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Latin America
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The September 11th Sourcebooks
Humanitarian Interventions
Government Secrecy

Electronic Briefing Books

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Books provide online access to critical declassified records on issues including U.S. national security, foreign policy, diplomatic and military history, intelligence policy, and more.  Updated frequently, the Electronic Briefing Books represent just a small sample of the documents in our published and unpublished collections.

Archive publications also include 20 microfiche collections, 12 of which are now available on the World Wide Web as part of the Digital National Security Archive subscription, and more than 20 books written by Archive staff and fellows.

Recent Headlines

February 10, 2005
9/11 Commission Staff Report on FAA Failings Published on Web
Document Updates Previous Archive Posting on Censorship of Aviation Warnings Leading up to 9/11
February 10, 2005
Bush Administration's First Memo on al-Qaeda Declassified
Document Central to Clarke-Rice Dispute on Bush Terrorism Policy Pre-9/11
February 4 , 2005
The CIA and Nazi War Criminals
National Security Archive Posts Secret CIA History Released Under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act
December 23, 2004
Professor Sues CIA for President's Daily Briefs
Vietnam Expert Seeks Historic PDBs from Johnson Years; Challenges CIA Blanket Policy of Non-Release


The Velvet Revolution Declassified
Inaugural Volume of the New Václav Havel Library Publishes State Department Cables from Prague 1989

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution
A history in documents

Uprising in East Germany, 1953
Shedding light on a major Cold War flashpoint 

"Solidarity's Coming Victory: Big or Too Big?"
Poland's revolution as seen from the U.S. embassy

U.S. Planning for War in Europe, 1963-64
Declassified U.S. documents complement recent release of Warsaw Pact war plans

Why There Was No Crackdown on the Revolutions of 1989
New documents from Soviet/East European archives

Did NATO Win the Cold War?

Latin America

The Case Against Pinochet
Ex-Dictator Indicted for Condor Crimes

Kissinger to Argentine Generals in 1976: "If there are things that have to be done, you should do them quickly"
Newly declassified document shows Secretary of State gave strong support early on to the military junta

U.S. Listed Colombian President Uribe Among "Important Colombian Narco-Traffickers in 1991"
Then-Senator "Dedicated to Collaboration with the Medellín Cartel at High Government Levels"

Lifting of Pinochet's Immunity Renews Focus on Operation Condor
Documents Indicated 1976 Terror Attack in Washington Might Have Been Prevented

After the Revolution
Lázaro Cárdenas and the Movimiento de Liberación Nacional

The Blind Man and the Elephant
Reporting on the Mexican Military

Brazil Marks 40th Anniversary of Military Coup
Declassified Documents Shed Light on U.S. Role

Mexico: Prelude to Disaster
José López Portillo and the Crash of 1976

The Oliver North File
His Diaries, E-Mail, and Memos on the Kerry Report, Contras and Drugs

Ed Koch Threatened With Assassination in 1976
New book reveals "Condor" agents discussed plan to kill former New York congressman/mayor

Dear Mr. President: Lessons on Justice from Guatemala
The Latest Release from the Archive's Mexico Project

Nixon on Chile Intervention
White House tape acknowledges instructions to block Salvador Allende

The Dawn of Mexico's Dirty War
Lucio Cabañas and the Party of the Poor

Kissinger to Argentines on Dirty War: "The quicker you succeed the better"
Documents show Secretary of State gave green light to junta

Kennedy & Castro: The Secret History
Initiative with Castro aborted by assassination, declassified documents show

Mexico's Southern Front
Guatemala and the Search for Security

The Tlatelolco Massacre
New declassified U.S. documents on Mexico and the events of 1968

The Search for Truth
The declassified record on human rights abuses in Peru

Nixon's Mexico Tapes
Secret recordings from the Nixon White House on Luis Echeverría and much much more

Before Democracy
Memories of Mexican elections

The Corpus Christi Massacre
Mexico's attack on its student movement, June 10, 1971

Human Rights and the Dirty War in Mexico

Operation Intercept
Nixon, Mexico and the perils of unilateralism

Pentagon and CIA Sent Mixed Message to Argentine Military

Double Dealing
Mexico's foreign policy toward Cuba

Argentine Junta Security Forces Killed Disappeared Activists, Mothers and Nuns

Argentine Military Believed U.S. Gave Go-ahead for Dirty War
New State Department documents show conflict between Washington and US Embassy in Buenos Aires over signals to the military dictatorship at height of repression in 1976

State Department Opens Files on Argentina's Dirty War
New Documents Describe Key Death Squad Under Former Army Chief Galtieri

"Montesinos: Blind Ambition"
The Peruvian Townsend Commission report and declassified U.S. documentation

Nixon: "Brazil helped rig the Uruguayan elections," 1971
Documents reveal U.S. efforts to influence Uruguayan presidential election

Freedom of Information in Mexico
Government proposal follows public pressure for transparency

