D-Lib Magazine
November/December 2008
Volume 14 Number 11/12
ISSN 1082-9873
Authors in the November/December 2008 Issue of D-Lib Magazine
Andreas Aschenbrenner's activities have involved repositories of different shapes and sizes. In his work at various cultural heritage institutions in Europe, he was at different times involved with the technology, organization and user aspects of repositories. He used existing systems and helped build repository-based environments from scratch. His current position in the emerging "e-Humanities" at the State and University Library Goettingen combines traditional repositories with data reuse and scholarly workflows, as well as local research with international infrastructure.
To return to Andreas Aschenbrenner's commentary, click (here).
Dr. Tobias Blanke is a Research Fellow at the Arts and Humanities e-Science Support Centre (AHeSSC) at the Centre for e-Research of King's College London. He is secretary of the Humanities, Arts and Social Science Community Group (HASS-CG) of the Open Grid Forum (OGF) and a Co-Theme Leader at the e-Science Institute in Edinburgh. Tobias leads the technical work package for DARIAH, a European ESFRI project to create an integrated research infrastructure for arts, humanities and cultural heritage data, and is Co-Investigator on the EPSRC network DReSNet. Prior to joining AHeSSC, he worked for an international investment bank, where he was lead developer on a project to migrate a data warehouse reporting application. In his research, Tobias specialises in data and information management, digital libraries and information retrieval.
To return to Tobias Blanke's commentary, click (here).
Dr. Leonardo Candela is a researcher at Networked Multimedia Information Systems (NMIS) Laboratory of the Institute of Information Science and Technologies Italian National Research Council (ISTI CNR). He graduated in Computer Science in 2001 at University of Pisa and completed a Ph.D. in Information Engineering in 2006 at University of Pisa. In 2001 he joined the NMIS Laboratory and was involved in various EU-funded projects including CYCLADES (http://www.ercim.org/cyclades), Open Archives Forum (http://www.oaforum.org), DILIGENT (http://www.diligentproject.org), DRIVER (http://www.driver-repository.eu) and DELOS (http://www.delos.info) EU projects. He was a member of the DELOS Reference Model (http://www.delos.info/ReferenceModel) Technical Committee and of the OAI-ORE (http://www.openarchives.org/ore/) Liaison Group. He is currently involved in the D4Science (http://www.d4science.eu) project. His research interests include Digital Library [Management] Systems and Architectures, Digital Libraries Models, Distributed Information Retrieval, and Grid Computing.
To return to Leonardo Candela's conference report, click (here).
José H. Canós is an associate professor in the School of Computer Science at the Technical University of Valencia (Spain). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the same university, where he teaches Software Engineering and Digital Libraries. His current research interests are Digital Libraries, Emergency Management Information Systems, Bibliography and Citation Management, and Document Engineering. You can contact him at <jhcanos@dsic.upv.es>.
To return to José H. Canós's conference report, click (here).
Priscilla Caplan is Assistant Director for Digital Library Services at the
Florida Center for Library Automation where she oversees the Florida Digital
Archive, a digital preservation repository for the use of the public
universities of Florida. She was co-chair of the PREMIS Working Group and
currently serves on the PREMIS Editorial Committee. She is the author of
"Preservation of Digital Materials" (Library Technology Reports, February/March
2008), Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians (ALA Editions, 2003), and
numerous articles on digital libraries and digital preservation.
To return to Priscilla Caplan's article, click (here).
Dr. Donatella Castelli is a Senior Researcher and has worked at the "Information Science and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council" (ISTI-CNR) since 1988. She graduated in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, and there she was employed as researcher for two years before joining ISTI-CNR Networked Multimedia Information Systems. Since 1996, she has scientifically coordinated several European and Nationally funded projects on digital libraries acquiring considerable experience in this domain. She is currently leading the activity of the DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries dedicated to the definition of a Reference Model for digital libraries. Her current research interests include digital library architectures and infrastructures, information object modeling and interoperability.
To return to Donatella Castelli's conference report, click (here).
