A Bucket Communication Space Demo
This demo and the one in Appendix 1 are recorded in the QuickTime format. Software to replay this demo can be found at: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/.
The bucket communication space demo in QuickTime file is approximate 13MB in size. If you have the QuickTime plug in, you may run the demo by clicking here.
Transcript of Actions
- Load a demo page for the BCS. All actions will be taken on the BCS server unless otherwise stated.
- Invoke the "bcs_list" method which returns a list of the bucket ids that are registered with this BCS server (the collection comes from the NACA portion of the UPS project).
- Invoke the "bcs_message" method, searching for the buckets that have "Robert T. Jones" in the metadata. This method returns a list of 4 ids.
- Re-invoke the "bcs_message" method, but find only the first bucket with "Robert T. Jones" (returns only 1 id).
- Click on the link that takes us directly to this NACA bucket, verify that "Robert T. Jones" is listed in the metadata.
- Invoke the "bcs_message" to search for the first occurrence of "Robert T. Jones" and replace it with "Robert Testing Jones".
- Re-click on the NACA bucket, and verify that "Robert Testing Jones" now appears in the metadata.
- Invoke the "bcs_message" method to replace "Robert Testing Jones" with "Robert T. Jones".
- Re-click on the NACA bucket, verify that the metadata is now back to "Robert T. Jones".
- Invoke the "get_log" method on the NACA bucket and see that the metadata has been uploaded twice as a result of the messaging.
- Moving to the similarity area of the test page, click on several buckets that have already had similarity matching performed on them. Notice the static links at the bottom of the buckets. The metadata between linked sets of buckets is similar.
- Invoke the "delete_package" method on the NACA bucket, deleting the similarity package.
- Click on the bucket, notice that the similarity links are no longer present.
- Invoke the "bcs_match" method, recreating the similarity links for the NACA bucket that just had its similarity links deleted. Finds 4 results, recreates the links.
- Re-click the NACA bucket, showing that the similarity links are now present. Clicking on the linked buckets shows that their similarity links have not been doubly added.
- Moving to the metadata section of the test page, invoke the "bcs_convert_metadata" method to generate a list of the metadata formats the BCS server can handle.
- Invoke the metadata method on a test bucket.
- Switch to a vt100 terminal, showing the elements in the metadata package of the test bucket. Only the .bib (RFC-1807) format is present.
- Invoke the "metadata" method on the test bucket, but ask for the "refer" metadata format. Switching to the terminal, a refer element is now present in the metadata package.
- Repeat the above, but with the "bibtex" metadata format.
- Repeat the above, but with the "OAMS" metadata format (a now defunct Open Archives Initiative metadata format).
- Re-invoking the "metadata" method with the "refer" option does not change the creation date of the element in the metadata package.
- Delete the "refer" metadata element in the metadata package.
- Re-invoke the "metadata" method with the "refer" option.
- Switching to the vt100 terminal, the "refer" element is back with a new creation date.
- Moving to the image conversion section of the test page, invoke the "bcs_convert_image". Upload a GIF and receive a PDF in return.
Copyright© 2001 Kurt Maly. (Although he is a co-author of this article, Michael Nelson is not listed as a copyright holder because his work on this project was done as an employee of the U.S. Federal Government.)