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D-Lib Magazine
In Print
The State of Preservation Programs in American College and Research Libraries: Building a Common Understanding and Action Agenda, A Joint Study by the Council on Library and Information Resources, the Association of Research Libraries, the University Libraries Group, and the Regional Alliance for Preservation, Anne R. Kenney and Deirdre C. Stam, pub111, Council on Library and Information Resources
"With funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the Council on Library and Information Resources, ARL, the University Libraries Group, and the Regional Alliance for Preservation conducted a joint study in 2001 to examine the state of preservation programs in American academic libraries. The study was conducted in two phases and relied on qualitative as well as quantitative data gathering."
"In Phase I, statistical information and other quantitative data relevant to preservation activity were collected in a survey of 116 libraries from the University Libraries Group, major non-ARL land grant institutions, and leading liberal arts colleges in what is informally known as the Oberlin Group. These data were compared with information that had been published in ARL Preservation Statistics for 2000-2001."
"Phase II focused on obtaining qualitative data to complement the statistical data. Qualitative data were gathered by means of 20 site visits to institutions that represented the three surveyed groups plus the ARL."
For further information, please see <http://www.clir.org/pubs/abstract/pub111abst.html>.
Government Industry Partnerships for Development of New Technologies, Charles W. Wessner, Editor, National Research Council, The National Academies Press
"Public-private partnerships, involving cooperative research and development activities among industry, universities, and government laboratories can play an instrumental role in accelerating the development of new technologies from idea to market. Experience shows that partnerships work, thereby contributing to national missions in health, energy, the environment, and national defense while also contributing to the nation's ability to capitalize on its R&D investments. Properly constructed, operated, and evaluated, partnerships can provide an effective means for accelerating the progress of technology from the laboratory to the market."
"This summary report reflects the findings and recommendations of a comprehensive program-based review of public-private partnerships. The study was conducted under the auspices of the Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy of the National Research Council, with the help of numerous national and international experts. The committee's analysis has included a significant but necessarily limited portion of the variety of cooperative activity that takes place between the government and the private sector in the United States and abroad. It has focused on "best practices" as a way of drawing out positive guidance for future public policy."
For further information, please see <http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10584.html?onpi_listserv122702>.
The JISC Continuing Access and Digital Preservation Strategy 2002-5, Joint Information Systems Committee
This strategy, adopted in October 2002, suggests the role JISC should play on behalf of the funding councils and institutions in a national digital preservation programme and discusses the key initiatives in the development programme to accompany the Strategy for 2002-5."
For further information, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/dner/preservation/presstrat.html>.
Open and Distance Learning: Trends, Policy and Strategy Considerations, United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
"The globalization of distance education provides many opportunities for developing countries for the realization of their education system-wide goals. Two main factors have led to an explosion of interest in distance learning: the growing need for continual skills upgrading and retraining; and the technological advances that have made it possible to teach more and more subjects at a distance."
"The present paper aims to review open and distance learning in the context of present challenges and opportunities, describe relevant concepts and contributions, outline some significant current global and regional trends, suggest policy and strategy considerations and identify UNESCO's initiatives in this area, including its role in capacity building and international co-operation."
For further information, please see <http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001284/128463e.pdf>.
Two new comprehensive research studies on Enterprise Systems and Distance Learning, ECAR (Educause Center for Applied Research)
The Promise and Performance of Enterprise Systems, Robert B. Kvavik of the University of Minnesota and senior fellow of ECAR, Richard N. Katz, EDUCAUSE vice president and ECAR director, and ECAR associates.
This research study "incorporates nearly 500 college and university survey responses, and over 100 interviews with ERP suppliers and leaders. The study evaluates why institutions invested heavily to renew systems between 1997 and 2002, what affected the outcomes of these projects, implementers' levels of satisfaction, the role these systems will play in future campus IT architectures, and how they will enhance institutional performance." While the full report is available for purchase, a summary of key findings is available free of charge at (http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ecar_so/ers/ers0204/EKF0204.pdf).
Strategies for Supporting Off-Campus Growth, by Adam Newman, Abigail Callahan, and Sean Gallagher of Eduventures.
This research study "analyzes strategies for establishing and evaluating distance learning programs by campus-based colleges and universities. Based on qualitative interviews, the study covers four critical elements: mission, financial goals, market reach and brand, and institutional competencies for success. Extensive case studies illustrate successful strategies and competencies." While the full report is available for purchase, a summary of key findings is available free of charge at (http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ecar_so/ers/ers0203/ekf0203.pdf).
For further information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/ECAR/about/PRESS_RELEASE.asp?id=DECEMBER19,02>.
Campus Computing Survey: 2002 Results, "Campus Portals Make Progress; Technology Budgets Suffer Significant Cuts", 2002 National Survey of Information Technology in US Higher Education, The Campus Computing Project
"Begun in 1990, the Campus Computing Project focuses on the use of information technology in higher education. The project's national studies draw on qualitative and quantitative data to help inform faculty, campus administrators, and others interested in the use of information technology in American colleges and universities."
