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D-Lib Magazine
In Print
IMLS Issues Two Digital Library Forum Reports for Comment, Institute of Museum and Library Services.
"In Spring 2001 IMLS convened a Digital Library Forum to discuss the implementation and management of networked digital libraries, including issues of infrastructure, metadata, thesauri and other vocabularies, and content enrichment. Forum members include representatives from a range of libraries and museums who have been involved in digital library initiatives. Many, but not all, have been recipients of IMLS grants."
"The Forum discussions led to the development of two reports:"
"Report of the IMLS Digital Library Forum on the National Science Digital Library Program, produced jointly with representatives of the National Science Foundation's Science, Math, Engineering and Technology Education digital library project, (otherwise known as the National Science Digital Library, or NSDL program). The report recommends that funding be provided for previously-completed IMLS-funded digitization projects to take steps to map metadata elements to the NSDL set, upgrade systems to support the Open Archives Metadata Harvesting Protocol, and upgrade objects and metadata to meet appropriate benchmarks. The report contains additional suggestions for NSF and IMLS and specific recommendations for projects wishing to provide already-digitized content to the NSDL."
"A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections, which identifies core principles and related information resources for the creation of high-quality digital collections, objects, metadata, and projects. The Framework is intended as a resource for grant applicants as well as for IMLS and other funding agencies rather than as a requirement."
"IMLS has posted both reports on its Web site and invites comments from the professional community interested in the creation, management and preservation of digital information resources. According to IMLS Director Dr. Robert S. Martin, 'IMLS greatly appreciates the work of the Digital Library Forum participants. These reports represent a significant contribution to the digital library field. We believe they will help IMLS and its constituents work together to identify effective approaches to the development of high quality digital cultural content for education and learning, and also help to ensure broad public access to cultural resources.'"
"IMLS requests comments on the reports. Please access the press release issuing the reports at <http://www.imls.gov/whatsnew/current/110601-1.htm>."
E-Journal Archive DTD Feasibility Study, Prepared for the Harvard University Library, Office of Information Systems, E-Journal Archiving Project, Office for Information Systems, by Inera Inc., December 5, 2001.
Harvard University, under a Mellon Foundation grant, commissioned this report to " address the feasibility of developing a common structure that can be used to reasonably represent the intellectual content (text, formulas, still images, and links) of archived journal articles." The following is quoted directly from the introduction of the report.
"Many journal publishers create their own SGML archives today, however these archives are built with proprietary DTDs that are designed by each publisher for its own purposes. Such archives, while serving the needs of individual publishers, do not meet the long-term requirements of archivists because multiple proprietary DTDs create a Tower of Babel rather than a consistently accessible repository."
"Converting publisher-specific archives to an independent form of scholarly archives faces two key questions. First, can a common structure (DTD or Schema) be designed and developed into which publishers' proprietary SGML files can be transformed to meet the requirements of an archiving institution? Second, if such a structure can be developed, what are the issues that will be encountered when transforming publishers' SGML files into the archive structure for deposit into the archive?"
"Ten publishers were asked to provide their DTD, documentation and sample SGML documents. Inera reviewed these materials to determine if such a structure can be developed and to assess the challenges that will be faced in SGML transformation. We also examined the challenges faced by organizations that have worked with DTDs from multiple publishers, and based on our recommendations on Inera's experiences implementing SGML systems for a wide range of journal DTDs."
"This report summarizes our findings and provides high-level recommendations for the development of a common structure. It examines challenges that will be faced in content transformation and suggests strategies to address them."
For further information, please see <http://www.diglib.org/preserve/hadtdfs.pdf>.
"Archiving in the Digital Age: There's a Will, But Is There a Way?", by Kevin M. Guthrie in EDUCAUSE Review, November/December 2001.
