LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research
Electronic Journal ISSN 1058-6768
1997 Volume 7 Issue 1 March


MEETING 1) 13 - 16 APRIL 1997

Subject: CAUSE in Australasia,97


This is the second call for papers and expression of interest to attend
for this conference.

The conference is run every two years and is focussed on the use of all
aspects of Information Technology for Tertiary Education administration
and programme delivery. We have had good response so far however a few
more papers would be useful at this stage.i

Could you please distribute this notice to members of your Institute.

The WWW URL is

Graeme Knox, Cause in Australasia 97 Committee


The organising committee invites everyone involved in the higher education
industry to the CAUSE in Australasia '97 Conference in Melbourne, Australia on
13 - 16 April 1997. The Conference is authorised and supported by CAUSE, the
association for managing and using information resources in higher
education. The conference is also supported by CAUDIT (Committee of
Australian University Directors of Information Technology) and CAUL (Council
of Australian University Librarians).

The theme for 1997 is Information Technology - The Enabler, with an emphasis
on information technology applications and developments as they apply to
tertiary education. CAUSE in Australasia '97 will provide an opportunity for
academics, administrators, IT professionals, and librarians to interact and
discuss the effective management of information technology and its role in the
delivery and management of tertiary education as we move into the 21st
century. It will also enable participants to exchange information about the
latest applications in IT networking, which will enhance the teaching and
research programmes as well as the administration of tertiary education
institutions. The main streams in CAUSE in Australasia '97 will be:

A. Electronic Publishing: Electronic publishing models; Charging models;
Intellectual property issues; Preservation; Management, Archiving and
Preservation issues; Design for useability.

B. Remote Delivery of Educational Programs: Philosophical issues; Training
issues; Economic issues; Competition and collaboration.

C. Supporting Technologies: The Internet; Intranets; Multimedia; CAL, CAI,
computer mediated instruction; Broadcast technologies, TV, radio; Interactive
voice response systems; Video conferencing, desktop videoconferencing; Audio
on demand; Video on demand; Interactive TV lecture theatres; Telecottages;
Client Server; Data Warehouse; Security.

D. Management issues: Outsourcing; Electronic delivery of information,
digital libraries; Support and training issues; Customer Services, Help Desk;
Benchmarking; Information Resources; IT and the law.

Persons interested in presenting a paper should complete the Registration of
Interest form attached, together with an abstract of no more than 200 words
and return these to the Conference Programme Committee by August 30 1996.

If you are interested in attending this conference in 1997 in Melbourne and
would like to be on our mailing list for further information please complete
the Registration of Interest form and return as indicated.

Graeme Knox
CAUSE in Australasia '97 Programme Committee
Director, Strategic Information Technology
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
124 LaTrobe Street
Melbourne Vic. 3000, AUSTRALIA
Tel: + 61 3 9660 1790
Fax: + 61 3 9663 5652


Mr/Ms/Dr/_____ Surname:___________________________________

First/Given Name:__________________________________________

Position :_________________________________________________


Address Line 1:_____________________________________________

Address Line 2:_____________________________________________

Address Line 3:_____________________________________________



E-mail Address:____________________________________________

Please put an [X] against one or more of the following:

[ ] I will be attending the conference

[ ] I would like to present a paper. An abstract is attached.

[ ] I am interested in attending, please send me further information when

[ ] I am interested in holding a workshop on Sunday 13 April. Please
provide details.

13 - 16 APRIL 1997



MEETING 2) 14 - 16 APRIL 1997

ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing


Venue: University of Kent at Canterbury, UK

Date: 14 - 16 April 1997

Audience: Academics, publishers and commercial organisations

Requirements: We are looking for papers, which will
be given 30-35 minutes for presentation (plus 10 minutes
discussion), on the themes specified below. We are also
considering holding a poster session for appropriate papers. Both
types of contribution will be assessed by a review panel prior to
acceptance, and both will subsequently be eligible for
publication in the conference proceedings. Assessment of
eligibility will be made on the basis
of submitted abstracts.

Conference: Two themes will run in parallel throughout most
of the conference.

They are:

Technical theme, including but not limited to: New technology for
handling electronic publication; Relevant developments in
networking; Standardisation requirements; Interface developments.

Socio-economic theme, including but not limited to: Changing
roles of publishers, subscription agents, libraries and others
involved in the information dissemination process; Author/reader
requirements; Subject differences; Economic/financial questions.

Abstract: Submitted abstracts should consist of about 500
words. They should, in addition, include title, author's name,
institutional affiliation, contact information, and which of the
above topics is being addressed by the paper. Abstracts can be
submitted by mail, electronic mail or fax to the address below.
Both theoretical and practical papers are requested - practical
papers based on experience are especially encouraged.

Conference fees will be waived for the authors of accepted

The closing date for submitting abstracts is 1 November 1996.

For further information on the submission of papers,or to discuss
a possible topic not covered above, please e-mail:

Otherwise you may telephone, fax, or write to:

Fytton Rowland
Department of Information and Library Studies,
Loughborough University,
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK

Phone +44 (0)1509 223039
Fax +44 (0)1509 223053

Further information about the conference (including a 'registration of
interest form' for prospective speakers or delegates) can be found on the
World Wide Web at:


MEETING 3) 21-23 APRIL 1997

First announcement and call for papers:


Organized jointly by the IFLA Office for International Lending and The
Central Technological Library at the University of Ljubljana.

Date: 21 - 23 April 1997

Venue: Building TR3, Central Technological Library, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Conference Coordinators: Graham Cornish (IFLA), Monika Klasnja (Slovenia).

Cost: 250 US Dollars.

For more information, please contact

The IFLA Office for International Lending,
c/o The British Library,
Boston Spa, Wetherby
West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ
United Kingdom.

Tel: +44 1937 546255
Fax: +44 1937 546478

Further details will be posted on this list as they become available.

MEETING 4) 6 - 8 MAY 1997

ELVIRA 4 : The 4th UK Digital Libraries Conference
(Electronic Library and Visual Information Research)
Milton Keynes, 6-8 May 1997

The ELVIRA series of electronic library conferences has reached its
4th year. It is now well established as a key European forum for
developments and research in the rapidly expanding field of
electronic resources. This year's conference promises to build on
the solid foundations already established. It will also be the most
exciting yet, with the addition of parallel sessions, specialist
workshops, a full social programme and other exciting features.

The conference is hosted by De Montfort University's International
Institute for Electronic Library Research, and will again be set in
the attractive green parkland of Britain's newest city, Milton
Keynes. Details of the venue and accommodation, and extensive local
information, will be made available nearer the conference date.

This year the conference aims to provide a varied and flexible
programme, to allow different specialist areas to present their work
in the way their practitioners find most appropriate. Proposals are
currently sought for workshops, panel discussions, exhibits and
presentation sessions on specific areas, as well as abstracts of
traditional papers. Paper abstracts and poster submissions will be
peer-reviewed; acceptance of other types of submission will be
contingent on available time and relevance to the conference themes.

Based on feedback from previous conferences, and on current trends in
the field, topics which are particularly sought for this year's
conference include:

Content of digital resources
Social and psychological issues, and related research studies
Management issues
User interface and general system design
Economic aspects and copyright
Storage and retrieval of images and other non-text materials

However, any submissions related to electronic library developments
and research will also be very welcome.


5 pm (UK time) on FRIDAY 15th NOVEMBER 1996.


Extended 1000-word abstracts should be submitted to the address
below (electronically if possible), to arrive by the above closing
date. Authors will be notified of acceptance by the end of January
1997, and will be required to produce fuller papers (approx. 3000
words) by Friday 14th March. These will be made available at the
conference; the extended abstracts will be made available online.
Selected authors may be invited to revise and extend their papers
after the conference, for publication in a journal special issue or
hard-copy book.


Researchers and practitioners in academia and industry are invited
to submit proposals for themed sessions in any format. Where a
special-interest group or well-defined community already exists in a
topic, they may wish to organise sessions involving a set of related
presentations, or to hold panel discussions or workshops. Proposals
for whole sessions of these types should be submitted to the address
below (electronically if possible). For workshops or panel
discussions, a 1000-word description is required. For sessions
consisting of a set of presentations, a 500-word description of the
session should be submitted, accompanied by a 500-word abstract of
each intended presentation. All submissions must arrive by the above
closing date. Proposers will be notified of acceptance by mid-January
1997. Abstracts and descriptions will be made available online, and
it will be the responsibility of session organisers to supply updated
information if session plans alter.


Poster displays of research in progress are invited for any work
where a full paper may not be deemed appropriate. In addition,
demonstrations and exhibits are invited both from industry and from
academic institutions (commercial exhibitors will be charged for
exhibition space and use of facilities). For academic proposers in
either category, 500-word abstracts or descriptions of the proposed
item must be submitted to the address below (electronically if
possible), to arrive by the above closing date. These will be
peer-reviewed as for papers, and authors will be notified of
acceptance by the end of January. Abstracts will be made available
online. Commercial exhibitors and demonstrators should contact the
conference organisers directly at the address below.


