LIBRES: Library and Information Science 
Research Electronic Journal                ISSN 1058-6768
1995 Volume 5 Issue 3-4; December 31.
Quarterly                            LIBRE5N3 NEWS

NEWS 1) Minister Welcomes Chief Government 
Information Officer

Mr Kim Beazley, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for 
Finance, today welcomed Mr Andy Macdonald to the new 
position of Chief Government Information Officer. Mr 
Macdonald has recently taken up duties as Secretary in 
the new Office of Government Information Technology.

Mr Beazley said the establishment of the office of 
Government Information Technology was an important 
component of the Government's national strategy for the 
adoption of new information and communications services.

The office would help the Government to realise the 
potential of information technology and 
telecommunications to improve the delivery of 
government services to Australians.

"Mr Macdonald has the relevant experience to assist the 
Government in reforming its use of information 
technology," Mr Beazley said, "and we look forward to his 
strong leadership here in Australia."

Mr Macdonald will also chair the new Government 
Information Services Policy Board, whose membership has 
been endorsed by the Prime Minister. The Board will assist 
him develop and implement the Government's strategic 
directions statement for information technology and 
telecommunications. The Board will meet for the first time 
in late August.

Agreement has also been reached on the transfer of 
resources from the departments of administrative services 
and finance. The Office of Government Information 
Technology will  house the Government's communications 
unit, CommTel, formerly located within the Department of 
Administrative Services. Mr Frank Walker, Minister for 
Administrative Services, commended CommTel on its 
outstanding record.

"CommTel was set up in my department to implement 
whole of government agreements for communications 
facilities. It's been a great success, achieving savings of 
more than $30 million over the last 18 months," Mr 
Walker said.

"Considerable scope now exists for CommTel to help 
implement a more integrated approach to the 
Government's use of information technology and 

Mr Beazley reaffirmed his endorsement of the charter for 
the new office and the range of  whole-of-government 
initiatives which were identified in the Clients First report 
issued in March.

The Office of Government Information Technology will be 
located in the East Wing of Old Parliament House from 
Monday 7 August 1995 with the address:

PO Box 3955, Manuka, Canberra ACT 2600, telephone  06 
271 4888

Until then the street address will be:

Department of Finance Newlands Street, Parkes ACT 2600,  
telephone 06 263 4595.


25 July 1995

Contact: Carmel McCauley, Minister's office, (06) 277 7400

NEWS 2) National Digital Library Federation and Digital 
Archiving Task Force

The announcement for the NDLF can be found at:

URL: http://www.nlc-

The "Mission and Goals for a National Digital Library 
Federation"  document is available at:

URL: http://www.nlc-

For further information about NDLF, please contact:

M. Stuart Lynn
Vice President for Technology
(510) 548-2244

The Digital Archiving Task Force has some information 
available at:


A list of contact names is attached to this document.

I don't recall seeing a URL yet for the NDLF. When I locate 
it, it will be added to the list of Digital Library resources 


I've found the Commission on Preservation and Access 
Newsletter a valuable source of information about digital 
library issues, research and development.



Terry Kuny
IFLANET Administration

NEWS 3) National Information Services Council agenda 

The agenda papers from the first meeting of the National 
Information Services Council, 10th August are available 
from 12.00 noon today on  the National Library Server at:

and via anonymous ftp in W4W version 2 format from

A press release describing the role and membership of the 
Council is
available at:


Diana Dack                                       email:
Director, Systems Projects
Collections and Reader Services Division         phone: 61-6-
National Library of Australia                    fax:   61-6-257-


NEWS 4) RLG Publishes Proceedings from Digital Image 
Access Projects'
Final Session

The Research Libraries Group has just published "RLG 
Digital Image Access Project" -- proceedings from a 
symposium held in Palo Alto,  March 31-April 1.  RLG 
recently completed two projects funded by the William 
and Flora Hewlett Foundation and involving nine RLG 
institutions.  The symposium brought together the 
projects' participants with other digital experts to share 
what had been learned and identify areas for future work.  
The publication, edited by Patricia McClung, contains 
papers by seven knowledgeable and articulate speakers, 
flanked by an  introductory overview and concluding 
observations from Anne R. Kenney of Cornell University.