"The annual Campus Computing Survey is the largest continuing study of the role of information technology in US higher education. Each year more than 600 two-and four-year public and private colleges and universities participate in this survey, which focuses on campus planning and policy affecting the role of information technology in teaching, learning, and scholarship."
The summary is openly available, while the report is available for purchase. For further information, please see <http://www.campuscomputing.net/home-body.html>.
Digital Library Technology Trends, a whitepaper, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
"This 38 page publication examines evolving Digital Library technology trends, new IT architectures, content management issues, and leading edge academic projects worldwide."
"This whitepaper is intended to describe the technology trends in digital libraries, discuss key issues involved in digital library implementation, and provide profiles of some of today's leading digital library programs."
For further information, please see <http://www.sun.com/products-n-solutions/edu/whitepapers/pdf/digital_library_trends.pdf>.
Metadata Standards Framework - Preservation Metadata, National Library of New Zealand
"The National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa is pleased to announce the release of its Preservation Metadata Schema...It is one of a range of activities at the library aimed at incorporating the business processes related to collection of digital material into the Library's core business...The Library has tried to strike a balance between the principles of preservation metadata as expressed through international research, and the practical need to implement a working set of preservation metadata for increasing quantities of electronic material coming into the Library."
For further information, please see <http://www.natlib.govt.nz/en/whatsnew/4initiatives.html#meta>.
World's most effective policies for the e-Economy, Information Age Partnership (IAP) and INSEAD
"Building on the work of the Information Age Partnership (IAP) Measuring UK success task group, Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH), with input from INSEAD, have developed a benchmarking framework to conduct an evaluation of the UK compared against G7 countries plus Australia and Sweden."
"There have been two primary objectives of this exercise:>
"A key goal of this benchmarking project has...been to isolate e-agenda policies that have been most successful in their local environments."
For further information, please see <http://www.e-envoy.gov.uk/oee/oee.nsf/sections/esummit-benchmarking/$file/indexpage.htm>.
Info@UK, December 2002, Issue 21, compiled by the Information Management Research Institute, University of Northumbria on behalf of the British Council
Published monthly, the bulletin provides details of initiatives and developments in the Information Society in the UK, along with relevant new appointments and publications. There are also short summaries of European and world developments in information sciences.
For further information, please see <http://www.britishcouncil.org/infoexch/info%40uk/info@uk.htm>.
Information Retrieval Interaction, 1992 monograph, Peter Ingwersen
"Information Retrieval Interaction is defined as the interactive communication processes that occur during the retrieval of information by involving all the major participants in information retrieval (IR), i.e. the user, the intermediary, and the IR system."
"The aims of the book are to establish a unifying scientific approach to IRa synthesis based on the concept of IR interaction and the Cognitive Viewpoint; to present research and developments in the field of information retrieval based on a new categorisation; and to generate a consolidated framework of functional requirements for intermediary analysis and designthe Mediator Model."
For further information, please see <http://www.db.dk/pi/iri/>.
Point to Point
"The objective of the Diffuse project is to provide a single, value-added, entry point to up-to-date reference and guidance information on available and emerging standards and specifications that facilitate the electronic exchange of information."
"The Diffuse project has been set up to provide neutral reporting on developments relating to standards and specifications in support of Key Action II (New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce) and Key Action III (Multimedia Content and Tools) of the European Commission's Information Society Technologies (IST) programme . The project outputs are primarily targeted at potential and actual IST participants. Whilst the emphasis of the project is focused on the needs of the Research and Technologies Development (RTD) communities, it also has a broader perspective of serving the information requirements of industry and public sector in general."
"The Diffuse project builds on the accomplishments of the European Commission's Open Information Interchange (OII) initiative, which concluded in December 1999."
"The Diffuse service is being used to demonstrate many of the latest techniques in web site management. For example, it conforms to the guidelines issued by the Web Accessibility Initiative, it records Dublin Core metadata in all its files, it includes P3P-compliant privacy statements and it demonstrates the role of ISO/IEC 13250 Topic Maps in data navigation."
For additional information, please see <http://www.diffuse.org/>.
JISC Digital Preservation Development Programme 2002-3, Joint Information Systems Committee
JISC provides links to "recent or current projects and activities undertaken or supported by the JISC Digital Preservation Focus as part of its development programme. This programme supports implementation of the JISC Continuing Access and Digital Preservation Strategy 2002-5."
For additional information, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/dner/preservation/prog0203.html>.
Website of the Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres (IASLIC)
The Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) announces the recent launch of its website. For more information, please see <http://www.iaslic.org/>.
