A. Mears
Southern Methodist University
If the over-riding purpose of this conference is to explore
how historical analysis of global processes affects our understanding
of regions, then a comparative treatment of borderlands is
relevant to our purposes, since we normally conceive of a
borderland as a particular kind of region. To address a subject
as diverse as borderlands effectively, however, we must consider
at the outset the problem of taxonomy, for we have to classify
and define the phenomenon in question with sufficient precision
to permit the identification of those shared attributes that
can be productively compared and to insure that we are in
fact examining comparable case studies. We should therefore
begin by asking ourselves what we mean when we talk about
a region. How, in other words, do we identify, describe, and
demarcate regions as meaningful units of study?
In taking this initial step toward a definition of borderlands,
the recognizably uniform physical characteristics of a given
geographical areaits location, relief features, climate,
soil, natural resources, flora, and faunaobviously demand
our attention. More fundamental for our purposes, however,
are the distinctive patterns of human interaction and the
correlation we find between human interrelations and a distinctive
geographical place. The territorial extent of that correlation
between the physical and the human determines the approximate
boundaries or outer zones of a historically significant region,
which can be viewed as something relatively smallthe Vendee
in France, for exampleor seen, with different purposes in
mind, as very large the Amazon basin being an obvious instance.
We thus imagine a region as a constantly changing physical-cultural
entity with imprecise borders that ebb and flow over the centuries.
In any historical epoch, a region does not necessarily coincide
with political or administrative boundaries. It can sometimes
transcend the jurisdiction of two or more modern nation-states.
A region often exhibits considerable internal diversity, despite
the widespread physical features and networks of socio-economic
relations that define it. Hence, for analytical purposes,
we normally feel compelled to divide a larger region into
smaller sub-regions.1
A rich body of recent scholarship demonstrates the potential
of applying regional approaches to the study of borderlands.
Two markedly different books illustrate this point. The first
example is a volume of essays on region-wide interaction in
the American Southwest in which various authors explore large-scale
themes in various periods of prehistory.2 Among other topics, these authors describe
the nature of human interaction within archaeologically delineated
spatial divisions as well as patterns that operated across
regional boundaries. Juxtaposing the tremendous diversity
and recurring similarities prevalent throughout the Southwest,
they consciously avoid the use of formal models such as world-system
theory, arguing that even a regional-system concept can mask
important socio-cultural variation. Nonetheless, their
treatment of warfare, land use, economic exchange, religious
practices, migration, and cultural diffusion demonstrate the
value of thinking in terms of regional interaction.
In a similar vein, Karen Wigens book on Japans lower Ina
valley shows us how the modern transformation of a clearly
definable region must be understood on the basis of Japans
changing role in East Asia and in strictly national terms
as well.3
Her study, tying history to geography, assumes that Tokugawa
Japan and early modern Europe share a number of traits critical
to a satisfactory explanation of how and why the Ina valley
became a periphery of a Tokyo-centered national economy in
the period from 1750 to 1920. To complete her task, Professor
Wigen examines human-land interactions and employs spatial
analysis in conjunction with her efforts to delineate a region
in functional terms, i. e. as an integrated economic unit,
and to demonstrate how it was constructed and reconstructed
over time. Placing this study of a regional metamorphosis
shaped by global, national, and local forces along side of
recent scholarship on regional interaction in the prehistoric
American Southwest, we gain a reasonably clear sense of the
rich conceptual and methodological resources we can draw upon
to develop regional approaches appropriate for a comparative
and cross-cultural investigation of borderlands.
