LIBRES: Guidelines for Authors

LIBRES is now accepting articles. LIBRES has a number of sections:

1. Research and applications (refereed). Peer-reviewed scholarly articles from multiple sub-disciplines of library and information science on such topics as analysis, evaluation, applications (reports of progress at libraries), and other research in the library and information service environment.

The journal has an eclectic and growing group of Associate Editors who assist with the refereeing of papers (see:
Scott Seaman ( Research and Applications Editor)
University of Colorado, Boulder

2. Essays and opinions section (non-refereed). Articles for this section can be of a similar nature to those described in the refereed section above, but of a less formal structure. They often take the form of a researched essay.

Ann Curry (Essays and Opinions Editor)
University of British Columbia

3. Reviews of print and electronic resources and other discussions (non-refereed). Suzanne is based in the US and has her network of colleagues who assist with book reviews. I am sure she would also consider any LIS reviews which you may wish to contribute. 

Editor: Suzanne Milton

The journal maintains a Conference page of upcoming conferences and this is at:
and there are contributions from information gleaned off the Net and other means, in the News and Journals sections.

Articles may be submitted for inclusion in any of the categories.

Articles submitted for the refereed sections will be blind reviewed by at least two qualified referees.

LIBRES is presently a bi-annual, peer-reviewed electronic journal with an editorial board of library and information science scholars.
LIBRES communicates scholarly thought on library and information science.

Since 1990, LIBRES has published non-refereed articles, reports, and drafts as well as news and discussion of library and information science research, applications, and events. The first regular, quarterly issue which includes the peer- reviewed sections was published on Oct. 15, 1993. When warranted by the volume and flow of scholarship, special and/or supplementary issues on emergent themes will be distributed.

LIBRES will be distributed through an ftp site, and a WWW site. Subscribers will be made aware of the available issue by distribution of a quarterly table of contents to LIBRES, LIBREF-L, and other e-conferences that request the service. LIBRES will be indexed in ERIC RIE.


1. Please use the citation format found in the APA (American Psychological Association) Publication Manual

2. LIBRES encourages authors to take advantage of the multi-media capabilities of the WWW. The native format of LIBRES articles is HTML, and articles should be submitted in this format, although other formats such as Adobe PDF, plain text and Word documents will be accepted.


Submissions are acceptable only by electronic mail. Submissions may be made to Kerry Smith, Editor-in-chief at .

Submissions will usually be acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt. Every effort will be made to execute reviews within 45 days of receipt.


The official language of LIBRES is English. Translations into other languages for limited issues may be approved by special arrangement.


Deadlines for the submissions of manuscripts for the reviewed section will be two months before the next issue; i.e., the end of January (for the March issue), and the end of July (for the September issue). All manuscripts will be given at least two blind reviews by a jury of referees. Authors will be notified within 45 days of submission of acceptance, revisions, or rejection.

Deadlines for the submission of articles for the three non- reviewed sections will be one month before the next issue; the end of February (for the March issue), and the end of August (for the September issue). Authors will be notified within 14 days of submission of acceptance, revisions, or rejection.


Copyright Declaration
Copyright of articles published by LIBRES: Library and Information Science Electronic Journal is held by the author of a given article. If an article is re-published elsewhere it must include a statement that it was originally published in LIBRES.

The LIBRES Editors reserve the right to maintain permanent archival copies of all submissions and to provide print copies to appropriate indexing services for indexing and microforming.

Kerry Smith, Editor-in-Chief

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