D-Lib Magazine
January/February 2009
Volume 15 Number 1/2
ISSN 1082-9873
Authors in the January/February 2009 Issue of D-Lib Magazine
Andreas Aschenbrenner's activities have involved repositories of different shapes and sizes. In his work at various cultural heritage institutions in Europe, he was at different times involved with the technology, organization and user aspects of repositories. He used existing systems and helped build repository-based environments from scratch. His current position in the emerging "e-Humanities" at the State and University Library Goettingen combines traditional repositories with data reuse and scholarly workflows, as well as local research with international infrastructure.
To return to Andreas Aschenbrenner's report, click (here).
Dr. Tobias Blanke is a Research Fellow at the Arts and Humanities e-Science Support Centre (AHeSSC) at the Centre for e-Research of King's College London. He is secretary of the Humanities, Arts and Social Science Community Group (HASS-CG) of the Open Grid Forum (OGF) and a Co-Theme Leader at the e-Science Institute in Edinburgh. Tobias leads the technical work package for DARIAH, a European ESFRI project to create an integrated research infrastructure for arts, humanities and cultural heritage data, and is Co-Investigator on the EPSRC network DReSNet. Prior to joining AHeSSC, he worked for an international investment bank, where he was lead developer on a project to migrate a data warehouse reporting application. In his research, Tobias specialises in data and information management, digital libraries and information retrieval.
To return to Tobias Blanke's article, click (here).
Kerry Blinco participates in a range of national and international technical standards activities with Standards Australia, IMS, ISO, NISO, OASIS and the IEEE LTSC, and in her current role works closely with the international e-Framework for Education and Research partnership. Kerry's particular focus is on frameworks and architectural models, and the intersection between research, education and information environments. She has been involved in a number of national and international collaborative projects.
To return to Kerry Blinco's article, click (here).
Ray Denenberg came to the Library of Congress in 1982 to direct the development and implementation of protocols for the Linked Systems Project. That led to the Z39.50 protocol, and Denenberg was the author of the Z39.50 standard. He was appointed Director of the Z39.50 Maintenance Agency in 1992, and subsequently the SRU Maintenance Agency. For several years now, his work has focused on SRU, metadata standards including MODS and PREMIS, and W3C and OASIS standards. He is the LC representative to both W3C and OASIS and is Chair of the OASIS Search Web Services Technical Committee.
To return to Ray Denenberg's article, click (here).
Nick Ferguson is a Project Manager at Trust-IT Services and the OGF European Economic Interest Group (OGF.eeig). Nick interacts with international clients working closely with business and research communities across the globe and developing communication strategies. His involvement with the Digital Repository and Digital Library community has come through OGF-Europe's role in driving the development of an OGF Digital Repositories community. Nick also works with the Global Research Library 2020 (GRL2020) which forms a vision for the future development of digital libraries. Nick also has a BA hons in Politics and Sociology and is currently completing an Msc Masters in Management. Prior to joining Trust-IT Services he ran his own language school, was a teacher trainer and worked with Newcastle University.
To return to Nick Ferguson's report, click (here).
Mark Hedges is Deputy Director of the Centre for e-Research at King's College London, and before this was Technical Manager of the UK Arts and Humanities Data Service. At both of these institutions he has worked in the fields of data and information management, digital repositories, digital libraries and e-research infrastructures. Prior to this, he was employed for 17 years in the software industry, taking the lead on a number of large-scale development projects for industrial and commercial clients. His academic background is in mathematics and philosophy (he has a Ph.D. in mathematics) and, more recently, in Late Antique and Byzantine studies.
To return to Mark Hedges's report, click (here).
Neil P. Chue Hong is Director of the Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute UK (OMII-UK), a collaborative e-Science project between the
University of Southampton, the University of Edinburgh, and the
University of Manchester. He chairs working groups at the Open Grid Forum (OGF), and guides projects including nanoCMOS, OSS-Watch, as well as activities for nurturing uptake of grid technology. Before taking up his current position in September 2007 he was amongst other positions data programme manager at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC).
To return to Neil P. Chue Hong's article, click (here).
Michel Koppelaar is a software developer at the National Library of the Netherlands. He has worked in several academic institutions and has been at the National Library since 2001. He holds an MA in History and is currently studying Mathematics at the VU University in Amsterdam.