But before we proceed, we must still decide what basic traits
mark off a region as a borderland. A recent AHR Forum
reminds us of how difficult addressing this issue invariably
turns out to be. Jeremy Adelman and Stephen Aron, treating
the North American experience from the seventeenth through
the early nineteenth century, described a frontier as øa meeting
place of peoples in which geographic and cultural borders
were not clearly defined,Ó while øreserving the designation
of borderlands for the contested boundaries between colonial
domains,Ó and arguing that the øshift from inter-imperial
struggle to international coexistence turned borderlands into
bordered lands.Ó4 Yet Evan Haefeli immediately criticized
them øfor failing to maintain a consistent distinction between
frontier and borderland phenomena.Ó Pointing out the unusual
fluidity and instability of North American frontiers as opposed
to those on other continents that tended to coalesce along
ecological transition zones and endure for extended periods
of time, he suggested that a borderland and a frontier must
be carefully differentiated and that a borderland should be
understood øas a place where autonomous peoples of different
cultures are bound together by a greater multi-imperial [or
more recently multi-national] context.Ó5
Meanwhile, Michiel Baud and Willem van Schendel have made
a systematic effort to create a conceptual framework for the
comparative study of borderlands. Pointing out that the problem
of borderlands became worldwide only with the consolidation
of modern nation-states in the eighteenth and nineteenth century,
they reject a purely state-centered approach and adopt øa
cross-border perspective, in which the region on both sides
of a border is taken as the unit of analysis.Ó6
Borders may be political divides, but they nonetheless forge
unique transnational patterns of interaction shaped in part
by complicated relationships between regional elites, the
common folk, and the two state governments whose authority
meets at the political divide. Distinctive political, social,
economic, and cultural patterns impart a measure of unity
to a borderland and help to determine its geographical extent,
which may expand or contract over time. Baud and van Schendel
regard the circumstances in which several frontiers come together,
whether in peaceful or conflicted ways, as an embryonic borderland,
the nineteenth-century history of northern Mexico and
the American Southwest offering a classic instance of a borderland
that emerged out of a frontier situation involving two modern
Baud and van Schendel also suggest how we might examine borderlands
as particular kinds of closely knit yet permeable regions
of interaction where human relationships have been shaped
by the sharp juxtaposition of strongly contrasting cultures.
They show how cross-border perspectives can be used to explore
the divisions and accommodations between separate peoples
within a shared meeting ground. They emphasize the distinctive
conditions that create the social space and identity of a
borderland, and the historical consequences provoked by the
resulting nexuses of distinctive interests. But Baud
and van Schendel direct their attention primarily toward recent
experience, leaving questions about how to handle the existence
of borderlands prior to the emergence of modern state borders
largely unanswered. The clear delineation of political boundaries
is a comparatively recent practice, and even in Europe national
governments did not always survey their borders until after
the Napoleonic wars.8
Yet borderlands as we are discussing them here can be
traced back at least as far as the crystallization of the
earliest known complex societies. By roughly 3500 B.C.E.,
the ancient Sumarians, having asserted their dominance over
the alluvial lands of the Tigris and Euphrates, maintained
persistent contacts, sometimes peaceful and sometimes violent,
with pastoral nomads to their west, where savannas merged
into the immense Arabian desert, and to the north and east,
where the plains abutted up against the wooded foothills of
the Taurus and Zagros mountains. The consequent interaction
between settled lowland peoples and neighboring upland herders
so obviously different in their lifeways produced the very
first borderlands we can describe in any detail. While Baud
and van Schendel recognize that borderlands do have a long
history and exhibit substantial differences from one region
of the world or one historical period to the next, they have
relatively little to say about the problem of how meaningful
comparisons might actually be made.9
Despite its challenges, comparative history gives us many
advantages. We are drawn into a systematic mode of inquiry
that imposes a measure of control over our project and invariably
compels us to be analytical. At the most elementary level,
we line up two or more case studies, asking a number of questions
about each instance. While our difficulties tend to mount
as the distances of time and space increase, the objects of
our investigation can be either widely separated or tightly
clustered in time and space as long as they all fit a workable
definition of the phenomenon under consideration and offer
a range of relevant common features for us to examine. A rigorously
