications, 167
Johnson-Rostow communications, 185
Keeny's assessments/recommendations, 102, 141, 165
McNamara's assessments/recommendations, 103, 148, 160, 192
NIE 11-3-66, 146
NIE 11-3-68, 221
Owen's assessments/recommendations, 140
Rostow's assessments/recommendations, 157
Tallinn system, debate on, 161
U.K.-U.S. relations and, 95
U.S. guidance, 163
Vance's assessments/recommendations, 155

Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft proposal by LeMay, 1
Air Force dissents to NIE, 59
Anti-satellite systems, 53
Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
Assured destruction, 128
Atlas, 31, 61, 71
Ballistic missile ships, 139, 195
Budget for Defense Department, 65, 66, 71, 195, 200
Clifford's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970-74, 210
Computers, 160
Damage limitation, 128
Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 63, 67
Future strategic ballistic force capabilities, programmed, 117
Galosh, 160
JCS and McNamara/Vance, disagreement between, 158
JSOP-68-75, 118
JSOP-69, 12, 21
JSOP-70, 43
Johnson-McCone meeting, 2
Johnson-McNamara communications, 200
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967-71, 103, 105
McNamara-Wheeler communications, 61
Minuteman, 1, 31, 61, 65, 71, 103, 112, 117, 139, 163, 165, 195, 200, 210
MIRVs, 139, 160, 169, 183, 195, 200
MK-17, 195
National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38
NIE 11-3-64, 69
NIE 11-4-65, 84
NIE 11-4-66, 131
NIE 11-8-64, 55
NIE 11-8-65, 97
NIE 11-12-65, 94
Nike-Hercules, 195

Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
Assured destruction, 128, 160
Budget for Defense Department, 195, 200
Damage limitation, 128, 160
Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 67
JCS assessments/recommendations, 24, 162
JCS-McNamara communications, 104, 148, 184
Johnson-JCS meetings, 71
McNamara-Foster communications, 100
McNamara's assessments/recommendations, 103, 139, 160
Retaliatory force guidelines, 31
Rusk-Thompson communications, 152
Wheeler's assessments/recommendations, 61

Nike-Zeus, 53, 160
Polaris, 1, 195
Poseidon, 103, 124, 139, 163, 195, 200, 210
Reactions to U.S. deployments, 94
Reliability program, ICBM, 31
SAM systems, 139, 146, 221
Satellite reconnaissance/photography, 2, 6
SNIE 11-10-67, 169, 175
Spartan, 160, 190
Strategy Discussion Group, 115
Sprint, 160
SS-9, 143, 160
SS-11, 143, 160
Strategic retaliatory forces, 31
Submarine forces, Soviet, 55
Tallinn systems, 146, 160, 161, 166
Titan, 31, 71, 139, 195, 200

Missile Site Radar (MSR), 160
Moorer, Adm. Thomas, 196, 219, 227
Morocco, 188, 225
Morris, Thomas D., 26, 145, 225
Mountbatten, Lord, 23
Moyers, Bill, 134, 154, 165, 166
Multi-function Array Radar (MAR), 160
Multiple orbit bombardment system (MOBS), 172
Murrow, Edward R., 6

National Command Authorities (NCA), 164, 168
National Defense Reserve Fleet, 91
National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) program, 77
National Emergency Command Postoperative Afloat (NECPA) ships, 77, 86
National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38, 81
National Intelligence Estimates:

Air Force dissents to, 59
Defense Department's evaluation of relative strength of U.S. and USSR, 215
NIE 4-2-64, 57
NIE 4-64, 56
NIE 4-68, 208
NIE 11-3-64, 69, 84
NIE 11-3-65, 106, 131
NIE 11-3-66, 146, 147, 160, 183
NIE 11-3-68, 221
NIE 11-4-65, 84
NIE 11-4-66, 98, 131
NIE 11-4-67, 183, 187
NIE 11-5-58, 107
NIE 11-6-64, 56
NIE 11-6-65, 93
NIE 11-7-63, 199
NIE 11-8-59, 107
NIE 11-8-61, 107
NIE 11-8-64, 55, 84, 88, 107
NIE 11-8-65, 97, 107, 117, 131, 160
NIE 11-8-66, 143, 144, 160, 174, 183
NIE 11-8-68, 210, 217
NIE 11-10-63, 56
NIE 11-12-65, 94
NIE 11-14-64, 84, 98
NIE 11-14-65, 98, 131
NIE 11-14-66, 183
NIE 11-14-68, 221
SNIE 11-10-67, 169, 172, 175, 215