Calls for Participation
DEXA 2003 Events - DEXA 2003, DaWaK 2003, EC-Web 2003, EGOV 2003, HoloMAS 2003, 1 - 5 September 2003, Prague, Czech Republic. Calls for Papers as indicated per conference below.
DEXA 2003, 14th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1 - 5 September 2003. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 21 February 2003.
"The aim of DEXA 2003 is to present both research contributions in the area of data base and expert systems and a large spectrum of already implemented or just being developed applications. DEXA will offer the opportunity to extensively discuss requirements, problems, and solutions in the field. The workshop and conference should inspire a fruitful dialogue between developers in practice, users of database and expert systems, and scientists working in the field."
For additional information, please see <http://www.dexa.org/dexa2003/index.php?include=cfp/dexa.html>.
DaWaK 2003, 5th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 3 - 5 September 2003. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 3 March 2003.
"The objective of the Fifth International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2003) is to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners to discuss research issues and experience in developing and deploying data warehousing and knowledge discovery systems, applications, and solutions. This year the conference will also focus on two emerging areas, namely, Streaming Data and Biological Data Computation." Within these tracks, topics of interest included but are not limited to: Data Warehousing; Knowledge Discovery; Computing From Streaming and Biological Data.
For additional information, please see <http://www.dexa.org/dexa2003/index.php?include=cfp/dawak.html>.
EC-Web 2003, 4th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, 1 - 5 September 2003. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 21 February 2003.
"The main objective of this conference is to bring together researchers from different disciplines, developers, and users all interested in electronic commerce and Web technologies and to assess current methodologies and new research directions. Although a natural focus will be on computer science issues, we expressly welcome technical research contributions from economics, business, law, and other relevant disciplines." The major topics of interest include but are not limited to: electronic commerce and web technologies.
For additional information, please see <http://www.dexa.org/dexa2003/index.php?include=cfp/ec-web.html>.
EGOV 2003, 2nd International Conference on Electronic Government, 1 - 5 September 2003. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 15 February 2003.
"The EGOV Conferences intend to assess the state of the art in E-Government and to provide guidance for research & development in this fast-moving field. The annual conferences bring together leading research experts and professionals from all over the globe. EGOV03 in Prague will build on the success of the 1st EGOV Conference (Aix-en-Provence, 2002), which provided an illustrative overview of E-Government activities, with nearly 80 contributions and more than 20 European projects funded by the IST Programme of the European Commission...Contributions to the Second EGOV Conference are expected to mirror current developments in e-Government and to provide fresh ideas from a multitude of disciplines."
For additional information, please see <http://falcon.ifs.uni-linz.ac.at/news/cfp_egovernment2003.html>.
HoloMAS 2003, 1st International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, 1 - 3 September 2003. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 10 March 2003.
"Holonic and multi-agent systems provide a novel paradigm for managing, modelling and supporting complex systems. This concept has proved to be successful in number of industrial domains such as manufacturing, resource allocation and production planning, air traffic."
"The conference aims to bring together researchers active in the area of holonic and multi-agent systems together with key engineers and industrial decision makers to share their views and experience in design, development and applying holonic and multi-agent systems for industrial problems."
For additional information, please see <http://gerstner.felk.cvut.cz/HoloMAS/2003/index.htm>.
For more information please see <http://www.dexa.org/dexa2003/index.php?include=main.php>.
4th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, Internet Research (IR) 4.0: Broadening the Band, 16 - 19 October 2003, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 1 March 2003.
"Though the internet has become such an integral part of the daily existence of many cultures worldwide, we have only begun to understand the ways in which it transforms our interactions, our knowledge, and our very selves. Research on the Internet is a growing part of academic work which cuts across a wide variety of disciplines. The Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) was formed out of a recognition of the need to bring together people from diverse academic and cultural perspectives to enrich each others' understanding of the impact of this technology on contemporary life."
"Internet Research (IR) 4.0 will feature a variety of perspectives on the Internet, organized under the theme Broadening the Band. As in previous conferences, the aim is to develop a coherent theoretical and pragmatic understanding of the Internet and those [who] are empowered and disenfranchised by it. IR 4.0 will bring together prominent scholars, researchers, creators, and practitioners from many disciplines, fields and countries for a program of presentations, panel discussions, and informal exchanges."
"This year's theme, Broadening the Band, encourages wide participation from diverse disciplines, communities, and points of view. Under the umbrella theme, contributors are called to reflect upon, theorize and articulate what we know from within the emerging interdisciplinary space known as Internet Research." The Broadening the Band theme, will be used to call attention to cultural, technical, organizational and thematic issues.
For additional information, please see <http://aoir.org/2003/>.
Libraries Without Walls 5: The Distributed Delivery of Library and Information Services, Centre for Research in Library and Information Management (Cerlim), 19 - 23 September 2003, Aegean Island of Lesvos, Greece. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 3 March 2003.
