ACQNET v4n064 (December 15, 1994) URL = ISSN: 1057-5308 *************** ACQNET, Vol. 4, No. 64, December 15, 1994 ========================================= (1) FROM: Dianna Zinnato SUBJECT: Overseas Donations of Books and Journals (18 lines) (2) FROM: Joe Barker SUBJECT: RE: Gordon Press (8 lines) (3) FROM: Peter Stevens SUBJECT: Document Vendors (18 lines) (4) FROM: Ann Waligorski SUBJECT: Children's Literature Vendors (19 lines) (5) FROM: Anna Belle Leiserson SUBJECT: New WWW Home Page (36 lines) (6) FROM: John Popko SUBJECT: Position Available, Seattle University (81 lines) (1)---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 16:07:40 -0500 From: Diana Zinnato (Thomas Jefferson U.) Subject: Overseas donations of books and journals I am looking for information about agencies in this country that collect and forward medical books and journals to needy institutions overseas. I have some information about one organization called 'Global Links' but would like to learn of others as well. Please contact me directly and many thanks in advance for your assistance. Diana Zinnato Associate Director for Collection Management Scott Memorial Library Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA, 19107 215-955-2829 (phone) 215-923-3203 (fax) (2)---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 13:26:25 -0500 From: Joe Barker (UC-Berkeley) Subject: Re: Gordon Press Gordon Press at Bowling Green Station, NYC, is one of the publishers on the CAVEAT EMPTOR list maintained by the ALA/ALCTS Publisher/Vendor-Library Relations Committee. PVLR recommends that no one prepay Gordon Press and exercise caution when ordering, because of a history of non-delivery after receiving payment or similar fraudulent action. For more information about the CAVEAT EMPTOR list please contact me, current chair of PVLRC. (3)--------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 11:58:21 -0500 From: Peter Stevens (Univ. of WA) Subject: Document vendors For US documents of all types, we have been very happy with Accents Publications Service (721 Ellsworth Dr, Suite 203, Silver Spring, MD 20910-4436, phone 301-588-5496, email They provide good turnaround time on GPO, NTIS, LC, Census, NLM, FDA, EPA, USGS, GAO, ERIC and much other material, though the price you pay may be higher than if you dealt direct with the agency. With Accents, you avoid prepayments and deposit accounts but what you get is nonreturnable. We very happily use Unipub (4611-F Assembly Dr, Lanham, MD 20706-4391, phone 800-274-4888, email for the agencies that they handle: HMSO, UN, IMF, World Bank, OECD, ILO, APO, WTO, UNESCO, UNUP, GATT, IDRC. They provide fast, responsive service. (4)---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 10:09:32 -0500 From: Ann Waligorski (Univ. of Arkansas) Subject: Children's literature vendors The library purchases children's and young adult literature for the University's Learning Resources Center. Does anyone have some vendors with addresses they could recommend? We are currently using Baker and Taylor and have just sent an initial order to Bound-to-Stay-Bound. We do not need cataloging, pockets, etc.; just the basic service with or without a laminated cover. Ann Waligorski Head, Acquisitions - monographs University Libraries University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201 FAX: 501 575-6656 PHONE: 501 575-5511 (5)---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 10:32:34 -0500 From: Anna Belle Leiserson (Vanderbilt U.) Subject: New WWW Home page Cross posted to law-lib and acqnet: Announcing a World Wide Web home page for acquisitions and collection development librarians, particularly law acquisitions librarians -- the URL is: Its primary purpose is to the address the question I hear with increasing frequency: why and how is the Internet relevant to acquisitions and collection development? Among the links included are tools for verification, publisher information, relevant newsletters, and various reference sources, such as currency converters. Thank you again to the publishers and vendors who have responded so quickly to my inquiries about their e-mail addresses and home pages. To publishers who have not been contacted or who have been unable to confirm, I would be delighted to hear from you. I am collecting general purpose e-mail addresses and (for those who have them) the URL's for Web home pages or gophers. Comments are welcome. Enjoy, Anna Belle Leiserson Vanderbilt Law Library Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37203 615-322-0023 (6)---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 14:12:17 -0500 From: John Popko (Seattle Univ.) Subject: Position Available (Academic; Acquisitions; Seattle, WA) ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN (non-tenure-track) A.A. Lemieux Library, Seattle University Seattle University, a Jesuit institution founded in 1891, is the largest independent university in the Northwest with over 6,000 students enrolled in 41 undergraduate and 22 graduate programs. The A.A. Lemieux Library supports the curriculum with a collection of 200,000 volumes, 1430 current subscriptions, CD-ROM workstations, and the recently installed Sirsi Unicorn Collection Management System. RESPONSIBILITIES (ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS): Plan, organize, and supervise all acquisitions activities using the Sirsi Unicorn system for order, receipt, claiming, and fund accounting for all print and non-print materials received as firm orders, standing orders, subscriptions, and gifts. Manage the encumbrance and expenditure of the materials budget ($400,000+ in FY 1995). Manage the full utilization of Unicorn acquisition module (began July 1994). Prepare reports and expenditure projections. Train and supervise 2 full-time support staff and student assistant(s). Participate in development of library policies and in faculty activities. Establish and maintain effective communication with university faculty on acquisitions matters and as liaison in subject area(s). Report to the Head of Technical Services. QUALIFICATIONS: (Individuals must meet these minimum qualifications and be able to explain or demonstrate that the individual can perform the essential job functions, with or without reasonable accommodation, using some combination of skills and abilities.) Required: Master's degree from ALA accredited program; two years of acquisitions experience; fund accounting and budget management experience; demonstrated knowledge of acquisitions and serials technical functions (e.g., use of machine-readable bibliographic records in acquisition work and management of subscriptions and standing orders); experience with automated acquisitions system; demonstrated management, supervisory, and communication skills. Preferred: Professional acquisitions experience in an academic library; knowledge of domestic and foreign book trade; awareness of trends in academic library acquisitions; working knowledge of one or more modern European languages. SALARY AND AVAILABILITY: Minimum $27,500 (distributed between a nine-month base faculty contract and a Summer letter of appointment) plus medical, dental, and educational benefits. Faculty appointment (non-tenure-track) at appropriate rank. Position is currently vacant; starting date is negotiable. APPLICATION PROCESS: Submit letter of application addressing responsibilities and qualifications stated above, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to John Popko, University Librarian, Lemieux Library, Seattle University, Seattle, WA 98122-4460. Applications received by January 9, 1995, will be given first consideration; applications will be considered until position is filled. Special Note: All position applicants must prove authorization to work in the United States at the time of a position offer. Documentation establishing authorization to work may include: Social Security card, United States birth certificate, or other approved documentation. A photo identification will also be required. For more information, call the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization Service at (206) 553-5956. SEATTLE UNIVERSITY IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE BASED ON DISABILITY ****** END OF FILE ****** ACQNET, Vol. 4, No. 64 ****** END OF FILE ******