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Bureau of Public Affairs > Office of the Historian > Foreign Relations of the United States > Nixon-Ford Administrations > Volume III
U.S. Department of StateU.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State

Foreign Relations, 1969-1976, Volume III, Foreign Economic Policy, 1969-1972; International Monetary Policy, 1969-1972
Released by the Office of the Historian



ADB, Asian Development Bank
AF, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State
AFDB, African Development Bank
AID, Agency for International Development
ARA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
ASP, American Selling Price

BIS, Bank for International Settlements
BOB, Bureau of the Budget
BOP, balance of payments

C, Counselor, Department of State
C-20, Committee of 20 (forum to develop proposals on international monetary reform)
CAP, Common Agricultural Policy
CEA, Council of Economic Advisers
CECLA, Special Committee for Latin American Coordination
CESC, Conference on European Security and Cooperation
CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
CIEP, Council on International Economic Policy
CIEPDM, CIEP Decision Memorandum
CIEPSM, CIEP Study Memorandum
COCOM, Coordinating Committee on Export Controls
CY, calendar year

D, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
DAC, Development Assistance Committee
DCI, Director of Central Intelligence
DISC, Domestic International Sales Corporation
DOC, Department of Commerce
DOD, Department of Defense

E, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
EA, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State
EC, European Community
ECONCOM, U.S.-Japan Economic Committee
EDIP, European Defense Improvement Program
EEC, European Economic Community
EFTA, European Free Trade Association
EUR, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State

FDIP, Foreign Direct Investment Program
FMS, Foreign Military Sales
FOB, free on board
FonOff, Foreign Office
FRB, Federal Reserve Board
FRC, Federal Records Center
FRG, Federal Republic of Germany
FSO, Fund for Special Operations
FY, fiscal year

G-10, Group of Ten (United States, Canada, Japan, UK, France, Netherlands, Belgium, the FRG, Italy, Sweden, plus Switzerland as an observer)
GAB, General Agreement to Borrow
GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GNP, Gross National Product
GOJ, Government of Japan
GSA, General Services Administration

H, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of State
HFAC, House Foreign Affairs Committee

IA-ECOSOC, Inter-American Economic and Social Council
IADB, Inter-American Development Bank
IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
IDA, International Development Association
IDB, Inter-American Development Bank
IET, Interest Equalization Tax
IFI, International Financial Institution
IMF, International Monetary Fund
IO, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
IPC, International Petroleum Company

J, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff

L, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
LDC, less-developed country
LDX, term for classified fax used to pass messages between Washington agencies
LOS, Law of the Sea

MAP, Military Assistance Program
MBFR, Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction
MITI, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)
MOFA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan)

NAC, National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies
NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
NSC, National Security Council
NSDM, National Security Decision Memorandum
NSSM, National Security Study Memorandum
NTB, Non-Tariff Barrier

OAS, Organization of American States
OASIA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OEP, Office of Emergency Preparedness
OFID, Office of Industrial Nations, Department of the Treasury
OIN, Office of Industrial Nations, Department of the Treasury
OMB, Office of Management and Budget
OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPIC, Overseas Private Investment Corporation
OPRED, Operation Reduction

PADM, Policy Analysis Decision Memorandum
PAHO, Pan American Health Organization
PARA, Policy Analysis and Resource Allocation. 
PASM, Policy Analysis Study Memorandum
PL, Public Law

REDCOSTE, Reduction of Costs in Europe
RG, NSC Review Group
RG, Record Group

SACEUR, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
SCCN, Special Committee for Consultation and Negotiation )
SDP, Social Democratic Party (Germany)
SDR, Special Drawing Rights
SFRC, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
SOFA, Status of Forces Agreement
SRG, NSC Senior Review Group
SPCC, Southern Peru Copper Company
S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
STR, Special Trade Representative or Special Representative for Trade Negotiations

TFID, Task Force on International Development

U, Under Secretary of State
UN, United Nations
UNCTAD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
UR, Uruguay Round of Trade under GATT auspices
USC, NSC Under Secretaries Committee
USDA, United States Department of Agriculture
USIA, United States Information Agency
USEC, United States Mission to the European Economic Communities in Brussels
USOECD, United States Mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
USUN, United States Mission to the United Nations in New York

VFCR, Voluntary Foreign Credit Program 

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