All proposers in any of the above categories must provide affiliation
details of all named authors or participants, and full contact
details (including e-mail addresses where possible) of the main
person for contact. In addition, all proposers in any category must
specify their probable requirements for presentation facilities such
as Internet connections, overhead projection (with or without direct
connection to a computer), slide projection, space, exhibition boards
and any other specific needs. All proposers will be expected to
provide their own computing equipment and exhibit materials where
relevant; any proposers for whom this will be difficult should make
this clear in their submission.

It will speed the organisation and review processes considerably if
submissions are sent electronically, rather than on paper or
diskette. This can be done by e-mail to the address below, or via
the World-Wide Web submission form (URL below).

If diskette submissions are absolutely necessary, the diskette must
be clearly marked with the submission category, the name of the main
contact person, and the title. Diskettes should also be accompanied
by a letter specifying their contents and format; PC and Macintosh
diskettes will both be acceptable, but files must be in Microsoft
Word, RTF, HTML or ASCII formats.

If paper submissions are absolutely necessary, 5 copies of the
submission must be sent. Typing should be clear, at least 12-point in
size, and double-spaced. Submissions will not be accepted by fax.


E-mail to:
World-Wide Web site:

Air or surface mail:
ELVIRA 4 Organising Committee
International Institute for Electronic Library Research
De Montfort University
Hammerwood Gate, Kents Hill
Milton Keynes MK7 6HP

ELVIRA3 programme and abstracts can still be accessed online at:


MEETING 5) 6 - 9 MAY 1997


IASSIST/IFDO'97: Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers

Odense, Denmark
May 6-9, 1997

(posted: Return-path: <owner-diglib@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Approved-By: Terry Kuny <terry.kuny@XIST.COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 12:43:15 -0500)


The 23rd annual conference of the International Association of Social
Science Information Service and Technology, IASSIST, is to take place
in Odense, Denmark, on May 6-9, 1997. The conference will be held in
conjunction with IFDO, the International Federation of Data

IASSIST is an international organization of professionals who are
engaged in the creation, acquisition, processing, documentation,
maintenance, distribution, preservation and use of machine readable
social science data. IFDO is an international organization of
in the same field. The IFDO/IASSIST'97 conference will bring together
researchers, data producers, archivists and data archivists, librarians
and data librarians.

The title of the conference, "DATA FRONTIERS IN THE INFOSCAPE,"
challenges us to examine issues at the forefront of information
on the Information-Superhighway, the Info-bahn.


The program committee is inviting submissions for paper presentations,
sessions, or poster sessions and demonstrations on many aspects of the
conference themes, including: welfare research and registers; computing
tools for social science research or instruction; technologies for
documenting, storing, accessing and analyzing data. Among the possible
session topics for which the committee seeks proposals are:

"Meta Data". Standards, resource locators, analysis, descriptive
(GILS, SGML, DDI, TEI, Dublin/Warwick Core)

"Images as documentation". Scanning, formats, presentation, Internet
application, archiving (PDF, OCR)

"Policy Data". Views from data producers / administrators / distributors

"Forum on Data Services". Presentation from archives and service
organizations, especially developing ones, and how IASSIST and IFDO can
provide assistance.

"Thesauri and Subject Access". The costs and facilities when
more powerful search data bases, etc.

"Traditional Archives". Presentations on archival issues of interest to
academic data archives and traditional government archives.

"Administrative Records". Especially register research in the

"Technical Update: Search Engines for the Internet". Using WAIS,
and other tools.


The conference starts with WORKSHOPS on Tuesday, May 6 with topics such
"Advanced WWW", "Geographical Information Systems", "NSD-Stat",
"Data Services in the 21st century". The conference then follows in the
morning of May 7 and ends in the afternoon on Friday, May 9.

More information is available through the IASSIST homepage:


Conference venue: A/S Kongressen, Asylgade, DK-5000 Odense C.
Conference hotel: Grand Hotel, Jernbanegade 18, DK-5000 Odense C.


January 1, 1997 - Proposals for papers, etc.
February 15, 1997 - Notification of proposal acceptance
May 6, 1997 - Papers presented and, if desired, submitted for
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail or regular mail.

Karsten Boye Rasmussen ( (+45) 6611 3010
Ann Green ( (203)432-3278

- - - - - - - - - CUT HERE - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mailing Address:

Phone: Fax:

Check all that apply:

() I intend to submit a paper with the following title:

() I am interested in presenting the following poster

(please include a 250-500 word abstract plus a 2 sentence biographical
summary with either of the above)

() I am willing to chair a session

Please submit the Intention Form before January 1, 1997 by e-mail, fax
mail to:
Karsten Boye Rasmussen or Kirsten Pagh or
Danish Data Archives, Islandsgade 10, DK-5000 Odense C, DENMARK
phone: (+45) 6611 3010 fax: (+45 6611 3060)

IASSIST/IFDO'97: Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers

MEETING 6) 7 - 9 MAY 1997

*********** Australian WWW Technical Conference ***********

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
7 - 9 May 1997

*********** Australian WWW Technical Conference ***********


The Australian WWW Technical Conference (AW3TC) provides a forum
for technical discussion among researchers, developers and users
of the World-Wide Web. AW3TC focuses on technical research in the
Web, development of advanced Web technologies, and their advanced
applications. The theme of AW3TC ...Advanced Web Technologies &
Industrial Applications... is aimed at taking advantage of the
wide ranging Web research agenda within Australia and provides an
opportunity for collaboration, information sharing, and exchange of

Call for Participation

Contributions are invited as papers, panel sessions, tutorials, and
industrial sessions. Full details are on the AW3TC home page:

All submissions should be emailed to

For more information, please contact the organising committee at or phone 07 3365 4310 fax 07 3365 4311.

*********** Australian WWW Technical Conference ***********

**** Sponsors: DSTC Pty Ltd, Research Data Network CRC ****

MEETING 7) 7 - 9 MAY 1997


(posted: <owner-diglib@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Approved-By: ifla@ITS.NLC-BNC.CA
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 16:24:59 -0500
From: Susan Feldman <sef2@CORNELL.EDU>)


May 7-9, 1997, Library of Congress, Washington, DC


Wednesday, May 7, 1997

9:00 Keynote: "Mission to Planet Earth"
Robert Harriss, Director of Science Division, NASA
Chair: Alfred Aho, Columbia University

10:15 Discussion: "Very Large Digital Libraries"
Chair: Karen Moe, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

"EOSDIS - Large Scale Active Archives to support Earth
Observations from Space," John Dalton, NASA

"The National Digital Library Program:
Building an Institutional Capacity," Laura Campbell, Library of Congress

"Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions for High-Performance
Biomedical Digital Libraries," Alexa McCray, National Library of Medicine

1:15 Keynote: Peter House, Smithsonian Institution

2:30 Contributed Papers, Session 1: Images in Digital Libraries
Chair: Terry Smith, University of California, Santa Barbara

"Digital Image Indexing and Retrieval by Content using the Fractal
for Multimedia Databases," J. Marie-Julie and H. Essafi, DEIN - CEA,

"Wavelet-Based Image Indexing Techniques with Partial Sketch Retrieval
Capability," J. Wang, G. Wiederhold, O. Firschein, S. Wei, Stanford

"Neural Fuzzy Agents that Learn a User's Preference Map"
S. Mitaim and B. Kosko, USC

"Query by Templates: A generalized approach for visual query formulation
for text dominated databases," A. Sengupta and A. Dillon, U. of Indiana

4:00 Discussion: "Digital Libraries in Europe"
Chair: Rudolf Bayer, Institut fuer Informatik, Germany

"The Digital Collections of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France:
an Experiment on Internet," D. Renoult, French National Library

"The German National Bibliography 1601-1700: Digital Images in a
Cooperative Cataloging Project," M. Doerr, Bavarian State Library

"Moving from the Digital to the Virtual Library:
the Tilburg Experience," H. Geleijnse, Tilburg Library, Netherlands

"Digital Library and Electronic Publishing Activites of German
Societies," A. Endres, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany

Thursday, May 8, 1997

9:00 Keynote: "Future Health," Jay Sanders, M.D.
President and CEO, Global Telecommunications Group, and
President, American Telemedicine Association
Chair: Alexa McCray, National Library of Medicine

10:15 Contributed Papers, Session 2: Digital Library Projects
Chair: Ron Musick, Lawrence Livermore National Labs

"Scalable Access within the Context of Digital Libraries"
X. Cheng, R. Dolin, M. Neary, S. Prabhakar, K. Ravi Kanth, D. Wu, D.
A. El Abbadi, M. Freeston, A. Singh, T. Smith, and J. Su, UCSB

"Columbia Digital News System: An Environment for Briefing and Search
over Multimedia Information," A. Aho, S.-F. Chang, K. McKeown, D. Radev,
J. Smith, and K. Zaman, Columbia

"Continuing Medical Education to the Point of Care Using a Digital
and Intimate Computers," M. D'Alessandro, J. Galvin, J. Choi,
W. Erkonen, and L. Crist, University of Iowa