War in Colombia
Guerrillas, Drugs and Human Rights in U.S.-Colombia Policy, 1988-2002

Conflicting Missions
Secret Cuban documents on history of Africa involvement

Peru in "The Eye of the Storm"
Declassified U.S. documentation on human rights abuses and political violence

Shoot-Down in Peru
The secret U.S. debate over intelligence sharing in Peru and Colombia

Public Diplomacy and Covert Propaganda
The declassified record of Ambassador Otto Juan Reich

"Fujimori's Rasputin"
The declassified files on Peru's former Intelligence Chief, Vladimiro Montesinos

New Information on the Murders of U.S. Citizens Charles Horman and Frank Teruggi by the Chilean Military
Newly-declassified documents from CIA, FBI and State Department

The Guatemalan Military: What the U.S. Files Reveal
Archive releases comprehensive report and database on Guatemalan security forces

Newly released portions of Taylor Commission report

The CIA in Latin America
Declassified documents on a "distinguished" career

Guatemala: Colonel Byron Lima Estrada
Declassified documents on former intelligence chief and alleged mastermind behind the Gerardi murder

Guatemalan "Death Squad Dossier"
Army log reveals the fate of scores of Guatemalan citizens "disappeared" during the mid-1980s

Béisbol Diplomacy with Cuba

U.S. Policy in Guatemala, 1963-1993

Mexico: The Tlatelolco Massacre
Declassified U.S. documents on the events of 1968

Chile and the United States
Declassified documents related to the military coup of September 11, 1973

The Death of Che Guevara: Declassified

CIA and Assassinations
The Guatemala 1954 Documents

The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

Nuclear History

The Creation of SIOP-62
More Evidence on the Origins of Overkill

"It Is Certain There Will be Many Firestorms"
New evidence on the origins of overkill

The Making of the Limited Test Ban Treaty

North Korea and Nuclear Weapons
The declassified U.S. record

Nixon's Nuclear Ploy
An online companion piece to an article appearing in the January/February 2003 issue of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The Secret History of the ABM Treaty,1969-1972
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 60

First Strike Options and the Berlin Crisis, 1961
New documents from the Kennedy Administration

Eisenhower and Nuclear Predelegation
First declassification of Eisenhower's instructions predelegating use of nuclear weapons

Launch on Warning
The development of U.S. capabilities, 1959-1979

The United States and the Chinese Nuclear Program, 1960-1964
Companion documents to Winter 2000/2001 edition of International Security

U.S. Planning for War in Europe, 1963-64
Declassified U.S. documents complement recent release of Warsaw Pact war plans

The Chinese Nuclear Weapons Program
Problems of intelligence collection and analysis, 1964-1972

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Deployments in Chichi Jima and Iwo Jima

United States Secretly Deployed Nuclear Bombs In 27 Countries and Territories During the Cold War

New Archival Evidence on Taiwanese "Nuclear Intentions", 1966-1976

U.S. Nuclear Weapons and Okinawa

Israel and the Bomb

Newly Declassified Documents on Advance Presidential Authorization of Nuclear Weapons Use

U.S. Presidents Predelegated Nuclear Weapons Release Authority to Military Commanders

The U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System (AEDS)

India and Pakistan -- On the Nuclear Threshold

China and East Asia

New Documentary Reveals Secret U.S., Chinese Diplomacy Behind Nixon's Trip
Chinese Marshal Received Top Secret Intelligence Briefing from Kissinger in 1972

Indonesia's 1969 Takeover of West Papua
Document Release Marks 35th Anniversary of Controversial Vote and Annexation

Intelligence and Vietnam
The Top Secret 1969 State Department Study

China, Pakistan, and the Bomb
The Declassified File on U.S. Policy, 1977-1997

Nixon's Trip to China
Now completely declassified, including Kissinger intelligence briefing and assurances on Taiwan

JFK and the Diem Coup
JFK tape reveals high-level Vietnam coup plotting in 1963

North Korea and Nuclear Weapons
The declassified U.S. record

Negotiating U.S.-Chinese Rapprochement
New American and Chinese documention leading up to Nixon's 1972 trip

Henry Kissinger's Secret Trip to China
The Beijing-Washington Back-Channel, September 1970-July 1971

East Timor Revisited
Ford, Kissinger and the Indonesian invasion, 1975-76

The Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, 1969
U.S. reactions and diplomatic maneuvers

The U.S. "Tiananmen Papers"
New documents reveal U.S. perceptions of Chinese political crisis

Reconnaissance Flights and Sino-American Relations
Policy developments and a Hainan Island incident, 1969-1970

The United States and the Chinese Nuclear Program, 1960-1964
Companion documents to Winter 2000/2001 edition of International Security

Tiananmen Square 1989
The declassified history

Record of Richard Nixon-Zhou Enlai Talks, February 1972

China and the United States
From hostility to engagement

The United States, China, and the Bomb

U.S. Intelligence Community

From Director of Central Intelligence to Director of National Intelligence

The Spy Satellite So Stealthy that the Senate Couldn't Kill It
Secret Program First Described in Book by Archive Senior Fellow