The following is quoted directly from the introduction of the article:"With the increasing use of electronic and network technologies for scholarly communication, there is considerable and justifiable concern in the academic community about the challenges associated with protecting electronic information for future generations of scholars and students. Before the development of these technologies, the long-term availability of scholarly research was ensured through a system in which libraries -- especially academic and research libraries -- purchased, stored, and preserved books and journals in paper. There is not yet an equivalent system in place to protect the electronic literature being published today. How can we be sure that such a system will evolve? Where will the resources come from to support it on an ongoing basis? Who will accept responsibility and accountability for such a system? These are just some of the challenges that lie ahead if the academic community's commitment to archiving is to make the transition to the digital age."
For readers unfamiliar with EDUCAUSE Review (formerly Educom Review), the publication is "a bimonthly magazine published by EDUCAUSE that explores how developments, policies, and people in the field of information technology are influencing higher education institutions today. Its goal is to promote the examination of relevant IT issues at the national level, inform higher education leadership of critical strategic technology issues and future possibilities, and help institutions understand, manage, and prepare for the changing IT landscape."
To access Guthrie's article and for more information about EDUCAUSE Review, please see <http://www.educause.edu/pub/er/erm01/erm016w.html>.
Global E-Government Survey 2001, World Markets Research Centre.
In this report, the World Markets Research Center studies "the features that are available online at national government websites. Using a detailed analysis of 2,288 government websites in 196 nations, we measure the information and services that are online, chart the variations that exist across countries, and discuss how e-government sites vary by region of the world."
"The Internet is viewed as an opportunity for governments to provide services and information more efficiently and cost effectively to citizens. However, the survey found that worldwide e-government is falling short of its true potential:
For further information, please see <http://www.worldmarketsanalysis.com/e_gov_report.html>.
Point to Point
Portals to the World, Library of Congress.
"Portals to the World contain selective links providing authoritative, in-depth information about the nations and other areas of the world. They are arranged by country or area with the links for each sorted into a wide range of broad categories. The links were selected by Area Specialists and other Library staff using Library of Congress selection criteria. When completed, the project will include all the nations of the world."
For further information, please see <http://www.loc.gov/rr/international/portals.html>.
"Libdex is a worldwide directory of library homepages, web-based OPACs, Friends of the Library pages, and library e-commerce affiliate links." It indexes to 17,500 libraries and over 100 library journals. LibDex editor and compiler Peter Scott is a library conference speaker and editor for other web directories.
From the LibDex homepage, libraries can be browsed by country and by OPAC vendor. Other categories of interest are:
For further information, please see <http://www.libdex.com>.
PADI: Legal Deposit, Preserving Access to Digital Information (PADI), National Library of Australia.
"Those interested in staying abreast of the status of legal deposit legislation as it relates to digital material are invited to visit the Legal Deposit area at the PADI (Preserving Access to Digital Information) website. Bringing together resources from around the world, PADI's Legal Deposit area provides up-to-date information about legal deposit, voluntary deposit and other interim arrangements for digital material."
"Increasingly material is being published in digital form: this material needs to be collected and preserved to ensure a complete record of a nation's published cultural material. Because legal deposit legislation in many countries predates the current digital environment, many countries are reviewing their legislation."
"Information about legal deposit may be found by following the 'National Approaches' link from the PADI homepage at <http://www.nla.gov.au/padi/> or by linking directly to <http://www.nla.gov.au/padi/topics/65.html>
Calls for Participation
Focus on Access to Institutional Resources (FAIR) Programme, JISC Call for Proposals Pre-announcement. Expected closing date, late February 2002.
"A Call for Proposals will be issued in early January 2002 with expected closing date in late February 2002. This pre-announcement alerts the HE/FE community to the call and allows institutions to explore possible partnerships or consortium proposals in advance of the call being issued."
"The JISC is establishing a new programme in which a number of projects will be funded to disclose and deposit digital assets held within the higher education and further education community. The programme will also allow intelligence to be gathered about the technical, organisational and cultural challenges of these processes. It is intended that this programme 'Focus on Access to Institutional Resources' will contribute to developing the mechanisms and supporting services to allow the submission and sharing of content generated by the HE/FE community."
