Acceleration, law, 489.

Adams, Abigail, 353; on Catherine Johnson, 17.

Adams, Abigail Brown (Brooks), 23; on English influence, 211.

Adams, Brooks, 360, 464; at Harvard College, 299; on exchanges, 338.

Adams, Charles Francis, 48, 149; taken to Russia, 18; in Boston, 19; marriage, and children, 23; and State Street, 24; nominated Vice-President, 25; slave power, 26; opinion of sons, 26; isolation, 27; political party, 29; reading, 35; family, 36; senatorship agreement, 49; on Europe, 70; in Congress, 88, 101; compared with Seward, 104; minister to England, 110; equipment, 112; impassiveness, 115; social position, 16, 132, 194, 2l2; Trent affair, 119; trusts Russell, 136, 149; clash with Palmerston, 136; rebel cruisers, 150, 167; interview with Russell, 158; rebel rams, 168; strength of, 208; proposed return to America, 209; collects coins, 213; liking for Washington, 269.

Adams, Charles Francis (1835-1915), 23, 41, 89, 120; at Fort Independence, 112; remonstrates, 129; after the war, 210, 241; railroad studies, 240, 307; gold conspiracy, 270; favors professorship, 293.

Adams, Evelyn (Davis), 442.

Adams, Henry [Brooks], birth, 3, 23; early experiences, 5; encounter with J. Q. Adams, 12; early education, 26; political associations, 29; reading, 36; family atmosphere, 36; dislike of school, 37; visits Washington, 43; impressions, 44; election of Sumner to Senate, 50; student at Harvard College, 55; goes to Germany, 62, 70; college writings, 66; class orator, 66; German gymnasium, 77; musical awakening, 80; at Dresden, 82, 87; in Italy, 85, 88, 208, 235; letters from Italy, 89; at Rome, 90; meets Garibaldi, 94; at Paris, 96; at Washington, 1860, 99, 243; Sumner's break, 108; accompanies father to England, 110; position, 112, 116; newspaperwork, 120; proposes to enter army, 129; at Cambridge House, 134; at Fryston, 138; Seward's offer, 145; on Russell, 163, 174; Palmerston, 164; Gladstone, 164; Seward, 174; London society, 195; choice of career, 210; writer, 211, 222, 234; art; 213; buys a Rafael, 216; Darwinism, 224; reviews Lyell, 226; on currency, 233; returns to America, 237; legal tender cases, 250, 277; Sumner's relations, 251; Edinburgh Review, 258; gold conspiracy, 270; in London, 284, 316; Harvard professorship, 291, 299; editor North American Review, 293, 290, 307; first visit to Harvard College, 299; without office, 322; "History," 325, 327; Paris, 360; " Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres," 435.

Adams, John, 9, 47, 99, 112, 372; " Works," 31.

Adams, John Quincy, 10, 46, 103, 112; overcomes H. Adams, 12; hobbies, 14; at church, 15; marriage, 17; diplomatic positions, 17; death, 20; restlessness, 28; Russell's resemblance, 167; Secretary of State, 393; in Russia, 438.

Adams, John Quincy (1833-1894), 23; popularity, 35, 241.

Adams, Louisa Catherine, 33; brightness of, 35. See Louisa C. A. Kuhn.

Adams, Louisa Catherine (Johnson), 10; described, 16; marriage, 17; wanderings, 17; stricken, 43.

Adams Building, Washington, 44.

Agassiz, Alexander, 55, 235, 307, 308, 346.

Agassiz, Louis, 60, 227, 307.

"Alabama," the, 150, 152, 153, 167; claims, 285.

Alaric, sacks Rome, 480.

Albert Francis Charles Augustus Em manuel, Prince consort, death of, 119.

Alexander I, czar, 112, 438.

Alexander II, czar, 439.

Alexeieff, Viceroy, 462.

Alley, John B., politics in 1850, 49, 50. America, character of man, 297; money in, 328.

Amiens cathedral, 386, 435.

Anarchism, Brooks Adams on, 339; con- servative Christian, 405.

Anderson, Nicholas Longworth, 57.

Antietam, battle of, 154.

Antwerp, 74.

Apponyi, Rodolph, Comte d', Austrian ambassador, 135.

Apthorp, Robert East, 76, 80.

Aquinas, Thomas, 389, 428, 435, 456.

Argyll, Duke of. See Campbell.

Aristocracy, English, 72.

Arnold, Jane Martha, 125.

Arnold, Matthew, 61, 108, 193, 201, 388, 469; ridicule, 182; on silence, 358.

Arnold, Thomas, 125.

Ashley, Evelyn, 144.

Atkinson, Edward, 242.

Augustin of Hippo, 480.

Aurelian [Lucius Domitius], 9l.

Austen, Jane, 421.

Austria, war with France, 83, 84.

Azeglio, Emmanuel Vittorio Tapparelli d', Italian minister, 135.

Bacon, Francis, 379, 451, 457, 484, 485, 491.

Badeau, Adam, character of, 263.

Baireuth, visited, 404.

Balfour, Arthur James, 457, 460, 476.

Balzac, Honore de, 61.

Bancroft, George, 317, 320.

Bancroft, John Chandler, 82.

Banks in crisis of 1893, 337.

Baring, Thomas, 122.

Barlow, Francis Channing, 210, 248.