Presenters were: Hinda Sklar of the Harvard Graduate 
School of Design; Ricky Erway, RLG member services 
officer for digital access initiatives; Jackie Dooley -- at the 
Getty Center during the project and now at the University 
of California at Irvine; Stephen Davis of Columbia 
University; Jack von Euw and Daniel Pitti from the 
University of California at Berkeley; and James Reilly of 
the Image Permanence Institute, who managed the project 
that focused on image quality in digital conversions.  Each 
paper is followed by a discussion summary.

The Digital Image Access Project resulted in the conversion 
of 9,000 photos in RLG-member collections on the theme 
of "Urban Landscapes." Software to combine a descriptive 
record with a thumbnail image was developed for the 
project by Stokes Imaging in Austin, Texas.  The 
proceedings reflect the importance of intellectual control 
and retrieval issues -- just as important as technical ones 
in digitizing images for the purposes of both preservation 
and access.

The publication is being distributed to RLG members.  
Copies are also available for $20 each, plus shipping and 
handling.  In the US, this is $8 for the first copy, and $2 for 
each additional copy in a shipment.  For international 
requests, shipping and handling is $25 for the first copy 
and $5 for additional copies.  Orders can be sent to 
Distribution Services Center, The Research Libraries Group, 
Inc., 1200 Villa Street, Mountain View, CA 94041-1100, or 
via electronic mail to, or by fax to 

For more information, please send e-mail to


The Australian Research Council has granted $265,000 for 
the  development of the National Networked Facility for 
Research in Australian  Music.  The cooperative proposal is 
supported by the Australian National  University, 
including the Canberra School of Music, the Australian 
Centre  for the Arts and Technology, the Centre for 
Networked Information and  Publication, and the Institute 
of the Arts Library, as well as external partners at  
Monash University, La Trobe University, the Australian 
Music Centre,  the National Film and Sound Archive and 
the National Library of Australia.

The proposal is to establish a national networked research  
facility utilising World Wide Web technology that will 
support major  research initiatives in Australian Music.  By 
documenting largely  inaccessible primary sources, and 
publishing research outcomes  electronically, it will 
significantly enhance the dissemination and critical 
reception of Australian music within artistic and broader 
Australian  cultural / historical studies contexts.

The aims of NFRAM are threefold:
*       to develop the technologies and processes to 
         research in
         music in a range of integrated media appropriate to 
*       to improve documentation of and access to
         Australian materials of national significance;
*       to assist researchers to realise more effectively the 
         potential of their research.

Initially, a Web server at the Australian National 
University  will be linked to servers at Monash and La 
Trobe Universities and to  the Australian Music Centre in 
Sydney.  NFRAM's centre at ANU will co- ordinate 
operations, undertake technical development, develop 
generic tools,  systematise approaches and formats and 
coordinate the central  management issues such as 

The contribution of participating institutions includes the  
National Library of Australia which will contribute staff 
time for  national liaison through the Music Reference 
Group and advisory officers in  copyright, networking and 
collection management within its Distributed  National 
Collection and Australian Collections sections.

This is an exciting opportunity for cooperative 
developments in  Australian music research!

Joye Volker

J Volker, Institute Librarian  |Telephone      +61 6 249 
Institute of the Arts          |Fax            +61 6 249 5722
Australian National University |Email 
GPO Box 804 ACT Australia 2601 |AusArts 
NEWS 6) The American Library Association (ALA) 
announced today  that it will partner with Microsoft 
Corporation (Nasdaq-NNM: MSFT) to launch  "Libraries 
Online!," a one- year, $3 million initiative to research and  
develop innovative approaches for extending information 
technologies  to underserved populations.

Libraries Online! is a pilot project to test the best ways of  
providing public access to the Internet, multimedia 
technology and  current software applications. Studies 
have shown that low income people and  those living in 
rural areas and inner cities are least likely to have this 
type of  access.

Nine libraries will receive cash grants, staff training, 
computer  hardware, Microsoft software and technical 
support to address specific  community needs. A central 
focus will be reaching out to families, small  business 
owners, students and others that may not otherwise have  
access to information technologies. At the end of the first 
year, a newly- created advisory committee for Libraries 
Online! will report on  progress and recommendations for 
possible longer-term efforts.

