ACQNET v5n030 (September 30, 1995) URL = ISSN: 1057-5308 *************** ACQNET, Vol. 5, No. 30, September 30, 1995 ========================================== (1) FROM: Eleanor Cook, ACQNET Editor SUBJECT: Commercial Press Releases Summary (79 lines) (2) FROM: Shu-Chen Tsung SUBJECT: Electronic Selection and Ordering (19 lines) (3) FROM: Doug DeLong SUBJECT: Using Credit Cards (28 lines) (1)-------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Eleanor Cook, ACQNET Editor Results of the Survey on Commercial Press Releases Over the summer the ACQNET Editorial Board was interested in hearing from subscribers on the topic of commercial press releases. The overwhelming majority of responders (a whopping 19 in all) were adamant that ACQNET should NOT be a list where advertising should have free reign. This is consonant with ACQNET's present editorial policy. However, there were a few comments made about how important it is to have a place where we can learn more about what is happening in the commercial sector as it relates to library acquisitions. This was a point made by several suppliers. I am not planning to post specific replies in this summary, though I will, at the end of the message, list all subscribers from whom I received replies, with my thanks. I believe we are wise to continue the same basic policy we always have: we will post press releases from commercial companies if it seems to be a new development for that company and is of interest to the ACQNET community; we will not post advertisements for specific new materials being published or for proprietary products, with the exception possibly being new electronic ventures (when that company is embarking in something unique); I reserve the right as editor to make my decision with the editorial board's advice. I will also take my cue from sister lists to see what they post. I suspect their postings may be more liberal than ACQNET's, and that is OK. There were a few submissions this summer that, after advisement, I probably would have posted, and I apologize to those companies who did not get to air their announcement due to my angst. I trust your business in booming in spite of my hesitance! An interesting side effect to this call for comments was that I was able to educate one publisher in the difference between ACQNET and AcqWeb, and in another case, was able to remedy a communication glitch with a company representative who had been posting relevant items to ACQNET but to the wrong address, not realizing that I was not holding back on the postings, I simply was not getting them. Getting these inadvertent misunderstandings cleared up was a good thing. Considering there are over 1500 subscribers to ACQNET, less than 20 responses to a call for comment is shockingly low. However, the overwhelming amount of e-mail most of us are juggling these days suggests that we are becoming more and more selective about making comments, so I am not concerned. My gut reaction is that if ACQNET started posting advertisements for specific materials from suppliers, there would be a rash of unsubscribe messages and some heated comment as well. If there is anyone out there who really disagrees with this, I need to hear from you! The suggestion of using AcqWeb as a place to post press releases was met with mixed enthusiasm, since many people still do not have adequate access to the Web. Still, as we progress towards more standardized access, I believe the Web will become the place for commercial interests to blossom. Thanks to the following subscribers for their thoughtful comments: Barbara Nelson (Auburn Univ.) Donna Signori (Univ. of Victoria) Collen Weum (Univ. of Washington) Bill Taylor (Georgetown Law) Phyllis Steckler (Oryx Press) Nancy Chaffin (Arizona State Univ. West) Jey Wann (Oregon State Lib.) Marty Gordon (Franklin & Marshall Univ.) Gary Shirk (Yankee Book Peddler) Nancy Stanley (Penn State Univ.) Adrian Alexander (The Faxon Co.) Katy Ginanni (Ebsco) Pat Eaves (Univ. of Guelph) Dave Fisher (UCSD-Scripps Institute) Jan Kemp (Texas Tech Univ.) Marcia Kingsley (W. Michigan Univ.) Christa Reinke (Univ. of Houston) Amira Aaron (Readmore, Inc.) Mary Ellen Kenriech (Portland State Univ.) Forgive me if you are not listed above and sent in a comment. It's been a wild summer here at ACQNET Central and it has been all I can do to keep up with it all! Your Editor Eleanor Cook (2)--------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 11:23:37 -0400 From: Shu-chen Tsung (Georgetown Univ.) Subject: Electronic selection and ordering Our library is currently undergoing work flow analysis in Technical Services. One of the aspects we are looking into is electronic selection and ordering. I am interested in hearing from anyone who has experience in automating selection and ordering procedures. Any responses or comments would be greatly appreciated. I am not subscribing to the list, so please direct all responses to me. Shu-chen Tsung Cataloging Dept. Lauinger Library Georgetown University (3)--------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 13:22:56 -0400 From: Doug DeLong (Ill. State Univ.) Subject: Using Credit Cards I am considering investigating the use of a credit card for acquisitions. I did a WAIS search of the ACQNET archive (creditcard=0; Credit Card=31 hits). I looked at all of the 31 dated in 1994 or 1995; none except one appeared to deal with credit cards. I assume all dealt with credit and cards. The only one dealing with credit cards was a report from last summer's Acq. Administrators Discussion Group (which I missed!). Therefore: We are considering requesting of our Business Office the obtaining of a credit card. More and more small vendors, especially associations, do not wish to bill or even send pro forma invoices. Have others had experiences, good or bad, with using credit cards in the library setting? Have you had security problems or problems with vendors insisting on including state sales tax? Thanks; I will post the results. Doug DeLong, Acquisitions Librarian 309/438-3450 (voice) Illinois State University 309/438-5132 (fax) 8900 Milner Library (Internet) Normal, IL 61790-8900 ****** END OF FILE ****** ACQNET, Vol. 5, No. 30 ****** END OF FILE ******