"An important source of inspiration for this programme is the vision of the Open Archives Initiative that digital resources can be shared between organisations based on a simple mechanism which allows metadata about those resources to be harvested into services. For example in the e-prints community this is realised through data providers who mount the e-prints and then disclose their metadata to service providers who are able to organise and present this information for users. <http://www.openarchives.org>
"The FAIR Programme is interested in proposals for projects in the following areas:
Support the disclosure of institutional assets, including institutional eprint archives and other types of digital collections, and to explore the use of emerging protocols in this area, particularly the OAI (the Open Archives Initiative protocol)
Explore the usability of metadata disclosed and issues of harvesting institutional assets into subject-based and other services for example the Resource Discovery Network and the Arts and Humanities Data Service
Through deposit or disclosure of relevant resources, to augment existing collections which have proven learning, teaching or research value
Experiment with the embedding of JISC collections and services in local institutional portals and how well they can be presented in conjunction with institutionally managed assets.
Investigate the collections management, technical, organisational and cultural challenges of institutional asset disclosure and deposit, including issues relating to the establishment and administration of institutionally provided services for digital collections."
"It is hoped that all this work will lead to a much better understanding of the efficiency with which research and learning resources can be made more accessible and their visibility increased, and to explore the support and resources needed at a national and local level to allow this to take place as a core activity in the longer term."
"Higher and further education institutions funded via the UK funding bodies will be eligible to submit proposals. Proposals both from single institutions and consortia of institutions will be welcomed. As guidance, proposals for projects of from 1 to 3 years duration and with budgets ranging from £10,000 to £300,000 will be considered."
"The programme will commence in April/May 2002, though project start dates can be staggered and projects starting after July 31st 2002 will also be considered."
This programme is part of the JISC Information Environment Development. For additional information, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/dner/development/IEstrategy.html>.
Digital Resources for the Humanities (DRH), 8-11 September 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. Call for papers. The deadline for submission is 1 March 2002.
"The annual Digital Resources for the Humanities conference is the major forum for all those involved in, and affected by, the digitization of our cultural heritage: the scholar creating or using an electronic resource to further research; the teacher gathering Web resources into an online learning environment; the publisher or broadcaster integrating print or analogue with the digital to reach new audiences; the librarian, curator or archivist wishing to improve both access to and conservation of the digital information that characterizes contemporary culture and scholarship; the computer or information scientist seeking to apply new developments to the creation, exploitation and management of humanities resources. A volume of selected papers from the conferences is published annually by the Office for Humanities Communication at King's College London."
"Format: The academic programme of the conference will comprise academic papers, panel discussions, and poster presentations. An exhibition of products and services of interest to participants will form an important part of the conference. The conference is known for its friendly atmosphere and welcomes developers and users of digital resources from, amongst others, universities, libraries, archives, museums, galleries, broadcasters, publishers and community groups. The conference social programme will, we hope, encourage informal discussion and the chance to make lasting contacts between members of the different groups represented."
"Themes: The Conference Programme Committee seeks proposals for papers, panel sessions, and posters relating to the creation and use of digital resources in all aspects of work in the humanities."
"Prospective speakers are asked to bear in mind the following points:
"Areas on which DRH conferences have concentrated have included the creation of digital resources, providing access to digital projects, the application of digital resources to teaching and research, and digital preservation. The Conference Programme Committee of DRH 2002 will particularly welcome proposals which relate to the following themes:
For additional information, please see <http://www.drh.org.uk/>.
Sixth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 8 - 11 September 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia. Call for Submissions. The submission deadline for abstracts is 25 February 2002. Papers are due 4 March 2002.
"The main objective of the ADBIS series of conferences is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments and promote interaction and collaboration between the Database and Information Systems research communities from Central and East European countries and the rest of the world. The ADBIS conferences provide an international platform for the presentation of research on database theory, development of advanced DBMS technologies, and their advanced applications."
"The Conference continues the ADBIS conferences held in St. Petersburg (1997), Poznan (1998), Maribor (1999), Prague (2000), and Vilnius (2001). The Conference will consist of regular sessions with technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international program committee, as well as of invited talks and tutorials given by leading scientists. The official language of the Conference will be English."