"A Framework for Supporting Quality-Based Multimedia Presentation in
Educational Digital Libraries," A. Zhang and T. Johnson, SUNY, Buffalo

1:15 Keynote: "Intellectual Property in the Digital Age," Bruce Lehman
Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of Patents and
Chair: Milton Halem, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

2:30 Contributed Papers, Session 3: Technology for Digital Libraries
Chair: Erich Neuhold, GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany

"Error Tolerant Document Structure Analysis"
Bertin Klein and Peter Frankhauser, GMD-IPSI, Germany

"A Relational Interface for Heterogeneous Information Sources"
E. Lim and W. Ng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

"Assuring Security and Privacy for Digital Library Transactions on
the Web:
Client and Server Security Policies," M. Winslett, N. Ching, V. Jones,
and I. Slepchin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

4:00 Discussion: "Content for the Digital Library:
What the Professional Societies Are Doing"
Chair: Jeffrey Ullman, Stanford University

Mark Mandelbaum, ACM

Robert Care, IEEE

Jim Crowley, SIAM

Ian Butterworth, Imperial College and Academia Europaea

7:00 Banquet Invited Speaker: Larry Irving
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information
Chair: Nabil Adam

Friday, May 9, 1997

9:00 Keynote: "The Current Agenda and Future Directions of the National
Digital Library Federation,"
Deanna Marcum, President, Commission on Preservation and Access,
and Council on Library Resources
Chair: Judith Klavans, Columbia University

10:15 Discussion: Digital Libraries
Chair: Yelena Yesha, CESDIS and UMBC

"Technological Protocols as Law: Democracy vs. a Technological
Steven Jamar, Howard University

"Vision vs. Reality: The Digital Information Environment
in College Libraries," Sarah Pritchard, Smith College

11:15 Discussion: "Making the Internet Safe for Electronic Commerce"
Chair: Shamim Naqvi, Bellcore

"Balancing Risks in Electronic Commerce," Rich DeMillo, bellcore

"European Perspective on Internet Security," Brian Collins, UK

"Overcoming Barriers in Global Electronic Commerce," Revital Marom,

"Electonic Commerce," Avi Silberschatz, Lucent Bell Labs

12:45 Wrap-up Discussion
Chair: Alfred Aho, Columbia University


Register before April 21, 1997 through

IEEE Computer Society
1730 Massachusetts Ave., N. W.
Washington, DC 20036-1992
fax 202-728-0884

For information consult


For hotel reservation, contact (say you're attending ADL'97):

Washington National Airport Hilton
2399 Jefferson Davis HIghway
Arlington, VA 22202
Phone: 703-418-6800
Fax: 703-418-3762

Rate: $112.99/single and double

Rooms will be held until 6:00 p.m. unless guaranteed with an accepted credit
card. Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. Check-out is 1:00 p.m. Room charges are
subject to a 9.75% tax. Reservations can be made until April 11, 1997. After
this date, reserations will be based upon room and rate availability.

Cancellations must be made 48 hours prior to arrival to avoid charge of
one night's room and tax.

Nabil Adam, Rutgers University

Milton Halem, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Yelena Yesha, CESDIS and UMBC

Alfred Aho (chair), Columbia University
Rudolph Bayer, Institut fuer Informatik Technische Universitaet Muenchen
David Choy, IBM Almaden Research Center
Burton Edelson, George Washington University - EECS
Susan Feldman, Datasearch
Louis Gomez, Northwestern University
Judith Klavans, Columbia University
Alexa McCray, National Library of Medicine
Rubens Medina, Library of Congress Karen Moe, NASA/GSFC
Ron Musick, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Shamim Naqvi, Bellcore
Erich Neuhold, GMD-IPSI
Avi Silberschatz, Bell Laboratories
Terry Smith, University of California at Santa Barbara
Shigeo Sugimoto, University of Library and Information Science (ULIS)
Giorgio Valle, University degli Studi di Milano

Nabil Adam, Rutgers University
Al Aho, Columbia University
D. Atkins, University of Michigan
Milton Halem, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Lee Holcomb, NASA Headquarters
Sally Howe, NCO/HPCC
Harold Stone, NEC
D. Tiedeman, AT&T
Jeffrey Ullman, Stanford University
Yelena Yesha, CESDIS and UMBC

Sue Feldman
170 Lexington Dr.
Ithaca, NY 14850
607-257-0937 Phone/Fax

MEETING 8) 12-14 MAY 1997

School for Scanning: Preservation and Access in a Digital World
A Conference Presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center
At the Berkeley Marina Marriott Hotel, Berkeley, California, May 12 - 14,

(posted: <@CNSIBM.ALBANY.EDU:owner-erecs-l@CNSIBM.ALBANY.EDU>
Approved-By: Tom Ruller <tom@UNIX6.NYSED.GOV>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 07:30:12 -0500)

School for Scanning: Preservation and Access in a Digital World
A Conference Presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center
At the Berkeley Marina Marriott Hotel, Berkeley, California, May 12 - 14,
The School for Scanning Conference is funded in part by The Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities and cosponsored by
The Getty Information Institute and the National Park Service.
What is the School for Scanning? A seminar the will take the mystery out of
digital technology. Issues covered include:
Basics of Digital Technology
Deciphering Digital Jargon:
Practical Guide to File Formats
Content Selection for Digitiza-tion
Legal Issues of Digital Technology
Text and Image Scanning
Quality Control and Costs
Essentials of Metadata
Digital Preservation: Fact or Fiction
World Wide Web Applications
CD-ROM Applications

Who Should Attend? If you are a librarian, archivist, curator,
interpreter, historic preservation specialist, registrar, or other cultural
or natural resource manager, you will be interested in attending the School
for Scanning. No prior knowledge of digital media is required.

Who Are the Faculty? Steve Dalton, NEDCC; Ben Davis, The Getty Information
Institute; Peter Lyman, University of California-Berkeley; Ricky Erway,
Research Libraries Group; Steve Puglia, National Archives and Records
Administration; Steve Chapman, Harvard University; Howard Besser, University
of California-Berkeley; Franziska Frey, Image Permanence Institute; Anne
Gilliland-Swetland, University of California-Los Angeles; Barclay Ogden,
University of California-Berkeley, Diane Vogt-O'Connor, National Park
Service, Melissa Smith Levine, Library of Congress; Paul Handly, National
Park Service; Natalie Munn, University of California-Berkeley; Bob
Futernick, California Palace of the Legion of Honor; and Pam Samuelson,
University of California-Berkeley and Deborah Hunt, the Exploratorium.

What does the conference cost? The cost is $245, including lunches. All
participants will also be responsi-ble for all their travel and lodging
costs. The number of participants is limited and registration applications
will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. The deadline to
register is April 25, 1997.
Registration Information:
The cost of the seminar is $245 including lunches. All participants will
also be responsible for all their travel and lodging costs. The number of
participants is limited and registration applications will be accepted on a
first-come-first-served basis. The deadline to register is April 25, 1997.
Each application must be accompanied by a check for the total amount payable
to the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC). Refunds will be
given up to one week prior to the workshop. Substitutions are acceptable
with notification.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Berkeley Marina Marriott, 200
Marina Boulevard, Berkeley, CA 94710; at a special group rate ($94 or $114
for the marina view). Conference participants must contact the hotel
directly, at 510 548-7920 and identify themselves as part of the NEDCC
group. Reserve as soon as possible as space is limited. The block of rooms
and the group rate are available on a first-come first served basis until
April 18, 1997.
If you are a person who is blind or deaf, please notify NEDCC three weeks
ahead of the program so we can meet you special needs.
To request a flier with the agenda contact Gail Pfeifle at NEDCC at
508-470-1010 or email To register for the conference
return this form with your check for $245 to:
Northeast Document Conservation Center
attn.: Gail Pfeifle
100 Brickstone Square
Andover, MA 01810-1494.
Street Address:
State: Zip:
Gay S. Tracy
Public Relations Coordinator
Northeast Document Conservation Center
100 Brickstone Square
Andover MA 01810-1494
Tel 508 470-1010
Fax 508 475-6021
Web site:

MEETING 9) 12 - 15 MAY 1997

"8th Joint European Networking Conference" (JENC8)

Edinburgh, Scotland, 12-15 May 1997

"Diversity and Integration: The New European Networking Landscape"

The JENC8 "CALL FOR PAPERS" and general conference information
is now available via the Web. Please visit the JENC8 conference
Web site for further information at:

For general enquiries please send a message to <>

or contact

TERENA Secretariat
Singel 466-468
NL - 1017 AW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 20 639 1131
Fax: +31 20 639 3289


MEETING 10) 13 - 15 MAY 1997


Martha E. Williams
NOM Program Chair

The National Online Meeting will be held the New York Hilton.
The National Online Meeting is a three-day event (May 13-15,
1997). The conference includes technical papers, product
reviews and exhibits (the exhibit program runs the full three
days). The 1996 meeting drew an audience of approximately 7,500
participants and included an exhibit of over 160 of the leading
organizations in the fields of online databases and library

