D-Lib Magazine
September 1999Volume 5 Number 9
ISSN 1082-9873In Brief
Perspectives on DL'99: Fourth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries
Contributed by:
Roxanne Missingham
National Library of AustraliaDL'99: The Fourth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries was held on August 11 - 14, 1999, in Berkeley, California, and was attended by over 120 persons from a wide range of countries and representing different disciplines. Roxanne Missingham attended DL'99, and she has graciously contributed to D-Lib Magazine a description of the conference as seen from her perspective as Director of Reader Services at the National Library of Australia. Please click here to see "Perspectives on DL'99: Fourth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries".
IFLA and OCLC Announce New Fellowship
Contributed by:
Erik Jul
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and OCLC Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) announce the IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Fellowship. This program, announced recently at the 65th IFLA General Council and Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, provides early career development and continuing education for library and information science professionals from countries with developing economies.
On an annual basis, the program will select up to four individuals to come to OCLC's headquarters in Dublin, Ohio, USA, for a four-week period to participate in an intensive program of lectures, seminars and mentoring. Topics and issues will include information technologies and their impact on libraries, library operations and management, and global cooperative librarianship.
A full description of the program, including eligibility and application information, is available at <http://www.oclc.org/institute/ifla/index.htm>.
Please direct inquiries to Erik Jul, Associate Director, OCLC Institute, jul@oclc.org.
Electronic Information: Purchasing, Access and Copyright Issues for the National Electronic Library for Health (NeLH)
Press Release from:
Andrew Cox
LITC, South Bank UniversityA team from Learning and Information Services and Library Information Technology Center (LITC), South Bank University (SBU) led by John Akeroyd has won the contract to carry out a three month scoping study of the issues relating to the purchase of electronic information for the National Electronic Library for Health (NeLH).
The project will aim to:
- Identify core electronic content and publishers
- Define appropriate licensing models
- Evaluate national level purchasing experience in other sectors, e.g., Higher Education
- Consider the issues raised by authentication of users, security and privacy
- Define the technological prerequisites for users
- Identify the management, support and training issues
On the National Health Service (NHS) side the project is being led by Veronica Fraser, NHS Library Adviser, working with Louise Jones, Jane Mackenzie and Pam Prior of the NHS Regional Librarians Group (Purchasing Panel). SBU are represented by John Akeroyd, Liz Fairclough, Sally Brock and Andrew Cox.
If you have comments or an interest in the project please contact Andrew Cox, LITC, coxam@sbu.ac.uk, phone 0171 815 7058. The project home page is <http://www.sbu.ac.uk/litc/NeLH/>. LITC is a self financing centre within LIS, dedicated to publishing and researching ICT applications in libraries and information services.
NeLH was announced in Information for Health, the Government's Information and Technology Strategy for the NHSThe NeLH web site is located at <http://www.nelh.nhs.uk/>.
- to provide easy access to best current knowledge;
- to help improve health and healthcare, clinical practice, and patient choice
Copyright (c) 1999 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/september99-inbrief