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D-Lib Magazine
In Print
ERCIM News 64, Special Issue on Emergent Computing, Special European Scene section: Open Access, January 2006.
Announced by Stevan Harnad, University of Southampton: "The ERCIM special issue contains Professor Jeffery's overview of OA [Open Access], plus clear overviews of the Green and Gold Route to OA (OA self-archiving and OA publishing) and the benefits OA brings to European and worldwide research, along with the ERCIM Statement on OA. An overview of CC licenses and of the role of the Worldwide Web Consortium in OA is followed by the closing article on Netherlands' highly successful "Cream of Science" project for showcasing its research output with the help of the OAI protocol."
For more information, please see <http://www.ercim.org/publication/Ercim_News/enw64/>.
VRD Conference 2005: Presentations from the 2005 VRD Conference, online at the WebJunction web site.
"Materials from the VRD 2005 Conference are now available online at WebJunction. WebJunction is an online community of libraries and other agencies sharing knowledge and experience to provide broad public access to information technology. The 2005 e-proceedings offer presentations, papers, bibliographies, handouts, and other resources from the 7th annual VRD Conference held in Burlingame, CA on November 14-15, 2005."
For more information, please see <http://www.webjunction.org/do/Navigation?category=11842>.
Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP), Volume 9, Issue 1, University of Michigan University Library.
"...The Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) is back in business with a February 2006 issue, the first in more than three years. The online journal, renowned for its articles analyzing and forecasting the e-publishing industry, has a new home with the University of Michigan University Library Scholarly Publishing Office."
For more information, please see <http://www.journalofelectronicpublishing.org/>.
Ariadne, The Decennial Issue, No. 46.
This issue of Ariadne marks the magazine's 10th anniversary. In honor of the annniversary, Ariadne's current editor, Richard Waller, has invited contributions from Lorcan Dempsey and John MacColl, Ariadne's founding co-directors, and John Kirriemuir, Ariadne's first editor. The staff at D-Lib Magazine congratulates all those who have been involved in the production of Ariadne across the years and making it available free of charge to the digital library community.
For more information, please see <http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue46/>.
CRL FOCUS Newsletter, Winter 2005-06 (Digital Archives and Repositories), Volume 25, Number 2.
This issue contains "A report on the Center for Research Libraries' analysis of digital archives and repositories: helping CRL libraries safely navigate the transition from print to electronic resources."
For more information, please see <http://www.crl.edu/PDF/pdfFocus/Winter2005-06.pdf>.
NISO Newsline, February 2006.
"NISO Newsline is an executive summary of noteworthy articles pertaining to Information Standards and is distributed to the NISO community each month."
For more information, please see <http://www.niso.org/news/newsline/NISONewsline-Feb2006.htm>.
The Academic Library in 2010: A Vision, Report of Symposium 2010, American University Library, Washington, DC, March 14 - 15, 2005.
"Symposium 2010 brought together experts from higher education, university libraries, information technology, publishing and the game industry. The group of 14 invitees met at American University, Washington DC, March 14 - 15, 2005 to define the facility, resources and set of services that academic libraries will provide to meet the needs of 21st century learners. Symposium 2010 was charged to create a vision of the future library and learning resource center in a mid-sized, liberal arts research university. The characteristics and achievements of the mid-sized academic library are those of degree rather than kind. The resulting vision is scalable to academic libraries of various sizes and characteristics"
For more information, please see <http://www.library.american.edu/Symposium_2010.pdf>.
Calls for Participation
Geoinformatics 2006, 10 - 12 May 2006, Reston, Virginia, USA. Call for papers. The submission deadline for abstracts is 24 March 2006, and attendence is limited to 250 participants.
"Discovery, integration, management and visualization of geoscience data with the goal of improving our understanding of the processes that have shaped the earth and our environment over time will be highlighted at the Geoinformatics 2006 conference. The conference is co-hosted by the U. S. Geological Survey and GEON (Geosciences Network, National Science Foundation) and sponsored by The Geological Society of America and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
"The conference provides a national forum for researchers and educators from geoscience and information technology/computer science to present new data, data analysis or modeling techniques, visualization schemes, or technologies as they relate to developing the cyberinfrastructure for the Geosciences."
For more information, please see <http://www.geongrid.org/geoinformatics2006/>.
International Summer School in Systematic Musicology (ISSSM 2006), 1 - 10 September 2006, Ghent, Belgium. The application deadline is 1 April 2006.
"An international summer school in systematic musicology will be held at IPEM, the research centre of the Department of Musicology of Ghent University (Belgium). The courses will focus on current topics in the research field such as embodied music cognition, music information retrieval and music and interactive media. "
For more information, please see <http://www.ipem.ugent.be/2006ISSSM">.