National Labor Management Manpower Policy Committee, 91
National Military Command System (NMCS), 3, 4, 52, 77, 86, 89, 92, 164
National Mobile Land Command Post (NMLCP), 86
National Security Action Memoranda (NSAM):

Draft on chemical warfare, 145, 153, 178, 220
No. 119, 204
No. 124, 19, 204
No. 143, 90, 189, 207
No. 156, 6
No. 160, 90, 189
No. 161, 199
No. 162, 204
No. 173, 204
No. 177, 204
No. 182, 204
No. 197, 60, 207
No. 199, 207
No. 245, 25
No. 283, 204
No. 299, 30
No. 305, 60
No. 327, 82
No. 334, 90, 105
No. 341, 204
No. 364, 189
No. 370, 207

National Security Agency (NSA), 55, 56, 57, 69, 84, 93, 94, 97, 98, 143, 146, 183, 186, 203, 217, 221, 222
National Security Council (NSC):


NSC 5816, 72, 82
NSC 5412/2, 171
NSC 6019/1, 30
NSC 6022/1, 199

Johnson, meeting with, 129
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62, 72, 74, 75, 82, 214, 215, 729Ð731
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 222

Navy, U.S.:

Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 99, 101, 103, 124, 125, 194
Budget for Defense Department, 195
Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 67
JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
JSOP-69, 21
NIE 11-8-64, 55
Nuclear weapons/issues, 23
President, command and control support to, 86

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 43
Net Evaluation Subcommittee. See under National Security Council.
Netherlands, 118
New Zealand, 23, 80, 188
NIE. See National Intelligence Estimates.
Nike-X missiles. See under Missiles.
Nitze, Paul H., 186, 190, 191, 197, 201, 220, 225
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 142, 165
NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), 188, 190
North Atlantic Council (NAC), 41
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 105, 115, 150, 160

Force structure planning/changes, Defense Department and, 63
High Heels exercise, 40
JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
JSOP-68-75, 119
JSOP-69, 12
JSOP-70, 43
JSOP-70-77, 188
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62
NIE 11-4-66, 131
NIE 11-12-65, 94
NIE 11-14-65, 98
Nuclear weapons/issues, 23, 96, 207
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 6

NSA. See National Security Agency.
NSC. See National Security Council.
Nuclear Free Zone (NFZ) Treaty, 188
Nuclear weapons/issues (see also under other subjects):

Air Force, U.S. and, 191, 193, 215
Assured destruction, 103, 139, 128, 160, 200, 210
Authority to release nuclear weapons, 219
Budget for U.S. Defense Department, 66, 195
Clandestine introduction of weapons into the U.S., 199, 208
Control procedures, 113, 114, 123
Damage limitation, 103, 128, 139, 160, 210, 188, 200, 210
Defense Department evaluation of relative strength of U.S. and USSR, 215
Deployment authorization for FY 1969 and 1970, 207
Dispersal plans, U.S., 60, 90, 96, 189
Emergency planning, 16, 20, 24, 54
Europe, 60
High-yield weapons, development of, 25, 28
Israeli development, 2
Johnson-McCone meeting, 2
Johnson-McNamara communications, 200
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 25, 28, 43
National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38, 81
Navy, U.S., 23
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62, 211, 214
NIE 4-2-64, 57
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 142, 165
NSAM No. 364, 189
NSAM No. 370, 207
Orbiting nuclear weapons, 6
President, command and control support to the, 86
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 218
Resource Mobilization Plan for Limited War, 138, 177
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 6
Ships/aircraft visiting foreign territory, nuclear weapons on, 23
Stockpile of nuclear weapons, U.S. production and, 35, 37, 46, 133, 135, 136, 181, 201
Supply-requirements study for nuclear war and reconstruction, 33, 126
U.K. position, 96
Unauthorized use, 193
U.S. position, 23, 163

