ACQNET v5n012 (April 5, 1995) URL = ISSN: 1057-5308 *************** ACQNET, Vol. 5, No. 12, April 5, 1995 ===================================== >From the Editor: Announcing Some Significant Associations With this issue of ACQNET I am pleased to announce some new affiliations. First, after being editor of ACQNET for almost a year, I now have a backup editor. ANNA BELLE LEISERSON is Acquisitions Librarian at Vanderbilt Law Library, and has already started helping me with ACQflashes. As times goes on she will also assist with regular issues as needed. Anna Belle is no stranger to ACQNET and has been a subscriber and contributor since early in ACQNET's history. Secondly, ACQNET is "affiliating" with a World Wide Web site that Anna Belle has developed. It was originally named "Ms. Acquisitions" and was advertised in ACQNET in December (ACQNET 4: 64). Thanks to Editorial Board Member JOYCE OGBURN's insight. She suggested that we investigate some kind of connection with this new service and indeed the relationship has blossomed. Having Anna Belle as back-up editor and affiliating with her service is going to expand our opportunities. The name change of "Ms. Acquisitions" will accommodate this move; don't worry, WWW sites are NOT considered serials so this will not be a bibliographic problem! (I checked with NSDP). The new name is ACQWEB. If you wish to have a sneak preview, the temporary URL is: (Please do not link to this URL, as it is will change in a few days.) We will be announcing this change to AUTOCAT, LAW-LIB, PACS-L, COLLDV-L and SERIALST in the next few days. The actual change is scheduled for this week-end -- hopefully on April 8th. The official URL will be: [A note from Anna Belle to those who have links to the old URL, (i.e. this is fine. Both addresses go to the same place. The new address is actually what is called an "alias." ] We think this will be a significant advantage to all acquisitions librarians and others in the loop as ACQWEB is a terrific resource for pre-order verification and collection development. To complement this, ACQNET subscribers will be able to report Internet resources they find relevant to acquisitions, collection development and other related issues through ACQNET that in turn can be linked via ACQWEB. Anna Belle will serve on the ACQNET Editorial Board in an "Ex Officio" capacity, and in turn, the ACQNET Editorial Board will serve as an advisory group for ACQWEB. We are thinking about having a "Technical Board" as well, though that idea has not been completely thought through yet, though I did mention it as a possibility last fall when I polled subscribers. These relationships are still evolving and we are charting new territory. In addition, be aware that ACQNET backfiles are available through ACQWEB. If you do not have full graphical capabilities to enjoy ACQWEB, please investigate using LYNX to access it. You will not be able to appreciate the illustrative animal life and colors, but you can still reap the benefits of the information. Join me and the ACQNET Editorial Board in welcoming Anna Belle in her new role. Eleanor Cook Editor, ACQNET ****** END OF FILE ****** ACQNET, Vol. 5, No. 12 ****** END OF FILE ******