"The Centre for Research in Library and Information Management (Cerlim) was established in 1993 to undertake research with a practical focus to support operational work in all kinds of library and information services. CERLIM is situated within the Department of Information and Communications at Manchester Metropolitan University."
"The fifth Libraries Without Walls...brings together international perspectives on the delivery of library and information services to users who are not in the physical library...Rapid advances in the development of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) based infrastructures and services have led to a situation where many library users now routinely access services remotely - even when 'remotely' means 'within sight of the library building'. As a previous conference attendee observed, 'we are all distance learners now.'"
"LWW5 is concerned with innovative ways of delivering library and information services in this new environment. Papers may present the results of research or innovative practice, as traditionally LWW is a meeting place for researchers and practitioners. Papers are invited which address the following key themes, but papers on any aspect of Libraries without Walls will be considered."
All inquiries should be addressed to the organisers:
Libraries Without Walls 5 Conference, Centre for Research in Library & Information Management (CERLIM), Department of Information and Communications, Manchester Metropolitan University, Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamond Street West, off Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6LL, United Kingdom, <LWW5@mmu.ac.uk>, (Tel) ++44 (0)161 247 6142, (Fax) ++44 (0) 161 247 6979.
7th Annual KMWorld & Intranets 2003 , 14 - 16 October 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA. Call for Speakers. The deadline for submission is 4 March 2003.
KMWorld Conference and Exposition - "The 7th annual KMWorld Conference and Exposition offers a wide-ranging program designed to meet the needs of executives and strategic business and technology decision makers. This is a [conference] for those concerned with improving business processes and productivity, streamlining operations, and accelerating development and innovation in their evolving enterprises. This year's theme, Business Critical Knowledge Management, emphasizes that KM is not a stand-alone initiative, but totally integrated into an organization's business and work processes. As in previous years, the conference encompasses programs on strategies, practices, processes, tools and solutions for enterprise knowledge networks. This year there is a particular emphasis on knowledge based collaborative organizations as well as the infrastructure necessary to support such organizations."
"Intranets 2003 - "Now in its fifth year, Intranets 2003 addresses the management, implementation and business implications of the next generation of collaborative intranet and portal development and technology. Conference sessions will cover strategies and case studies for preparing, implementing, and sustaining intranets and portals, practical methodologies for design, content management solutions and software, and ROI and the business of content collaboration. The conference program is designed to take intranet professionals and managers to the next level, helping individuals and companies:
For additional information, please see <http://www.kmworld.com/kmw03/CallforPapers.cfm>.
ECDL 2003, 7th European Conference on Digital Libraries, 17 - 22 August 2003, Trondheim, Norway. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 10 March 2003.
"Digital Library related research, development and services have attracted increased interest and effort during the last ten years. An increasing number of scientific disciplines have contributed and many scientific communities have joined the field. Core disciplines and application communities increasingly engage in discussions and co-operation. ECDL brings these groups together during the conference, and stimulates open debate and exchange of experiences, ideas, approaches and results."
"We welcome contributions and participation from scholars, researchers, developers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines as well as educators, policy makers and users...The conference will include presentations and discussions about core technical issues as well as applications in fields such as Education; Libraries; Museums; Archives; Government; Health Care and Medicine; Digital Earth/Geospatial; Law; Art and Music; Humanities; Culture; Social Sciences; News and Current Affairs; Information Industry; Environmental Monitoring; Natural Sciences; E-commerce."
Contribution topics include but are not limited to: General; Collection building and management; Architectures and interoperability; Knowledge organization, discovery and retrieval; Mediation and user interaction.For a detailed list of topics and other conference information, please see <http://www.ecdl2003.org/>.
ACM CIKM 2003, 12th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2 - 8 November 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Preliminary Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 20 May 2003.
"Since 1992, CIKM has brought together leading researchers and developers from several areas of information and knowledge management, database management systems (DBMS) and information retrieval (IR). We continue this tradition of collaboration between information and knowledge management. Only the highest caliber papers submitted to CIKM 2003 will be accepted."
"We have a special interest in papers that bridge the areas of databases and information retrieval."
For details and additional information, please see <http://bit.csc.lsu.edu/~cikm2003/>.
Goings On
The Future of Web Publishing, a virtual conference.
This is a virtual conference, complement of the Centre Jacques Cartier conference The Future of Web Publishing that was held in Lyon, France from 9 - 11 December 2002. The correspondent virtual conference allows people who were not in Lyon to take part in the discussion and keeps the discussion going on the papers presented at the conference. Texts will be also available at the online archive "Archivesic" at <http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/>.
For additional information, please see <http://www.interdisciplines.org/defispublicationweb>.
Digital Library Competence Center, January - February Courses, Piza, Italy.