O'Donnell, Kenneth, 23
Office of Emergency Planning, 33, 44, 48, 91, 125, 138, 177
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 80
Organization of American States (OAS), 188
Orwat, Gen., 225
Oulashin, Eric E., 19, 23
Overseas bases, U.S., survey of, 26, 225, 226
Owen, Henry D., 26, 115, 140
Oxcart, 11, 13, 15

Pakistan, 12, 43, 105, 188
Palmer, Gen. Bruce, 219, 227
Panama Canal, 188
Panofsky, Wolfgang, 101
Pardee, Arthur E., Jr., 26
Pathet Lao, 188
Patman, Wright, 49
Patteson, Col. Harry O., 131
Pearson, Drew, 32, 41
Penkovsky, Oleg, 13
Permissive Action Links (PALs), 123, 193
Philippines, 188
Poats, Rutherford M., 225
Popper, David H., 23
Population, world, 118
Portugal, 118
Poseidon missiles. See under Missiles.
Post-Nuclear Attack Study (PONAST), 215
President, command and control support to, 86, 87, 92
President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) (see also Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel; Strategic Military Panel), 99, 101, 104, 124, 141, 154, 211
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), 47, 203, 211, 214, 215, 216, 218, 222
USS Pueblo, 202

Rabenold, Ellwood M., 19
Radar, 103, 139, 146, 156, 160, 200
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 197
Radius, Walter, 225
Ramparts, 134
Rauh, Joseph, Jr., 186
Read, Benjamin H., 27
Red Integrated Strategic Operational Plan (RISOP), 215
Resor, Stanley, 100, 166
Reynolds, Gen. John M., 225
Ritchie, A.E., 190
Rivers, L. Mendel, 71, 110
Robinson, H. Basil, 190
Ross, Thomas B., 49
Rostow, Eugene V., 19, 225
Rostow, Walt W., 150, 154, 165, 166, 186, 206, 216, 219

Asia Foundation, 134
Chemical/biological warfare, 173
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968-72, 148
Missiles, 129, 157, 161, 166, 185, 192
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 211, 214
NIE 11-4-67, 187
Nuclear weapons/issues, 135, 189, 207, 214
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 197
303 Committee, 171
U.S. national security policy, reflections on, 79, 80

Rotmistrov, Marshal, 98
Rowe, David, 26
Rowen, Henry S., 75
Ruina, Jack P., 101
Ruser, Claus W., 225
Rusk, Dean, 6, 79, 154, 163, 171, 219

Chemical/biological warfare, 145
Emergency planning, 64
Force structure changes, Defense Department summary of, 63
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967-71, 105
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968-72, 148
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1969-73, 194
Missiles, 95, 152, 163
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62
Nuclear weapons/issues, 23, 33, 96, 163
Overseas bases, survey of, 26
President, command and control support to, 92
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 41, 53
Soviet ABM system, 129
Soviet-U.S. relations, 198
Wheeler, communications with, 62

Russell, Richard, 13, 150, 167, 194, 219
Ryukyus, 188

Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 43
Salinger, Pierre E. G., 14
Satellite reconnaissance and photography (see also under Soviet Union), 13, 32, 39, 45

Allied knowledge of U.S. program, 6
Anti-satellite capability, 5, 53, 69, 106
Central Intelligence Agency and, 2, 34
Disarmament proposals, U.S., 6
Disseminating knowledge about U.S. program, 6
NIE 11-3-64, 69
NIE 11-3-65, 106
NIE 11-3-66, 146, 147
Non-bloc attitudes on U.S. program, 6
Recommendations for, 41
SNIE 11-10-67, 172
Target Data Inventory, 6