Elizabeth Martinez, executive director of the American 
Library  Association, points out that increasingly, the most 
up-to-the-minute  information on government, health, 
employment and other matters is available  online via 

"Libraries Online! is an exciting program that will help to  
extend the benefits of new information technology to all 
people, not just  those who can afford it," said Martinez. 
"We are pleased that Microsoft  recognizes the key role of 
libraries in providing public access to information  
technology and is investing in that effort.

"Whether you are young or old, from a rural part of this  
country or the inner city, access to the global information 
society could be a  key part of your lifelong education, 
work and enjoyment," said Pete  Higgins, Microsoft's Group 
Vice President for Applications and Content.

"These technologies are revolutionizing the way people 
work,  learn and play. We share a strong sense of 
responsibility with the ALA to  make the technologies we 
are building accessible for all consumers. We  think 
libraries are a great access point. In the coming year we 
will  work with the ALA to learn everything we can about 
how to accomplish this in a smart, scaleable way."

ALA and Microsoft announced that the following library  
systems will be a part of Libraries Online!, including cash 
grants, Microsoft  software, computer hardware, training, 
technical support and other  features:

 -- Seattle Public Library -- The Seattle library system is 
widely recognized as a leader in providing information 
technology to  the public. The library recently announced 
the creation of the Center for  Technology in the Public 
Library. The Seattle Libraries Online! project will focus  on 
providing multimedia PC's and Internet access in libraries 
that  reach the greatest number of users that would 
otherwise not have access  to information technologies. 
Seattle will also provide technical assistance to  the other 
grant recipients.

 -- Pend Oreille County Library -- This public library, 
located in  northeast Washington, will establish a computer 
center with Internet  connections for its largely rural 
service area of 9,100 people, including the  Kalispell 
Indian Reservation. The Seattle Public Library will act as a  
mentor for this project, providing on-site technical 
support, programming  guidance and software.

 -- Charlotte-Mecklenberg County Public Library -- This 
public  library, named the national "Library of the Year" in 
1995, is also widely  recognized as a leading provider of 
technology for its community. The  Libraries Online! 
program will expand public access to the local network, 
"Charlotte's Web," the Internet and multimedia technology 
in  rural counties and disadvantaged urban areas. These 
programs will receive  additional funding from both 
federal and state sources.

 -- Brooklyn Public Library -- Brooklyn serves the fifth 
largest  population of any library system in the U.S. The 
system will establish a  technology learning laboratory in 
its Flatbush branch, which serves a  disadvantaged 
community comprised of a largely immigrant population. 
The  goal is to improve access to new technologies and 
reinforce the library as  a central hub for education and 

 -- Tucson-Pima Public Library -- This library system, one 
of the  40 largest in the nation, serves a highly diverse 
population. Tucson Pima  will provide PC's with Internet 
access in library branches that serve area  communities 
with the greatest needs. These activities will be 
coordinated  with the local school district, to help ensure a 
consistent technological environment between the libraries 
and the schools for local  children.

 -- Mississippi Library Commission -- Not since the days of 
the  rural electrification projects and the construction of 
hard surface  roads has any technological advance offered 
so much promise for the social  and technological 
development of the disadvantaged regions of  Mississippi. 
The state legislature recently approved funding to connect 
every  county library to the Internet. The Libraries Online! 
Project will help support  this effort by providing 
hardware and software to seed the poorest  counties with 
multimedia PC's and Internet access.

 -- South Dakota State Library -- This library system will 
offer  increased public access to the Internet through 
public libraries,  specifically in rural areas and 
disadvantaged communities, including Native  American 
reservations. Libraries OnLine! will expand the state 
server  network and use Microsoft software to convert 
limited and isolated PC  terminals into fully functioning 
PC's with Internet access.

 -- Baltimore County Public Library -- Baltimore will 
create a technology-based Family Learning Center at the 
Essex branch,  which serves a densely populated and 
disadvantaged community. All of the  computers 
throughout the entire library system, which are currently 
used  only for the card catalogue system, will be upgraded 
with extensive software and Internet access  capabilities.

 -- Los Angeles Public Library -- The Los Angeles Public  
Library, serving the largest population of any library 
system in the nation, will  create "virtual electronic 
libraries" in two branches serving  economically 
disadvantaged communities. The computer centers 
installed at  these branches will be connected to external 
networks of database and  electronic resources, and will 
also provide multimedia and software  applications on-
site. Each library system was selected because of the  
innovative programs they are building to provide their 
communities with  access to personal computers and the 

Through Libraries Online!, these select library systems will  
expand these programs to reach those least likely to have 
access to  information technologies and online sources.