Baron Osy, 73.

Barry, Marie Jeanne Gomard de Vau- bernier, Comtesse du, 391.

Bartlett, William Francis, 210, 248.

Bates, Joshua, 121.

Baxter, Sarah, Ethel Newcome, 131.

Bayard, Thomas Francis, 331.

Beaumont, Lady Margaret, on foreigners, 196.

Bebel, Ferdinand August, 423.

Beesly, Edward Spencer, 189.

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 80, 81, 82, 85.

Begonia, nature of, 292.

Bennett, James Gordon, 244.

Benton, Thomas Hart, l02.

Berlin, in 1858, 74, 77; university of, 75; gymnasium, 77.

Besnard, Paul Albert, 391.

Bethell, Richard, Lord Westbury, 148, 149; rebel cruisers, 151; foreign enlistment act, 176.

Bille, Torben van, Danish minister, 135.

Birmingham, England, 72.

Bismarck, Otto Eduard Leopold von, 78, 289.

Blaine, James Gillespie, 261, 280, 281, 321, 331, 394.

Boer War, 370, 464.

Boerhaave, Hermann, 491.

Borthwick, --, 135.

Boston, Mass., social tone, 19; want of healthy resources, 38; women, 40; blackguard, 41; Latin School, 41; mobs, 42; on English eccentricity, 181; simplicity, 241, 269.

Boston Courier, Adams writes for, 89, 94.

Boston Whig, 32.

Boutwell, George Sewall, 281, 298; governor, 49; secretary of the treasury, 263, 267; gold conspiracy, 271; voluntary isolation, 273; Hay on, 326.

Bowen, Francis, 72.

Bowles, Samuel, 255.

Brahe, Tycho, 492.

Branly, Edouard, 381.

Bravay, et Cie., rebel rams, 178.

Brice, Calvin Stewart, 320, 331, 343.

Bright, John, 125, 133, 183; attacks Roebuck, 187; power of attack, 188; courage and poise, 190; on criminal sentences, 19l; in cabinet, 284.

Brooke, Stopford Augustus, 215, 220.

Brook Farm, 27.

Brooks, Abigail Brown, 23.

Brooks, Ann, 23.

Brooks, Chardon, 23.

Brooks, Charlotte, 23.

Brooks, Edward, 23.

Brooks, Gorham, 23.

Brooks, Peter Chardon, lo; death, 23.

Brooks, Peter Chardon, Jr., 23.

Brooks, Phillips, 55, 235, 315.

Brooks, Preston Smith, assault on Sumner, 76.

Brooks, Sydney, 23, 94.

Brougham, Henry, Lord, 124, 193, 197; audacity, 184.

Browning, Robert, 201; and the guillotine, 92 Brunnow, Baron, Russian ambassador, 135; on Palmerston, 133.

Bruno, Giordano, 484.

Bryant, William Cullen, 244.

Bryce, James, Viscount, 304.

Buckle, Henry Thomas, 221, 301, 434.

Bull Run, battle of, 118, 129, 152.

Bunyan, John, 483.

Burlingame, Anson, 49, l0l.

Burnham, Daniel Hudson, 341.

Burr, Aaron, 394.

Butler, Benjamin Franklin, New Orleans order, 136.

Buxton, Fowell, 184.

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 358.

Cacciatori, Garibaldi's, 86.

Calhoun, John Caldwell, 45, 394.

Calvin, John, 483.

Cambridge, Mass., social, 307.

Cambridge House (Palmerston's), im- portance of, 134.

Camden & Amboy R.R., 43.

Cameron, James Donald, 332, 343, 385, 426; type,333; retires, 356; at Surrenden Dering, 364.

Cameron, Elizabeth (Sherman) 332.

Campbell, Lady Elizabeth Leveson-Gower, Duchess of Argyll, 126.

Campbell, George Douglas, Duke of Argyll, 141; friendly to America, 126; faith in Russell, 151, 153.

Campbell, John, Lord, 197.

Canada, troops in, 153; Sumner and cession, 275.

Canning, George, 174, 206.

Caracciolo, Prince, 94.

Carlyle, Thomas, 61, 83, 192, 193, 20l, 221; Boston and, 33; jibes of, 131; on silence, 358.

Cassini, Comte, Russian policy, 375, 393, 437, 439, 463, 465.

Castiglione, Mme. de, 198.

Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 127.

Cavour, Camillo Benso, 92, 95.

Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne, Marquis of Salisbury, 148, 235, 258.

Cellini, Benvenuto, 387.

Chamberlain, Joseph, 372, 464.

Chamberlain, Miss, 464.

Chandler, Joseph Ripley, 94.

Channing, William Ellery, 27.

Charles I, 72.

Chartres, 371, 388, 427.

Chase, Salmon Portland, 282; legal tender cases, 250, 278; and EIoar, 277.

Chester, England, 72, 236.

Chicago exposition, 1893, 339.

Child, Francis James, 307.

China, struggle for control, 391, 436.

Civilization, failure of, 477.

Clay, Cassius Marcellus, minister to Russia, 113.

Clay, Henry, 5, 45, 102.

Cleveland, Grover, 324, 331, 373; Brice on, 320, Cuba, 349.

Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham, Duke of Newcastle, on recognizing confederacy, 154, 160, rebel rams, 178.

Cobden, Richard, 125, 133, 183, 191.