"The aim of the Digital Library Competence Center is to provide specific user communities with access to advanced digital library technologies, services, expertise and knowledge which will allow them to take-up these technologies and services...Courses at the Digital Library Competence Center are addressed to librarians, archivists, scholars and technicians and offer direct experience of advanced digital library testbeds." Upcoming courses thru February include:
For additional information, please see <http://dlibcenter.iei.pi.cnr.it>.
RIDE-MLIM 2003, 13th International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Multi-lingual Information Management, 10 - 11 March 2003, Hyderabad, India.
"RIDE-MLIM'2003 is the thirteenth workshop in a series of annual workshops on Research Issues in Data Engineering (RIDE), which have been held in conjunction with the IEEE CS International Conferences on Data Engineering. In 2003, RIDE focused on Multi-lingual Information Management. Multi-lingual information consists of data, text, or documents containing words from more than one language. The need for multi-lingual information management is driven by the proliferation of the Internet, the globalization of corporations, the development of virtual organizations, and the increasing use of multi-lingual digital media. The objective of RIDE-MLIM'2003 is to bring together researchers, industrial practitioners, developers, and users to exchange results and ideas on issues related to Multi-lingual Information Management."
Conference presentations have been selected to address the following topics of interest.
Multi-lingual Database Management - Query Languages. Query Execution Strategies. Indexing. Storage Management. Report Generation. Data Compression.
Multi-lingual Data Mining - Text Classification. Association Rules.
Multi-lingual Web Information Systems - Information Extraction. Information Exchange. Information Retrieval. Information Filtering. Information Summarization. Information Presentation. Information Dissemination. Portal Management.
Multi-lingual Language Processing - Document Management. Natural Language Processing. External Storage Algorithms for Language processing. Benchmarks and Standards. Query Understanding and Natural Language Interfaces. Query Answering. Architectures for Scalable Performance.
For additional information, please see <http://www.iiit.net/conferences/ride2003.html>.
Computers in Libraries 2003, 12 - 14 March 2003, Washington, DC, USA.
"Computers in Libraries 2003 is full of examples of creative, working strategies and many practical ideas for what can be accomplished in our libraries and information services...Hear from experts, practitioners, and strategistsall from the information industry. With four strong program streams you can participate in sessions relating to Navigating the Net; Intranet, Portals & Applications; Systems Roles, Resources & Applications and Web Design, Tools & Applications. The focus is on searching and search engines; intranet portals and knowledge management; creating, preserving and managing digital content; systems tools and techniques, Web design and development; collaborative digital reference; usability testing; e-learning and literacy, and of course, lots and lots more. CIL 2003 brings more than 100 knowledgeable speakers to four simultaneous tracks during the conference, plus three dynamic keynotes, pre- and post-conference workshops, and an entertaining and informative evening program. This conference caters to all interests and all levels of knowledge and provides many exciting networking opportunities. Join speakers, authors, and fellow participants in refreshment breaks, informal dinner groups, receptions, and more such as:
For additional information, please see <http://www.infotoday.com/cil2003/>.
NERCOMP 2003, North East Regional Computing Program 2003 Annual Conference, "Balancing the New, the Old, and the Unexpected, 16 - 18 March 2003, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.
"The 2003 conference theme is "Balancing the New, the Old, and the Unexpected." As an IT professional or administrator in higher education, you are challenged with balancing the demands of technology with the unique mission of your institution, in a time of constrained resources."
"Don't miss this chance to build the skills and vision you need to keep your organization strong and productive (whether your institution is large or small, public or private), and also to build a successful and fulfilling career. At the center of the conference are practical "how-to" sessions that offer valuable, region-specific information and ideas to help you manage and lead IT at your institution...The sessions follow 6 key tracks: Administrative Systems; Emerging Technologies; Organization and Infrastructure; Teaching and Learning; User Services; Corporate Presentations"
"Join fellow IT managers, staff, librarians, administrators, faculty, and colleagues from throughout the northeast United States and Canada to discuss these topics and to learn, share, and network at NERCOMP this spring."
For additional information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/nercomp/2003/>.
MW2003, Museums and the Web, 19 - 22 March 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
"Since the appearance of the first museum Web sites, hundreds of museums have established a presence on the World Wide Web. Museums have much to learn from each other, and from developers using the Web for other applications. To facilitate this exchange of information, Archives & Museum Informatics organises an international conference devoted exclusively to Museums and the Web."
"Join us at the seventh annual Museums and the Web conference - [an] international venue to review the state of the Web in arts, culture, and heritage. The MW2003 program will [address] Web-related issues for museums, archives, libraries and other cultural institutions. If you are working with the Web in these areas plan to join us."
For more information, please see <http://www.archimuse.com/conferences/mw.html>.
