Since December 2006, Bart Ballaux has been Senior Advisor Digital Longevity at the Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands. Before joining the Nationaal Archief, Bart worked at the Royal Library of Belgium and the University of Antwerp. He studied History and Archival Science in Belgium and Canada. Since 2007, he has been a lecturer on Records Management in the archival program at the Free University of Brussels.
To return to Bart Ballaux's article, click (here).
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard is Director of Development at the State and University Library, in Aarhus, Denmark. After a career in physics and work in a computing centre, in 2000 as a consequence of her interest in information and library issues she became Head of IT Research and Development and later Director of Development at the State and University Library. In that role she participates in strategic planning and implementation. In recent years her interest has mainly been on the role of the library in the information economy, with emphasis on digital preservation and identifying and tailoring services to specific communities. Examples in the latter category include the use of field studies to identify user needs and the development of a new integrated search interface that will become an open source product next year.
To return to Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard's article, click (here).
Jens Hofman Hansen (formerly with the Statsbiblioteket, Aarhus, Denmark), now works at the consultancy company Creuna Denmark A/S as an information architect. He is very interested in the future of the library as an institution.
To return to Jens Hofman Hansen's article, click (here).
Hans Hofman is a senior advisor on digital longevity at the Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands. He represents the Nationaal Archief in the Planets research project (http://www.planets-project.eu) and the Digital Preservation Europe coordination action (http://www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu). Since 2000 he has represented the Netherlands in the ISO TC46/SC11 on Records Management, in which committee he chairs the Working Group on Records Management metadata. Formerly, he was co-director of ERPANET (2001-2004, http://www.erpanet.org) and was a co-investigator in the InterPares project (1999-2006).
To return to Hans Hofman's article, click (here).
Perla Innocenti is Co-Principal Investigator for Requirements Analysis and Identification of User Scenarios in the project Sustaining Heritage Access through Multivalent ArchiviNg (SHAMAN). She is also involved in repository design, audit research (e.g., DRAMBORA) as part of DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) and has contributed to usage models research within the Preservation and Long-term Access through NETworked Services (Planets) project. Perla has a background as a researcher specialising in information systems for industrial design and as a digital librarian at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where she coordinated digital library, digitization and library portal projects. She has worked as a consultant and collaborator in digital libraries and e-learning projects.
To return to Perla Innocenti's article, click (here).
Susanna Joe is an E-Publications Librarian/Selector at the National Library of New Zealand's Alexander Turnbull Library where she is involved in selecting, capturing and archiving websites and other web-based content. Prior to joining the Library in this role in 2005, Susanna gained extensive library experience from working in corporate and special libraries in New Zealand and Britain.
To return to Susanna Joe's article, click (here).
Vanita Lala is a Website Communications Advisor at the Department of Conservation. She previously worked as an Electronic Publications Selector in the Alexander Turnbull Library at the National Library of New Zealand and has had various library and information management roles, primarily within the public service sector. During her time at the Turnbull she was part of the web archiving team working towards "collecting, preserving and making accessible digital material for heritage and research purposes". She is also involved with website administration within the music community in New Zealand <http://www.niceup.org.nz>.
To return to Vanita Lala's article, click (here).
Brian Lavoie is a Research Scientist in the Office of Research at OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Since joining OCLC in 1996, Brian has worked in a variety of areas, including bibliographic control, analysis of library collections, models and frameworks for library service provision, digital preservation, and analysis of the structure and content of the Web. Brian is a co-founder of the award-winning PREMIS preservation metadata working group, and currently serves on the PREMIS Editorial Committee. He also co-chairs the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access.
To return to Brian Lavoie's article, click (here).
After a long career as a cataloguer in various academic institutions, Gillian Lee is currently the Electronic Publications Librarian at the National Library of New Zealand's Alexander Turnbull Library. She is involved in building the Library's published electronic collections, including web sites and other online electronic materials. Gillian is also currently involved in the National Digital Heritage Archive project a project that will ensure the long-term preservation of the Library's electronic heritage.