ACRL announces Call for Proposals for 2007 Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference, The submission deadline for workshop proposals is 3 April 2006.
"The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) invites proposal submissions for a half-day or full-day workshop or preconference to be held prior to the 2007 American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting or the 2007 ALA Annual Conference....Professional development programs should allow participants to develop skills related to a specific topic and should focus on interactive learning using a variety of presentation styles. Programs that offer practical tips and cutting-edge techniques are especially encouraged."
For more information, please see <http://www.ala.org/ala/pressreleases2006/februray/acrl2007proposols.htm>.
I-KNOW '06 - 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, 6 - 8 September 2006, Graz, Austria. Call for papers. The submission date is 3 April 2006.
"The I-KNOW '06 Special Track on Advanced Semantic Technologies addresses the emerging field of semantic technologies in knowledge management and information retrieval. Original papers are solicited and will be reviewed by a board of international experts. "
For more information, please see <http://www.i-know.at/>.
The Second International Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications (C&O-2006), 28 August 2006, Riva del Grada, Italy. Call for papers. The submission date is 15 April 2006.
"The goal of the workshop is to bring together people from the context and ontology communities and to discuss the approaches they use for information integration. Therefore, the workshop will push the cross-fertilization and exchange of ideas (e.g., which of the methods from the ontology community can be successfully adopted in the context community, and vice versa), and, hence, make their meeting mutually beneficial."
For more information, please see <http://www.c-and-o.net/>.
Wikimania 2006, 4 - 6 August 2006, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Call for papers. The submission 15 April 2006.
"Wikimania is an annual global event devoted to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. It is both a scientific conference and a community event, open to the public. Wikimania is a place for users and editors of the projects to gather from around the globe, to meet each other, to exchange ideas, and to report on research and projects."
For more information, please see <http://wikimania.wikimedia.org/>.
International Conference on Music Information Retreival (ISMIR 2006), 8 - 12 October 2006, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Call for papers, posters/demos, tutorials, and panels. The submission date is 17 April 2006.
"The annual ISMIR Conference is the first established international forum for those involved in work on accessing digital musical materials. It reflects the tremendous growth of music-related data available either locally or remotely and the consequent need to search this content and retrieve music and musical information efficiently and effectively."
For more information, please see <http://ismir2006.ismir.net/>.
Goings On
Buying & Selling eContent, 9 - 11 April 2006, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
"Buying & Selling eContent has an established reputation as the industry meeting where you can build valuable relationships and explore potential partners and deals. This is where content industry executives, major enterprise buyers, and content solutions providers gather to hear major industry trends and issues and to discuss how to work together to achieve growth, profitability, and success."
For more information, please see <http://www.buy-sell-econtent.com/>.
10th Pacific-Asia Confrence on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 9 - 12 April 2006, Singapore.
"The 10th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2006) is a leading international conference in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery. It provides an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all KDD related areas including data mining, data warehousing, machine learning, databases, statistics, knowledge acquisition and automatic scientific discovery, data visualization, causal induction and knowledge-based systems."
For more information, please see <http://www.ntu.edu.sg/sce/pakdd2006>.
28th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2006), 10 - 12 April 2006, London, United Kingdom.
"The annual European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2006) is the main European forum for the presentation of new research results in the field of Information Retrieval. The conference encourages the submission of high quality research papers reporting original, previously unpublished results."
For more information, please see <http://ecir2006.soi.city.ac.uk/>.
EDUCAUSE Security Professionals Conference 2006, 10 - 12 April 2006, Denver, Colorado, USA.
"The Security Professionals Conference, sponsored by the EDUCAUSE/Internet2 Computer and Network Security Task Force, brings together IT security officers and practitioners from across the higher education landscape. The workshop addresses campus security policies and procedures across various stages of development, from starting a security office on campus, to architecture, user education, and disaster recovery tools. Participants will share experiences (both good and bad) and develop awareness of IT security practices within the higher education community."
For more information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/SecurityProfessionalsConference/1608>.
2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2006), 11 - 13 April, 2005, Setúbal, Portugal.
"The purpose of the 2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2006) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the technological advances and business applications of web-based information systems. The conference has four main track, covering different aspects of Web Information Systems, including Internet Technology, Web Interfaces and Applications, Society, e-Communities, e-Business and, last but not least, e-Learning. "
For more information, please see <http://www.webist.org/>.
The 11th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2006), 12 - 15 April 2006, Singapore.
"As an annual international conference in Pacific Asia region, DASFAA 2006 is an international forum for academic exchanges and technical discussions among researchers, developers and users of databases from academia, business and industry. The conference will promote research and development activities in database field among participants and their institutions from Pacific Asia and the world as well."
For more information, please see <http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~dasfaa06/>.
Web3D 2006 Symposium 18 - 21 April 2006, Columbia, Maryland, USA.
