D-Lib Magazine
October 2005
Volume 11 Number 10
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the October 2005 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Chris Awre is Integration Architect within the e-Services Integration Group, Hull University, with a remit to examine, advise on and facilitate the integration of existing and future university systems and processes, particularly those being delivered within the university portal. Current effort is focusing on the delivery of library services to further enable the provision of these in the contexts of learning, teaching and research. Chris has been project manager for the CREE (Contextual Resource Evaluation Environment) project.
To return to Chris Awre's article, click (here).
Tony Brett has been working for Oxford University since 1993, for five years in its Medical School, then as IT Manager of Corpus Christi College for another five years, and he is now Associate Head of IT Support Staff Services in the University Computing Service. Tony was Project Manager for the Oxford University Computing Services Portal Project and for the Oxford strand of the CREE project.
To return to Tony Brett's article, click (here).
Gregory Crane has a long-standing interest in the relationship between the humanities and rapidly developing digital technology. Since 1985 he has been engaged in planning and development of the Perseus Project, which he directs as the Editor-in-Chief. Besides supervising the Perseus Project as a whole, he has been primarily responsible for the development of the morphological analysis system which provides many of the links within the Perseus database. He is currently directing a $2,700,000 grant from the Digital Library Initiative to study general problems of digital libraries in the humanities. Dr. Crane is particularly interested in the extent to which broadcast media such as the World Wide Web not only enhance the work of professional researchers and students in formal degree programs but create new audiences outside academia for cultural materials. His current research focuses on "computational humanities" and how this new field can help to democratize information without compromising intellectual rigor.
To return to Gregory Crane's article, click (here).
Myra Custard graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a Master of Science degree in Computer Science. Her thesis work utilized supervised machine learning to compute quality of web content cataloged in the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE). She currently works as a software engineer for the Scientific Computing Division of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Her work at NCAR focuses on web application development.
To return to Myra Custard's article, click (here).
Ian Dolphin is Head of e-Strategy at the University of Hull, where he is responsible for advising on Information & Communications Technology strategic direction. Ian is a member of the Board of Directors of the Java Architectures Special Interest Group (JA-SIG) and the Sakai Project, in addition to the Advisory Board of The Global Education and Learning Community (GELC). He is a member of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Integrated Information Environment Committee (JIIE), and the Middleware and Distributed eLearning Programme Advisory Boards. He has acted as Project Director for the CREE project.
To return to Ian Dolphin's article, click (here).
Gabriel Hanganu is a Ph.D. student in anthropology at the University of Oxford, examining the anthropology of visual practice in South-East Europe. He has been involved in organising a range of photographic and film exhibitions, most notably the recent 9th Royal Anthropological Institute Film Festival. Whilst at Oxford he has also been involved as a research officer for the Learning Technologies Group, and he undertook the user research at Oxford for the CREE project.
To return to Gabriel Hanganu's article, click (here).
Dr. Caroline Ingram has worked as a programme manager for EPSRC, on the ESRC funded 'Virtual Society?' Programme at Brunel University, and (for the period 2000 - 2002) for the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). She was responsible for the area of learning and teaching while working for JISC, including overseeing at least 50 projects in the 5/99 L&T programme. She has considerable recent (2003-2005) experience working as a freelance consultant with a variety of JISC projects. These include user requirements analyses for the PORTAL and CREE projects, writing technical documentation for the IAMSECT Core Middleware project, and coordinating the DART Digital Libraries in the Classroom project.
To return to Caroline Ingram's article, click (here).
Leslie Johnston is the Director of Digital Access Services at the University of Virginia Library, where she manages digital library program components supporting the collection, management, and delivery of digital content. Previously, she served as the Head of Instructional Technology and Library Information Systems at the Harvard Design School, as the Academic Technology Specialist for Art for the Stanford University Libraries, and as Database Specialist for the Getty Research Institute. Ms. Johnston has also been active in the museum automation community, working for various museums, teaching courses in museum studies, editing the journal Spectra, and serving on the board of the Museum Computer Network.
To return to Leslie Johnston's article, click (here).
Alison Jones works as a researcher at the Perseus Digital Library. She has a BA in History from Mount Holyoke College and an MLS from Simmons College. Her current research interests include digital library interfaces and the digitization of historical collections.
To return to Alison Jones's article, click (here).
David Mimno was previously head programmer at the Perseus Digital Library, and recently began a Ph.D. in Computer Science at UMass Amherst. He has a degree in Classics and Computer Science from Swarthmore and is interested in building digital library systems that help readers better understand the context, including the relationship of people, places and ideas, in digital document collections.
To return to David Mimno's article, click (here).
Eric Lease Morgan is the Head of the Digital Access and
Information Architecture Department at the University Libraries
of Notre Dame. He considers himself to be a librarian first and a
computer user second. His professional goal is to discover new
ways to use computers to provide better library service. Some of
his more notable contributions include the Mr. Serials Process,
the Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts, and MyLibrary. Almost all
of Morgan's writings and programs are available online; he has
been practicing "green" open access publishing and open source
software distribution since long before the phrases were coined.
To return to Eric Lease Morgan's article, click (here).
Yvonne Hultman Özek, is a senior librarian and manager of the Medical Faculty Library at Lund University, Sweden. She is the team leader for the library's division of scientific publishing supporting faculty and graduate students and a coordinator for providing electronic journals and databases to the faculty community. She teaches courses and gives seminars on the current issues of publishing within the biomedical and life science area. She holds an M.S. in Library and Information Science from Simmons College, Boston and a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology and Urban Studies from University of Massachusetts, Boston. She is the managing editor of Lund Virtual Medical Journal and the coordinator of the forthcoming 1st European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine and Medicine 21-22 April, 2006. In addition, she is a project member in the Lund University Libraries ScieCom group and a member of the University's Advisory Board for Scholarly and Scientific Publishing. Prior to joining Lund University she was a reference librarian at the Norwegian School of Business & Administration, Bergen Norway.
To return to Yvonne Hultman Özek's article, click (here).
Tamara Sumner served as the Program Chair for the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2005. She is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, with a joint appointment between the Department of Computer Science and the Institute of Cognitive Science. Prior to joining the University of Colorado, Dr. Sumner was a Lecturer with the Knowledge Media Institute at The Open University in the UK. Her research interests include human-computer interaction, educational technology, and digital libraries; she has written over 80 articles on these topics.
To return to author's article, click (here).
Xiaorong Xiang is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. Her research interests include Web
services, the Semantic Web, Web portals for scientific collaboration, and
agent-based modeling and simulation. She had a fruitful summer working in the
University Libraries of Notre Dame. Eric Lease Morgan and she designed and
implemented the "find more like this one" feature in the MyLibrary system.
To return to Xiaorong Xiang's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2005 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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