Cockran, William Bourke, 331.

Coffin's Point, S.C., 332.

Collier, Robert Porrett, Lord Monkswell, on foreign enlistment act, 150, 167.

Columbus, Christopher, 383, 483, 492.

Compass, the, 482.

Comte, Auguste, 60, 225, 301, 434, 479.

Coneord, Mass., philosophy, 27; and the Adamses, 62.

Congressmen, 262.

Conkling, Roscoe, 46, 102, 252, 261, 279, 281, 394.

Constantine, the Great, 484; sets up the cross, 383, 478.

Cooper, Antony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury, 184.

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 383, 492.

Copley, John Singleton, Lord Lyndhursr, 197 Country and town, New England, 7.

Coutances, fete dieu in, 468.

Coutts, Miss Burdett, 118, 197.

Cox, Jacob Dolson, 271, 277, 282; secre- tary of the interior, 263, 267.

Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 282.

Crisis of 1893; 337.

Croll, James, 400.

Crookes, Sir William, 450, 452.

Cross, influence of, 383, 478; defence of, 480.

Crowninshield, Benjamin William, 82.

Cruisers, rebel, 150.

Cuba, visited, 349.

Cunliffe, Sir Robert, 190.

Curie, Madame de, 397, 450, 453.

Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, 249.

Cushing, Caleb, on Sumner, 50.

Dalton, John, 491.

Dana, Charles Anderson, 244.

Dana, Richard Henry, 35; character, 29.

Daniels, Conky, 43.

Darwin, Charles, 201, 284, 400,452; effect of, 224.

Davis, Henry Winter, l0l.

Davis, Jefferson, to make a nation, 114; Gladstone's recognition, 156, 163, 165; diplomatic agents, 184.

Davis, John Chandler Bancroft, 275.

Degrand, Peter Paul Francis, 20.

Delane, John Thaddeus, 121, 125, 135; at Milnes's 170.

Dennett, John Richard, 299.

Descartes, Rene, 389, 484, 491, 495.

Dewey, George, 257.

Dickens, Charles, 35, 61, 201, 431; England of, 72; exaggeration, 181; satires, 182.

Diocletian, Emperor, 477.

Diplomats, complaints of young, 250.

Disraeli, Benjamin, Ead of Beaconsfield, 148, 163, 164, 192, 194, 235, 384.

Dixwell, Epes Sargent, school, 54.

Dohna, Samuel, 255.

Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings Charles, 190, 200.

Dresden, 82, 87.

Dudley, Thomas Haines, consul, rebel cruisers, 129.

Dumas, Alesandre, 94, 392.

Dupont, Samuel Francis, 112.

Durer, Albert, 492.

Dynamo, the, 342, 380.

Eaton Hall, 72, 236.

Eccentricity, British, 181.

Eddy, Spencer (Fayette), 300.

Edinburgh Review, 192, 258, 282, 286.

Education, state, 78.

Egypt, visited, 360.

Eliot, Charles William, 300, 304; offer of assistant professorship, 291, 293; commends, 305.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 27, 61, 141; protest, 35.

Emmons, Samuel Franklin, 309.

Engrand le Prince, 471.

Ennui, 427.

Erie railroad, 270, 282, 286.

Estes Park, 310.

Europe, influence on youth, 70.

Evarts, William Maxwell, 149, 271, 373; on success, 39; in London, 148, 197; at Cambridge, 204; in Washington, 244, 253; legal tender cases, 249.

Everett, Charlotte (Brooks), 23, 299.

Everett, Edward, 27, 29, 204, 299, 317; eulogy on J. Q. Adams, 21; career, 23; succeeds Webster, 32.

Everett, William, at Cambridge, 304.

Evolution, 91.

Exposition, Chicago, 1893, 339; Paris, 1900, 379.

Faraday, Michad, 397, 426.

Felton, Cornelius Conway, 64.

Fish, Hamilton 271, 282, 294; secretary of state, 263; kindness of, 266; Sumner and, 274.

Fisk, James, 270, 286, 297.

Fiske, John, 299, 307; on H. Adams, 305, Forain, Jean Louis, 193.

Forces, development and economy, 379; lines of, 396, 426.

Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 351.

Forster, Jane Martha (Arnold), 125.

Forster, William Edward, 119, 123, 183, 284; described, 125; faith in Russell, 153; education bill, 285.

France, position in 1858, 83; war with Germany, 280, 290; churches of, 309; science in, 454.

Franklin, Benjamin, 47, 333, 485, 486, 491.

Free Soil Party, 29, 30, 49.

Frewen, Moreton, 343.

Friedrich Wilhelm IV, of Prussia, 78.

Frothingham, Ann (Brooks), 23.

Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon, 23, 27; position, 24.

Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, scepticism of, 35.

Froude, James Anthony, 201, 221.

Fryston, Yorkshire, C. F. Adams at, 119; H. Adams, 138.

Fulton, Robert, 486.

Fust, Johann, 483.

Galileo Galilei, 383, 457, 484, 491, 495.

Gallatin, Albert, 333.

Ganoid, fish. See Pteraspis.

Garfield, James Abram, 261, 280, 281, 324.

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 86, 91, 92, 367; Adams and, 93; at Palermo, 94; in London, 198; Grant and, 265.

Garrison, William Lloyd, 29, 42, 51.