For additional information, please see <http://www.dcs.elf.stuba.sk/adbis2002/>.
Digital Library -- IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millennium, An International Conference, 9 - 11 July 2002, Beijing, China. Call for Papers. Papers must be received by 31 March 2002.
"The rapid advancement of IT and network technology made it possible for people to produce, access, and disseminate information and knowledge through the computer networks. Traditional publishers, information intermediaries, and users of books, magazines, and other publications have started to re-invent and re-position themselves in the broader and the more ubiquitous Digital Library (DL) arena. In light of such an overwhelming challenge and opportunity, the Chinese Ministry of Culture is sponsoring an international conference from July 9 to 11, 2002 in Beijing, China. Entitled Digital Library -- IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millennium, 2002, this event is being organized and coordinated by the National Library of China and the Office of the China Digital Library Project (CDLP). As an international conference, we wish to promote and exchange research in advanced technologies, concepts, and practices for the development of DL around the world. In order to encourage international collaboration and cooperation, we invite DL researchers and practitioners to submit research and practice articles."
The conference theme is "promotion of international exchanges and cooperation for the sustainable research and development of digital libraries" and topics include:
For additional information, please see <http://www.nlc.gov.cn/dloc/>.
ISMIR 2002 - 3rd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, 13 - 17 October 2002, Paris, France. Call for participation. The submission deadline for proposals is 19 April 2002.
"The annual ISMIR Conference is the first established international forum for those involved in the tremendous growth of music-related contents available digitally, locally or remotely, through networks."
"This area presents vast challenges for those who need to organize and structure, provide tools to search and retrieve, and use them efficiently: music representation, when it exists, is multi-dimensional and time-dependent; audio instantiations are voluminous objects requiring particular care for storage and transmission while preserving quality; descriptive information about what is musically significant addresses a large spectrum of internal and external characteristics, from acoustic to musicological ones; intellectual property rights about what can be made available and how are complex, involve a variety of individuals and organizations, and vary from country to country."
"All of these concerns are of interest to education, academia, entertainment and industry. This conference thus aims at providing a place for the exchange of news, issues and results, by bringing together researchers and developers, educators and librarians, students and professional users, working in fields that may contribute significantly to this multidisciplinary domain, by presenting original theoretical or practical work in peer-reviewed contributions (papers, posters), serve as a discussion forum (panels), provide in-depth information in specific domains (tutorials), and show current products (exhibit)."
Detailed information about the conference, its organization, and the call for participation can be found at <http://ismir2002.ircam.fr/>.
The First Eurasian Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 29 - 31 October 2002, Tehran, Iran. Call for Submissions. The submission deadline for abstracts is receipt by 22 April 2002, with papers due before 1 May 2002."
"Following the efforts of the European Union countries to deepen the scientific relationship with Middle-East countries the Austrian Computer Society and the Technology Cooperation Office of the Iran Presidency takes the initiative to launch a EurAsian Conference in the area of Information and Communication Technology. EURASIA-ICT will be held at the Iran’s International Conference Center in Tehran from Tuesday, 29th to Thursday 31st October 2002."
"The aim of this conference is to bring together scientists from the supercontinent of Eurasia for an improvement of mutual relations as well as an enhancement of scientific cooperation in the field of Information and Communication Technology. Beside the scientific field several cultural activities will be planned for the enjoyment of conference attendees."
"The event will consist of:
"EURASIA-ICT 2002 welcomes submissions of original papers. The technical issues to be addressed include, but not limited to over 50 different topics of interest."
Industrial presentations "will describe current challenges and trends of the information and communication technology industry."
Panel proposals "should address controversial issues and must be debate-oriented rather than a series of short presentations. The proposal should include the topic title, a short statement about the importance and relevance of the panel and the potential issues of controversy, a tentative list of questions that will be posed to the panelists, a list of confirmed participants along with their affiliation, and a short biography of each participant." Short panel summaries will appear in the Proceedings."
Exhibitions Proposals. "Companies and R&D laboratories are encouraged to present their exhibits during the conference."