2nd International Conference on Preservation & Conservation Issues Related to Digital Printing & Digital Photography, part of The Physics Congress 2003, 24 - 25 March 2003, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
"Following our successful conference entitled Preservation and Conservation Issues Related to Digital Printing which was held at the Institute of Physics in October 2000, we are staging a second two day conference to examine progress in research on inks, substrates and processes used for producing digital prints and photographs for archival storage. As well as digitally printed materials from the world of fine arts, the growth of digital photography is now introducing new photographic media into the archival system. The aims of this conference are to inform those responsible for the preservation of digitally printed material about developments in digital photography and printing technologies, the progress in research on inks and substrates and their significance for conservation and preservation issues. As with the last conference our aim is also to develop links between industry and the preservation world."
For additional information, please see <http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Congress/2003/Conferences/Printing.html>.
Educause 2003 Midwest Regional Conference, Strategic IT Leadership in challenging Times, 24 - 26 March 2003, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
"Whether your focus is administrative services, information resources, teaching and learning, technology infrastructure, or management within higher education, you'll find opportunities to learn, share, and connect with others in your field and from your part of the country."
"At the center of the conference are practical "how-to" sessions that offer valuable, region-specific information and ideas to help you manage and lead IT at your institution."
"The sessions follow 4 key tracks:
For additional information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/mwrc/2003/>.
IUC23, 23rd Internationalization & Unicode Conference, Unicode, Internationalization and the Web: The Global Connection, 24 - 26 March 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
"The conference (renamed from "Unicode Conference" to more accurately reflect its content) features tutorials, lectures, and panel discussions that provide coverage of standards, best practices, and recent advances in the globalization of software and the Internet. Attendees benefit from the wide range of basic to advanced topics and the opportunities for dialog and idea exchange with experts in the field. The conference runs multiple sessions simultaneously to maximize the value provided."
"New technologies, innovative Internet applications, and the evolving Unicode Standard bring new challenges along with their new capabilities. This technical conference will explore the opportunities created by the latest advances and how to leverage them for global users, as well as potential pitfalls to be aware of, and problem areas that need further research. There will also be demonstrations of best practices for designing applications that can accommodate any language."
"Conference attendees are generally involved in either the development and deployment of Unicode software, or the globalization of software and the Internet. They include managers, software engineers, systems analysts, font designers, graphic designers, content developers, web designers, web administrators, technical writers, and product marketing personnel."
For additional information, please see <http://www.unicode.org/iuc/iuc23/>.
EVA 2003, The New Renaissance, 24 - 28 March 2003, Florence, Italy.
"The key aim of this event is to provide a forum for the user, supplier and scientific research communities to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and plans. Participants receive up to date news on new EC and international arts computing & telecomms initiatives as well as on Projects in the visual arts field, in archaeology and history. Working Groups and new Projects are promoted.
"Main Topics:
"Who Should Attend?
For additional information, please see <http://www.vasari.co.uk/eva/florence/>.
Internet Librarian International 2003, Connecting Content and Technology, 25 - 27 March 2003, Birmingham, United Kingdom. (New city, new venue)
"Hear from experts, information professionals, and working librarians about their hard-won expertise, creative ideas, and practical implementation strategies. Update your skills and learn about new strategies, products, and technology for finding, organising, and managing information resources. Energise your thinking and collect dozens of practical tips and tools to take back to your job."
"Create your own conference agenda from among dozens of sessions in nine focused conference tracks including:"
"Three powerful, thought-provoking keynote speakers, great networking opportunities, and a selection of intensive preconference workshops round out the conference agenda and create an unparalleled opportunity for international librarians to share and learn from each other."
For additional information, please see <http://www.internet-librarian.com/>.
Technoscience, Material Culture, and Everyday Life, 26 - 29 March 2003, Hong Kong, China.
"This conference will explore the growing interconnectedness of technoscience, culture and everyday life in the twenty-first century global village. With the previously separated categories of science and technology inexorably merging in postmodern society, technoscience is reshaping not only our daily lives, but also the ways that we define who we are. As the new mechanisms of technoscience change our cultural forms and practices, and as the diverse implications of new means of storing and communicating information affect how we view our communities, our identities and our bodies, cultural critics need to examine how all these factors are altering our conditions of perception and the prevailing structure of cultural experience."
"One area of investigation might be the literature and scholarship of science fiction, considered as exemplary texts illustrating what goes on and what will happen in our cultural imaginary of complete human-machine interfaces, although other genres, media, and forms of societal expression can also provide insights. Issues such as feeling, embodied, social space, expenses, language, agency and technological artifacts could be placed within a feedback loop of hythenation and splicing, or a projection and reciprocation dialectic. Papers which address these issues as well as how technoscience can have a transformative effect on global societies - with particular attention given to the kaleidoscopically diverse cultures of Hong Kong and the Asian-Pacific region - would be especially welcome."