Gaskell, Charles Milnes, 235; meeting with 204.

Gaskeli, James Milnes, 204, 284, 291, 318; described, 206; Mrs. 206, 284.

Geikie, Archibald, 400.

George III, 372.

Germany, education in, 61, 75; in 1858, 82; war with France, 285, 290; imposed on students, 304; a terror to Great Britain, 363; position of, 424, 437; science, 453.

Gettyeburg, battle of, 169.

Gibbon, Edward, 301, 367, 434; "Decline and Fall" 91; on cathedrals, 386.

Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 377, 449.

Giles, William Branch, 394.

Gladstone, William Ewart, 149, 182, 192, 202, 206, 262, 284, 289; on confederacy, 115; honesty of, 153; recognizing confederacy, 154, 174; Newcastle speech, 155, 176; rejoinder to Lewis, 161; confession of blunder, 165; Osford training, 167; on politicians, 179; laughs at Dundreary, 181; uncertainty, 183.

Glass, in churches of France, 470.

Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, 102, 244, 276, 280, 336.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 62, 81, 82.

Gold conspiracy of 1869, 269, 282, 286, 292.

Gorham, Nathaniel, 46.

Gould, Jay, 238, 281, 286, 297; gold conspiracy, 269.

Gracchus, Tiberius, 91.

Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 255, 280, 297, 298, 356, 385; president, 260; cabinet, 262, gold conspiracy, 271; foreign policy, 275; a quarrel with, 276; dislike of Motley, 276; failure of administration, 281, 294.

Granville. See Leveson-Gower.

Gray, Horace, 109.

Gray, Thomas, 36.

Great Britain, recognizes belligerency of confederacy, 114; prejudice, 122; inter- vention, 151; eccentricity, 180; royalty in, 199; manners, 20l; English mind, 212; art, 213, 220; historians, 221; treaty relations, 423.

Greek fire, 483.

Greeley, Horace, 244.

Green, John Richard, on Palgrave, 215.

Grey, Sir George, 184; opposes recognition of confederacy, 160.

Grosvenor, 72.

Grote, George, 201.

Grote, Harriet (Lewin), 192.

Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume, 33.

Gunpowder, 483.

Gurney, Ephraim Whitman, 293, 300, 307, Gutenberg, Johann, 483, 492.

Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich, 429, 453.

Hague, Arnold, 310.

Hallam, Arthur, 206.

Halstead, Murat, 255.

Hampton, Frank, 131.

Hampton, Sarah (Baxter), 131.

Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, 235; senator, 356.

Harrison, Benjamin, 320, 324, 331, 332, 373.

Harte, Francis Bret, 260, 315, 385.

Harvard College, education at, 54; class of '58, 56; class day, 68; influence, 296; history at, 300; value of degree, 305, Harvey, Peter, 32, 49.

Harvey, William, 491.

Hay, Adelbert Stone, death of, 416.

Hay, Clara (Stone), 360, 366.

Hay, John, 64, 161, 335, 261, 315, 320, 327, 332, 347, 355, 373, 421; Adams meets, 106; in diplomatic service, 210; assistant secretary of state, 317; republican, 32l; Life of Lincoln, 322, 325; position with party, 323; memory for faces, 325; Ambassador, 356, 359; success, 363; Secretary of State, 364, 422; troubles, 372; policy, 374; China, 392, 436; Japan-Russia war, 465; at St. Louis, 465; illness, 502; death, 504.

Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 324, 464.

Hayward, Abraham, 125, 135, 201.

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 81, 406, 449, 451.

Heine, Heinrich, 76, 79.

Helmholz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von, 460.

Herald, New York, 244.

Herbert, Michael, 436, 443.

Hewitt, Abram Stevens, 323, 327, 373; value of, 294.

Higginson, Henry Lee, 41, 210, 235.

Higginson, James Jackson, 82.

Hildreth, Richard, 104.

History, teaching of, 301; methods, 382, 395; dynamic theory of, 474.

Hitt, Reynolds, 426.

Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood, 257, 271, 282; attorney general, 263, 267; difference with Chase, 277; driven from office, 279.

Hoar, Samuel, 257, 268.

Hofer, Billy, 350.

Hogarth, William, 391.

Holland, Sir Henry, 131; breakfast, 204.

Holleben, Herr von, German policy, 375, 393; recalled, 437.

Holloway, 217.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 27, 55, 141.

Hooper, Samuel, 253.

Homer, Mary, 127.

Horton, S. Dana, 334.

Houghton, Lord. See Milnes.

Howe, Timothy Otis, 292.

Howells, William Dean, 235.

Hughes, Thomas, 127.

Hugo, Victor Marie, test of, 142; anecdote, 143.

Hunt, Richard Morris, 315, 340, 341, 343, 386.

Hunt, William Holman, 214, 386.

Hunt, William Morris, 213, 315.

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 225.

Huygens, Christian, 491.

Iddings, Joseph Paxson, 350.

Inertia, force of, 440; sex, 441.

"Initials," the, by Baroness von Tautphoeus, 87.

Intervention, British, in American Civil War, 151.

Introspection, 432.

Iroquois, 94.

Irish, self obstruction, 393.

Italy, 84, 367; an emotion, 89.

Jackson, Andrew, 24, 28, 252.

James, George Payne Rainsford, 71.

James, Henry, 235, 315, 319; novels, 163.

