D-Lib Magazine
September 2005
Volume 11 Number 9
ISSN 1082-9873
Authors in the September 2005 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
David Bainbridge is a senior lecturer in computer science at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand where he studied the problem of optical music recognition as a Commonwealth Scholar. Since moving to Waikato in 1996, he has continued to broaden his interest in digital media, while retaining a particular emphasis on music. An active member of the New Zealand Digital Library project he has collaborated with several United Nations Agencies, the BBC and various public libraries. He has published in the areas of image processing, music information retrieval, digital libraries, data compression, and text mining. His first book, How to Build a Digital Library, (co-authored with Ian Witten) was published in 2003 by Morgan Kaufmann.
To return to David Bainbridge's article, click (here).
Nisa Bakkalbasi is the General Science Librarian in Kline Science Library at Yale University. Her primary responsibilities include reference service, Web development, instruction program coordinator, and preservation and conservation liaison activities. She holds an M.L.I.S. from Long Island University and an M.S. in Applied Statistics from University of Alabama. Prior to joining Yale University, Nisa worked as a Science/Electronic Resources Librarian at Purchase College, State University of New York.
To return to Nisa Bakkalbasi's article, click (here).
Kathleen Bauer is the ELI Integrated Interfaces Librarian at Yale. Her work includes assessment and usability, the Metalib implementation, and SFX maintenance and updates. Katie has an MLS from the State University of New York at Albany, an MS in Math from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a BA from Mount Holyoke College.
To return to Kathleen Bauer's article, click (here).
David Bearman, President of Archives & Museum Informatics in Pittsburgh, consults for cultural institutions on information strategy. Since leaving the Smithsonian Institution (where he was Deputy Director of the Office of Information Resources Management) in 1986, Bearman has directed his own consulting firm which specializes in developing new business models and economic frameworks for archive and museum consortia, that take advantage of information technologies to rethink their approaches to management and delivery of cultural resources. Bearman has been responsible for guiding the development of a national information system for archives in the U.S., national policies towards electronic records management in several countries, national and international museum collaborations and network initiatives, and the definition of a variety of archival, museum, library and publishing non-profits that exploit and develop information standards.
To return to David Bearman's article, click (here).
Lynn Silipigni Connaway is a Consulting Research Scientist, OCLC Office of Research. Her primary responsibilities are to develop and lead externally focused research projects and programs that support OCLC's members and the library community. Connaway is the co-investigator on a two-year IMLS-funded project to investigate the information-seeking behaviors of faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and netLibrary subscribers. She has been Vice President of Research and Library Systems, netLibrary and Director, Library and Information Services Department, University of Denver. She was on the faculty at the School of Library and Informational Science at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Dr. Connaway received a Ph.D. in Library and Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, an MS of Library Science from the University of Arizona, and a BS in Education and Library Science from Edinboro State University.
To return to Lynn Silipigni Connaway's article, click (here).
Lorcan Dempsey is VP of Research for OCLC. He oversees the work of OCLC
Research and participates in OCLC's Strategic Leadership Team. Lorcan
was named OCLC Chief Strategist in March 2004. He joined OCLC in Summer
2001. Before this, Lorcan worked for the JISC based in London, for UKOLN
(University of Bath), and for a while in public libraries in his native
Dublin, Ireland. He was recently elected to the Board of NISO, and
writes at <Lorcan Dempsey's
To return to Lorcan Dempsey's article, click (here).
Katherine Don works as a research engineer for the New Zealand Digital
Library Project at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. A key player
in technical development, her responsibilities include the design and
implementation of the new Greenstone 3 software, as well as support and
advancement of the standard Greenstone software (Greenstone 2).
To return to Katherine Don's article, click (here).
Thomas Hickey helped found the Office of Research at OCLC in 1977, and has been Chief Scientist at OCLC since 1994. His interests include electronic publishing, information retrieval and display, and metadata creation and editing systems. In addition to working on FRBR work-level algorithms, he leads a group investigating how to harvest and derive relationships from diverse metadata objects. He also serves as chair of the standards committee of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (http://www.ndltd.org). Dr. Hickey did his graduate work at SUNY Geneseo and at the University of Illinois.
To return to Thomas Hickey's article, click (here).
Chi-Yu Huang works as a research programmer for the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. She has a Masters degree in Management Information Technology from Sunderland University and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Leeds Metropolitan. Her research focuses on the applications and performance improvement in the distributed manufacturing system by using mobile agent technology. She was a senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Prior to studying in the UK, she worked as a MIS engineer in a semi-conductor manufacturing company in Taiwan.
To return to Chi-Yu Huang's article, click (here).
Brian Lavoie is a Senior Research Scientist in the Office of Research at
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Since joining OCLC in 1996, he
has worked on projects in many areas, ranging from expanding and
updating the Cutter tables, to analyzing the content of the Web. Brian's
research interests include the economics of information, digital
preservation, and data-mining.
To return to Brian Lavoie's article, click (here).