"Papers for the conference might focus on any of the following areas: science fiction and technoscience culture; technology and the media, including science fiction, action and martial-arts films, the impact of digital special effects, and computer games; online discourse, cyberfeminism, gender and technoscience, virtual gender, embodiment as intercorporeality, and feminist science studies; biotechnology, genetic engineering, and material cultures; cybercultures, youth identities and communities in an online world, cyberdemocracy, cities and civic networks, virtualities, and cyberspace textuality; machine culture, human-machine interface, machine-human symbiosis, and posthumanism; and technoscience, cultural theory, and philosophy."
For additional information, please see <http://logic.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/~b105685/2003con.htm>.
FORO 2003 - Freedom Beyond Borders: Intermation Networking in Action, 28 - 30 March 2003, Houston, Texas, USA.
"Since the first FORO in 1991, when a small group of librarians from Sonora and Arizona met to explore the shared interests held by librarians along the border areas of Mexico and the United States, the domain of global information access has undergone revolutionary transformations. Technological innovations of the past decade have afforded us opportunities to instantaneously transcend many personal, geo-political, cultural, and ideological 'borders' without leaving our libraries, even as borders have taken on new meaning in a world changed by the events of 2001."
"The 2003 FORO theme Freedom Beyond Borders: Information Networking in Action optimistically challenges us to explore and celebrate the ways in which information professionals in our border regions can further stimulate cooperative ventures and solve common problems. We cordially welcome your contributions and friendship as we construct information sharing networks through the use of collegial relationships and emerging innovative technologies."
For additional information, please see <http://library.tamu.edu/FORO/>.
Deadline Reminders
ALA 2003 Annual Conference, 19 - 25 June 2003, Toronto, Canada. Call for Poster Sessions. The deadline for submission is 17 January 2003. For more information, please see <http://www.cla.ca/conference/cla_ala2003/poster_sessions.htm>.
EUNIS 2003, 9th International Conference on European University information Systems, Beyond the Network, 2 - 4 July 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 20 January 2003. For more information, please see <http://www2.ic.uva.nl/eunis2003/>.
ALA 2003 Annual Conference, 19 - 25 June 2003, Toronto, Canada. Call for Poster Sessions. The deadline for submission is 17 January 2003. For more information, please see <http://www.cla.ca/conference/cla_ala2003/poster_sessions.htm>.
VDA 2003, Visualization and Data Analysis, 20 - 24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA. For additional information, please see <http://vw.indiana.edu/vda2003/>.
Open Forum on Metadata Registries 2003, 20 - 24 January 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. For additional information, please see <http://metadata-stds.org/OpenForum2003/>.
11th Information Online Conference and Exhibition, Information Specialists Group of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), 21 - 23 January 2003, Sydney, Australia. For additional information, please see <http://www.alia.org.au/conferences/online2003/>.
Copyright and Digitisation, 21 January 2003, London, United Kingdom. For additional information, please see <http://ahds.ac.uk/copyright_workshop.htm>.
Open Access to Scientific and Technical Information: State of the Art and Future Trends, 23 - 24 January 2003, Paris, France. For additional information, please see <http://www.inist.fr/openaccess/index_en.php>.
NDDL-2003, 3rd International Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries, 22 April 2003, Angers, France. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 24 January 2003. For more information, please see <http://www.iceis.org/workshops/nddl/nddl2003-cfp.html>.
IASSIST 2003, Strength in Numbers: Co-operating for a Better Tomorrow, International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology, 27 - 30 May 2003, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 24 January 2003. For additional information, please see <http://iassist2003.ssc.uwo.ca/>.
XML and Libraries, a workshop at the ALA and LITA Midwinter Meetings, 24 January 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.lita.org/mw2003/xml.html>.
ALA Midwinter Meeting, 24 - 29 January 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.ala.org/events/midwinter2003/>.
LITA in Philadelphia, 24 - 29 January 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.lita.org/mw2003/index.html>.
NLII Annual Meeting: Teaching, Learning, Technology, and the New Academy, 26 - 28 January 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/nlii/meetings/nlii031/>.
To Stream or not to stream: video and audio on the Web, 28 January 2003, London, United Kingdom. For more information, please see <http://www.epsg.org.uk/meetings/streaming2003/index.html>.
ASIST 2003 Annual Meeting, 20 - 23 October 2003, Long Beach, California, USA. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 28 January 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM03/am03cfp.html>.
Supporting Institutional Records Management, JISC. Call for Proposals. The deadline for submission 28 January 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/pub02/c09_02.html>.
Getting a Handle on Federal Information: Persistent Identification Using Handles® - A CENDI Workshop, 29 January 2003, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. For further information, see <http://www.dtic.mil/cendi> or call Susanne Dupes, Information International Associates, (865) 481-0388 (ext. 120) or e-mail <sdupes@infointl.com>.
Policies for Digital Preservation, 29 - 30 January 2003, Paris, France. For additional information, please see <http://www.erpanet.org/>.