implemented comparison of parallel types grounded in exacting
empirical research can explain the presence of a given phenomenon
in a variety of unique circumstances. It can highlight clear-cut
differences as well as persistent similarities from one case
to another. It helps us to distinguish purely local from more
broadly applicable factors, pointing us toward generalizations
that extend beyond a particular historical context. It reveals
the larger significance of a given experience. At its most
sophisticated level, comparative history helps us formulate,
test, and refine hypotheses capable of explaining perceived
relationships between two or more specified variables.10
For purposes of comparative analysis, students of borderlands
have an incredible range of possible combinations from which
to choose.11
However, even scholars from outside the United States find
the American Southwest/northern Mexico borderlands difficult
to ignore. One reason may be its similarity with other experiences
elsewhere in the world, particularly with regard to its extended
history.12 A prehistory in the Southwest shaped
by ecological circumstances was followed by a persistent Spanish
presence that stretched across the entire continent. European
imperial rivalries in the eighteenth century led to the loss
of Spanish territorial holdings and claims prior to Mexican
independence in 1821. Less than three decades later the United
States had gained control over the immense northern reaches
of what had been New Spain. Thereafter, the actions of the U. S. and Mexican
governments and the relationships between the two nations
quickly øturned borderlands into bordered lands,Ó13
in the words of Jeremy Adelman and Stephen Aron, who view
North American borderlands essentially as contested regions
separating European colonial territories, and who rightly
insist that native Americans must be included in the treatment
of conflicts and accommodations that did so much to dictate
the direction of this long history.
Recent concerns over the inability of the United States to
control its southern border effectively and over the impact
of NAFTA have intensified interest in the American Southwest/
northern Mexico borderlands. Comparing it with the borderlands
between the United States and Canada dramatizes just how important
historical, cultural, and ethnic differences tend to be in
the making of the phenomenon. The United States and Canada
share a boundary line that stretches across the entire continent.
Disputes over that boundary line, focusing at different times
on the Oregon territory, the upper reaches of the Louisiana
Purchase, the Great Lake region, and the northern boundary
of Maine, punctuated diplomatic relations between the United
States and various European powers, above all Great Britain,
during the early decades of the nineteenth century. Canada
long served as a sanctuary for run-away slaves and occasionally
for native American tribes, such as the bands following Sitting
Bull following the Battle of the Little Bighorn. At
the outset of the twenty-first century, it is a vital trading
partner for the United States. Patterns of interaction between
peoples living in the Detroit-Windsor area resemble those
between peoples in the environs of El Paso-Ciudad Juarez in
many respects. Yet scholars in the United States have paid
comparatively little attention to the borderlands separating
the two countries, a reminder of the extent to which human
perceptions go into the making of the phenomenon.
Whatever other case studies might be selected, no student
of world-historical borderlands can afford to ignore
Chinas northern frontier with the pastoral nomads of Inner
Asia. Here we discover an immense and complicated interaction
zone stretching from Manchuria through Mongolia and northern
China to Turkestan. In the heart of this huge area, characterized
by immense geographical and cultural variation, the intensive
agriculture practiced on the easily tilled loess soils of
the Yellow Rivers middle stretches have historically given
way to rainfall agriculture and herding in the drier areas
beyond the river valleys, and imperceptibly to pastoral nomadism
in the desiccated steppe lands of Mongolia. Interaction between
nomadic herders to the north and more sedentary communities
on the outskirts of the agricultural areas, sometimes conflicted
and violent, often genuinely symbiotic, exercised powerful
influences on the development of Chinese civilization, as
historians have readily recognized.14 Building on the work of Owen Lattimore,
experts have increasingly emphasized the concomitant affects
of these connections on steppe societies, especially after
pastoralists on the great grasslands of Eurasia had
mastered the skills of horseback riding after 900 B. C. E.15
Viewed in cross-cultural terms, nomadic states, typically
assuming the form of imperial confederacies, seem to have
developed and disintegrated with a timing that matched the
rhythms of Chinese dynastic politics. The spread of horseback
riding into Mongolia shortly before 400 B. C. E. provoked
the organization of Chinese armies that combined infantry
with cavalry, setting off a cyclical pattern of interactions
that played itself out repeatedly over the next several millennia.