Abstracts of papers are solicited on all aspects of electronic
information -- databases, electronic publishing, the Internet,
CDROM, online access, etc. Papers should present the findings
of test studies, research projects, design and developmental
activities, analyses, projections, and progress reports. Papers
should not be commercial in nature. Topics listed here are
illustrative but not exclusive:

* Intellectual Property
* Browsers, Filters, and Indexes for Online, Web, and CDROM
* Voice Recognition and Synthesis
* Marketing and Other Business on the Internet
* CD-ROM vs. Online
* GIS for Information Retrieval
* Enhancing Information Retrieval
* Market Research and Product Design
* Multimedia and Image Databases
* Workstations for Research and Daily Work
* Integration/Connectivity and the Seamless Interface
* The International Information Scene
* Electronic Publishing on the Net
* Education and Training
* Interfaces and Front Ends for End Users
* Internet/FreeNets vs. Commercial Nets

For more detailed information or if you would like to submit
a paper, please direct your WWW browser to:

Use the online form to send the requested information by e-mail to the
Program Chair before October 31, 1996. Give brief details of
your proposed paper, including title and abstract (250 words)
and three or four sentences of biographical information that
relates you to the topic. All abstracts will be reviewed by the
Organizing/Reviewing Committees and notification regarding
acceptance/rejection will be made in the fall. Accepted papers
will be published in the proceedings of the meeting. Completed
typescripts of papers will be required by January 30, 1997.

If you do not have access to the World-Wide-Web and would like
to submit a proposal, please contact:

Martha E. Williams
NOM Program Chair
Coordinated Science
1308 West Main
Urbana, IL 61801
Telephone: (217) 333-1074 or
(217) 333-8462
Fax: (217) 762-3956

For general meeting information contact:

National Online
Information Today, Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike
Medford, NJ 08055
Telephone: (609)
Fax: (609) 654-4309

MEETING 11) 26-27 MAY 1997

1st International Workshop on Computational Semiotics

(posted: <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:19:19 -0500
Reply-To: Bertrand-Gastaldy Suzanne <gastaldy@ERE.UMontreal.CA>)


1st International Workshop on
Computational Semiotics
26th - 27th May, 1997


Claude Vogel (chairman)

Suzanne Bertrand-Gastaldy

Kathleen Carley

Jean-Claude Heudin


Collaborative information systems expand information distribution and
consumption on a world-wide scale. The breaking up and scattering of
information which accompanies this new knowledge-saving logic has also
brought about a destructuring of writing and text. It has become more
important to have an instant and fragmentary view of reference systems rather
than a complete and consistent one. Moreover, the latter possibility is
inexistent where Internet is concerned and impossible in the case of
well-integrated intranets.

In order to deal with the current dislocation of information systems, it is
necessary to look at the dynamics of the various processes that help regulate
the relationship between the organization and its environment. These
processes are expressed in part in the structure of collective
institutions :
organization of all forms of social relations; and also in the structure of
representation models. Most often, these latter models, which make up the
community's cognitive tool, maintain a non-determinist relationship with the
social organization structures. The cognitive models embrace the culture and
insure its continuity by adopting a logic that goes beyond individual and
practical organization. This first angle of this approach, which is
controlled by the social sciences, concentrates on the precise emergence
point at the articulation of the norm and practices, in the fields of both
social organization and collective representations.

In order to study these phenomena in practice, it is also necessary to look
more formally at all the social techniques that emerge from cooperative work,
which are currently referred to as < groupware > or < workflow >. These
techniques involve a number of typical patterns : emergence, conflict,
assistance, intrusion, etc. Where collaborative exchange network support is
concerned, individual contribution may develop a salience that then gives the
status of an identifiable cultural object. Semiotics might be defined as
study of the way in which these objects emerge and reproduce themselves. By
introducing the notion of semiotics, it is possible to gain an explicit view
of the means used for approaching this field of research : it entails
analyzing the intellectual collaboration within an organization and
constituting the production as a system of signs. Using this as a starting
point, techniques for analyzing cooperative work productions semiotically can
be developed and applied in industrial contexts, in the case, for
example, of
following up on electronic forums, preparing conferences, organization
audits, skill assessments, infometric monitoring of technological or
competitive updating sectors, etc. Groupware - in the precise sense of
computer supply from collective work - and competitive intelligence are
privileged areas of research and application because they are the main areas
of technological expansion on a very short-term basis.

This articulation of semiotic models and collaborative technologies directly
gives rise to a learning and research program. Research works involve, for
example, the techniques and tools for analyzing exchanges
for measuring innovation and knowledge complexity. Using applied projects and
research, they must keep constantly up to date with the organizations'
problems, and they require a multi-disciplinary approach to all levels of


Semiotics of text
Workshop W1 (Day 1, morning), Suzanne Bertrand-Gastaldy, University of

Computers are increasingly used to assist text analysis for cognitive,
literary, anthropological, sociological, documentary, etc. research. The
workshop will focus on actual realisations, on the possibilities and limits
of methodologies and existing tools to take into account the complex and
multidimensional nature of texts, allowing multiple points of views for a
variety of user needs. Issues such as desirable features of text analysis
software, robustness and conviviality of implantations, interaction between
corpora and users, constraints that actual tools put upon kinds of analyses
and coding choices, the ability to elaborate models of electronic analytical
tools suited to different semiotic theories, semiotical foundations of markup
languages are examples of possible debates.

Workshop W2 (Day 1, afternoon), Claude Vogel, University Leonard de Vinci

Several genres are currently under investigation for semiotic studies :
electronic mail, news, corporate information, Web publishing. The flood of
full text is overflowing semantic analysis, and this major paradigm break
leads us to reconsider our approach of text processing. The size of these new
corpora, the lack of consistency of information, the physical scattering
the basic units of texts, make the classical documentary solutions very
uncomfortable. Instead, the semiotic based analysis seems to be a highly
compelling perspective. It is focused on chronology; it provides a way to
build transitive narratives throughout large amounts of data, and it does not
require the understanding of the details of each local grammatical sentence
in order for a global plot to be elaborated. This promising trend may
give a
second wind to ethnomethodology. For this reason, it is more appropriate to
use the term "semiomethodology" when evoking this attempt to rationalize the
computational approach of the symbolic dynamics which underlie collaborative

Organizational semiotics
Workshop W3 (Day 2, morning), Kathleen Carley, Carnegie Mellon

Organizational semiotics is the semiotics of organizations and organizational
dimensions of textual semiotics. The objective of this workshop is to
the boundaries of this new specialty. Specifically, we will address the issue
of : "How can semiotic analysis of interpersonal and corporate exchanges be
used to reveal, evaluate, and contrast the underlying organizational logics
and changes in these logics over time ?" Recent advances in textual analysis
are facilitating this endeavor and creating new opportunities for
understanding organizational behavior. Critical issues in the area of
organizational semiotics include : 1) how to quickly and reliably analyze
large quantities of texts, 2) how to reduce textual data to an empirical form
that can be combined with other types of data and analyzed statistically, 3)
how to identify corporate texts (those representing the "view" of the
organization as an entity) and address issues of authorship, and 4) how to
identify institutional constraints on the production and maintenance of
corporate texts. New and innovative computational methods for empirically
analyzing texts are being developed to address these and related concerns.
These techniques have the potential to move textual analysis beyond counting
words or locating a few themes or concepts. This section will focus on the
issues involved in performing organizational semiotics with particular
attention to the new computationally based techniques for facilitating
organizational analysis that increase the ease, speed or reliability of
coding texts and generate information that can be analyzed statistically.

Workshop W4 (Day 2, afternoon), Jean-Claude Heudin, University Leonard de

Recently, algorithms and architectures based on models derived from
biological systems have been receiving an increasing amount of interest. This
workshop will explore how such new approaches and techniques could be used
for managing large amount of information exchanges on Internet or Intranet.
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to, applications
of agent-based systems, autonomous and evolving agents, genetic algorithms
and programming, neural networks, cellular automata etc. to text stream
analysis and in the more general framework of semiotics


The papers must be submitted in English which is the official language of the
The extended abstracts in English (approximately 500 words) must be
headed as
follows :

Title of the paper

Author s Name or Names


Speaker s Name

Contact Name and Address, Email, Phone and Fax

Numbers for correspondence


Submission of position papers
by 1st April 1997

Acceptance notification to authors
by 15th April 1997
Submission of full papers
by 12th May 1997


The symposium will be held at the Leonardo da Vinci University located in one
of Europe s most important business districts, a few minutes away from the
center of Paris.


The workshop fee is 500 FF ($ 100). Registration fee includes proceedings and
coffee breaks. It must be payed for in french francs (cash only).