ACM SIGIR 2003, 28 July - 1 August 2003, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Call for Papers. The submission deadlines are:
For more information, please see <http://www.sigir2003.org/>.
DL2003, 19th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, 13 - 15 August 2003, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Call for Proposals. The deadline for submission is 31 January 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.uwex.edu/disted/conference/>.
Can there be a Social Movement Informatics?, 29 April 2003, Leeds, United Kingdom. Call for Papers and Presentations. The deadline for submission is 31 January 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.uib.no/mailman/private/newmedia-ann/2002-December/000778.html>.
IMLS Seeks Proposals To Conduct a National Study of Users and Potential Users of Online Information, Institute of Museum and Library Services. Call for Project Proposals. The deadline for submission is 1 February 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.imls.gov/whatsnew/current/120602-2.htm>.
ETD 2003, Electronic Theses and Dissertations Worldwide, 21 - 24 May, Berlin, Germany. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 2 February 2003. For more information, please see <http://www.hu-berlin.de/etd2003/home.html>.
e-Society 2003, International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), 3 - 6 June 2003, Lisbon, Portugal. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is has been extended to 3 February 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.iadis.org/es2003/>.
Bobcatsss 2003, 3 - 5 February 2003, Torun, Poland. For more information, please see <http://www.bobcatsss.com/>.
FESABID 2003: 8th Jornadas Españolas de Documentación and DOCUMAT 2003, Spanish Federation of Archives, Libraries and Documentation Associations (FESABID), 6 - 8 February 2003, Barcelona, Spain. For additional information, please see <http://www.fesabid.org/barcelona2003/>.
eLearninternational 2003, 9 - 12 February 2003, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. For additional information, please see <http://www.elearninternational.co.uk/>.
Management Program, Educause, 9 - 13 February 2003, Palm Springs, California, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/inst/m031/about.asp>.
VLDB 2003, 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 9 - 12 September 2003, Berlin, Germany. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 11 February 2003. For more information, please see <http://www.vldb.informatik.hu-berlin.de/>.
CALIBER-2003: Mapping Technology on Libraries and People (MTLP), 10th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutes, INFLIBNET. The conference dates and location changed to 13 - 15 February 2003, Ahmedabad, India. For additional information, please see <http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/calibers/caliber03.html>.
Hypertext 2003, Fourteenth International ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, 26 - 30 August 2003, Nottingham, United Kingdom. Call for Papers. The deadlines for submission are:
For additional information, please see <http://www.ht03.org/>.
69th IFLA General Conference and Council, Access Point Library: Media - Information - Culture, 1 - 9 August 2003, Berlin, Germany. Grants and Fellowships. Call for applications. The deadline for submission is 15 February 2003. For more information, please see <http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla69/grants-e.htm>.
Religious book culture in Hungary and Europe from the end of the 15th century to the late 18th century, 1 - 3 October 2003, Sarospatak, Hungary. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 15 February 2003. For more information, please see <http://www.gradatio.hu/nagykonyvtar/conference>.
2003 NASIG Annual Awards, North American Serials Interest Group. Call for Applications. The deadline for submission is 15 February 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.nasig.org/award/index.htm>.
Steven I. Goldspiel Memorial Research Fund, Special Libraries Association (SLA). Call for Applications. The deadline for submission is 17 February 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.sla.org/content/memberservice/researchforum/goldspiel/index.cfm>.
IT in Higher Education: Mobilizing the Mission, Educause, 19 - 21 February 2003, Dallas, Texas, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/swrc/2003/>.
8th Interlending and Document Supply International Conference - Breaking barriers: reaching users in a digital world, 28 - 31 October 2003, Canberra, Australia. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 21 February 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.nla.gov.au/ilds/index.html>.
WebWise 2003, 26 - 28 February 2003, Washington, DC, USA. For more information, please see <http://webwise.mse.jhu.edu>.
Closing Gaps in the Digital Divide Regional Conference on Digital GMS, 26 - 28 February 2003, Bangkok, Thailand. For more information, please see <http://www.ait.ac.th/digital_gms/GenInfo.asp>.
ALT-C 2003, 10th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology, 8 - 10 September 2003, Sheffield, United Kingdom. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 1 March 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.shef.ac.uk/alt/index.html>.
RENCON, a Workshop on Methods for Automatic Music Performance and Their Applications in a Public Rendering Contest, held at the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 11 August 2003, Acapulco, Mexico. Call for Musical Contest Participants and Paper Submissions. The deadline for application is 1 March 2003. For additional information, please see <http://shouchan.ei.tuat.ac.jp/~rencon/IJCAI-03/>.
(Unless otherwise noted, text enclosed in quotation marks above is quoted from the web sites for those items or events or from press releases received by D-Lib Magazine from the hosting or event-affiliated organizations.)
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DOI: 10.1045/january2003-clips