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 40 Years Later
Flawed Intelligence and the Decision for War in Vietnam

CIA Whites Out Controversial Estimate on Iraq Weapons
Main Subject of Today's Senate Intelligence Report Remains Largely Secret

The Interrogation Documents
Debating U.S. Policy and Methods

Prisoner Abuse: Patterns from the Past
Cold War U.S. Interrogation Manuals Counseled "Coercive Techniques"

Eyes on Saddam
U.S. overhead imagery of Iraq

The U-2, OXCART, and the SR-71
U.S. aerial espionage in the Cold War and beyond

Science, Technology and the CIA
From satellites to psychics

The Pentagon's Spies
Documents detail histories of once secret spy units

Reconnaissance Flights and Sino-American Relations
Policy Developments and a Hainan Island Incident, 1969-1970

The NRO Declassified
The creation and evolution of America's secretive spy satellite agency

The National Security Agency Declassified
Updated Newly declassified directive governs interception of communications involving "U.S. persons"

U.S. Satellite Imagery, 1960-1999

Middle East and South Asia

CIA Whites Out Controversial Estimate on Iraq Weapons
Main Subject of Today's Senate Intelligence Report Remains Largely Secret

Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran
New Volume Reexamines a Seminal Event in Modern Middle Eastern History

The Saddam Hussein Sourcebook
Declassified secrets from the U.S.-Iraq relationship

The October War and U.S. Policy
Kissinger gave green light for Israeli offensive violating 1973 cease-fire

Eyes on Saddam
U.S. overhead imagery of Iraq

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
The U.S. tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984

Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971

U.S. Propaganda in the Middle East
The early Cold War version

Operation Desert Storm: Ten Years After
Documents shed light on role of intelligence, stealth technology and space systems in the Gulf War

The Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup, 1953

20 Years after the Hostages
Declassified documents on Iran and the United States

The September 11th Sourcebooks

Volume I - Terrorism and U.S. Policy

Volume II - Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War

The Nixon administration's decision to end U.S. biological warfare programs

Volume IV - The Once and Future King?
From the secret files on King Zahir's reign in Afghanistan, 1970-1973

Volume V - Anthrax at Sverdlovsk, 1979
U.S. intelligence on the deadliest modern outbreak

Volume VI - The Hunt for Bin Laden
Background on the role of Special Forces in U.S. military strategy

Volume VII - The Taliban File

Taliban File Update: U.S. Pressed Taliban to Expel Usama bin Laden Over 30 Times
Only three approaches in first year of Bush administration

The Taliban File Part III
Pakistan Provided Millions of Dollars, Arms, and "Buses Full of Adolescent Mujahid" to the Taliban in the 1990's

The Taliban File Part IV
Mullah Omar Called Washington in 1998, New Documents Show

Humanitarian Interventions

The U.S. and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
The Assassination of the Presidents and the Beginning of the "Apocalypse"

The U.S. and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
Information, Intelligence and the U.S. Response

The US and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
Evidence of inaction

Lessons Learned from U.S. Humanitarian Interventions Abroad Lessons learned from Kosovo, Sudan, Afghanistan, Hurricane Mitch and other operations

Government Secrecy

The CIA and Nazi War Criminals
National Security Archive Posts Secret CIA History Released Under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act

Professor Sues CIA for President's Daily Briefs
Vietnam Expert Seeks Historic PDBs from Johnson Years; Challenges CIA Blanket Policy of Non-Release

Pentagon Censors Chain of Command on Abu Ghraib
Taguba Report Named Names of Abusers and Commanders

Professor Sues Pentagon to Make Public Honor Guard Photos From Dover Air Base
Challenges 1991 Policy to Censor Images of War Casualties' Return

The Kissinger State Department Telcons
Telcons Show Kissinger Opposed Human Rights Diplomacy;
Secretary of State Tapped Own Phone Calls

The Kissinger Telcons
Archive Celebrates Release of Previously Sequestered Telephone Records

The President's Daily Brief
The Declassified August 6, 2001 PDB and More

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied
The ten oldest pending FOIA requests in the federal government

The Freedom of Information Act on Its 37th Birthday
Archive features 20 news stories based on FOIA

Dubious Secrets
Declassified documents show excessive secrecy, arbitrary and subjective classification decisions

The Ashcroft Memo
"Drastic" change or "more thunder than lightning"?

Trading Democracy?
Documents from NAFTA's secret tribunals

CIA Stalling State Department Histories
Archive Posts One of the Two Disputed Volumes on Web
State historians conclude U.S. passed names of communists to Indonesian Army, which killed at least 105,000 in 1965-66

The Pentagon Papers
Secrets, lies and audiotapes

The Death Squad Protection Act
Senate measure would restrict public access to crucial human rights information


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