Pierre Boudon (Canada) (to be confirmed)

Guillaume Deffuant (France)

Evelyne Lutton (France)

Joe Porac (USA)

Boris Kabanoff (Australia)

Peter Stockinger (France)

Bill Turner (France)

Jean Umiker-Sebeok (USA)


1st International Workshop on Computational Semiotics
Pole Universitaire Leonard de Vinci
26th - 27th May, 1997

First name :

Surname :

Organisation :

Department :

Address :

City : Zip Code :

Country :

Tel :

Fax :
Email :

? I intend to participate in the workshop on Computational Semiotics

? Find enclosed 4 copies of my abstract (max. 500 words) titled :

Date Signature

Please send your abstract and application form to : Irene Ludmann
Pole Universitaire Leonard de Vinci,
Phone number : 01 41 16 73 05
Fax : 01 41 16 73 35
email :

Suzanne Bertrand-Gastaldy

Professeur titulaire C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville
Universite de Montreal Montreal (Quebec), Canada, H3C 3J7
Ecole de bibliotheconomie et Tel.: (514)343-6048
des sciences de l'information Fax: (514)343-5753


MEETING 12) 3 - 5 JUNE 1997

IDT 97

3, 4, 5 June 1997
Paris - Palais des Congrès
14th Conference


Organised by :
With a variety of new services and information vehicles emerging on a daily
basis, it becomes obvious that all human activities, whether occupational,
civic or educational, are involved in the new information society.

Information source recognition and quality of content should be adjusted to
subdivided and
relocated production. The synergy and consistent use of information sources
should meet users' specific needs by changing providers' specific

Last but not least, electronic networks (Internet) are the core theme of
discussions about access to business information, development of public
information services, and integration of such services into the economic

The aim of IDT 97 is to determine the strategic stake in the emergence of
these new services at European and global level, and their degree of
integration (economic intelligence) by the various user groups.

1 - The information society for businesses and citizens
- Intranet and Internet
- Access to outside sources and local management
- User identification and personal freedom

2 - Contents of information about the information superhighway
- Information identification and qualification
- Image processing
- User- and provider-adjusted pricing

3 - Social dynamics and corporate economic choices
- Economic intelligence
- Information technologies for education and training
- Managing the intangible

4 - Public-information distribution media
- Complementary and competing operators
- Legal requirements versus diversity of situations
- Service costs and pricing

5 - Functions and demands of information professionals
- Initial and continuing training
- Services for end users; processing by experts
- Selection of products and services

6 - European programmes and international industrial projects
- Restructuring the information market
- Aims of European content and multimedia programmes
- The roles of new operators

7 - Legal issues
- Copyright and Internet
- The EU Directive relating to legal protection of databanks
- Access to public sources: towards a European Directive

25, rue Claude Tillier - 75012 Paris
Tél. : 33 (1) 43 72 36 63 - Fax : 33 (1) 43 72 36 62
E-mail :

MEETING 13) 7 - 15 JUNE 1997

October 1996


Fourth International Conference
"Crimea 97"

"Libraries and Associations in the Transient World:
New Technologies and New Forms of Cooperation"

Foros village, Yalta, Republic of Crimea, Ukraine
Foros Health Resort
June 7-15, 1997 (Professional Program - June 9-13)

The Conference is held under the aegis of IFLA

Main organizer of the Conference:
- Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology,
Moscow, Russia

Main sponsor of the Conference:
- Ministry of Culture of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Co-organizers and sponsors of the Conference
- Ministry of Culture and Art of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
- International Association of CDS/ISIS and NIT Developers and
Users (ISIS-NIT), Moscow, Russia
- Ministry of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea,
Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine
- Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia
- M.I. Rudomino Russian State Library for Foreign Literature,
Moscow, Russia
- Scientific Library of Kiev-Mohyla Academy National University,
Kiev, Ukraine
- The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
- Ukrainian Book Chamber, Kiev, Ukraine
- BIONT Company, Yevpatoria, Crimea, Ukraine
- Crimean Library Association, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine
- I. Franko Republican Universal Scientific Library, Simferopol,
Crimea, Ukraine
- Simferopol University, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine
- Martinus Nijhoff Eastern Europe Subscription Agency (Netherlands)

The participation of other organizers and sponsors is invited.

The Fourth International Conference will again be held in Foros.
Foros is a picturesque locale in the very southern part of the Crimean
Peninsula, a narrow belt of subtropical park between the Black Sea and
the Crimean mountain ridge; a favourite place of rest and professional
contact for many people. During the Conference the Foros Health Resort
will accommodate only the participants in the Conference.

The Organizing Committee seeks original research and application
oriented papers, not previously presented elsewhere, which make new
contributions to the topics listed below as sections, round tables, and
workshops. You are invited to submit an abstract of your proposed paper
for consideration by the Organizing/Conference Program Committee. The
deadline for receipt of abstracts is February 25, 1997. The following
guidelines should be observed in the preparation and submission of your
1. The abstract should be a precis of your paper and should not exceed
one page in length.

2. The heading should include the title of your paper, followed by the
names and affiliations of the author(s) and the name and address, FAX
number and email address of the author who will be presenting the paper
at the conference.
3. Acceptance or otherwise will be at the discretion of the
Organizing/Conference Program Committee. The presenting author will be
advised of the Committee decision no later than March 30, 1997.
4. Upon acceptance of abstracts, authors will be required to forward a
full copy of their papers, in writing, by April 15, 1997. Anticipated
length of accepted papers will be no more than 6 A4 pages.
5. Abstracts from persons residing in North, Central, South America
and Australia should be sent to Lester J. Pourciau, Deputy Chair,
International Organizing Committee, and Director of Libraries, The
University of Memphis, Memphis TN 38152 U.S.A. Email: Abstracts originating elsewhere should be sent
to Yakov Shraiberg, Chair, International Organizing Committee, and
First Deputy Director, The Russian National Public Library for Science
and Technology, 12 Kuznetsky most, Moscow, Russia 103919. Email: Fax: +7 (095) 921-98-62.

The following topics for presentations and discussions are envisaged:
I. Sections
- Worldwide Information Infrastructure and Interlibrary
- Acquisition and Preservation of Library Collections.
- Automated Technologies and Systems in Libraries
- Online Technologies, Databases and CD-ROM in Libraries
- Interlending and Document Delivery (co-organized by IFLA UAP Core
- Business Information and Information Management.
- Electronic Publications: Current State and Prospects
- Children's and Juvenile Libraries
- Art Libraries: Changes and Traditions
- Linguistic Support of Information Retrieval Systems, Indexing and
Classification Systems.

II. Workshops
- Development and application of UNIMARC in Library Developments
and Practice (within the framework of IFLA UBCIM and PUC
- On the way towards IMARC Formats: Objective Prerequisites and
Reality (co-organized by the US Library of Congress)
- New CDS/ISIS Developments and Applications for Libraries
- Internet Resources and Services (co-organized by IFLA UDT Core
- Dissemination and Utilization of Medical, Pharmaceutical and
Environmental Protection Information.
- Regional Libraries: Problems and New Ideas
- Turkic Language Libraries: Progress and Problems
- Library Education and Improvement of Professional Skills

III. Round Tables
- IFLA Activities and Experience
- Subscription Problems and Agencies' Experience in Eastern Europe
- Coordination of Development and Application of Automated Library
Information Systems: Problems of Adaptation and Implementation
- User Education in Libraries
- Development of the Ukrainian Language Linguistic Support:
Problems and Solutions (within the framework of Section 10)

IV. Other events
- Third Russian ISKO Conference (International Society for
Knowledge Organization)
- Fifth Session of Eurasian Library Assembly: Integration Processes
in the Field of NIS Librarianship
- Annual Conference of International Association of CDS/ISIS and
NIT Developers and Users (ISIS-NIT)
- Poster Session

The list of sections, round tables, workshops and additional events
will be continuously updated and will be finalized in December,

Section: Key Paper - up to 30 minutes. Basic paper - up to 20
Workshop: Key Paper - up to 15 minutes. Basic paper - up to 10
Round Table: communication - up to 5 minutes
Poster paper: 10 copies

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided at the Conference.
The Vendor Exhibits will be opened during the Conference to present
information products, services, automated systems, software packages,
CD-ROM products, books and journals.

The delegate's registration fee will be: $ 300 before March 1.
for accompanying persons: $ 200 before March 1.
Registration fee covers:
- participation in the Conference
- the collection of the Conference proceedings and information
- social and cultural events (see the Registration Form)

Accommodation (three meals a day included):
two-room apartment $ 1020 per person
shared two-room apartment $ 600 per person
Due to very limited number of rooms, please confirm by December 30,

one-room apartment (two beds) $ 740 per person
shared one-room apartment $ 420 per person
Room features: private bathroom, toilet, TV, refrigerator,
telephone, balcony with 2 extra beds.
The accommodation fee is fixed and covers the whole stay from June 7-15
irrespective of the dates of arrival and departure within this period.

Suites in separate cottages are available on special requests.

The prices are subject to change after March 1, 1997

Accommodation and registration fees received after March 1 will be:
Before April 1, 1996 - 110%
Before May 1, 1996 - 120%
Before June 1, 1996 - 130%

Exhibition stand: 2.5 m x 2 m (standard) $300
5 m x 2 m (extended) $500
10 m x 2 m (large) $750
Computers and other equipment rental is available.