Kåre Fiedler Christiansen is a project manager and developer working at The State and University Library, Denmark. He is working on digital preservation, building a general infrastructure that is based on the fedora-commons repository system for the preservation and management of the libraries digital collections, including text, images and audio/visual material. He is also working on web archiving and preservation as a software architect in the NetarchiveSuite project.
To return to Kåre Christiansen's conference report, click (here).
Juan Cigarran is a researcher in the area of multilingual information
retrieval, mainly focused on document clustering. He is also interested on
user interaction and evaluation. His connection with the Cultural Heritage
area came through the European Project MultiMatch: Multilingual/Multimedia
Access to Cultural Heritage, where he has been involved in User Interface
development and evaluation. Currently he is working as a researcher at
E.T.S.I. Informatica (UNED, Spain). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from
UNED University, Madrid, and an MS in Physics from Universidad Complutense,
To return to Juan Cigarran's conference report, click (here).
Pablo de la Fuente is an Associate Professor at the University of Valladolid (Spain), where he leads the Research Group on Information Retrieval and Digital Libraries (GRINBD). His research interests include XML and Web information Retrieval, Text Compression and Digital Libraries. He can be contacted at <pfuente@infor.uva.es>.
To return to Pablo de la Fuente's conference report, click (here).
Kate Fernie is an independent professional in the museums and cultural
heritage field. She specializes in the area of digitization and information
management, particularly in standards and metadata to support
interoperability between distributed resources. From 2004-2006 she was an
ICT Advisor at the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council assisting with a
range of European ICT initiatives across the cultural heritage sector
including CALIMERA, MINERVA, BRICKS and MICHAEL. She has over 15 years of
experience in historic environment information management and promoting
standards in digital resources in archaeology through her work at English
Heritage and the Archaeology Data Service. She holds an MSc in Applied
Landscape Archaeology from Oxford University, an MA in Museum Studies from
Leicester University and a BA in Archaeology and Anthropology from Cambridge
To return to Kate Fernie's conference report, click (here).
David F. Flanders is currently Project Manager (Technical Innovation) working with the Bloomsbury Colleges consortium (group of specialist Higher Education providers within the University of London) in advancing content management systems and e-services. Projects he is currently involved with include the JIS-SOURCE content bulk-migration tool, the Fedorazon cloud computing environ, the CRIG developer community, the APT-STAIRS GoogleDocs project and various consultancy on Library e-service roadmap strategies. Currently his Friday afternoons (his free R&D time) have been spent on getting to know the Django/Python framework, content structuring via SemanticWebLite technologies (RDFa, GRRDL) and ranting about higher education at dfflanders.wordpress.com.
To return to David Flanders's commentary, click (here).
Rich Gazan holds a dual-culture faculty position at the University of Hawaii, at the intersection of Information & Computer Sciences and Library & Information Science. He studies how people integrate diverse types of knowledge, from collections of diverse documents to the work of people with different kinds of expertise. His work encompasses interdisciplinary scientific collaborations, as a Co-Investigator with the NASA Astrobiology Institute, as well as social computing environments.
To return to Rich Gazan's article, click (here).
Mark Hedges is Deputy Director of the Centre for e-Research at King's College London, and before this was Technical Manager of the UK Arts and Humanities Data Service. At both of these institutions he has worked in the fields of data and information management, digital repositories, digital libraries and e-research infrastructures. Prior to this, he was employed for 17 years in the software industry, taking the lead on a number of large-scale development projects for industrial and commercial clients. His academic background is in mathematics and philosophy (he has a Ph.D. in mathematics) and, more recently, in Late Antique and Byzantine studies.
To return to Mark Hedges's commentary, click (here).
Yannis Ioannidis is a Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens. Before that he was with the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin - Madison. His research interests include database and information systems, digital libraries, and personalization. His work has been supported through numerous projects, including DELOS, BRICKS, DILIGENT & D4Science, and DRIVER & DRIVER-II, which have been funded by the European Commission. He has been a keynote speaker at several conferences and is currently an Associate Editor of several journals (including the Journal of Digital Libraries and the Journal of Digital Curation). He is an ACM Fellow and currently serves as the ACM Sigmod Vice-Chair.