James, William, 307.

Japan, Russia and, 462.

Jaures, Jean Leon, 423.

Jefferson, Thomas,

Jenner, Edward, 486.

Jesse, tree of, 471.

Jocelyn, Lady Frances Elizabeth, 135.

Johnson, Andrew, president, 209, 261, 374; meeting with, 245.

Johnson, Catherine (Nuth), 16.

Johnson, Joshua, 16.

Johnson, Louisa Catherine, 16.

Johnson, Samuel, 36, 73.

Johnson, Thomas, 16.

Johnston, Humphreys, 370.

Joinville, Sieur de, 471, 483.

Jones, John Percival, 343.

Jowett, Benjamin, 201.

Judkins, -- , 71.

Justinian, 482.

Kant, Immanuel, 62, 81, 449, 456, 498.

Kelvin, Lord. See William Thomson.

Kepler, Johann, 376, 484, 491.

Khilkoff, Prince, 439, 444.

King, Clarence, 64, 87, 315; on nature's errors, 269; meeting with, 311; on man-atoms, 319; republican, 321; head of Survey Bureau, 322; near success, 328; in 1893, 346; goes to Arizona, 395; death, 416.

King, Preston, 101.

Kinglake, Alexander William, 221.

Kipling, Rudyard, 260; "Mandalay," 316; on steamship, 319.

Kropotkin, Prince Peter Alexeievitch, 407.

Kuhn, Charles, 85.

Kuhn, Louisa Catherine (Adams), 88.

Italian fervor, 85; death, 287.

La Farge, John, 64, 235, 315, 317, 341, 386; in South Seas, 316; expression, 370; glass of, 371, 470.

La Fontaine, Jean de, on the wolf, 229.

Laird, William, and Son, rebel rams, 168; connection with confederate agents, 186.

Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus, 279; confederate agent to Russia, 185; on English allies, 186; Bright and Roebuck, 187; on slavery, 246; on office, 322.

Lamsdorf, -- , 438, 463.

Landor, Walter Savage, 142.

Langley, Samuel Pierpont, 385, 450; scientist, 377; Paris exposition, 379.

Laplace, Pierre Simon, 491.

Lee, Robert Edward, 57, 108, 266; invasion of Maryland, 152; retreat, 154.

Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh ("Roony"), at Harvard College, 57.

Legal tender cases, 249, 277.

Legitimacy and order, 113.

Leibuitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 484, 491, 495.

Leonardo da Vinci, 492.

Leveson-Gower, George Granville William Sutherland, Duke of Sutherland, 118.

Leveson-Gower, Granville George, Earl Granville, 149, 184, 202, 323; on recognizing the confederacy, 154, 160.

Leveson-Gower, Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana, Duchess of Sutherland, 118.

Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 184; replies to Gladstone, 157, 159; rejoinder, 161.

Libri, Guglielmo, 218.

Lies of diplomacy, 133.

Limulus, or horseshoe, 230.

Lincoln, Abraham, 98, 103,121, 297; inauguration message, 106; described, 107, English prejudice, 122, 136; a nightmare, 130; emancipation proclamation, 155; reelection, 208; assassination, 209.

Lindsay, William Schaw, connection with confederate agents, 186.

Lodge, Anna Cabot Mills (Davis), 332, 353, 404, 442.

Lodge, Elizabeth (Davis), 403, 443.

Lodge, George Cabot (Bay), 403, 405, 443.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 332, 343, 356, 421; relations with, 353; goes to Russia, 406.

Lodge, John Ellerton, 31.

London, tone, 33; in 1858, 73; American legation, 171; society, 194; in 1870, 284.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 27, 31, 141.

Louis XIV, 491.

Louis Philippe, taste, 195.

Lovejoy, Owen, l0l.

Lowe, Robert, 202.

Lowell, James Russell, 83, 141, 307, 308; "Biglow Papers," 35; influence, 61; meets Bright, 190; on right and wrong, 259.

Lunt, George, 20.

Luther, Martin, 483.

Lyell, Sir Charles, 127, 309, 398, 400; champions Darwin, 224.

Lyell, Mary (Homer), 127.

Lyndhurst. See Copley.

Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, Earl Lyons, 158.

Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer, 201.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 33; method, 221.

McClellan, George Brinton, 137.

McCulloch, Hugh, 263; character, 247.

Mach, Ernst, 429, 453, 460.

Machiavelli, Niccolo, 85.

McKim, Charles Follen, 315.

McKinley, William, 235, 261, 355, 392; policy, 373.

McKinleyism, 423.

McLennan, John Ferguson, 301.

McVeagh, Wayne, 327.

Madison, James, 47.

Maine, Sir Henry, 301, 368.

Maine, sinking of the, 360.

Mals, 87.

Manchuria, Russian designs on, 438, 462.

Mann, Horace, 35.

Manning, Henry Edward, cardinal-priest, 206.

Mansfield Street, Portland Place, 119.

Marconi, Guglielmo, 381.

Markoe, Francis, 101.

Marseillaise, singing by order, 290.

Marshall, John, 47.

Marvin, William Theophilus Rogers, 41.

Marx, Karl, 33, 60, 72, 225, 351, 379.

Maryland, in 1850, 44.

Mason, James Murray, 204, 394; seizure on Trent, 119; agent of Confederacy, 184.