Three periods of imperial consolidation alternated with corresponding
interludes of intensified struggle and chaos, the conquest
of China by the Mongol Yuan dynasty constituting the major
aberration in this cyclical pattern. The Han and Hsiung-nu
empire dominated the first period. During the second, the
Sui, Tang, and Sung dynasties ruled China while the central
steppe fell under sway of two Turkish states and then the
Uighurs. In the third, the Ming had to deal with the
power of Oirats and Eastern Mongols, while the Ching confronted
the Zunghars, who forged the last of the extensive steppe
empires. By the middle of the eighteenth century, when
the autonomous existence of nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples
throughout the world had started to succumb to the expanding
power of agriculturally based, city centered societies, an
on-going confrontation between Russia and China had replaced
the interactions between the sedentary Chinese and the pastoralists
to the north as the dominant factor shaping conditions in
the borderlands of Inner Asia.
Running through the middle of the transition zone where the
lifeways of farmers and pastoralists intermingled and where
the interactions between the Chinese and their nomadic neighbors
conditioned historical developments was the Great Wall, whose
oldest segments had been built by the Chin dynasty in the
late third century B. C. E. to delineate the outer edges of
their territorial domains and to keep the people considered
their own separated from the decidedly different and always
menacing outsiders dwelling beyond the range of their effective
power. For Chinas rulers the Great Wall served political
as well as military purposes. Ever anxious about their ability
to control peripheral regions, they were usually reluctant
to encourage trade across their northern borderlands lest
economic exchange bind the local Chinese too closely to steppe
cultures. Above all else, they conceived of the Great Wall
less as a clear, continuous line and more as a cordon sanitaire,
a barrier restricting the movement of people and goods over
what they regarded as the approximate boundary of their state.
Only during the era of Ming rule did a dynasty make a sustained
attempt to construct a permanent line of defense designed
to shield their northern frontier from invasion.16
Nomadic confederacies, by contrast, normally depended on opportunities
to be found south of the Great Wall, since exploitable resources
available on the open steppe seldom proved sufficient to build
and maintain elaborate political structures. When nomadic
leaders conducted destructive raids into China, they were
often trying to extract diplomatic and trade agreements out
of Chinese authorities. Their interests seemed best served
by the preservation of a stable Chinese regime capable of
offering them annual subsidies, marriage alliances, formal
recognition, and other valuable concessions. Given the limitations
of their military systems and administrative methods, they
were seldom tempted to initiate campaigns conquest in lands
beyond the Great Wall that they could not possibly retain
for very long.
When both imperial China and one or more nomadic confederacies
grew strong, they divided the borderlands region between them.
A dominant steppe power, such as the Hsiung-nu state, would
then conduct some form of what Thomas Barfield has called
an øouter frontier strategy.Ó Officials at the Chinese court
typically viewed appeasement as a means of preventing disruptive
incursions and weakening potentially dangerous outsiders.
