Stephen Abrams is the Digital Library Program Manager at the Harvard University Library, where he provides technical leadership for strategic planning, design, and coordination of the Library's digital systems, projects, and assets. He is currently engaged in research and implementation of effective methods for archival preservation of digital objects. Mr. Abrams was the project manager for JHOVE, an extensible Java framework for format-specific object identification, validation, and characterization; the project leader and document editor for ISO/TC171/SC2/WG5, the joint working group that developed the PDF/A standard (ISO 19005-1); and is leading efforts to establish a Global Digital Format Registry (GDFR).
To return to Stephen Abrams' article, click (here).
Richard Anderson is a Software Engineer in the Digital Library Systems and Services unit of Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources. He is part of the project team developing the Stanford Digital Repository. He first joined Stanford University as a Software Developer and Systems Administrator in 1984. He has a M.S. in Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh, and a B.S. in Chemistry from University of California, Davis.
To return to Richard Anderson's article, click (here).
Johan Bollen is a staff member at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Research Library (Research and Prototyping Team) while on leave from his
position as Assistant Professor at the Computer Science department of
Old Dominion University, which he joined in 2002. He obtained his PhD
in Experimental Psychology from the University of Brussels in 2001. His
research focuses on studies of user behavior in digital information
systems with applications to scientometrics and recommender systems for
digital libraries.
To return to Johan Bollen's article, click (here).
Stephen Chapman is Preservation Librarian for Digital Initiatives in the Harvard University Library Weissman Preservation Center. He is a member of the technical team managing Harvard's Digital Repository Service, and he regularly advises the Harvard community about reformatting strategies to create sustainable digital collections.
To return to Stephen Chapman's article, click (here).
G. Sayeed Choudhury is the Associate Director for Library Digital Programs and Hodson Director of the Digital Knowledge Center at the Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University. He serves as principal investigator for projects funded through the National Science Foundation, Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Mellon Foundation. He has oversight for the digital library activities and services provided by the Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University.
To return to G. Sayeed Choudhury's article, click (here).
Anita Coleman is an Assistant Professor in the School of Information
Resources & Library Science at the University of Arizona, Tucson, which
she joined in 2001. Before coming to Arizona, she was with the Alexandria
Digital Library and prior to that in various technical positions in
academic libraries. She teaches and researches in Knowledge Organization,
Human Information Behaviors, and Scholarly Communication and has been
growing DLIST organically since 2002 when it began as a service initiative
accompanying a research proposal.
To return to Anita Coleman's article, click (here).
Tim DiLauro is the Digital Library Architect in the Library Digital Programs and Digital Knowledge Center of the Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University. Since 1982, he has worked for JHU as a Programmer, Systems Programmer, and Sr. Systems Programmer, with a network programming and management component. He has been with the Sheridan Libraries since 1990. He has also worked as a consultant for several companies with Internet businesses. Since 1995, his project work has focused on designing systems to improve and simplify user access to information, including the development of access gateways and web proxies. His current work deals with the integration of multiple repositories with multiple services to support digital collections, learning, publishing, and preservation.
To return to Tim DiLauro's article, click (here).
Dale Flecker is Associate Director for Planning and Research in the Harvard University Library. He has been responsible for information technology developments at the Harvard libraries for over 20 years, and is active in various local and national digital library initiatives. Before coming to Harvard, he worked in information technology and libraries at Yale University and the University of Michigan.
To return to Dale Flecker's article, click (here).
Hannah Frost preserves media collections at Stanford University Libraries and contributes to the development of the Stanford Digital Repository's preservation services. She currently is a member of the NISO Technical Committee finalizing the Data Dictionary for Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images. Ms. Frost is an active member of the Association of Moving Image Archivists' Preservation Committee and serves on the board of the Electronic Media Group of the American Institute for Conservation. She also serves as a contributing editor of Conservation OnLine (http://palimpsest.stanford.edu). She earned her MLIS from the Preservation and Conservation Studies program at the University of Texas at Austin School of Information in 2001.
To return to Hannah Frost's article, click (here).
Rabia Haq is currently pursuing her M.S. in Computer Science at Old
Dominion University. She received her B.S. also in Computer Science,
from ODU in 2004. Her research interests include digital libraries,
computer graphics and .NET security protocols.
To return to Rabia Haq's article, click (here).
Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich is Metadata Coordinator for Digital Library Systems and Services at Stanford University Libraries / Academic Information Resources. In that capacity, Nancy coordinates metadata services for Stanford Libraries' digital production activities, digital repository development and implementation, and educational technology services. She has been a member of the METS Editorial Board since 2002 and is currently serving as co-chair. Nancy has been active in a number of information and educational technology specification efforts including that of PREMIS (for preservation metadata), and several of IMS Global specifications related to packaging, repository and resource list interoperability. She is currently involved with the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee's RAMLET project, and continues to monitor various groups working on practices related to the use of digital rights expression languages.
To return to Nancy Hoebelheinrich's article, click (here).