Massachusetts, senatorship in 1850, 49.

Maupassant, Guy de, 259.

Maurigy's Hotel, London, 116.

Maxwell, James Clerk, 452.

Mexico, visited, 350, 355.

Michael Angelo, 92, 93, 388, 493.

Milan, 85.

Miles, Nelson Appleton, 210.

Mill, John Stuart, 33, 72, 494; a talk with, 126; timidity of, 192.

Mills, Clark, 252.

Milman, Henry Hart, 201.

Milnes, Richard Monckton, Lord Houghton, 119, 123, 185, 195, 201, 206, 285; described, 124; as host, 138; on Hugo, 143; joy over Gettysburg, 169; on Glad- stone, 183; not an eccentric, 184.

Mind, American and British, 180; Eng- lish, 193.

Mommsen, Theodor, 93.

Montaigne, Michel de, 389, 454, 485, 492.

Mont-Saint-Michel, 354.

Moran, Benjamin, assistant secretary of legation, III; secretary, 130, 145.

Morgan, Junius, 121.

Morgan, John Pierpont, 235, 347.

Morley, John, Viscount, on Russell, 160.

Motley, John Lothrop 27, 274; social taste, 200; returns to America, 237; Grant's dislike of, 276; minister, 284.

Mount Felix, 121.

Mount Vernon; Va., 47.

Mullett, Albert B., 253.

Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de, 142.

Musurus, -- , Turkish ambassador, 118, 135.

Napoleon Bonaparte, 28, 84, 112, 491.

Napoleon III, 96, 138, 208, 385, 289; declares war on Austria, 83, 92; and Gladstone, 156; on intervention, 161; Mexican venture, 162.

Nation, The, 243, 244, 250.

Nattier, Jean Marc, 391.

Newcastle, Duke of See Clinton.

Newcomb, Simon, 377.

Newcome, Ethel, Sally Baxter, 131.

Newcomen, Thomas, 491.

New England, contrasts, 7; professions, 32; education of boys, 54; at Washington, 101.

Newman, John Henry, cardinal, 192.

Newport, R.I., social, 241.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 226, 376, 377, 451, 484, 486, 491, 495.

New York City, in 1905, 499.

Niagara, 112.

Nicolay, John George, 322.

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 485.

Nordhoff, Charles, 255, 264.

North, Frederick, Lord, 174.

North American Review, 281, 280, 353; articles in, 222, 233, 250, 258, 277, 280, 292; position of, 234, 244; Adams as editor, 293, 296, 307.

North-Enders, Boston, 41.

Norton, Charles Eliot, editor N. A. Review, 223.

Nuth, Catherine, 16.

Office, poison of, 365.

Oliphant, Laurence, at Fryston, 139.

Olney, Richard, 331.

Ortler Spize, 86.

Ostwald, Wilhelm, 453.

Owl, The, 139.

Oxenstiern, Axel Gustafsson, 100.

Palfrey, John Gorham, 27, 35; character, 29; history of , 221.

Palgrave, Cecil (Milnes Gaskell), 214.

Palgrave, Sir Francis [Cohen], 214.

Palgrave, Francis Turner, 192, 308; critic, 214, 220; war between Germany and France, 285.

Palgrave, Reginald F. D., 214.

Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis, 214.

Palgrave, William Gifford, 214.

Palmer, James Shedden, 94.

Palmer, Roundell, Earl of Selborne, 149.

Palmerston. See Henry John Temple.

Paris, 96; tone, 33; exposition, 1900, 379; education in, 403.

Parker, Theodore, 27, 29, 42; deism, 35.

Parkes, Joseph, 184; busy-body, 120.

Parkman, Francis, sale of works, 327.

Parkman, George, 20.

Pascal, Blaise, 389, 427,485.

Patti, Adelina, 200.

Pauncefote, Sir Julian, 374, 393, 436.

Peabody, George, 121.

Pearl, Cora [Emma Elizabeth Crouch], 209.

Pearson, Karl, "Grammar of Science," 449, 456, 495.

Peel, Sir Robert, 33.

Pendleton, George Hunt, 295.

Pennsylvanian, type of, 333.

Perfection, social, 33.

Persia, 71.

Philippe, Louis, 33,40.

Philippines, the, 363.

Phillips, Wendell, 29, 42.

Phillips, William Hallett, 350.

Phocas, Nicephoras, 482.

Plato, 62.

Plehve, Viatscheslaf Konstantinovich, assassinated, 471.

Poincare, Raymond, 454,456,460.

Polk, James Knox, 5, 13.

Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de, 391.

Pope, Alexander, 36.

Post, New York Evening, 244, 336.

Prescott, William Hickling, 27.

Press, the, as a career, 211; religious, 352.

Presidents, respect for, 47.

Priestley, Joseph, 486.

Privilege, Bright on, 189.

Pteraspis, ganoid fish, 228, 229, 265, 291, 302, 352, 355, 398, 399.

Pumpelly, Raphael, 87, 449.

Punch, on Russell, 164.

Puritans, 483; moral standards, 36; Palfrey on, 232.

Quarterly, refuses article, 287.

Quincy, Edmund, 29.

Quincy, Mass., 9; want of style, 10.

Rabelais, Francois, 454.

Radium, 381, 397.

Rafael, Adams buys a, 216.

Railroads, study of American, 240; situation of,330.