Ralph LeVan joined OCLC in 1987 where he led the development of the retrieval software that underlies the FirstSearch service (Newton). He then led the development of OCLC's reference Z39.50 server and Z39.50-to-Web gateway (WEBZ), which became the interface development environment for FirstSearch. More recently, he has produced a second generation of database software (Pears), which is available as Open Source from OCLC Research. He is again looking at database interfaces and is working on the initiative to implement Z39.50 as a Web Service (SRW, also available as Open Source).
To return to Ralph LeVan's article, click (here).
Joan K. Lippincott is the Associate Executive Director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), a joint project of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and EDUCAUSE. Joan previously held positions in the libraries of Cornell, Georgetown, George Washington University, and SUNY at Brockport as well as the Research and Policy Analysis Division of the American Council on Education and the National Center for Postsecondary Governance and Finance. She has written articles and made presentations on such topics as networked information, learning spaces, collaboration among professional groups, assessment, and teaching and learning in the networked environment. She is on the board of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) and chair of the editorial board of the Association of College & Research Libraries' C&RL News. Joan received her Ph.D. in higher education policy, planning, and administration from the University of Maryland, her M.L.S. from SUNY Geneseo, and an A.B. from Vassar College.
To return to Joan K. Lippincott's article, click (here).
Clifford Lynch has been the Director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) since July 1997. CNI, jointly sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries and Educause, includes about 200 member organizations concerned with the use of information technology and networked information to enhance scholarship and intellectual productivity. Prior to joining CNI, Lynch spent 18 years at the University of California Office of the President, the last 10 as Director of Library Automation. Lynch, who holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, is an adjunct professor at Berkeley's School of Information Management and Systems. He is a past president of the American Society for Information Science and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Information Standards Organization. Lynch serves on the National Digital Preservation Strategy Advisory Board of the Library of Congress; he was a member of the National Research Council committees that published The Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Infrastructure and Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits, and now serves on the NRC's committee on digital archiving and the National Archives and Records Administration.
To return to Clifford Lynch's article on US Repositories, click (here).
To return to Clifford Lynch's article on International Repositories, click (here).
Robert Tansley is a senior research scientist at HP Labs, focussing on
long-term digital preservation. He is the architect of DSpace, and was
part of the team that designed OAI-PMH. Previously he completed a PhD
in multimedia information systems at the University Of Southampton, UK
in 2000, where he also designed and implemented the eprints.org
repository software.
To return to Robert Tansley's article, click (here).
Jenny Toves joined OCLC Online Computer Library Center in 1984 and currently is a Software Architect in the Office of Research. She is working on projects exploring metadata. The projects are attempting to analyze and extract metadata, identify relationships in metadata and bring up servers based on these relationships. Her other projects include work on FirstSearch, CORC (Connexion) and the project to migrate the WorldCat database to an Oracle platform.
To return to Jenny Toves's article, click (here).
Jennifer Trant is a Partner in Archives & Museum Informatics. She is co-chair of Museums and the Web and ichim, and has served on the program committee of the JDL Joint Digital Libraries 2001 conference, and the Board of the Media and Technology Committee of the American Association of Museums. Recently, Trant served as the Executive Director of the Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO). Previously she managed the Getty Art History Information Program Imaging Initiative and directed the activities of the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project (MESL). She also managed disciplinary review and prepared the report of the Art Information Task Force (AITF), entitled Categories for the Description of Works of Art for the College Art Association and AHIP.
To return to Jennifer Trant's article, click (here).
Gerard van Westrienen graduated from the 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam' in economics. He worked there for 5 years and afterwards for 13 years in different positions at the Nuffic, the Netherlands organisation for international co-operation in higher education. In 2001, he switched to the SURF foundation as programme manager for IWI, Innovation of Scientific Information Supply. In 2002 IWI merged into the Platform ICT and Research. He is deputy manager of the Platform and has been involved amongst others in the inception of the DARE programme and on copyright issues in scholarly communication (the international Zwolle Group on copyright management in higher education; the joint SURF-JISC initiative and projects on copyright). Recently he has coordinated the first inquiry on the deployment of Institutional Repositories in 13 countries.
To return to Gerard van Westrienen's article, click (here).
Ian H. Witten is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Waikato in New Zealand where he directs the New Zealand Digital Library research project. His research interests include information retrieval, machine learning, text compression, and programming by demonstration. He has published widely in these areas, including six books, the most recent being Managing Gigabytes (1999), How to build a digital library (2003) and Data Mining (2005), all from Morgan Kaufmann. He received an MA in mathematics from Cambridge University, England; an MSc in computer science from the University of Calgary, Canada; and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Essex University, England. He is a fellow of the ACM and of the Royal Society of New Zealand. He received the 2004 IFIP Namur Award, a biennial honour accorded for "outstanding contribution with international impact to the awareness of social implications of information and communication technology," and the 2005 SIGKDD Service Award, given for "an outstanding contribution to the data mining field."
To return to Ian H. Witten's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2005 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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