For additional information, please see <http://www.eurasia-ict.org/>.
Goings On
OCLC Institute to present "Steering by Standards" videoconference series, 26 March, 19 April, and 29 May, 2002.
"Librarians face the challenge of charting organizational directions that incorporate emerging knowledge-sharing standards. These complex new standards will significantly impact librarians and other information professionals, their institutions, budgets, staffs, systems, and workflows. Gaining practical insights into these global initiatives will help library leaders decide more quickly and effectively how to respond locally. To support this effort, the OCLC Institute is presenting a series of three satellite videoconferences."
March 26 - "A New Harvest: Revealing Hidden Resources With the Open Archives Metadata Harvesting Protocol" with host Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, OCLC Office of Research, featuring Herbert Van de Sompel, British Library.
April 19 - "The OAIS Imperative: Enduring Record or Digital Dust?" with host Meg Bellinger, Vice President, Digital & Preservation Resources, featuring Donald Sawyer, NASA.
May 29. - "Paper Past, Digital Future: Managing Metadata Standards in Transition" with host Gary Houk, Vice President, OCLC Services, featuring Barbara Tillett, Library of Congress
"Each of the videoconferences will bring together an industry-recognized standards expert and two practitioners with real-world issues. The audience will have the opportunity to interact with the experts, and the host will facilitate discussion and debate among participants. Details on speakers, dates and times, pricing options, and a downlink license request form will soon be available."
For additional information, please see <http://www.oclc.org/institute/events/sbs.htm>.
3rd International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 1 - 3 April 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
"The rapid growth in information science and technology in general and the complexity and volume of multimedia data in particular have introduced new challenges for the research community. Of particular interest is the need for a concise representation, efficient manipulation, and fast transmission of multimedia data. Applications such as space science, telemedicine, military, and robotics deal with large volumes of data which need to be stored and processed in real time. [Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society], this conference is intended to serve as a forum to bring together researchers and practitioners for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and experience from different areas of specialization in information technology. The focus will be on application areas including information storage (source coding), processing (computing), and communication (channel coding)."
Topics include, but have not been limited to, the following
For further information, please see <http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~srimani/itcc2002/cfp.html>.
New Developments in Digital Libraries, the Second International Workshop, 2 - 3 April 2002, Ciudad Real, Spain.
"The Digital Library field is an evolving one. New developments appear every day in the area and within related areas. This workshop intends to focus in application areas following the first edition in 2001 which was very successful."
"This workshop will serve as a forum to gather researchers, practitioners, students and anyone that works or studies the field. The workshop will expose new developments, and hopefully provide exchange of ideas and discussion on specific areas."
"Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
For more information, please see <http://www.iceis.org/workshops/nddl/nddl-cfp.htm>.
3rd European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC 2002), 5 - 6 April 2002, Athens, Greece.
Organizations have become increasingly viewed as knowledge systems, bundles of knowledge assets, the effective management of which affords a firm competitive advantage. "Viewing organizations as knowledge systems has turned out to be a very fruitful avenue for research. If an organization is a collection of knowledge assets then the updating and management of those assets is of great importance."
"Hence the current emphasis on attempts to understand knowledge creation, transmission, storage and retrieval as well as to improve our understanding of how organizational memory and learning function. Since knowledge is so important, the manner in which organizations "remember" what they know and learn from their (as well as from others') experience is important, both theoretically and practically. Moreover, since knowledge assets are so central to the functioning of firms, the ways in which companies develop and sustain certain knowledge-based capabilities in order to gain competitive advantage is a suitable focus of research."
"One of the most exciting aspects of the knowledge-based view of organizations has been its transdisciplinarity: it has provided the means for integrating insights from a variety of disciplines and fields, such as information systems management, strategic management, organization theory, marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, and strands of sociology, psychology, economics, and philosophy." At this conference, scholars from all the preceding fields and disciplines to address questions such as:
For more information, please see <http://www.alba.edu.gr/OKLC2002/>.
Thesaurus Design for Semantic Information Management, 6 April 2002, Manhattan, New York, USA.
