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1961-1963, Volume I
Vietnam, 1961

Department of State
Washington, DC

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A, airgram

acft, aircraft

Adm, Admiral

AF, Air Force

AFB, Air Force Base

AFL-CIO, American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations

AP, Associated Press

ARPAC, Army of the Pacific

ARVN, Army of the Republic of Vietnam

B, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Department of State

B/FAC, Deputy Coordinator for Foreign Assistance, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs

BIS, British Information Services

BNA, Office of British and Northern European Affairs, Department of State

bn(s), battalion(s)

CA, circular airgram

CAS, Controlled American Source

CENTO, Central Treaty Organization CF, Conference File

CG, Civil Guard

ChiCom, Chinese Communist

ChiNats, Chinese Nationalists

CHMAAG, Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group

CHMAAG SVN, Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group, South Vietnam

CIA, Central Intelligence Agency

CINCPAC, Commander in Chief, Pacific

CINCPACFLT, Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet

CINCUSARPAC, Commander in Chief, U.S. Army, Pacific

CIO, Central Intelligence Organization

CIP, Counterinsurgency plan

CNO, Chief of Naval Operations

Codel, Congressional Delegation

Comdr, Commander

COMUS Vietnam, Commander of U.S. Forces, Vietnam

CONUS, Continental United States

CP, Communist Party

CT, country team

CY, calendar year

DA, series indicator for telegrams from the Department of Army

DA IN, designation for cables received at the Department of Army Command Center

DAC, Development Assistance Corporation

DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission

DEF, series indicator for telegrams from the Department of Defense

DefSec, Secretary of Defense

Deptel, Department of State telegram

dissem, dissemination

DJSM, Director of the Joint Staff memorandum

DMZ, demilitarized zone

DOD, Department of Defense

DRV, Democratic Republic of Vietnam

DTG, date time group

EDCOR, Defense psychological warfare project in the Philippines during the 1950's

Embdes(p), Embassy despatch

Embtel, Embassy telegram

Emtel, Embassy telegram

EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State

FAL, Forces d'Armee de Laos (Lao Armed Forces)

FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation

FE, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State

FE/SEA, Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State

FECON, Far East Conference

FO, Foreign Office

fol, following

FonOff, Foreign Office

FRC, Federal Records Center

FSO, Foreign Service Officer

FY, fiscal year

FYI, for your information

G, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Gen, General

GNA, Greek National Army

Gp, group

GOI, Government of India

GOP, Government of Philippines

GRC, Government of the Republic of China

GVN, Government of Vietnam

Hq, Headquarters

Hq Det, Headquarters Detachment

ICA, International Cooperation Administration; intelligence collection area

ICC, International Control Commission

IMF, International Monetary Fund

info, information

INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State

IO, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State

IO/UNP, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State

IPS/IBS, International Press Service/International Broadcasting Service

ISA, Office of International Security Affairs, Department of Defense

ISC, Internal Security Council

JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff

JCSM, Joint Chiefs of Staff memorandum

JGS, Joint General Staff

JUSMAG, Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group

JUSMAPG, Joint U.S. Military Advisory and Planning Group

km, kilometer

kw, kilowatt

L, Office of the Legal Adviser,

Department of State

LOC, Lines of Communication

log, logistic

MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group

MAGCH-CS, series indicator for telegrams from the Chief of Staff of the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group

MAGCH-LO, series indicator for telegrams from the Liaison Office of the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group

MAGCH-SA, series indicator for telegrams from the Special Assistant to the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group

MAP, Military Assistance Program

MilAd, Military Adviser

MNR, Vietnamese political group

msg, message

MSP, Mutual Security Program

MSU, Michigan State University

NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCO, Noncommissioned Officer

NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State

niact, night action; communications indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night

NIE, National Intelligence Estimate

NISC, National International Security Council

Noforn, no foreign dissemination

NPSS, National Police and Security Service

NSAM, National Security Action Memorandum

NVN, North Vietnam

OAS, Organization of American States

OASD/ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

OPLAN, operation plan

OSA, Office of the Special Assistant to the Ambassador in Vietnam

OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense

OSO/OSD, Office of Special Operations, Office of the Secretary of Defense

PACAF, Pacific Air Force

PACFLT, Pacific Fleet

PACOM. Pacific Command

PAO, Public Affairs Officer

Pl, photo interpretation

PL, Public Law; Pathet Lao

POL, petroleum, oil, and lubricants

PolAd, Political Adviser

POW, prisoner of war

PPC, Policy Planning Council, Department of State

PPS, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State

PsyOps, Psychological Operations

PsyWar, Psychological Warfare

RAdm, Rear Admiral

RCT, Regimental Combat Team

ref, reference

reftel, reference telegram

RKG, Royal Khmer Government

RLA, Royal Laotian Army

RLG, Royal Laotian Government

ROK, Republic of Korea

RVNAF, Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces

S, Office of the Secretary of State

S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State

S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State

SC, United Nations Security Council

SDC, Self-Defense Corps

SEA, Southeast Asia; Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Department of State

SEATO, Southeast Asian Treaty Organization

SecDef, Secretary of Defense

SecGen, Secretary-General

SEPES, Service for Social and Political Studies, Vietnamese Civilian Intelligence Agency

SFG, Special Financial Group

SGN, series indicator for telegrams from the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam

SNIE, Special National Intelligence Estimate

SPA, Office of Southwest Pacific Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State

SVN, South Vietnam

TF(VN), Task Force (on Vietnam)

Toaid, series indicator for telegrams sent to the Agency for International Development (AID) in Washington from AID missions in the field

trfd, transferred

bps, troops

TS, Top Secret

U, Under Secretary of State; Unclassified

U/MSC, Deputy Coordinator of the Mutual Security Program, Office of the Under Secretary of State

UAR, United Arab Republic

UDT, underwater demolition teams

UK, United Kingdom

UN, United Nations

UNP, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State

US/FW, U.S. field workers

US/MC, U.S. memorandum of conversation

USA, U.S. Army; United States of America

USAF, U.S. Air Force

USAMHI, U.S. Army Military History Institute

USARPAC, U.S. Army, Pacific

USCOB, U.S. Command, Berlin

U.S. ELINT, U.S. electronic intelligence

USFV, U.S. Forces, Vietnam

USG, U.S. Government

USIA, U.S. Information Agency

USIS, U.S. Information Service

USOM, U.S. Operations Mission

VNA, Vietnamese Army

VOA, Voice of America

VC, Viet Cong

VM, Viet Minh

VN, Vietnam; Vietnamese

VNA, Vietnamese National Army

VNAF, Vietnamese Armed Forces

Z, Greenwich Mean Time

Zone D, Viet Cong jungle base area northeast of Saigon

[end of document]

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Volume I, Vietnam, 1961 Index | Historian's Office | Department of State | Secretary of State