When, by contrast, China succumbed to chaos, discord between
competing tribes usually prevailed on the steppelands. Rival
nomadic leaders, struggling to build a new empire, found themselves
ill-served by a weak and disunited China. Initially vulnerable
but ultimately triumphant tribal chieftains tended to adopt
an øinner frontier strategyÓ aimed at the eliciting of Chinese
assistance without loss of autonomy. The Chinese, hoping to
encourage internecine tribal struggles and lay a foundation
for amicable relations with the ultimate victor, would willingly
provide the assistance even if their cooperation contributed
in the long run to the reappearance of a dominantand menacingsteppe
An examination of the persistent patterns of interaction characteristic
of Chinas northern borderlands invariably evokes comparisons
with the various frontiers of Imperial Rome, a case study
of special interest, given the diversity of instances that
it provides as well as the rapidly changing nature of borderland
experiences amidst an extraordinary rise to greatness and
an equally haunting decline. Events at any given time in northern
Britain, North Africa, along the Rhine and the Danube, and
in Southwest Asia, where the Romans confronted the power first
of the Parthian Empire and then of the Sassanid (Persian )
Empire, suggest a series of striking parallels along with
the anticipated differences. Historians and archaeologists
alike have recently been inclined to reject the concept of
a frontier world neatly divided into clear-cut halvesRoman
and non-Roman or barbarianand to adopt C. R. Whittakers
view of Roman frontiers as spheres of complicated interaction
between diverse frontier peoples.18 Experts have demonstrated that the
Romans themselves disagreed on the exact limits of their empire,
and had difficulty discerning any meaningful border separating
them from outsiders. Along their various frontiers, peoples
with different backgrounds intermingled, eventually blurring
cultural distinctions. Romans and those they called øbarbariansÓ
overcame their differences sufficiently to intermingle, live
and work together, and exchange artifacts, ideas, and practices.
Individuals dwelling within a borderlands region were readily
transformed into cultural hybrids, neither Romanized barbarians
nor barbarized Romans. Trade goods carried across the Rhine
and the Danube reached the very heart of the empire on the
one side and as far afield as Scandinavia on the other.19
Just as scholars investigating the American borderlands are
learning how to delineate a history shared by the northern-most
states of Mexico and what we describe as the Southwest, and
experts focusing on Chinas northern borderlands are linking
events in Inner Asia with what was simultaneously occurring
to the immediate south of the Great Wall, so specialists concentrating
on ancient Rome are forging a broader understanding of its
imperial frontiers, one that more fully integrates the rise
and fall of a great empire with the unfolding of the diverse
cultures surrounding its core provinces.
C. R. Whittakers contributions to recent conceptual advances
rest on a rejection of the idea that Roman power was confined
within set boundaries delineated by rivers and walls. Despite
the Roman understanding that their civilization was in fact
limited in extent, those limits remained vague, in part because
they never sensed that the empire had reached its ultimate
ends. Even in the Middle East, where power relations remained
in rough balance for extended periods of time, a fixed, linear
frontier failed to emerge. The Romans refused to accept the
Euphrates as a natural boundary. Like the Rhine and the Danube,
the Euphrates ran through a band of territory that tended
to draw together peoples who were ethnically and culturally
diverse through the development of local socio-economic ties.
Lands on either side of these rivers had more in common with
each other than they did with neighboring regions. The Romans
saw the great rivers as vehicles of easy transport and communication
for their armies. In a manner that resembled their Parthian
or Germanic neighbors, they sought to extend their control
beyond the rivers whenever such advances proved feasible.
Similarly, neither Hadrians Wall in northern Britain nor
the African limes in what is now Tunisia and Libya
were erected over a cultural dividing line. In both cases,
the Romans sought to monitor trade and the movement of people
rather than establish a defensive barrier against intruders.
Along all of the empires borderlands non-Roman elites shared
lifeways with Romans dwelling in nearby towns or encampments
while rural folk, much less affected by Roman culture traits,
had little in common with their social betters. Frontier societies,
built to a substantial degree on peaceful accommodation, permitted
regular interchange back and forth over extended periods,
and when Roman authorities felt pressure from outsiders, it
frequently came in the form of sporadic raids or the movement
of small bands rather than massive assaults by invading hordes.