To return to Yannis Ioannidis's conference report, click (here).
Mr. King, a statistician, has devoted 45 years to describing and evaluating communication and information systems and services. Over the past 20 years his research has emphasized communication patterns of scientists, engineers, and medical professionals, as well as economic aspects of electronic journal publishing. He has published extensively by authoring or editing 16 books (3 award-winning); over 150 articles, reviews, book chapters, etc.; and over 200 formal technical reports. At one time it was reported that he was one of the ten most cited authors in the field of information science. In recognition of his research contributions he was named Pioneer of Science Information, Chemical Heritage Foundation; Fellow, American Statistical Association; Award of Merit and Research Award, American Society for Information Science and Technology; Honorary Fellow and Miles Conrad Award and Annual Lecturer, National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services; among many other awards and honors.
To return to Donald King's article, click (here).
Martha Larson is a researcher in the area of multimedia retrieval, with a
focus on spoken content. Her interest in information access in the cultural
heritage domain arose during her work on the EU Project MultiMatch: Multilingual/Multimedia Access to Cultural Heritage. She
recently joined Delft University of Technology to work on PetaMedia: Peer-to-Peer Tagged Media, an EU Network of Excellence. Previously, she was
a research scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis
and Information Systems and at the University of Amsterdam. She holds a Ph.D.
and an MA in Linguistics from Cornell University and a BS in Mathematics
from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
To return to Martha Larson's conference report, click (here).
Julien Masanès is the Director of the European Archive, a non-profit foundation for web preservation and digital cultural access. Before this he directed the Web Archiving Project at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. He also actively participated in the creation of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), which he has coordinated during the first two years. Julien Masanès is a curator and received a degree in Librarianship at enssib (Lyon) in 1999. He is member of the board of the EU-funded project Living Web Archives (LiWA), and he has also launched and presently chairs the International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW) series, the main international rendezvous in this domain. He has published several articles and contributions in this field and recently edited the first book on the topic (Web Archiving, Springer 2006).
To return to Julien Masanès's conference report, click (here).
Carol Minton Morris is the Communications Director for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) <http://NSDL.org> and Fedora Commons <http://fedora-commons.org>. She is also a research associate in the digital libraries group in Cornell Information Science <http://www.infosci.cornell.edu/dl/dl-people.html>. Her interests are informed by her background in publishing and the visual arts and include community development around establishing collaborative communications systems and tools for distributed content creation. She is the founding editor of NSDL Whiteboard Report <http://content.nsdl.org/wbr/Issue.php?issue=current> featuring information from NSDL projects and programs nationwide since 2000.
To return to Carol Minton Morris's conference report, click (here).
Marianne Lykke Nielsen holds an MSc in Library and Information Science from the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark and a Ph.D. from Åbo Akademi University, Department of Information Studies, Finland. She is Associate Professor, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark, and has positions as professor II at Oslo University College and visiting professor at Åbo Akademi University. Nielsen previously worked as information specialist in private and national organizations: FAO (Chile); CPEIP (Chile), APV Pasilac (Denmark), and Aalborg Business College (Denmark) designing information retrieval systems and domain-specific, in-house thesauri. Her principal teaching areas are information architecture, metadata, indexing and knowledge organization systems (KOS), and her present research activities concentrate on construction methodologies of thesauri and taxonomies in digital libraries and other retrieval systems, including user behaviour studies. She consults for several Danish companies and organizations concerning design and evaluation of KOS, and is co-editor of the Danish journal for library and information science research, Dansk Biblioteksforskning and on the editorial board for New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia.
To return to Marianne Lykke Nielsen's conference report, click (here).
Ben O'Steen is the software engineer working on the Oxford University
Research Archive (http://ora.ouls.ox.ac.uk) and also the digital asset
management system (DAMS) at Oxford. He has over 12 years experience in
building and implementing bespoke business solutions, and has been
working in the field of digital repositories and archives for Oxford
University Library Services since 2006.
