D-Lib Magazine
September/October 2009
Volume 15 Number 9/10
ISSN 1082-9873
Authors in the September/October 2009 Issue of D-Lib Magazine
Dianne Dietrich |
Dianne Dietrich is Research Data and Metadata Librarian at Cornell University Library. She is responsible for providing consultation, assessment, and support services to facilitate all aspects of digital data curation. She works at the intersection of digital data, technology, and metadata for the libraries. Her interests include digital preservation and data curation.
To return to Dianne Dietrich's article, click (here).
Elena Giglia |
Elena Giglia has been working in academic libraries since 1991, at the University of Milan and then at the University of Turin (Economic Library, Central Medical Library). She is now assigned to the Library System (University of Turin). Her interest is in Open Access, electronic publishing, biomedical information seeking strategies and the integration of information sources and e-learning systems.
To return to Elena Giglia's conference report, click (here).
Ann Green |
Ann Green is Digital Information Strategic Analyst in Yale University's Office of Digital Assets and Infrastructure, playing a key role in the conceptualization and evaluation of campus-wide digital infrastructure, policies, systems and services for the creation, access, and preservation of digital assets. Ann is the former director of the Social Science Research Services & Statistical Laboratory at Yale, and previously held the positions of Data Archivist at UC- Berkeley and at the Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research. She is past President of IASSIST and former Chair of the Executive Council of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
To return to Ann Green's article, click (here).
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Konstantinos Kyprianos |
Konstantinos Kyprianos was born in Athens at 1979 and he received his bachelor diploma in Librarianship and Information Technology from ATEI of Athens in 2002. He obtained his Masters degree in Informatics from the University of Piraeus in 2009. His main interest areas are digital libraries and new technologies applied to library matters in general.
To return to Konstantinos Kyprianos's article, click (here).
Robin Malitz |
Robin Malitz is currently a researcher and software architect at the Computer and Media Service at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He received his degree in Computer Science in 2006 and is actively involved in several research projects in the field of Electronic Publishing where his main focus lies in the development and integration of service oriented infrastructures.
To return to Robin Malitz's article, click (here).
Rosa Mavropodi |
Rosa Mavropodi received her B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of
Piraeus, Greece in 1999 and in 2009 her Ph.D. diploma. Her main research interests relate to digital libraries, software engineering for telecommunication networks, distributed systems and architectures, intelligent networks, performance evaluation of high speed networks and development of digital libraries software.
To return to Rosa Mavropodi's article, click (here).
Dries Moreels |
Dries Moreels read English, German and Cultural Studies at the
University of Leuven (Belgium). At Vlaams Theater Instituut in
Brussels, he's head of performing arts documentation and responsible
for the Internet presence of the institute (http://www.vti.be). He's a Board
Member of ENICPA (European Network of Information Centres in the
Performing Arts) and President of OKBV - ARLIS Flanders. Between 1998
and 2003, he was member of the editorial board of Etcetera, the main
critical performing arts journal in Dutch-speaking Belgium.
To return to Dries Moreels's article, click (here).
Carol Minton Morris |
Carol Minton Morris is the Communications Director for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) and Fedora Commons. She is also a research associate in the digital libraries group in Cornell Information Science. Her interests are informed by her background in publishing and the visual arts and include community development around establishing collaborative communications systems and tools for distributed content creation. She is the founding editor of NSDL Whiteboard Report featuring information from NSDL projects and programs nationwide since 2000.
To return to Carol Minton Morris's conference report, click (here).
Uwe Müller |
Uwe Müller is an information scientist and a faculty member in the Department of Library and Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and holds a Ph.D. in this subject. He is involved in a number of research activities dealing with Electronic Publishing and Open Access, e.g., Open Access Network, and CARPET. Within the Electronic Publishing Group of the German Initiative for Networked Information (DINI) he is in charge of the further development of the DINI Certificate for Institutional Repositories.
To return to Uwe Müller's article, click (here).
Bart Ooghe |
Bart Ooghe has a BA in History, and an MA and Ph.D. in Archaeology. Since 2008 he has been attached to the Flemish Theatre Institute (VTi) as researcher on the BOM-vl project (Preservation and Access to Multimedia Data in Flanders), where his primary task consisted of an international study on current practices in selection for digitisation within memory institutions and the media.
To return to Bart Ooghe's article, click (here).
Ioannis Papadakis |
Ioannis Papadakis was born in Athens in 1975, and he received his Bachelor diploma in Computer Science from the University of Piraeus, in 1997. He obtained his Ph.D. in the field of Digital Libraries in the same Department in 2003 with the topic: "Digital Libraries: Architectures, Security and Information Retrieval". Since 2005, he has been working in the Department of Archives and Library Science at Ionian University. During the past few years his scientific interests have included the areas of the semantic web and the web in general.
To return to Ioannis Papadakis's article, click (here).
Peter Schirmbacher |
Peter Schirmbacher is a Professor for Information Management and Director of the Computer and Media Service at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He has initiated and directed various research projects in the fields of Electronic Publishing, Open Access, E-Learning, and E-Research. He is one of the founding members and a directorate member of the German Initiative for Networked Information (DINI), which aims at improving the information and communication infrastructure for academic institutions. He is also member of the Board of Directors of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) and belongs to the DissOnline Advisory Board of the German National Library.
To return to Peter Schirmbacher's article, click (here).
Thomas Severiens |
Thomas Severiens is a learned physicist and teaches Information Engineering and Applied Mathematics at the University of Osnabrück. He has been developing online services for education and research since 1995 and is a senior researcher of the Institute for Science Networking (ISN) in Oldenburg (http://www.isn-oldenburg.de). His research interests are Metadata (he is a member of the DCMI Advisory Board (http://www.dublincore.org)), development of search engines and intellectual property rights in the education and research field. He is secretary general of CCER (http://www.urheberrechtsbuendnis.de).
To return to Thomas Severiens's article, click (here).
Michalis Stefanidakis |
Michalis Stefanidakis holds a Diploma of Computer Engineering and Informatics and a Ph.D. in Design and Performance Evaluation of Distributed Memory Parallel Computer Architectures (2000) from the University of Patras. Currently he is occupied as a lecturer at Ionian University, Department of Informatics, with research interests including the Semantic Web, High-Performance Distributed Computer Systems, Real-time Embedded System Architectures and Pervasive Computing.
To return to Michalis Stefanidakis's article, click (here).
Gail Steinhart |
Gail Steinhart is Research Data and Environmental Sciences Librarian at Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University. Her interests are in research data curation and cyberscholarship. She is responsible for developing and supporting new services for collecting and archiving research data, and serves as a library liaison for environmental science activities at Cornell. She is a member of Cornell University Library's Data Executive Group and Cornell University's DISCOVER Research Service Group, which seek to advance Cornell's capabilities in the areas of data curation and data-driven research, respectively.
To return to Gail Steinhart's article, click (here).
R.S.R. Varalakshmi |
R.S.R. Varalakshmi is Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Andhra University, India. She has an M.A., MLISc, and Ph.D. in Library and Information Science, and a Diploma in Distance Education. Prof. Varalakshmi designed and developed the Open Access (digital) Institutional Repository at Andhra University. She has written one book, 38 national and international journal papers and 45 articles in national and international conference proceedings.
To return to R.S.R. Varalakshmi's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2009 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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