Given the different circumstances faced by the Romans from
one border region to the next, they never could commit themselves
to a grand strategy covering the defense of the entire empire.20
Another fascinating borderland, indicative of just how diverse
the phenomenon has been over the centuries, can be found in
a region that William H. McNeill has called øEuropes steppe
frontier,Ó21 the far western end of Eurasias grasslands
running from Hungarys Great Alfold through the Ukrainea
name itself derived from a word meaning borderlandall the
way to the area of the North Caucacus. From time immemorial
the flat, open plain of central Hungary had served as an arena
of contact and confrontation between Europe and Asia. Long
before the arrival of the Magyars at the end of the ninth
century C. E., Scythians, Sarmations, Huns, Bulgars, and Avars
had conquered the Great Alfold, often leaving the extensions
of this vast plain laying beyond the Danube Rivers right
bank under the control of European peoples. Hence it was,
as C. A. Macartney once observed, that øthese two elementsEurope
and Asia[repeatedly] strove for mastery, [although] neither
ever achieved it quite completely.Ó22 As a consequence, the great basin of the middle Danube
became part of Europes eastern frontier, a segment of that
broad geographical transition zone where the culture of the
West blended gradually into the culture of Asia.23
What made Europes steppe frontier distinctive among the other
case studies we have thus far considered was its more heavily
militarized character, which by the mid-sixteenth century
set it apart from conditions in the relatively secure areas
adjacent to the contested zone. The Ottoman Turks, already
firmly established in the Balkans and the southern Ukraine
by the end of the fifteenth century, successfully occupied
central Hungary in 1543, extending their sway to within eighty
miles of Vienna and making Hungary a part of the borderlands
between Christendom and Islam.24 For several centuries
thereafter, they confronted a line of often hostile Christian
statesthe Venetian Republic, the Habsburg monarchy, the Kingdom
of Poland Lithuania, and imperial Russiawhose rulers and
subject populations tended to view the Moslem invaders as
an alien horde and a direct threat to their own way of life.25 Protracted hostilities were
most intense between the Turks and the Austrians, who maintained
a more or less organized military border between themselves
and the Ottoman Empire until 1881, and between the Cossack
and Tartar communities in the southern Ukraine. Within the
disputed frontier zone, usually several hundred miles in width,
Transylvania, the two Rumanian principalities of Moldavia
and Wallachia, and Christian rulers of Georgia as well as
the Cossack war bands and the Tartar khanate of Crimea exploited
the chronic rivalries between the Turks and their enemies
to retain a measure of autonomy.26 Recurring wars fought to advance mutually incompatible
interests in the borderlands region did not preclude extended
interludes of formal peace. Nor did they prevent normal exchanges
between ostensibly alien peoples. The city-republic of Dubrovnik
(Ragusa), a virtually independent part of the Ottoman Empire,
continued to serve as a conduit for the passage of Western
trade goods and cultural influences into the Balkans, while
Krakow seems to have benefited at least initially from the
Turkish onslaught by becoming an intermediary between Habsburg
lands and the Ottoman portions of Hungary. From one
end of Europes steppe frontier to the other, a mosaic of
constantly shifting relationships between local elites and
the governments of the intruding states, and between local
elites and a given areas ordinary people exercised as much
influence on the social and political history of the region
as conditions within the various competing powers or the more
thoroughly studied interactions between them.27
Just how far a states authority extended into this transition
zone remained open to debate. The Vienna court, for example,
always claimed the whole of its Hungarian inheritance. The
sultan, on the other hand, regarded any ruler who paid tribute
to Constantinopleand that included the Habsburg emperoras
his vassel and therefore subordinate to his will.28 Such conditions would
not long survive the consolidation of what McNeill has termed
øbureaucratic empires.Ó By the middle of the eighteenth century,
the unincorporated borderlands between Austria, Russia, and
Turkey had been substantially reduced. Following the
lead of Austrian and Russian armed forces, agricultural settlements
spread rapidly onto open ground. By 1800 the entire frontier
zone had been absorbed by the three surrounding empires, although
the imprint of what had happened in the region since the Turks
first conquered the central plains of Hungary still remained
essentially unaltered.29
The four case studies that we have briefly examined hardly
exhausts the range of possibilities for the comparative study
of borderlands. They suggest, however, the potential embedded
in this approach. Each formed closely-knit yet permeable
geographical areas where human interrelationships were shaped
by a sharp juxtaposition of strongly contrasting cultures.