To return to Michel Koppelaar's article, click (here).
Justin Littman is an Information Technology Specialist on the Technical Development Team, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Library of Congress. He holds an M.L.I.S. from the University of Denver and a B.A. in Philosophy and Economics from Amherst College. In addition to the National Digital Newspaper Project, he works on digital repository development, with an emphasis on digital object representation. Prior to joining the Library in 2003, he held various positions at netLibrary, a division of OCLC.
To return to Justin Littman's article, click (here).
Marcia A. Mardis, Ed.D. is a former school librarian, school administrator, and educational digital library director in the United States. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the College of Information at The Florida State University in Tallahasssee, and Research Investigator and Lecturer at the School of Information at the University of Michigan--Ann Arbor.
To return to Marcia Mardis's article, click (here).
Carol Minton Morris is the Communications Director for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) <http://NSDL.org> and Fedora Commons <http://fedora-commons.org>. She is also a research associate in the digital libraries group in Cornell Information Science <http://www.infosci.cornell.edu/dl/dl-people.html>. Her interests are informed by her background in publishing and the visual arts and include community development around establishing collaborative communications systems and tools for distributed content creation. She is the founding editor of NSDL Whiteboard Report <http://content.nsdl.org/wbr/Issue.php?issue=current> featuring information from NSDL projects and programs nationwide since 2000.
To return to Carol Minton Morris's report, click (here).
Carolyn J. Mueller is Special Projects Librarian and convener of the Humboldt Digital Scholar Steering Committee at the Humboldt State University Library. She holds an M.A. in Library Science from the University of Denver and a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Previous library positions include Chair of Processing Services at the Humboldt State University Library and Head of the Serials Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Libraries.
To return to Carolyn J. Mueller's article, click (here).
Dr. Nick Nicholas is a business analyst with Link Affiliates; he has a background in Greek linguistics, and has worked with the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae digital library and at the University of Melbourne. His interests include Computing in the Humanities, Natural Language Processing, and Character Encoding. His recent work covers persistent identifiers, repository federation, and student identity, including formal modelling and policy formulation as well as requirements and systems analysis.
To return to Nick Nicholas's article, click (here).
Georg Petz joined the Research and Development team of the Austrian National Library in 2007. He has a degree in economics and computer science and is currently responsible for web service development and search engine optimisation in the EC project TELplus.
To return to Georg Petz's article, click (here).
Christian Sadilek is a researcher and developer at Austrian Research Centers. He holds a Masters degree in Information and Communication Systems from the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. He has extensive experience in developing enterprise content management systems. His research interests include concurrent programming, software architectures and platform virtualization.
To return to Christian Sadilek's article, click (here).
Jeremy C. Shellhase is the Systems Librarian at Humboldt State University. He has worked on a wide variety of library automation projects, from the early 1980s to the present. He holds a M.A. in Library Science from the University of Iowa and an M.B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh. He has worked in multiple capacities on the planning and implementation of an open access institutional repository at Humboldt State, beginning in 2005.
To return to Jeremy C. Shellhase's article, click (here).
Theo van Veen is a member of the research and development department of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands since 1998. He got his degree in physics at the Technical University Delft in 1979 and started in 1988 in library automation at the University Library in Utrecht. He has been involved in the project that resulted in the current European Library hosted at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. His research interest is currently focussed on service integration.
To return to Theo van Veen's article, click (here).
Dr. Nigel Ward is a standards and interoperability expert providing technical and strategic advice to Australian education communities. He advocates Australian requirements in international standards development processes and directly assists Australian communities to develop, adopt and adapt standards to solve interoperability problems. He runs demonstration projects to test and promote emerging e-learning standards. Nigel has technical expertise in distributed systems architectures, service oriented approaches, persistent identifiers, usability, accessibility, and formal specification.
To return to Nigel Ward's article, click (here).
George Wrenn is Cataloging Librarian at the Humboldt State University Library. He has been involved with development of the Library's institutional repository since 2005. He received his M.L.I.S. from UCLA in 1999 and previously was Assistant Head of Cataloging at the UCLA Hugh and Hazel Darling Law Library. He has produced bibliographies on library statistics, licensing of electronic resources, and patent law, and currently is researching the universe of online academic lecture content.
To return to George Wrenn's article, click (here).
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