D-Lib Magazine
September 2004
Volume 10 Number 9
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the September 2004 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Suzie Allard is an assistant professor in the School of Information Sciences
at the University of Tennessee. Her research focuses on the role of document
creators in the digital library environment particularly in relation to
digital preservation issues. Working with Gail McMillan at Virginia Tech, she
developed the Informed Creation Aids Preservation (ICAP) model to explain
these relationships, and to establish a framework for facilitating the
preservation of born digital objects. Suzie's research has also addressed
individual and organizational factors that influence digital library adoption
at the organizational level. Suzie has served as chair of ASIST's SIG-DL
(Special Interest Group on Digital Libraries).
To return to Suzie Allard's conference report, click (here).
Karen Coyle is a librarian with nearly 30 years experience in digital libraries. She worked for over 20 years at the University of California, most recently for the California Digital Library, and is now a consultant on digital library technology. Karen's first encounter with digital rights management was in 1996 when she found herself on a conference panel with Mark Stefik, the original author of the XrML system. Since then she has represented libraries standards organizations working on various aspects of rights for electronic documents. She has written and lectured on many technical issues, such as metadata and information retrieval, as well as social, political and policy issues that affect libraries. She has so far refused to blog.
To return to Karen Coyle's article, (here).
John Erickson researches the social, legal, and technical problems that arise when managing and disseminating information in the digital environment. At Hewlett-Packard Laboratories John focuses on the policy-based management of distributed, heterogeneous digital object repositories. John has participated in various metadata, naming and rights management working groups, and serves on the editorial board of IEEE Security and Privacy magazine.
John holds a Ph.D. from Dartmouth College (1997), an M.Eng. from Cornell University (1989), and a BSEE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1984). He co-founded NetRights LLC in 1995 and Yankee Rights Management in 1997.
To return to John Erickson's article,, click (here).
Carl Lagoze is Senior Research Associate in Cornell Information Science. His research interests include new scholarly publishing models, content
architectures, and information interoperability.
To return to Carl Lagoze's article, click (here).
Dr Norbert Lossau is the University Librarian at Bielefeld, Germany,
where he moved from his post as first Head of the Oxford Digital
Library, University of Oxford, UK.
Norbert Lossau is the main organiser of the International Bielefeld
Conferences (2004-), a biannual strategic forum for academic
librarians in Europe. His areas of activity include advanced electronic
services development, new paradigms in scientific publishing and
communication, university strategies for scientific information,
eScience and international collaboration.
To return to Norbert Lossau's article, click (here).
Roxanne Missingham is Assistant Director General, Resource Sharing Division, National Library of Australia. In this position she is responsible for the Kinetica service, which supports libraries and library users and enables more than 6 million searches to be undertaken each year on databases including the National Bibliographic Database which contains information on material held by Australian libraries. She has a long career in libraries and IT focused on the development of digital delivery and digital services. She has been a library educator, library manager and researcher. She has a Degree in Science, a Graduate Diploma In Library and Information Studies and a Masters in Public Administration.
To return to Roxanne Missingham's article, click (here).
Sandy Payette is a researcher in the Computing and Information Science
program at Cornell University. She is co-inventor of Fedora, a digital
repository architecture based on a flexible and extensible digital object
model. Sandy is also co-PI of the open-source Fedora Project
<http://www.fedora.info>, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This is a
joint development effort with the University of Virginia to deliver
repository software to support digital libraries, institutional repositories,
educational applications, archives, and preservation. Her past and current
research focuses on integrating heterogeneous information sources and
services, interoperable architectures, complex digital objects, digital
preservation, policy enforcement, and new models for scholarly publishing.
To return to Sandy Payette's article, click (here).
Michael Providenti is the Web Development Librarian at Northern
Kentucky University's W. Frank Steely Library. Since completing a
standards-based redesign of his library's Web site he has been writing and
speaking on the topic of Web standards and accessibility. He is currently
exploring issues presented by wireless Web-enabled devices in a
standards-based environment. He has a B.A. in English Literature and Art
History from the University of Cincinnati and an MLS from the University of
To return to author's article, click (here).
Shigeo Sugimoto is a professor at Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba. He earned BE, ME and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Information Science, Kyoto University, Japan. He has been actively involved in digital library research and metadata activities. He chaired the program committees of ISDL'95, '97, '99 and DLKC'04. He has been involved in major international conferences on digital libraries in Asia, Europe, and North America as an organizer and program committee member. He is a member of the Board of Trustees and Advisory Board of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
To return to Shigeo Sugimoto's conference report, click (here).
Friedrich Summann is head of the IT Department at Bielefeld University Library. He has worked for several innovative library projects in the past, among them the first CD-ROM based library catalogue in Germany (1988), the state-wide electronic document delivery system for journal articles JASON (since 1993) and the Digital Library NRW (1998-2001). At the moment the main topics of his work include search engine technology, the development of digital collections and bibliographic databases with focus on OAI integration.
To return to Friedrich Summann's article, click (here).
Herbert Van de Sompel graduated in Mathematics and Computer Science
at Ghent University, and also obtained a Ph.D. there. He has held
positions as Head of Library Automation at Ghent University, Visiting
Professor in Computer Science at Cornell University, and Director of
e-Strategy and Programmes at the British Library. Currently, he is the team
leader of the Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team at the
Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has played a
major role in creating the Open Archives Protocol for Metadata
Harvesting (OAI-PMH), the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive
Services, and the SFX linking server.
To return to Herbert Van de Sompel's article, click (here).
Simeon Warner is a Research Associate in Computing and Information Science
at Cornell University. He is one of the developers of the arXiv e-print
archive (http://arXiv.org/) and his research interests include web
information systems, interoperability, and open-access scholarly
publishing. He has been actively involved with the Open Archives
Initiative (OAI) since its inception and was one of the authors of the OAI
Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. He worked at Los Alamos National
Laboratory before moving with arXiv to Cornell in 2001. Prior to working
on arXiv, he worked in the Physics Department at Syracuse University in
computational physics, a discipline in which arXiv has eclipsed
conventional journals as the preferred means of scholarly communication.
To return to Simeon Warner's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2004 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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