Participants in the three previous Crimea Conferences will be
registered free of charge. Participants in "Crimea 95" and "Crimea 96"
Conferences will be offered a 50% discount for registration.

You are kindly requested to complete the registration form and send it
(by fax or e-mail) no later than 15 February 1997.

Arrival dates are June 7 and 8 . Departure date is June 14 and 15, 1997.

On June 7-8 and June 14-15 transfer from the airport/railway station
will be provided by INTOURIST company by shuttle bus ($5-7) and by taxi.
The Organizing Committee is not responsible for transfer to and from the
Conference venue.

Please note that cancellations made after May 7 will result in no

For further information please contact the Organizing Committee:

Fax: 007-095-921-98-62 Telex: 411180 bgpnt su
E-mail: Tel: 007-095-924-94-58,


Libraries and Associations in the Transient
REGISTRATION FORM New Technologies and New Forms of
Pleasetype/write clearly in block letters, tick as appropriate
and send to the Russian National Public Library for Science and
Technology, "CRIMEA 97" Organizing Committee (no later than
March 1, 1997):
Fax: 007-095-921-98-62
E-mail (INTERNET):

Mr._____ Ms._____ Dr._____

Family name

First name_____________________Middle name________________________








Accompanying persons

1. Family name________________________________________________

First name___________________ Middle name____________________

2. Surname____________________________________________________________

First name____________________________________________________________

Visa support
Please note that if you require visa to enter Ukraine you will be asked
to provide the additional information as follows:

to obtain visa to enter Ukraine:

to obtain visa to enter Russia:
passport #_____________________
date of birth_____________________

Form of payment
Bank transfer made out to International Association of CDS/ISIS and
NIT Developers and Users (please quote "Crimea 97") :
"KEYBANK" Account 608-213-519 in Republic National Bank of New
York, N.Y. USA For ISUA Account N 3070194
Note: Credit cards and travel checks aren't accepted. You may receive
cash by your credit card in Moscow or Kiev.

o I wish to present a paper


o I wish to demonstrate an information product (description is
o (2.5 m x 2 m) stand o (5m x 2m) stand o (10m x 2m)

I will need computer and/or other equipment (indicate the

Hotel reservation:
o two-room apartment
o shared two-room apartment
o one-room apartment (two beds)
o shared one-room apartment

As the number of apartments and rooms is limited, accommodation will be
reserved upon the receipt of payment

I intend to arrive on ___________________
date of arrival
Arrival at Simferopol Airport:
o from Moscow
o from Kiev
o Direct flight from________________________
(Frankfurt, Vienna, Tel-Aviv, Istanbul, others)
Arrival at Simferopol Railway Station:
o from Moscow
o from Kiev

I intend to leave on ______________________
date of departure
Departure from Simferopol Airport:
o to Moscow
o to Kiev
o direct flight to________________________
Departure from Simferopol Railway Station:
o to Moscow
o to Kiev

The Organizing Committee will render assistance in booking travel
tickets within Russia

Cultural Events:
Events covered by the registration fee
+ A tour to the picturesque sights of the Crimea
+ Concert
+ Banquet to mark the Conference Opening
+ Banquet to mark the Conference Closing

o The list of additionally charged social events will be sent out
later. Please tick if you are interested. Preliminary cost for each
event is 15-20 USD

Special offer only for Conference participants
You can order the publications and information products at a discount of
20 percent:

Yakov Shraiberg and Felix Voroisky Automated Library-Information Systems
of Russia: Current State, Selection, Implementation and Development.
Cost - $8 (List price: $10)

Crimea 96 and 97 Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM containing full-text
papers, programs, lists of participants and additional materials. Cost
$40 (List price: $50)

Russian Union Catalog on Sci-Tech Literature. Cost: $76 (List price $95)

Additional information

Signature_______________________ Date____________________

MEETING 14) 16 - 18 JUNE 1997



Monday-Wednesday 16-18 June 1997
University College London

The themes that the conference will explore include
· The role of classification in the management of information
· Classification research for retrieval of information published electronically
· Automatic methods of classification
· The researcher and the real world
· Tools for classification and classification as a tool
· Data modelling

Papers addressing knowledge organization within any of the frameworks
outlined above are invited. Abstracts (c. 500 words) should reach the
chairman of the Conference Committee not later than 1 October 1996.
Proceedings will be published.


MEETING 15) 18 - 19 JUNE 1997


(posted: <>te: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 14:49:10 +0800 (WST)
Originator: helo-l@info
From: "M.Lloyd-williams" <> (by way of (Cheryl Hamill))



The Third International Symposium on
Health Information Management Research

18 - 19 June 1997

Sheffield, England

Organized by the
Centre for Health Information Management Research,
The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Following the successes of SHIMR 95 and SHIMR 96, the Centre for
Health Information Management Research at the University of Sheffield
is hosting the third International Symposium on Health Information
Management Research (SHIMR 97).

In addition to the published proceedings, a selection of papers from
both SHIMR 95 and SHIMR 96 were published in the peer-reviewed
journals Topics in Health Information Management and Health
Informatics. Selected papers from SHIMR 97 will also be published in
these journals. All papers presented at SHIMR 97 will appear in the
published proceedings.

The aim of the SHIMR series of symposia is to bring together people
who are currently carrying out research in the general area of health
information management. A key feature of the symposia is the
interactive nature, with time for discussion of topics of interest.

Papers may be submitted reporting on any area of the field of health
information management. Suitable areas include, but are not limited
to, the following:

Evidence based care Policies, strategies and initiatives
Medical records Inter-agency communication
Systems and services Primary and community care
Education and training Voluntary agencies
Planning and provision Data protection and confidentiality

Submission of papers
Full Papers
Contributors are required to submit an extended abstract of between
1000 and 1500 words in English. Authors whose abstracts are accepted
will be invited to develop the abstracts into full papers of not more
than 5000 words in length for presentation at the Symposium.

Short Papers
Contributors are required to submit an extended abstract of between
500 and 750 words in English. Authors whose abstracts are accepted
will be invited to develop the abstracts into short papers of not more
than 2500 words in length for presentation at the Symposium.

Discussion papers
Contributors are required to submit an extended abstract of between
300 and 500 words in English. Authors whose abstracts are accepted
will be invited to develop the abstracts into position papers of not
more than 1500 words in length for group discussion at the Symposium.

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by a panel chaired by Professor
Tom Wilson, Director of the Centre for Health Information Management
Research. Each abstract should contain sufficient detail to permit
reviewers to judge its suitability, and should be accompanied by a
covering letter stating the abstract title, paper type
(full/short/discussion), authors (including the name and position of
the contact person), address, telephone number, and if available, fax
number and e-mail address for the contact person.

Papers should not be simultaneously submitted elsewhere, or have been
previously published.

Contributors are also encouraged to submit reports on work in progress
in the poster sessions, which provide an informal forum for
introducing work in its early stages. Poster sessions provide an
opportunity for researchers to gain feedback and make contact with
interested parties. Poster sessions do not involve a formal
presentation. Poster proposals should include a description (between
300 and 500 words) in English of the problem area, the work being
carried out, and why this work is important. Proposals should be
accompanied by a covering letter stating the poster title, authors
(including the name and position of the contact person), address,
telephone number, and if available, fax number and e-mail address for
the contact person.

Workshops provide participants with the opportunity to meet and
discuss selected topics in an informal atmosphere designed to
encourage discussion and active exchange of ideas between researchers
and practitioners. Workshop proposals should include a clear
description of the workshop topic/objectives, the intended audience,
the proposed length (in hours), an abstract (between 300 and 500
words), an outline of the content, and a description of the proposer's
qualifications/experience in relation to the workshop topic.

Attendance Fees
As with SHIMR 95 and 96, the organizers will attempt to keep
attendance fees to an affordable level, and will include a copy of the
published proceedings.

Important Dates:
Submissions (abstracts) due: 28th February 1997
Authors notified: 21st March 1997
Full papers due (paper & floppy disk): 4th June 1997

Submissions and general enquiries to:
Maxine Walker
Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield
Western Bank

Tel: (0)114-22-22660

Abstracts may also be submitted by fax to (0)114-278-0300,
or by e-mail to:

Michael Lloyd-Williams, Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN
Tel: (0)114-282-5089 Fax: (0)114-278-0300

MEETING 16) 18 - 22 JUNE 1997

The Canadian Association of College and University Libraries (CACUL) and
the CLA Standing Committee on Research and Development invite abstracts
for papers to be presented at the 1997 Canadian Library Association
Conference in Ottawa, June 18-22.

