María Luisa Alvite Díez is Professor in the Department of Library and
Information Science at the University of León (Spain). She is a member of the Project
Research devoted to electronic publication evaluation. She focused her
interest on Information Retrieval, Interfaces, Electronic Libraries and
Electronic resources.
To return to María Luisa Alvite Díez's article, click (here).
Dr. Donna M. D'Alessandro received her Bachelor of Arts from Kalamazoo College and her Doctorate of Medicine with Distinction in Biomedical Research at Wayne State University School of Medicine. She completed her pediatric residency at Children's Memorial Hospital/Northwestern University School of Medicine and her General Academic Pediatrics Fellowship at Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School. She is currently an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Iowa. Her research interests are in medical informatics and medical education. She is a general pediatrician and nationally recognized as an expert in the creation and evaluation of online educational resources and digital libraries including the Virtual Hospital (www.vh.org), Virtual Children's Hospital (www.vh.org/pediatric/index.html) Virtual Naval Hospital (www.vnh.org) and GeneralPediatrics.com (www.generalpediatrics.com). She has won numerous awards for her research and on-line educational resources.
To return to Donna D'Alessandro's article, (here).
Dr. Michael P. D'Alessandro received his Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Biology from Wayne State University and his Doctorate of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine. He completed his radiology residency at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics/University of Iowa College of Medicine and his Pediatric Radiology Fellowship at Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School. He is currently a Professor of Radiology at the University of Iowa. His research interests are in medical informatics, medical education, and digital libraries. He is a pediatric radiologist and nationally recognized as an expert in the design, creation and operation of digital libraries for which he has won numerous awards as enumerated at EducationalInformatics.org (www.educationalinformatics.org).
To return to Michael D'Alessandro's article, click (here).
Martin is Web Development Director at NeoReality,
a web development consultancy providing a range of
design, programming and support services to
client companies worldwide. Martin holds a
management degree from Florida Gulf Coast University.
To return to Martin Flack's article, click (here).
Tony Hammond works for the New Technology team at Nature Publishing Group
(NPG). His primary focus is in the general area of description technologies
and he has been actively involved in developing industry standards for
network identifiers and metadata frameworks. He has had experience working
on both sides of the scientific publishing information chain, from large
scientific publishing houses to academic research centres. His background is
in physics with astrophysics.
To return to Part I of Tony Hammond's article, click (here).
To return to Part II of Tony Hammond's article, click (here).
Timo Hannay is head of New Technology at Nature Publishing Group (NPG),
publishers of Nature and other prominent scientific journals. He is
responsible for applying new and emerging web technologies to provide
enhanced functionality at Nature.com and NPG's other websites. He holds a
degree in biochemistry from Imperial College, London and a doctorate in
neurophysiology from the University of Oxford.
To return to Part I of Timo Hannay's article, click (here).
To return to Part II of Timo Hannay's article, click (here).
Ben Lund is a member of the New Technology team at Nature Publishing
Group (NPG). He co-authored the RSS 1.0 PRISM module, led the introduction
RSS feeds at NPG and designed and oversaw the development of the Urchin
software. Ben is also interested in the uses of RDF in science
publishing and speaks regularly on these subjects. He holds a degree in
biological anthropology from the University of Cambridge.
To return to Part I of Ben Lund's article, click (here).
To return to Part II of Ben Lund's article, click (here).
Blanca Rodríguez Bravo is Professor in the Department of Library and
Information Science at the University of León (Spain) and Head of the Project
Research devoted to electronic publication evaluation. Her current research
interest focus on Organization Knowledge, Interfaces, Electronic Libraries
and Electronic Environment.
To return to Blanca Rodríguez Bravo's article, click (here).
Joanna Scott is a member of the Web Publishing team at Nature Publishing Group, working on various database and other web based projects. She has recently joined the company as part of the Graduate Recruit scheme, and holds a degree in Biological Sciences from Worcester College, Oxford.
To return to Joanna Scott's article, click (here).