Keith Johnson is the Product Manager for the Stanford Digital Repository. He is responsible for continually defining the digital preservation services being built and offered by the SDR via discovering, monitoring, and reconciling user needs, emerging best practices in the digital preservation field, and the institutional priorities of Stanford University. Keith was the project manager for Stanford's contribution to the NDIIPP AIHT project, and also participates on the RLG/NARA Digital Repository Certification Task Force. Keith has extensive experience in commercial content creation and stewardship, having spent not only the majority of his career in pre-press and publishing, but also significant parts in television, advertising, and classical music performance.
To return to Keith Johnson's article, click (here).
John Kirriemuir is a researcher in the use of computer and video games for learning and teaching. He has conducted analysis and consultancy work on this subject for education and ICT bodies in the UK and Europe, and has been an invited speaker and presenter at many national and international conferences. John's core interest is in the use of Internet-based technologies to ultimately provide access to all information, for anyone, from any location. He now lives on the island of Berneray (population 125) in the Outer Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland. He spends much of his time teleworking, and experimenting with new information technologies, from some of Europe's remotest beaches.
To return to John Kirriemuir's article, click (here).
Sue Kreigsman is the Digital Library Projects Manager in the Office for Information Systems at the Harvard University Library. Her work entails planning and managing digitization projects with libraries and museums to make their materials available through publicly accessible catalogs. Sue is both a librarian and archivist and plays an active role in the Society of American Archivists (SAA) as past chair of the Visual Materials Section as well as the Visual Materials Cataloging and Access Roundtable. Prior to coming to Harvard, Sue worked at the Colorado Digitization Program.
To return to Sue Kreigsman's article, click (here).
Giridhar Manepalli is a Sr. Software Engineer at the Corporation for
National Research Initiatives. In addition, he is also a research consultant to Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center. He is a
Masters graduate in Computer Science from Old Dominion University. His research interests include digital libraries, information retrieval, data mining and knowledge discovery, GIS and simulation.
To return to Giridhar Manepalli's article, click (here).
Julian Marinus is a software engineer at the Harvard University Library. He has been responsible for developing a number of core technologies and services in Harvard's Library Digital Initiative, including the Digital Repository Services (DRS). In addition to the Harvard library, he has worked as a programmer at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at the Harvard Law School as well as the Center for Computer-Based Instructional Technology at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst).
To return to Julian Marinus's article, click (here).
Gary McGath is a Digital Library Software Engineer at the Harvard University Library. He has designed and written most of the software code for JHOVE. Before coming to Harvard, he worked in a variety of software positions relating to printing and publishing.
To return to Gary McGath's article, click (here).
Michael L. Nelson joined the Computer Science Department at Old Dominion
University in 2002. He worked at NASA Langley Research Center from
1991-2002. Through a NASA fellowship, he spent the 2000-2001 academic
year at the School of Information and Library Science, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research interests include
repository-object interaction and digital preservation.
To return to Michael L. Nelson's article, click (here).
Mark Patton received a B.S (2001) and M.S. (2004) in Computer Science
from Johns Hopkins University. He is a programmer at the Digital Knowledge Center of the Sheridan
Libraries at Johns Hopkins University. His work includes AIHT, a
digital preservation project funded by the Library of Congress, and
SCALE, a NSDL services project.
To return to Mark Patton's article, click (here).
David Reynolds is Metadata Librarian for the Sheridan Libraries of The Johns Hopkins University. He coordinates library metadata initiatives and advises other units on campus on metadata standards. Current projects include overseeing EAD design for several archival projects and advising on metadata issues for phase two of the Roman de la Rose Digital Surrogates of Medieval Manuscripts project. In addition, David serves on the Metadata Working Group for the Aquifer Digital Library, a Digital Library Federation initiative.
To return to David Reynolds's article, click (here).
Joe Roback is a graduate student in the Dept. of Computer Science at the
University of Arizona. Passionate about UNIX and open source software,
Joe has been working for DLIST since
January 2005. He is an experienced UNIX system administrator and software
developer of web applications and proprietary systems in business
settings. Joe is interested in operating systems research and more
information about his current technical projects and research (outside
DLIST) can be found on his homepage (http://roback.cc).
To return to Joseph Roback's article, click (here).
Clay Shirky teaches at NYU's graduate Interactive Telecommunications
Program, and chaired the technical sub-committee of NDIIP from 2002 to 2004,
and chaired the AIHT project in 2004 and 2005. His current project is
re-thinking classification systems as applied to digital collections.
To return to Clay Shirky's article, click (here).
Robin Wendler is Metadata Analyst in the Harvard University Library. She designs metadata used throughout Harvard library systems, collaborating with digital library developers, librarians and faculty to create digital library systems and services. Recent projects have focused on preservation metadata, image description and access, and digital repositories. A current member of the METS Editorial Board and a former member of MARBI and PREMIS, she has been active for 15 years in the development of a wide range of metadata standards.
To return to Robin Wendler's article, click (here).