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Herbert Butterfield (1900-1979)

The Whig Interpretation of History


Herbert Butterfield, The Whig Interpretation of History (1931)
URL: <http://www.eliohs.unifi.it/testi/900/butterfield>
Html edition for ©Eliohs by Guido Abbattista - February 2002



1. Introduction

2. The Underlying Assumption

3. The Historical Process

4. History and Judgements of Value

5. The Art of the Historian

6. Moral Judgements in History

[All footnotes are editorial; relevant online materials: Butterfield Papers at the Cambridge University Library; E. Royle, The "Whig" Interpretation of History and its Critics (a course at York University)]

Html edition for ©Eliohs by Guido Abbattista - February 2002