Despite obvious differences, each in its own way revealed
the structural similarities of borderland dynamics that have
prevailed in widely separated historical periods and different
places around the world. These four examples are sufficient
to demonstrate how much we miss when we pursue our study of
the past exclusively within a framework of distinct states
and separate cultures. They certainly dramatize the inadequacies
of our conventional maps. By revealing unexpected historical
connections to be found in apparently unrelated human experiences,
they remind us of the costs of scholarly fragmentation as
well as the value specialization. In particular, because of
the various ways they can assist us in our efforts to reconfigure
concepts of øareaÓ and østate,Ó comparative and cross-cultural
approaches to the phenomenon of borderlands are highly germane
to the objectives of this conference on interactions.
1 See the series of essays presented in the AHR Forum
entitled øBringing Regionalism Back to History,Ó The American
Historical Review, Vol. 104, No. 4 (October, 1999), pp.
1156-1220; and W. Gordon East, The Geography Behind History
(Revised and enlarged edition; London and Edinburgh: Thomas
Nelson and Sons, LTD, 1965), pp. 7-11.
2 Michelle Hegmon (ed.), The Archaeology of Regional
Interaction: Religion, Warfare, and Exchange Across the American
Southwest and Beyond (Boulder: University Press of Colorado,
3 Karen Wigen, The Making of a Japanese Periphery,
1750-1920 (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of
California Press, 1995).
4 Jeremy Adelman and Stephen Aron, øFrom Borderlands
to Borders: Empires, Nation-States, and the Peoples in Between
in North American History,Ó The American Historical Review,
Vol. 104, No. 3 (June 1999), pp. 815-16.
5 Evan Haefeli, øA Note on the Use of North American
Borderlands,Ó The American Historical Review, Vol.
104, No. 4 (October 1999), pp. 1222, 1224.
6 Michiel Baud and Willem Van Schendel, øToward a Comparative
History of Borderlands,Ó Journal of World History,
Vol. 8, No. 2 (Fall 1997), p. 216.
7 Here Baud and van Schendel rely on David J. Weber,
The Spanish Frontier in North America (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1992. Indications of recent scholarship
can be found in Robert H. Jackson, New Views of Borderlands
History (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
8 Baud and van Schendel, pp. 216-21. See also East,
pp. 98-99; and øFrontiere: The Word and the Concept,Ó
in Peter Burke (ed.), A New Kind of History from the Writings
of Febvre (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1973),
pp. 208-18.
9 Baud and van Schendel, pp. 236-40.
10 Readily accessible theoretical discussions of the
comparative method can be found in Richard P. McCormick, øThe
Comparative Method: Its Application to American History,Ó
Mid-American: An Historical Quarterly Vol. LVI (1974),
pp. 231-47; William H. Sewell, Jr., øMarc Bloch and the Logic
of Comparative History,Ó History and Theory: Studies in
the Philosophy of History Vol. 6, No. 2 (1967), pp. 208-18;
E. E. Evans-Pritchard, øThe Comparative Method in Social Anthropology,Ó
The Position of Women in Primitive Societies and Other
Essays in Social Anthropology (New York: The Free Press,
1965), pp. 13-36; and Theda Skocpol, States and Social
Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and
China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), pp.
11 Consider the range of essays presented in Daniel
Power and Naomi Standen (eds.), Frontiers in QuestionÓ
Eurasian Borderlands, 700-1700 (New York: St. Martins
Press, Inc., 1999).
12 Haefeli, p. 1224. See also David J. Weber, øConflicts
and Accommodations: Hispanic and Anglo-American Borders in
Historical Perspective, 1670-1853,Ó Journal of the Southwest,
Vol. 39, No. 1 (Spring 1997), pp. 1-32.
13 Adelman and Aron, p. 816. For a world-system approach
to these developments, consult Thomas D. Hall, Social Change
in the Southwest, 1350-1880 (Lawrence: University Press
of Kansas, 1989).
14 See, for example, Ray Huang, China: A Macro History
(Revised Edition; Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1990),
pp. 20-24; and John King Fairbank, China: A New History
(Cambridge, Mass. and London: Belknap/Harvard, 1992), pp.