This one-day seminar "will introduce the design of controlled vocabularies for indexing and searching, covering semantic relationships, thesaurus format, and screen display. Computer-assisted techniques of thesaurus development and natural language search strategies will also be discussed. Continuing Education Units (.6 CEU) will be available to those attending, under the auspices of Metropolitan College of St. John’s University. Information architects, librarians, indexers, and technical writers should benefit from the seminar. The prior seminars have been rated “excellent” by the vast majority of those attending, including experienced thesaurus designers."
The course will be taught by Dr. Bella Hass Weinberg, Professor, Division of Library and Information Science, St. John’s University (<http://www.stjohns.edu>). The $110 seminar fee, includes handouts, coffee breaks, and lunch . Preregistration discounts are available for all, as well as special rates for students and members of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
Dr. Weinberg chaired the committee of the National Information Standards Organization that developed the revised American National Standard on thesaurus construction, which was reaffirmed in 1998. She is a Past President of the American Society of Indexers and the recipient of its Hines Award. At St. John’s, Professor Weinberg teaches graduate courses in information science, indexing and abstracting, and thesaurus design. She has developed a new course that focuses on information architecture. Dr. Weinberg consults on the design of thesauri and indexes, has done research on thesaurus structure, and publishes extensively on linguistics and information science.
For additional information, please see contact the Division of Library and Information Science, St. John’s University, <libis@stjohns.edu>, phone (718) 990-6200, fax (718) 990-2071.
IVETA - TEND 2002: Bridging the Divide - Strategies for Change, 7 - 9 April 2002, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
"IVETA - TEND 2002 represents a major contribution by the Higher Colleges of Technology in response to the diverse challenges being posed by the increasingly significant impact of modern computer based technologies on education and the workplace. The Higher Colleges are a leading force in the provision of quality technological education, not only in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf, but internationally. Using the most modern technologies and the latest techniques and practices, the Higher Colleges eagerly confront the challenge of how best to prepare young men and women for a working experience which will be dominated by change and uncertainty. The Higher Colleges are confident that they have achieved much in this respect in the 13 short years of their existence but they also acknowledge that they can learn from the experiences of others. This desire to exchange ideas and experiences is a major factor behind the convening of IVETA - TEND 2002."
"For IVETA - TEND 2002 the Higher Colleges will be joined by the International Vocational Training and Education Association (IVETA), a major international organisation dedicated to the promotion of vocational education and training internationally. IVETA has an established reputation as a leading force in this field and the Association's decision to join the Higher Colleges in this event is an important indication of support for the TEND conferences..."
"IVETA -TEND 2002 will consider the theme - "Bridging the Divide - Strategies for Change". Under this heading, the conference will address the challenge facing countries, companies and individuals as they face the changes being wrought by modern technologies. This challenge will create a divide between those who are able to come to terms with the changes and those who fail to do so."
For more information, please see <http://crm.hct.ac.ae/tend2002/call/it2002.htm>.NetLab Conference, 10 - 12 April 2002, Lund, Sweden.
NetLab is the Research and Development Department at Lund University Libraries. NetLab primarily runs developmental projects focusing on digital library and net-based information discovery and retrieval, mainly in Internet/WWW environment.
NetLab is celebrating its 10 years anniversary with a conference. "This conference will be comprised of a number of sessions in areas that have been central digital library development themes for NetLab and for the community as a whole over recent years:
Semantic web and knowledge organisation is a theme about knowledge structuring and classification issues, a wide and very important area of interest.
Interoperability and integration of heterogeneous sources will deal with the areas of metadata, web indexing and quality controlled subject gateways. The focus will be on different ways of cross-searching.
Visions, future issues and current development are essential since they focus on what is going on now and what will be major issues in the future.
The Nordic situation is another theme that we would like to illuminate. The Nordic countries were relatively early implementers yet despite apparently similar circumstances and conditions there are highly contrasting Nordic digital library solutions and policies."
For additional information, please see <http://www.lub.lu.se/netlab/conf/>.
Content Management for Information Professionals, A Joint LITC/LAMIT Conference, 11 April 2002, London, United Kingdom.