(posted: <>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 00:00:27 +0000)

> Call for Papers
>The Canadian Association of College and University Libraries (CACUL) and
>the CLA Standing Committee on Research and Development invite abstracts
>for papers to be presented at the 1997 Canadian Library Association
>Conference in Ottawa, June 18-22.
>The conference session is entitled "Research You Can Use". As the name
>implies, the objective of the session is to provide an opportunity for
>researchers to present interim or final results of studies with immediate
>implications for libraries. The theme of the Conference, "Reinventing
>Libraries", offers a wide scope for researchers and preference will be
>given to papers which describe basic or applied research useful to
>libraries in this period of transition.
>The session is expected to include four papers. Interested researchers
>should include the following information in their submissions:
> * name, address, telephone/fax numbers, and e-address of
> the presenter(s)
> * paper title
> * a 200-300 word abstract clearly explaining the proposal and, if
> appropriate, its relevance to the theme
> * anticipated length of presentation
> * equipment required on site
>Selections will be made by a panel of referees, themselves published
>researchers. A publication containing papers from the session is being
>planned if the contents of the papers lend themselves to this form of
>Proposals should be submitted, via e-mail if possible, no later than
>February 1, 1997, to Victoria Ripley, Convenor, CLA Standing Committee on
>Research and Development. Email: Regular mail:
>Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St.
>John's, Newfoundland A1B 3Y1.
>Head of Acquisitions and Periodicals
>Queen Elizabeth II Library
>Memorial University of Newfoundland
>St. John's, NF Canada A1B 3Y1
>vmail: (709) 737-7439
MEETING 17) 20 - 21 JUNE 1997

International Symposium on Technology and Society 1997

(posted: <owner-ifla-l@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 13:16:25 -0500)

International Symposium on Technology and Society 1997

Technology and Society at a Time of Sweeping Change

Venue: University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland

Date: June 20th - 21st 1997

Sponsored by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, IEEE Society on
Social Implications of Technology , IEEE UK and Republic of Ireland
Section and IEEE Region 8 .


The last decade has seen immense change in the world, and in Europe in
particular. The social and technical landscape is altering so far and
so fast, that it is almost impossible to keep track. What effect will
this have on industrial and developing societies? How will it effect
the natural environment? What effect will these changes have on
technologists and engineers? How will this change into the new
millennium? ISTAS '97 aims to tackle these questions and draw together
opinion from both sides of the Atlantic, as ISTAS moves to Europe for
the first time in its history.

Papers are particularly encouraged on the following topics:

o Environmental changes analysis and action.
o Monitoring of environmental change.
o International Policy.
o Government, Technology and Society.
o Systems of government and their effect on technology and society.
o The impact of change in government on technology and society.
o The impact of technology change on governments.
o The effect of culture on technological development.
o Multi-national Interaction.
o Communications infrastructures, (e.g. the World Wide Web).
o Globalisation of markets.
o Legislation, Intellectual Property and Freedom of Speech across national
o The gap between high wage and low wage economies.
o Security issues.
o Global Monitoring.
o New threats to security.
o Is there a peace dividend?
o Trends into the new millennium.

Papers in the traditional ISTAS topics are also welcomed:

o Environmental, health, safety, and peace-related implications of
technology. o Social, economic, and ethical issues involving energy,
information, and telecommunications technologies. o History of
electrotechnology o Systems analysis in public policy decisions

ISTAS '97 invites significant contributions on any of these topics
from a wide spectrum of concerned individuals. Submit a one page
abstract of a paper or poster, or a proposal for a paper session or
panel discussion to the Chair at:


ISTAS '97 Secretariat
Conference Services Department
The Institution of Electrical Engineers
Savoy Place
London WC2R 0BL
Tel: + 44(0)171 344 5469/8425
Fax: +44 (0)171 240 8830


Simon R Burne, Netherlands (Chairman)
A John Baden-Fuller, UK
Dr Leslie C Campbell, UK
Gordon K Clarke, UK
Ken J Frith, UK
John F Gamlin, UK
Brian R Harrington, UK
Frederick L Pitt, UK


Clinton Andrews, USA
Jacob Baal-Shem, Israel
Kenneth R Foster, USA
Joseph R Herkert, USA
Jan John, Czech Republic
Thomas Schmid, Switzerland


Receipt of Abstracts - 16 December 1996
Notification of acceptance - February 1997
Camera ready copy - 28 April 1997


The Symposium will be held in Clyde Hall, University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow. Clyde Hall is situated on the River Clyde, adjacent to the
Central Railway Station in the heart of Glasgow.

As well as an international Airport with direct links from Europe and
the USA, it is only 1 hour by air from London and 40 minutes by train
from Edinburgh. A fascinating city with a wealth of art galleries,
museums, theatres, sophisticated shops and street markets. Glasgow is
also an excellent base from which to explore Scotland+s stunning
scenery - Loch Lomond, the Trosack mountains and the Ayrshire coast,
Stirling and Edinburgh are all within an hour's drive away.

More information on ISTAS'97 is available on World Wide Web at
document URL:

Joseph R. Herkert
Division of Multidisciplinary Studies
Box 7107, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
voice: 919-515-7997 fax: 919-515-1828

President, IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
MEETING 18) 23 - 24 JUNE 1997

2nd International Symposium on Networked Learner Support

(posted: <owner-diglib@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 14:29:06 -0500

***** CALL FOR PAPERS *****
2nd International Symposium on Networked Learner Support

New services, roles and partnerships for the on-line learning

23rd-24th June 1997
Sheffield, England

Organised by:
Networked Learning and Work Research Group
Department of Information Studies,
University of Sheffield


Supporting the use of networked information resources in the
electronic learning environment involves the development of new
services, roles and partnerships in higher education. As teaching,
learning and research move into this environment, there is a growing
need for information support - reference/enquiry help, information
skills training, user instruction - to be provided electronically.
Current initiatives in the use of networked technologies to deliver
information support include the development of Web-based resource
guides and information skills training modules, email access to
reference and enquiry help, participation by information professionals
in course-based computer-conferences, and experiments with synchronous
communication technologies to offer remote support for information
queries in real-time.

Institutions and courses which aim to enable learners to take full
advantage of the networked information environment need to draw on new
forms of professional expertise and new partnerships between support
and teaching staff. There are far-reaching implications here for the
organisation and development of support services and for the people
working within them. Networked learner support (NLS) demands a blend
of information, technology and on-line teaching/communication
expertise which crosses traditional boundaries between library and IT
roles, and includes facilitation of on-line learning via provision of
electronic materials and person-to-person interaction. Ensuring an
integrated role for information support in the curriculum is also a
vital part of the challenge to develop effective networked learning
initiatives, and success is likely to be largely dependent on the
development of new collaborative relationships between teaching,
information, IT and other support staff, as well as on the capacity of
individuals to develop new skills.

Symposium themes

The 2nd International Symposium on Networked Learner Support focuses
on the potential of computer-mediated communications (CMC) and the Web
in the provision of information support, and on the organisational and
professional development issues associated with the NLS role. It aims
to offer an opportunity for those involved in creating networked
learning resources and developing on-line information support
strategies to share experience and ideas, and to contribute to
developing good practice in this new area of activity.

Proposals for papers are invited on any aspect of NLS in higher
education, and especially on the following areas:

1. Design, implementation and evaluation of NLS strategies/materials.
End-user training/support needs; innovative applications of
information and communications technologies; integration of
information support into the networked curriculum; pedagogic models,
techniques, issues; evaluation of new practice.

2. Professional development/training for NLS. Training needs and
approaches. Local and national initiatives. NLS and professional

3. Organisational and strategic issues. New professional roles,
convergence between library and IT services for NLS,
cross-disciplinary collaboration/partnerships, strategic and
management considerations.

On-line conference

An on-line conference will be held as an introduction to the
Symposium and to extend the discussion beyond the event itself.
Symposium papers will be made available on the Web.


We anticipate that the Symposium will be of interest not only to
library and information staff involved in learner support (eg. user
education, information skills training or enquiry/reference work) but
to those with involvement in NLS from other points of view, such as
teaching/learning support, computer services, academic departments,
distance learning services, research and development projects, staff


The Symposium aims to provide an opportunity for people to meet in an
informal atmosphere in which the emphasis is on interaction. Workshop
sessions will be organised by theme, and contributors will be asked to
present a shortened (20 minute) version of their papers as a lead-in
to discussion. Full papers will, nevertheless, be required from


Selected papers from the Symposium will be published. Papers from the
1st International Symposium (1996) are to be published shortly in a
special issue of the international peer-reviewed journal Education for
Information, and journal publication for the 1997 Symposium is being

Submission of proposed papers

Extended abstracts of proposed papers (of between 1,000 and 1,500
words) should be submitted in English by February 21st, 1997.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by a panel chaired by Professor Tom
Wilson. Please attach a brief biography of the author(s), along with
a covering letter stating the paper's title and author(s) mail
address, telephone and fax number, and email address. Full versions
of selected papers (approximately 4,000 words) should be submitted by
23rd May, 1997. Proposed papers should not be submitted
simultaneously elsewhere, and should not have been published

Important dates

Last date for receipt of extended abstract: 21st February, 1997
Notification of acceptance: 21st March, 1997
Full paper: 23rd May, 1997

Please submit all abstracts to:

Philippa Levy
2nd International Symposium on Networked Learner Support
Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield
Tel. (0114) 22 22 638
Fax. (0114) 278 0300

Further details

The Symposium will be held at Halifax Hall, a University of
Sheffield hall of residence offering excellent conference facilities
at reasonable costs. Halifax Hall is centred around a Sheffield steel
baron's house dating back to 1830 and is set in very pleasant,
extensive gardens with tennis courts and a croquet lawn. The Hall is
situated on the west side of Sheffield in a leafy residential area two
miles from both the city centre and the Peak National Park.