"The 2006 International Web3D Symposium will address a wide range of 3D technologies on the Internet, ranging from languages, tools and high performance 3D graphics to human-computer interaction issues and the latest mobile applications."
For more information, please see <http://www.web3d2006.org/>.
DSpace User Group Meeting, Bergen 2006, 20 - 21 April 2006, Bergen, Norway.
"The meeting will primarily be concerned with technology and processes that have been developed to embed DSpace into institutional systems, and the different roles that DSpace has found in this environment, beyond purely that of an Institutional Repository platform. In addition important general developments will be presented, and there will be tutorials for both technical and non-technical DSpace users....Accompanying this will be a satellite Institutional Repository workshop on 19 April 2006, which will address policy, advocacy and open access concerns for institutions working on IRs. This meeting can be attended independently of the main user group meeting."
For more information, please see <http://dsug2006.uib.no/>.
ACRL/CNI/EDUCAUSE Virtual Conference, 20 - 21 April 2006, Online.
"The ACRL/CNI/EDUCAUSE Virtual Conference, to be offered April 20 - 21, 2006, offers a forum for an energizing exchange of ideas focusing on technology and academic librarianship. The conference theme, "Innovate and Motivate: Next Generation Libraries," will explore how revolutions in technology impact academic librarianship and higher education. Conference programs will explore the possibilities for the future, as well as the role we can take to shape the course of the technological revolution."
For more information, please see <http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlevents/virtualconference.htm>.
1st European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine and Medicine 21 - 22 April, 2006, Lund, Sweden.
"The conference will gather the most authoritative opinions on these issues and offers you the opportunity to participate in lectures and educational workshops in various areas related to authors publishing....The principal aim of the conference is to broaden researchers understanding and knowledge of the rapid changes in the scientific communication and publishing area and its possible implications on the research community."
For more information, please see <http://www.ecspbiomed.net/>.
The Access to Knowledge Conference, 21- 23 April 2006, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
"The goal of this landmark conference is to bring together leading thinkers and activists on access to knowledge policy from North and South to generate concrete research agendas and policy solutions for the next decade. This conference will be among the first to synthesize the multifaceted and interdisciplinary aspects of access to knowledge, ranging from textbooks and telecommunications access to software and medicines."
For more information, please see <http://islandia.law.yale.edu/isp/a2k.html>.
Third International Conference on: Preservation and Conservation Issues Related to Digital Printing and Digital Photography, 23 - 24 April 2006, London, United Kingdom.
" Following the successful conferences in October 2000 and April 2003, the Institute of Physics in collaboration with the MATAR Research Centre of The University of Arts London are staging a third two day conference to examine progress and research on materials and processes used for producing digital prints and photographs for archival storage. The aims of this conference are to inform those responsible for the preservation and conservation of digitally produced material about the developments in digital photography and digital printing technologies, the progress in research on inks and substrates and their significance for the archiving of artefacts. As with the previous conferences our aim is to promote links between industry and the conservation world."
For more information, please see <http://conferences.iop.org/PPP/>.
Third Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication, 24 - 26 April 2006, Lund, Sweden.
"In order to discuss, present and analyse the problems and challenges that arise within scholarly communication Lund University Libraries invite scholars, publishers, vendors, editors, librarians and other interested parties to the Third Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication 24 - 25 April 2006. The conference takes place every second year and aims to be an important contribution to the discussion and to the development within the Nordic countries."
For more information, please see <http://www.lub.lu.se/ncsc2006/>.
2006 Search Engine Meeting, 24 - 26 April 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
"The Search Engines Meetings bring together commercial search engine developers, academics and corporate professionals to learn from each other."
For more information, please see <http://www.infonortics.com/searchengines/index.html>.
CHI 2006: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 24 - 27 April 2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
"CHI 2006 is your chance to explore in depth the latest work by researchers and practitioners in your area, as well as experience the breadth of work that is going on elsewhere in the field. The many plenary and social events provide opportunities to network with members of your community and others who impact your work. Not only will CHI 2006 offer you a broader perspective on the complete human-computer interaction landscape, but it will also assist you in bringing new ideas back to your own work and community."
For more information, please see <http://www.chi2006.org/>.
EDUCAUSE Policy Conference 2006, 26 - 27 April 2006, Washington, DC, USA.
"The EDUCAUSE Policy Conference explores new federal laws, legislative and regulatory developments, and emerging trends that impact information technology in higher education. The conference also offers valuable connections with other campus leaders and key federal policy makers in a comfortable setting."
For more information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/pol06>.
Deadline Reminders
(Unless otherwise noted, text above enclosed in quotation marks is quoted from the web sites for those items or events or from press releases received by D-Lib Magazine from the hosting or event-affiliated organizations.)
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