This conference is for those who need to:
This conference is aimed at those running web sites and intranets for information services, and those with strategic responsibility for the development of web based services, specifically those working in libraries, archives and museums. It is run by information professionals for information professionals, with case studies at all levels of content management in information services.
For additional information, please see <http://litc.sbu.ac.uk/cm/>.
Museums and the Web 2002, Archives & Museum Informatics, 17 - 20 April 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
The sixth annual Museums and the Web conference is an international venue for reviewing the state of the Web in arts, culture, and heritage. "The MW2002 program addresses Web-related issues for museums, archives, libraries and other cultural institutions".
"Speakers from around the world will summarize their activities in sessions and panels. Pre-conference workshops will provide in-depth study of methods and issues in design, development, evaluation and maintenance of heritage Web sites. Throughout MW2002, a variety of session formats including the Crit Rooms, a Usability Lab, Mini-Workshops, and Demonstrations offer diverse modes of presentation. An Exhibit Hall features the latest in commercial technology and services. A variety of evening social events ensure plenty of opportunity to build your personal network."
"Crit Rooms: Experienced Web designers review real museum Web sites and offer their comments in the Crit Room sessions. In this interaction, modeled on the art school critique, Web sites are volunteered in advance by MW2002 attendees, who are present to respond. If you wish to have your site considered for the Crit Room, or if you are interested in being a reviewer, please contact <MW2002@archimuse.com>."
"Mini-Workshops: Focussed one-hour mini-workshop sessions are designed to introduce tools, methods, or techniques for developing, maintaining and evaluating museum Web sites."
"Usability Lab: On Friday, April 19, a "User Testing" laboratory will run all day long. The purpose of the session is to provide an opportunity for conference participants to 1) observe user testing of museum Web sites in action; 2) volunteer to participate as a user test subject and discover some of the problems users have on unknown sites; and 3) volunteer their site to be tested. We encourage people to drift in and out of the session all day long--as they move, for example, from one talk to another. Each user test will last 20 minutes or so (with time for audience comments and questions). Therefore, it will be very easy for individuals to observe and even participate in this session without having to sacrifice a large amount of time."
Pre-Conference Workshops: On April 17, 2002 "seven full-day and six half-day workshops will be given by leaders in the museum computing field. Topics are both theoretical and practical, offering a focussed way to build your skills. Whether you are just beginning, or are well advanced in your use of the Web, you will find a workshop to further your professional development."
For more information, please see <http://www.archimuse.com/mw2002/>.
INFO'2002 - Information, Knowledge and Society: Challenges of New Era, 22 - 26 April 2002, Havana, Cuba.
"The Institute of Scientific and Technological Information, IDICT, of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the International Congress of Information, INFO`2002."
Held every 2 years since 1988, the main characteristics of the information (INFO) congresses have been the "great participation of specialists from Latin America and Spain, which have made possible the interchange of experiences, putting emphasis on information institutions, libraries, library and information science associations, and schools. Executives and other specialists from international organizations and institutions have participated in these congresses and also held regional and professional meetings, as part of the general program of the Congress."
Along with the INFO congresses, the international fair-exhibition, EXPOINFO, have always been held. EXPOINFO provides Cuban and foreign organizations space to exhibit their information products and services, software, databases and other applications."
For further information, please see <http://www.congreso-info.cu/venglish.htm>.
Deadline Reminders
NLII 2002 - Innovative Practice, Policy, and Partnerships: A New Alignment, National Learning Infrastructure Initiative Annual Meeting, 27 - 29 January 2002, San Diego, California, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/nlii/meetings/sandiego2002/>.
25th ACM SIGIR 2002: Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 11 - 15 August 2002, Tampere, Finland. Call for Submissions. The submission deadline is 28 January 2002. For more information, please see <http://www.sigir2002.org/>.
BOBCATSSS 2002 - Human Beings and Information Specialists, 28 - 30 January 2002, Portoroz, Slovenia. For more information, please see <http://www.bobcatsss.de/left.htm>.