Rams, the Confederate, 167.

Rawlins, John Aaron, and Grant, 264, 265.

Raymond, Henry Jarvis, 101, 120, 244.

Rebellion, English leaning to, 183.

Reclus, Elisee, 351,407.

Reed, thomas Brackett, 331.

Reed, , curator of drawings, British Museum, on Rafael drawing, 217.

Reeve, Henry, 125, 258, 282; described, 192; refuses article, 286.

Reichenbach, Hofrathin von, 87.

Reid, Whitelaw, 221, 235, 244, 347.

Religion, in Boston, 34.

Renan, Ernest, 61.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 391.

Rich, the very, 347.

Richardson, Henry Hobson, 55, 64, 235, 315, 318, 341, 386; in Paris, 213.

Ritnzi, Cola di, 91.

Roads, Virginia, 47.

Rock Creek, 268; St. Gaudens' figure, 329.

Rockefellers, the, 235.

Rockhill, William Woodvillo, 356, 361.

Rodin, Auguste, 391.

Roebuck, John Arthur, connection with confederate agents, 186; encounter with Bright, 187.

Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad, 450.

Rome, in 1870, 89.

Roosevelt, Theodare, 332, 356, 431, 436, 447; outspeaking, 464; and the trusts, 500.

Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore, 443.

Root, Elihu, 394, 464.

Rossini, Giochino Antonio, 94.

Rubens; Peter Paul, 388.

Ruskin, John, 193, 387.

Russell, John, Earl, 116, 126, 48, 192, 208, 284; receives rebel emissaries, 115; attitude towards C. F. Adams, 123; insolent replies, 128; as hogs, 132; foreign secretary, 135; Palmerston's betise, 137; wish to recognize Confederacy, 149, 152; rebel cruisers, 150; on intervention, 152, 154, 172, 174; Gladstone's speech, 158; gives way, 16l; dishonesty, 163; resemblance to J. Q. Adams, 167; rebel rams, 167; weakness, 182; retirement, 212.

Russia, visited, 406; character of, 408; position, 423, 437; rolling of, 439, 448; in Manchuria, 462, 502.

Sac and soc, 368.

St. Francis d'Assisi, 367.

St. Gaudens, Augustus, 64, 315, 341, 391; compensation, 326; figure at Rock Creek, 329; inarticulate, 385; models Hay's head, 465.

St. James's Club, conversation of, 117.

St. Louis, exposition, 1904, 465.

Salisbury, Marquis of. See Cecil.

Sargent, John Singer, 465.

Savage, James, 41.

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, 81.

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 406, 485.

Schurz, Carl, 322.

Scott, Robert Falcon, 502.

Scott, Sir Walter, 39.

Scott, Winfield, 59; in 1860, 106.

Secessionists, Southern, ignorance of, 100.

Secretaries of legation, in London, 117.

Secretary of State, duties, 375.

Selborne. See Palmer.

Senate, United States, in 1850, 45; treaty delays, 374, 394; obstruction, 393; Secretary of State and, 422.

Senators, United States, 272; in 1850, 45; quality of, 102, 261, 354.

Session, the 258, 280, 292.

Seward, Wiiliam Henry, 25, 29, 49, 110, 113, 116, 121, 129, 149; aspirant to Presidency, 89; in 1860, T02; Secretary of State, 103; described, 104; English prejudice, 122; a demon, 130; offer of appointment, 145; propaganda, 146; support by, 171; strength, 174; in 1868, 346.

Sex in art, 385; inertia of, 441.

Seymour, Margaret, Duchess of Somerset, 118.

Shakespeare, William, 62, 492.

Sherman, John, 295, 332; Secretary of State, 356.

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 245.

Shropshire, beauty of, 228.

Silence, praise of, 358.

Silver, question of, 334; repeal of act, 343.

Slave power, influence, 25, 48; fugitive, law, 42; states 43, 44.

Slidell, John, 184; seizure on Trent, 119.

Smalley, George Washburn, 198, 210.

Smith, Adam, 351.

Smith, Captain John, essay on, 222.

Smith, Sydney, 201.

Sohm, Rudolph, 368.

Somerset, Duchess of. See Seymour.

Sotheby's, London, 213.

South-Enders, Boston, 41.

Sothern, Edward Askew, as Dundreary, 181.

Spaulding, Elbridge Gerry, 277.

Specie payments, 233.

Speck von Sternberg, Baron, 437.

Spencer, Herbert, 385.

Spinoza, Baruch de, 226, 456, 484.

Springfield Republican, 278.

Spring-Rice, Cecil Arthur, 332, 356.

Stallo, John Bernhard, 452; "Concepts of Science," 377, 449.

Stanley, Edward Gorge Geoffrey Smith, Earl of Derby, 184, 194, 235.

Stanley, Edward John, 154.

Stanley, Edward Lyulph, 127.

Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 171.

State Street, influence, 21.

Statistics, uncertainty of, 351.

Stelvio Pass, 86.

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 139, 260, 319.

Stickney, Joseph Trumbull, 403, 405.

Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William, at Fryston, 139.

Stoeckel, --, 255.

Storey, Moorfield, 256.

Story, William Wetmore, 93.

Struve, Madame de, 256.

Stubbs, William, 141.

Sturgis, Mrs. Russell, 121.

Suess, Eduard, 400.