To return to Gillian Lee's article, click (here).
Dr. Michael W. Mönnich is head of Collections Service Department at Karlsruhe University Library. He is responsible for acquisitions in the fields of computer science, chemistry and pharmacy and holds a Ph.D. in pharmacy. His specific areas of interest are online catalogs, search engines and virtual catalogs such as the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue, the interoperability of information systems, standardization and management of bibliographic data, as well as institutional repositories and Open Access services.
To return to Michael Mönnich's article, click (here).
Carol Minton Morris is the Communications Director for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) <http://NSDL.org> and Fedora Commons <http://fedora-commons.org>. She is also a research associate in the digital libraries group in Cornell Information Science <http://www.infosci.cornell.edu/dl/dl-people.html>. Her interests are informed by her background in publishing and the visual arts and include community development around establishing collaborative communications systems and tools for distributed content creation. She is the founding editor of NSDL Whiteboard Report <http://content.nsdl.org/wbr/Issue.php?issue=current> featuring information from NSDL projects and programs nationwide since 2000.
To return to Carol Minton Morris's conference report, click (here).
Michael Poltorak Nielsen is interested in the usage patterns exhibited by users of digital systems. He has been working with methods to examine these patterns ranging from usability studies to exploratory field studies. Currently he is focusing on developing usage collection tools based on so-called cultural probes. He is also an active developer working with development of user interfaces for digital library systems. He has a master's degree in Information Science from Aarhus University and has been working with interface development at the State and University Library in Aarhus since 2005.
To return to Michael Nielsen's article, click (here).
Dr. Gordon W. Paynter is Technical Analyst for the Innovation Centre, National Library of New Zealand. He earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Waikato in New Zealand, then worked for the New Zealand Digital Library Project and the University of California. His current projects centre on web archiving, institutional repositories, and newspaper digitization.
To return to Gordon Paynter's article, click (here).
Seamus Ross is Professor of Humanities Informatics and Digital Curation and Founding Director of HATII (Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute) at the University of Glasgow. He is an Associate Director of the Digital Curation Centre in the UK, a co-principal investigator in the DELOS Digital Libraries Network of Excellence, and Principal Director of DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE). He was Principal Director of ERPANET, a European Commission activity to enhance the preservation of cultural heritage and scientific digital objects, and a key player in The Digital Culture Forum (DigiCULT Forum) that worked to improve the take-up of cutting edge research and technology by the cultural heritage sector. Before joining the University of Glasgow, he was Head of ICT at the British Academy and a technologist at a company specialising in knowledge engineering. He earned a doctorate from the University of Oxford. Some of his publications are available at <http://eprints.erpanet.org> During 2005/6 Seamus Ross was Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
To return to Seamus Ross's article, click (here).
Kellie Snow is Preservation Researcher at the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII), University of Glasgow. She is currently representing HATII in the EU-funded Planets (http://www.planets-project.eu) and CASPAR (http://www.casparpreserves.eu) digital preservation projects, where she is responsible for the planning and development of the training programmes of each of these projects. She is also involved in research for Planets that is exploring the means and methods by which users work with digital collections, and future usage scenarios. Kellie has a library and research background, including an MSc. in Information and Library Management.
To return to Kellie Snow's article, click (here).
Marcus Spiering works in the IT Department at Karlsruhe University Library.
He was involved in the development of BibTip from the very beginning and is now in charge of the operation.
Marcus graduated in electrical engineering and information technology at Karlsruhe University.
To return to Marcus Spiering's article, click (here).
Jørn Thøgersen is an IT-developer at the State and University Library, Denmark. He holds a Master of Information Technology from the University of Aarhus. Besides his involvement with the Planets project
(http://www.planets-project.eu/) his work is concentrated on web application development and usability.
To return to Jørn Thøgersen's article, click (here).