15 Lattimores two fundamental works are Inner Asian
Frontiers of China (New York: American Geographical Society,
1940); and Studies in Frontier History (London: Oxford
University Press, 1962). Much of what follows is based on
Thomas J. Barfield, The Perilous Frontier: Nomadic Empires
and China (Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, Inc., 1989).
16 For the latest interpretation of Ming-Mongol relations,
consult Arthur Waldron, The Great Wall of China: From History
to Myth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990).
17 Barfield, pp. 49-51, 63-7.
18 His most important work in this regard is C. R.
Whittaker, Frontiers of the Roman Empire: A Social and
Economic Study (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1994). See also Barry Cunliffe, Greeks,
Romans and Barbarians: Spheres of Interaction (London:
Guild Publishing, 1988), Chap. 1; Hugh Elton, Frontiers
of the Roman Empire (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana
University Press, 1996; and the collection of essays in Ralph
W. Mathisen and Hagith S. Sivan (eds.), Shifting Frontiers
in the Late Antiquity (Brookfield, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing
Company, 1996).
19 Cunliffe, Chap. 9.
20 Whittaker, pp. 8-9, 36, 43-4, 48-53, 62-73, 82,
91-3, 99, 119-31, 170-74, 219-23, 242, 248.
21 William H. McNeill, Europes Steppe Frontier
(Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1964),
Chap. One.
22 C. A. Macartney, Hungary: A Short History
( Edinburgh: At the University Press, 1962), pp. 3-4. Elsewhere
Macartney described the Danube valley as øthe great highway
between Europe and Asia.Ó See his comments in Problems
of the Danube Basin (Cambridge: At the University Press,
1944), pp. 6, 12.
23 Human Geographers now define Europe not as a continent
with clear-cult physical borders, but a constantly changing
cultural area with imprecise frontiers that have ebbed and
flowed over the centuries. Terry G. Jordan offer a convenient
summary of this approach in the opening chapter of a book
entitled The European Cultural Area (New York: Harper
& Row, Publishers, 1973). øIn short,Ó he concludes, øEurope
is a human entity rather than a physical one, and its distinctiveness
is to be sought in the character of the peoples who occupy
it rather than in its physical environment. Europe is a culture
which occupies a culture area.Ó Ibid., p. 6.
24 A discussion of central Hungary during the period
of Turkish occupation can be found in A. M. J. Hollander,
øThe Great Hungarian Plain: A European Frontier Area,Ó Comparative
Studies in Society and History, III (1960-610), 74-88.
25 Fears of the Turkish menace were no doubt exaggerated.
For an understanding of the limits of Ottoman conquest see
Myron P. Gilmore, The World of Humanism 1453-1517 (New
York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1952), pp. 13-14; and
McNeill, pp. 40-43.
26 McNeill, pp. 44-5, 56, 87-8; and Peter Sugar, Southeastern
Europe under Ottoman Rule,1804-1804 (Seattle and London:
University of Washington Press, 1977), Part Three.
27 McNeill provides his own assessment of these relationships
in Chap. Two.
28 Ibid., p. 45; and Sugar, p. 113. For an analysis
of Austrias military border, see Gunther E. Rothenberg, The
Military Border in Croatia 1740-1881 (Chicago and London:
The University of Chicago Press, 1966), Chapter 1.
29 McNeill, Chapter Five. For developments at the eastern
end of Europes steppe frontier, see Michael Khodarkovsky,
øOf Christianity, Enlightenment, and Colonialism: Russia in
the North Caucasus, 1550-1800,Ó The Journal of Modern History,
Vol. 71, No. 2 (June 1999), pp. 394-430. 30 For ideas about closely related topics, see Power
and Standen, Chaps. 2 and 4.
Copyright Statement
Copyright: © 2001 by the American Historical
Association. Compiled by Debbie Ann Doyle. Format by Chris Hale.