Saudi Arabia, 225
Saunders, Harold H., 129
Schaetzel, J. Robert, 115
Schultze, Charles, 180, 195, 197
Scoville, Herbert, Jr., 45
Seaborg, Glenn, 25, 46, 114, 133, 201
Sealift capabilities, 21, 67, 120, 148, 188, 194, 195
Seignious, Gen., 115
Selin, Ivan, 108
Senior Interdepartmental Group, 204, 205, 225, 226
Sharp, Frederick D., 163
Shipbuilding, 139, 150, 158, 195
Simons, Howard, 41
Single Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP), 112, 139, 202
Sloss, Leon, 115, 163
Smith, Bromley K., 17, 46, 51, 82, 114, 130, 171, 219
Smith, K. Wayne, 102
Sober, Sidney, 163
Sokolovskiy, Marshal, 98
Solbert, Peter, 75
Sonobuoy detection capability, 124
South China Sea, 188
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 12, 43
Soviet Union (see also Khrushchev, Nikita S.), 73

Air Force dissents to NIEs and, 59
Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 124
Audio surveillance devices, 8
China, relations with, 51, 98, 183
Civil Defense Program, 146
Clifford's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970-74, 210
Foreign intelligence efforts of U.S., 125
JSOP-68-75, 118
JSOP-69, 12
JSOP-70, 43
JSOP-70-77, 188
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1967-71, 103
McNamara's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1968-72, 139
Military capabilities, 73, 198, 200
Missiles, 156, 165, 166, 184

Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
JSOP-70, 43
McNamara's assessments/recommendations, 103, 139, 160
NIE 11-3-64, 69
NIE 11-3-65, 106
NIE 11-3-66, 146, 147, 160
NIE 11-3-68, 221
NIE 11-4-65, 84
NIE 11-4-67, 183, 187
NIE 11-8-64, 55, 107
NIE 11-8-65, 97, 107
NIE 11-8-66, 144
NIE 11-8-68, 217
NIE 11-12-65, 94
Nike-X deployment study, 104
Penetration capability of U.S. missiles vs. Soviet ABM defense, 137
Rostow's assessments, 157
SNIE 11-10-67, 169, 175
Soviet ABM threat, U.S. assessment of, 107, 130, 137, 179, 206

National Guard, release of nuclear weapons to, 38
NIE 4-2-64, 57
NIE 11-3-64, 69, 84
NIE 11-3-65, 106
NIE 11-3-66, 146, 147, 160, 183
NIE 11-4-65, 84
NIE 11-4-66, 131
NIE 11-4-67, 183, 187
NIE 11-6-65, 93
NIE 11-8-64, 55, 84, 88, 107
NIE 11-8-65, 97, 107
NIE 11-8-66, 143, 144, 174, 183
NIE 11-8-68, 217
NIE 11-12-65, 94
NIE 11-14-65, 98
NIE 11-14-66, 183
Nuclear weapons/issues, 214

Assured destruction, 128, 160, 200, 210
Clandestine introduction of weapons into U.S., 208
Clifford's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970-74, 210
Control procedures, 113, 114, 123
Damage limitation, 128, 160, 191, 200, 210
JSOP-70-77, 188
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 211
NIE 4-2-64, 57
U.S. guidance, 163
Oxcart, 11
Rostow's reflections on U.S. national security policy, 80
Satellite reconnaissance and photography, 6, 13, 34, 39, 41
SNIE 11-10-67, 169, 172, 175
Submarines, 97, 98, 103, 143

Spaak, Paul-Henri, 6
Space systems and weapons, 43, 55, 97, 118, 143, 188, 217
Special Group (CI), 19
Special National Intelligence Estimates. See SNIE under National Intelligence Estimates.
Special State-Defense Study Group, 225
Special Studies Group (JCS), 72
Spiers, Ronald, 115
Springsteen, George S., 190
Staats, Elmer, 171
Starbird, Lt. Gen. Alfred R., 115
Stennis, John, 150
Stout, Charles R., 26
Strait of Gibraltar, 188
Strait of Tiran, 188
Strategy Discussion Group, 75, 115
Strategic forces. See JSOP subheadings under Joint Chiefs of Staff; Nuclear weapons/issues; Strategic forces subheadings under Clifford, Clark and McNamara, Robert S.
Strategic Military Panel, 101, 141
Strategic retaliatory forces (see also Assured destruction and Damage limitation under Nuclear weapons/issues), 21, 31, 67, 195
Straus, Richard, 163
Student/youth groups, CIA and, 171
Submarines, 150