SAINT-2002: Sharing an Internet Vision, 28 January - 1 February 2002, Nara City, Nara, Japan. For more information, please see <http://www.icse.eecs.uic.edu/home/index.asp>.
OCLC Systems & Services, an Online Computer Library Center journal. Request for submissions. The deadline is 31 January 2002. For more information, please contact Sheau-Hwang Chang, <schang@bridgew.edu>, Editor, OCLC S&S, Librarian, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
Trans-European Telecommunication Networks for Access to Europe's Cultural Heritage, TEN-Telecom, Directorate-General Information Society, The European Commission. Call for Project Proposals. The submission deadline is 31 January 2002. For more information, please see <http://www.ten-telecom.org/en/projprofiles20012.html#TI-2.2>.
American Library Association Poster Sessions, ALA 2002 Annual Meeting, 15 - 17 June 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Call for Poster Sessions. The submission deadline is 31 January 2002. For more information, please see <http://www.lib.iastate.edu/ala/>.
Super Conference 2002, Ontario Library Association, 31 January - 2 February 2002, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For more information, please see <http://www.accessola.org/superconference2002/>.
National Leadership Grants for Libraries, Institute of Museum and Library Services. Call for Grant Applications. The submission deadline is 1 February 2002. For further information, please see <http://www.imls.gov/grants/library/lib_nlgl.asp>. For additional information, please select "Sources of Funds", then "eContent" at <http://www.ukishelp.co.uk/ukishelp/index.html>.
ASIST 2002 Annual Meeting: Knowledge, Connections and Community, 18 - 21 November 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Call for Participation. The submission deadline is 4 February 2002.
High Quality Information For Everyone and What It Costs, 6th European Bielefeld Colloqium, 5 - 7 February 2002, Bielefeld, Germany. For further information, please see <http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/2002conf/>.
VALA2002: e-volving Information Futures, 6 - 8 February 2002, Melbourne, Australia. For further information, please see <http://www.vala.org.au/conf2002.htm>.
28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2002), 20 - 23 August 2002, Hong Kong, China. Call for Papers. The submission deadline is 12 February 2002. For further information, please see <http://www.cs.ust.hk/vldb2002/>.
The Fifth International Conference on Virtual Communities, 17 - 18 June 2002, Westminster, London, United Kingdom. Call for proposals. The submission deadline is 14 February 2002. For additional information, please see the conference web site at <http://www.infonortics.com/vc/vc2002/vc02-announce.html>.
Seminar on Digital Preservation of the Record of Science - state of the art, International Council for Scientific and Technical Information, 14 - 15 February 2002, Paris, France. For further information, please contact ICSTI by email at <icsti@icsti.org> or by fax at +33 1 42 15 12 62.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2002), 26 - 29 August 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland. Call for Papers. The submission deadline is 15 February 2002. For additional information, please see the ICME 2002 conference web site at <http://www.icme2002.org/>.
National Award for Library Service, Fall 2002, Washington, DC. Call for Nominations. The submission deadline is 15 February 2002. For further information, please see <http://www.imls.gov/grants/library/lib_nals.htm> or contact Program Officer Trish Skaptason, <tskaptason@imls.gov>, 202/606-5357.
ELPUB2002: Technology Interactions, ICCC/EFIP 6th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 6 - 9 November 2002, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. Call for Papers. The deadline for abstracts is 15 February 2002. For additional information, please see <http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/elpub02/>.
International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, 26-29 August 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland. Call for Papers. The submission deadline for Regular Papers is 15 February 2001. For further information, please see <http://www.icme2002.org/>.
EduTex Regional Conference: IT-Through HE** or High Water, 20 - 22 February 2002, Austin, Texas, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/edutex/2002/>.
LITA Regional Institute: "Proxy Web Servers and Authentication", Rescheduled for 22 February 2002, San Antonio, Texas, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.amigos.org/training/proxy.html>.
2001 National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS) Annual Conference, Integrating @ Internet Speed: Strategies for the Content Community, 24 - 27 February 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.nfais.org>.
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DOI: 10.1045/january2002-clips