To return to Ben O'Steen's commentary, click (here).
Johan Oomen is manager new media at The Netherlands Institute for Sound and
Vision. He works on externally funded Research and Development projects and
managing the in-house deployment of Digital Asset Management technology.
Since June 2007, Johan Oomen has been part of the Images for the Future
project team. Images for the Future is the largest digitisation project in
Europe to date. He holds an MA degree in Media Studies and a BA in
Information Science.
To return to Johan Oomen's conference report, click (here).
Gert Schmeltz Pedersen works as a senior developer for the digital library at the Technical Information Center of Denmark, at the Technical University of Denmark. He develops services and applications for the Fedora repository system, funded by Denmark's Electronic Research Laboratory (DEFF), and takes part in the DRIVER-II EU project. Gert has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and has worked in many research and development projects in both national and EU contexts.
To return to Gert Schmeltz Pedersen's article, click (here).
Carol Peters is employed by the Institute for Information Science and
Technologies of the Italian National Research Council (ISTI-CNR), Pisa. Her
current research activities are focussed on the development of multilingual
access mechanisms for digital libraries. She is member of the editorial
boards of the International Journal of Digital Libraries and ERCIM News, the
journal of the European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics.
Since 2000, she has coordinated the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF),
which promotes research into multilingual information access system
development and organizes annual evaluation campaigns. CLEF is an activity
of the TrebleCLEF Coordination Action (http://www.trebleclef.eu). She is
also strongly involved in MultiMatch, a project of the IST program of the
European Commission (http://www.multimatch.eu). MultiMatch is developing a
multilingual search engine specifically designed for access, organisation
and personalised presentation of cultural heritage information.
To return to Carol Peters's conference report, click (here).
Andreas Rauber has been a member of the academic faculty of the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems (ifs) at the Vienna University of Technology (TU-Wien) since 1997. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology in 1997 and 2000, respectively. In 2001 he joined the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) in Pisa as an ERCIM Research Fellow, followed by an ERCIM Research position at the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) at Rocquencourt, France in 2002. He also serves on the board of the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL). In 2002 he received the Cor Baayen Award of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. His research interests, apart from Web archiving, include text and music information retrieval and organization, information visualization, and neural computation.
To return to Andreas Rauber's conference report, click (here).
Matthias Razum is Head of ePublishing and eScience at FIZ Karlsruhe, a non-for-profit company providing services for knowledge management and information transfer to the STM and academic community. Matthias received a master of science from Karlsruhe University of Applied Science. His current activities include the project eSciDoc, which aims to build an e-research infrastructure for the Max Planck Society, and the promotion of the project results to a broader community in Germany and abroad. His other interests include building online systems for commercial publishers, collaboration tools for scholars and scientists, and information management for academia and research.
To return to Matthias Razum's conference report, click (here).
Carol Tenopir is a professor at the School of Information Sciences at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. Her areas of teaching and research include: information access and retrieval, electronic publishing, the information industry, online resources, and the impact of technology on reference librarians. She is the author of several books, including Towards Electronic Journals: Realities for Scientists, Librarians and Publishers (Washington DC: Special Libraries Association, 2000) and Communication Patterns of Engineers, (IEEE/WileyInterScience, 2004), with Donald W. King. Dr. Tenopir has published over 200 journal articles, is a frequent speaker at professional conferences, and since 1983 has written the "Online Databases" column for Library Journal. Dr. Tenopir holds a Ph.D. degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois.
To return to Carol Tenopir's article, click (here).
Peter Zuber is the Engineering Librarian at Brigham Young University and chair of its Research Behavior Group. Mr. Zuber holds 24 patents in the areas of electrophotographic engine design, image processing, color theory, and document management. Before joining the university, he was Director of Imaging and Process Engineering for T/R Systems in Atlanta. He has extensive experience in print-on-demand product development and wrote software for multiple print engine calibration, color management and spot color processing. He received his Master's degree in Imaging Science and Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology and his MLIS from the University of Southern Mississippi.
To return to Peter Zuber's article, click (here).
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