Each library system was selected because of the 
innovative  programs they are building to provide their 
communities with access to  personal computers and the 
Internet. Through Libraries Online!, these select library  
systems will expand these programs to reach those least 
likely to have  access to information technologies and 
online sources.

ALA and Microsoft also announced today the names of 
several  leaders in the library community to serve on the 
Libraries Online! Advisory  Committee. The committee 
includes: Andrew Blau, director of the Policy Project  at the 
Benton Foundation; Charles Brown, director of the  
Hennepin County Library System in Minnesota, Paul Evan 
Peters, director of the  Coalition for Networked 
Information; and Maurice Travillian, state  librarian of 
Maryland. Others advising on this project include Eleanor 
Jo  Rodger, president of the Urban Libraries Council, and J. 
Andrew  Magpantay, director of ALA's Office for 
Information Technology Policy. Additional  committee 
members will be named later.

The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and  
largest library association in the world. Its mission is to 
advocate for the  public's right to a free and open 
information society and the highest quality  library and 
information services. The association's 57,000 members 
are  primarily librarians but also trustees, publishers and 
other library  supporters.

Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in 
software  for personal computers. The company offers a 
wide range of products and  services for business and 
personal use, each designed with the mission of  making it 
easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of 
the  full power of personal computing every day.

/CONTACT: Linda Wallace or Pamela Goodes, both of ALA, 
312-280-5042 or
312-280-5043; or Greg Shaw or Erin Carney, both of 

NEWS 7) RLG and Pica Form International Alliance to 
Improve Information Access and Delivery;

First Phase: Internet-based "WebDOC" service
for immediate discovery and use of electronic documents
The US-based Research Libraries Group, Inc. (RLG), and 
Pica,  the Centre  for Library Automation in The 
Netherlands, have signed an  agreement to  codevelop a 
document discovery and delivery service on the  World 
Wide  Web, called WebDOC.
The new service will allow end users to search a special  
catalog of  bibliographic records (maintained in parallel on 
both the RLG  and Pica  host computers), via Web browsers 
and to retrieve documents  linked to  them -- full text, 
articles, maps, images, etc.  -- using Web  technology. 
WebDOC interposes a licensing and accounting  server 
between  the catalog record and access to the whole 
document it  describes, to  verify that the user is covered 
by an institutional license or  else to  debit the user's 
personal account.
WebDOC is designed to provide an environment for end-
user  access where  the rights holders may seek 
compensation for use of their  materials.  These include 
many journal articles and some unusual, high- quality 
image  and primary sources collections.
RLG and Pica plan to launch WebDOC as a pilot production  
project in  1996, starting in January in the Netherlands 
and Germany and  in  September in the United States. Pica 
has already identified a  group of  institutions in the 
Netherlands that will participate with their  end  users in 
the pilot; in the new year, RLG will identify pilot  
participants from among its members. Both organizations  
seek cooperation  with commercial document suppliers 
and publishers to  participate in the  project. Pica recently 
signed the first contract with a publisher,  Kluwer 
Academic Publishers in Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
WebDOC is the first phase of a broader strategic 
collaboration  planned  to achieve streamlined access to 
documents in paper form as  well as  digitized materials -- 
and to give the end user a single  interface for  
information retrieval, document request, electronically  
assisted  document delivery, and conventional interlibrary 
loan. RLG  and Pica  intend to pool development resources 
in creating shareable  software  modules and to offer 
integrated end-user services to libraries  and their  
patrons on both sides of the Atlantic.
Both organizations have home pages on the World Wide 
To learn more about RLG, connect to http://www-    
For Pica, connect to
This document may be circulated freely
with the following statement included in its entirety:

Copyright LIBRES, 1995.

This article was originally published in
_LIBRES: Library and Information Science
Electronic Journal_ (ISSN 1058-6768) December 31, 1995
Volume 5 Issue 3-4.
For any commercial use, or publication
(including electronic journals), you must obtain
the permission of the Editor-In-Chief:
Andy Exon, Curtin University of Technology
Western Australia

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