Sumner, Charles, 29, 35, 111, 116, 261, 263, 271, 281, 282, 298, 394; ambition and position, 30; senator, 49; in Berlin, 76, quotes Oxenstiern, 99; in 1860, 102; breaks with C. F. Adams, 107; opposes him as minister, 110, 115; English liking for, 122; resumes relations with Adams, 251; quarrel with Fish, 274; Alabama claims, 275.

Sun, New York, 244.

Surrenden Dering, Kent, 364.

Survey of the 40th parallel, 309.

Sutherland, Duke of. See Leveson-Gower. Swinburne, Algernon, 201, 319; at Fryston, 139; on silence, 358.

Tautphoeus, Jemima (Montgomery), baroness von, "The Initials," 87.

Taylor, Richard, 198.

Taylor, Zachary, meeting with, 46.

Temple, Amelia (Lamb Cowper), Lady Palmerston, 137; popularity, 133.

Temple, Henry John, Viscount Palmerston, 92, 125, 148, 149, 151, 284; as Tiberius 114; dangerous quality, 132; on Butler's order, 136; on recognizing confederacy, 152, 154, 159, 161, 174; simplicity, 164; senility, 168; rebel rams, 177; death, 212.

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 92, 201, 206, 224.

Terebratula, uniformity, 228, 266, 291.

Teutonic, the, 318.

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 35, 61, 201; on Lincoln's brutality, 131; satirist, 181.

Thibaut of Champagne, 471.

Thomson, Sir William Lord Kelvin, 381, 401, 450.

Thuringen, tramp in, 81, 82.

Ticknor, George, 27.

Tilden, Samuel Jones, 373.

Times, London, on Adams's article, 120; slowness of, 170.

Tocqueville, Alexis Henri Charles Mau- rice Clerel, Comte de, 33, 192.

Torrey, Henry Warren, 300.

Town and country, New England, 8.

Treaties, in Senate, 374, 394.

Trent, affair of the, 1l9, 128.

Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward, 127.

Tribune, New York, 244, 278.

Tricoupi, S., 135.

Trusts, battle of, 500.

Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, 479, 493.

Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 213.

Tylor, Edward Burnett, 301.

Tyndall, John, 225.

Unitarianism, Boston, 34.

United States, society in, 237.

Unity, 226, 397, 429; chaos, 406.

Valtellina, 86.

Van Buren, Martin, 25, 46.

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 238.

Van de Weyer, Silvain, Belgian minister, 135 Venables, Gorge Stovin, 125, 201.

Vertebrate, first, 228.

Vicksburg, fall of, 169, 174.

Victoria, Queen, 40, 359; taste, 195.

Vigny, Alfred de, 358.

Virgin force of the, 383, 468.

Virginia, roads, 47; youth, 57; in 1860, 105.

Volta Alessandro, 491.

Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de, 140, 391, 485.

Wagner, Richard, 81, 404.

Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 399.

Walker, Francis Amasa, 248; legal tender cases, 277.

Walker, James, 27, 64.

Walpole, Sir Spencer, 152.

Walton-on-Thames, 121.

Ward, Samuel, 253, 264, 282.

Washburn, Israel, l0l.

Washington, Gorge, 47, 260, 372; slavery and, 47, 50.

Washington, Martha (Dandridge Custis), 48.

Washington monument, Washington, 44, 47.

Washington, D.C., Boston to, 43; in 1850, 44; in 1860, 99; in 1868, 243, 252; soci- ety, 256, 296; in 1892, 320.

Watt, James, 486, 491.

Watteau, Antoine, 391.

Watterson, Henry, 255.

Webster, Daniel, 2.4, 29, 45, 49, 102, 148, 394; representative of Boston, 32.

Weed, Thurlow, 49, 103, 149, 150; in England, 146.

Wells, David Ames, 281.

Wenlock Abbey, Shropshire, 207, 228, 290, 355. West, the, in 1871, 309; in 1904, 465.

Westcomb, Sir Anthony, 216.

West Indies, Grant's policy, 275.

Westminster Review, 284, 292.

Wharton, Francis, 299.

Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 220, 370, 386.

White, Stanford, 315, 341, 386.

White House, Washington, visit to, 46.

Whitman, Walt, 385.

Whitney, Josiah Dwight, 309.

Whitney, William Collins, 235, 295, 321, 331, 373; measure of success, 347.

Wide-Awakes, 99.

Wilberforce, Samuel, 201.

Wilde Hamilton, 92.

Wilheim I, of Prussia, 78.

Wilhelm II, of Germany, 437, 464.

Wilkes, Charles, 121.

Wilson, Charles L., secretary of legation, 111, 130.

Wilson, Henry, 49.

Winthrop, Robert Charles, 20: succeeds Everett, 32.

Witte, Serge Julievich, Count, 438, 439, 444, 462.

Wolcott, Edward Oliver, 331.

Woman, American ideas of 384.

Women, Boston, 40; American, 353, 442.

Woolner, Thomas, 220; sculptor, 215; opinion on Reed, 219.

Wordsworth, William, 36.

Wren, Sir Christopher, 213.

Wright, Chauncey, 399.

Wynn, Charlotte, 207, 284.

Wynns of Wyostay, 206.

X-rays, 381, 397.

Yellowstone Park, 350.

Yorkshire, England, characteristics, 205.

Zeno, 389.

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