Anti-Submarine Warfare Panel, 99, 101, 103, 124, 194
Army-BTL ballistic missile defense system, proposed U.S. deployment, 101
Budget for Defense Department, 195
Intelligence efforts of U.S., 125
JSOP-70-77, 188
McNamara's assessments/recommendations, 103, 194
NIE 11-8-64, 55
NIE 11-8-65, 97
NIE 11-8-66, 143, 174
NIE 11-8-68, 217

Suez Canal, 188
Sukarno, 43
Sweden, 43, 57, 188
Systems-engineering-technical-direction (SETD), 50

TACMAR radar, 160
Taiwan, 12, 43, 188
Target Data Inventory (TDI), 6
TASS News Agency, 23
Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 17, 36, 171

Deep Underground Command Center, 3
Foreign intelligence, review of, 203, 222
JSOP-69, 12, 21
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 211, 214
Nuclear weapons/issues, 25, 218
Oxcart, 15
303 Committee, 180
Youth/student organizations, 171

Taylor, Adm. Rufus L., 106, 186, 225
Teller, Edward, 102
Thailand, 188, 195, 202
Thomas, Gen. Jack E., 106, 143, 146, 183
Thompson, Llewellyn E., 6, 14, 41, 60, 63, 74, 95, 113, 123, 152, 171, 192
303 Committee, 134, 171, 176, 180, 186, 197, 209
Timor, 12, 43
Tito, Josip Broz, 43
Tonkin Gulf, 222
Toumanoff, Vladimir, 163
Tovar, Hugh, 197
Trippe, Jerry C., 96
Trueheart, William C., 186, 209
Truman, Harry S., 96
Tunisia, 188, 225
Turkey, 115, 188

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). See Soviet Union.
United Arab Republic (UAR), 43, 188
United Kingdom, 23, 43, 94, 95, 96, 115, 118, 160, 188, 208
United Nations, 6, 43, 80, 118, 170
United States Information Agency (USIA), 19
United States Intelligence Board (USIB), 222
Usher, Richard E., 19
U.S. National Student Association, 171
USSR. See Soviet Union.

Valenti, Jack, 39, 40
Vance, Cyrus R., 28, 29, 37, 67, 86, 166

Asia Foundation, 134
Deep Underground Command Center, 52, 110
Human Resources Intelligence Collection, 111
JCS, disagreement with, 158
Missiles, 150, 155
National Command Authorities, 168
Nuclear weapons/issues, 133, 142
President, command and control support to, 92
Systems-engineering-technical-direction, 50
Youth and student activities, U.S. support for, 171

Vandenberg Air Force Base, 5
Vaughan, Joseph F., 70
Venezuela, 188
Vietnam, 12, 43, 91, 98, 118, 119, 125, 188, 195, 196, 202, 203, 222
Vinson, Carl, 13, 110
Von Hassel, Kai-Uwe, 115

Warnke, Paul, 192
Warren, George L., 26
Warsaw Pact, 188
Watson, Kenneth M., 101
Webb, James E., 6
Weiss, Seymour, 63, 115
Welsh, Edward C., 6
Western European Union (WEU), 43
Westmoreland, Gen. William, 219
Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 17, 164, 171

Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft, 61
Budget for Defense Department, 71, 224, 227
Chemical/biological warfare, 127
Clifford's recommendations for strategic forces for FY 1970-74, 213
Deep Underground Command Center, 52
High Heels exercise, 40
JCS view of worldwide U.S. military posture, 202
JSOP-68-75, 118, 119
JSOP-70, 78
Johnson, meetings with, 40, 196
McNamara, communications with, 61, 112
Missiles, 40, 111, 149, 150, 162, 166, 184
National Military Command System, 77
Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 62, 75, 214
Nuclear weapons/issues, 37, 133, 199, 219
Overseas bases, study of, 225

Wheelon, Albert D., 6, 11, 45, 50
Wiesner, Jerome B., 6, 101, 166
Wilson, Harold, 96
Wise, David, 49
Wood, Gen., 225
Wood, Robert B., 23
World Assembly of Youth, 171
World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), 171
World University Service, 171

Yemen, 188
York, Herbert F., 166
Young Adult Council, 171
Youth and student groups, the CIA and, 171
Yugoslavia, 43

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