Further details on the Symposium will follow shortly. In the
meantime, please direct any general enquries to:

Nick Bowskill
2nd International Symposium on Networked Learner Support
Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield
Tel. (0114) 22 22 653
Fax. (0114) 278 0300


The Symposium is organised in association with the eLib training and
awareness project, NetLinkS (collaborative professional development
for networked learner support). For further information on the
project, see its Web site at:

"Two purple-fingered hands grasped the edge of the desk,
and the Librarian's face rose slowly into view like an
early-morning coconut. 'Ook,' he said." Terry Pratchett.
Sarah Ashton
NetLinkS Research Associate and Information Officer
Dept of Information Studies, University of Sheffield
Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN
Tel.(0114) 222 2657, Fax.(0114) 278 0300
MEETING 19 ) 26 JUNE - 3 JULY 1997

(posted: Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 12:28:54 -0600 (CST)
From: Nicholas Chernjavsky <>)


The Research and Statistics Committee of the Management of Public
Services Section of RASD is sponsoring its third annual Reference
Research Forum at the 1997 American Library Association Annual
Conference in San Francisco, June 26 - July 3, 1997.

This is an opportunity to present and discuss your research project
covering the broad area of reference services. Both completed
research and research in progress will be considered. Some
suggested areas include:

-- Organizational Structure and Personnel
-- Electronic Services
-- User Behavior
-- Reference Effectiveness

The Committee will utilize a "blind" review process to select a
maximum of three projects for 25 minute presentations, each
followed by open discussion.

The criteria for selection are:

-- Significance of the study for improving the quality
of reference service
-- Quality and creativity of the methodology
-- Potential of the research to fill a gap in
reference knowledge or to build on previous studies
-- Previously published research or research accepted
by December 1, 1996 for publication will not be

All researchers, including reference practitioners from all types
of libraries, library school faculty and students, and other
interested persons are encouraged to submit a proposal.

Please submit a one-page proposal by DECEMBER 1, 1996. Notification
of acceptance will be made by March 15, 1997. SUBMISSIONS MUST
CONSIST OF TWO PAGES. On the first page please list your name(s),
title(s), and institutional affiliation(s). THE SECOND PAGE SHOULD
problem statement, description of methodology, and an explanation of
significance. Electronic submissions must also be delivered in two
parts. Please send submissions to:

Loriene Roy, chair
RASD/MOPSS Research & Statistics Committee
7637 Parkview Circle
Autstin, TX 78731

fax: 512-471-3971

MEETING 20) 6 - 11 JULY 1997

Bridging the Gap

This message has been cross-posted to several lists. Please forgive the

The International Association of School Librarianship and the Association
for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada are joint sponsors of Conference '97
"Bridging the Gap" to be held July 6-11, 1997 at the University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. The conference will feature a
stimulating educational program that includes the First International Forum
on Research in Teacher-Librarianship. The conference Proceedings will be
published by Hi Willow Research and Publishing in time for delegates to
receive a copy at registration.

The Program Committee is seeking proposals for presentations that relate
to the conference theme--Information Rich but Knowledge Poor? Emerging
Issues for Schools and Libraries Worldwide. Proposals for original
research papers, commentaries on professional practice (professioal
papaers), panel discussions, and hands-on, activity-based, or
demonstration workshops are welcome and will be acceptd on the standard
forms until October 31, 1996. To indicate your intention to submit a
proposal and to request a proposal form and additional information,
please contact the conference coordinator.

Prof. Lynne Lighthall
School of Library, Archival and Information Studies
The University of British Columbia
Mailing Address: 4093 West 14th Ave., Vancouver, BC V6R 2X3
P: 604-822-2704
F: 604-822-6006
E: or
================== RFC 822 Headers ==================

MEETING 21) 15 - 18 JULY 1997

SSD'97 - Call for Papers

(posted: <owner-maps-l@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 15:29:49 EST)

| |
| SSD'97 Call for Papers |
| |
| 5th International Symposium on Spatial Databases |
| |
| July 15-18, 1997 Berlin, Germany |
| |
| DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: January 17, 1997 |
| |
| sponsored by Cassini (French CNRS GdR 1041 and Universite' de |
| Provence), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), ESRI Inc., |
| ETAK Inc., the European Commission (TMR Research Network |
| CHOROCHRONOS), Fraunhofer ISST, Freie Universitaet Berlin, |
| Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique |
| (INRIA), the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), |
| SMALLWORLD Systems GmbH, |
| |
| in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD*, NCGIA |
| |
| |
| URL: |
| |

Since the first conference in Santa Barbara (1989), SSD has been the premier
meeting for the discussion and dissemination of original advances in
spatial databases. SSD'97 will again bring together leading researchers,
developers and practitioners interested in the integration of database
management systems (DBMS) and geographic information systems (GIS).

Original research papers on spatial data management are solicited.
Major topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

o Interoperability and open GIS o Benchmarks and evaluation
o Constraint databases for GIS o Spatio-temporal databases
o Spatial query processing and optimization o Spatial modeling
o Spatial data and the information highways o Spatial data mining
o Applications (e.g., transport networks, urban planning, environmental studies)

Please submit a 5000-word manuscript to the program chair.
Authors are encouraged to send their submission electronically to:

| One electronic submission should consist of 2 pieces of e-mail: |
| o the first one containing an ASCII cover page that includes |
| the authors' full name, affiliation, address, phone and fax number,|
| e-mail address |
| o the second one containing *one* uuencoded PostScript file |
| (preferably generated by dvips) |
| |

We will not accept more than one file for the same submission, hence e-mail
with separate figures will be rejected.
We will not accept other formats than PostScript.
The authors are responsible for the printability of their document.
Please make sure that your file is printable on a 300 DPI standard
PostScript laser printer.

Authors who do not have easy access to such electronic facilities are invited to
send 5 copies of their paper to the program chair.

Agnes Voisard Michel Scholl
Institut fuer Informatik INRIA
Freie Universitaet Berlin Domaine de Voluceau
Takustr. 9 F-78153 Le Chesnay
D-14195 Berlin France

SSD'97 will have tutorials and panels organized as part of the technical
program. Proposals should include a tutorial title, a brief syllabus of the
topic and curriculum vitae of the proponent, and should be submitted to the
respective chairs:

Ralf Hartmut Gueting Andrew U. Frank
Praktische Informatik IV Geoinformation E127
Fernuniversitaet Hagen TU Vienna
D-58084 Hagen Gusshausstrasse 27-29
Germany A-1040 Vienna

There will be exhibits during the conference. For information please contact:

Guenter Feuer
Institut fuer Informatik
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Takustr. 9
D-14195 Berlin, Germany

Deadline for submissions.................... January 17, 1997
Notification of acceptance.................. March 28, 1997
Camera-ready copy and preregistration....... April 25, 1997
Pre-conference tutorials.................... July 15, 1997
Conference.................................. July 16-18, 1997

As with the previous symposia, the proceedings will be published by
Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, and
will be available at the conference. Accepted articles will have to follow
LNCS specifications, which can be found at:

Dave Abel, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia
Max J. Egenhofer, NCGIA, University of Maine, USA
Oliver Guenther, Humboldt Universitaet, Berlin, Germany
John Herring, Oracle, USA
Beng Chin Ooi, NUS, Singapore
Hans-Joerg Schek, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Terence Smith, UC Santa Barbara

Dave Abel (CSIRO, Canberra, Australia)
Gustavo Alonso (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
Elisa Bertino (Universita' di Genova, Italy)
Rolf A. de By (ITC, The Netherlands)
Leila De Floriani (Universita' di Genova, Italy)
Max J. Egenhofer (NCGIA, University of Maine, USA)
Christos Faloutsos (University of Maryland, USA)
Robin Fegeas (USGS, USA)
Andrew U. Frank (TU Vienna, Austria)
Volker Gaede (Humboldt Universitaet, Berlin, Germany)
Kenn Gardels (UCB, USA)
Christopher Gold (Universite' Laval, Canada)
Stephane Grumbach (INRIA, France)
Oliver Guenther (Humboldt Universitaet, Berlin, Germany)
Ralf Hartmut Gueting (Fernuniversitaet Hagen, Germany)
Jiawei Han (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada)
John Herring (Oracle, USA)
Erland Jungert (FOA, Sweden)
Curt Kolovson (Hewlett Packard, USA)
Manolis Koubarakis (UMIST, Manchester, UK)
Robert Laurini (LISI, INSA, Lyon, France)
Claudia Medeiros (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Scott Morehouse (ESRI, USA)
Richard Muntz (UCLA, USA)
Beng Chin Ooi (NUS, Singapore)
Dimitris Papadias (NCGIA, University of Maine, USA)
Didier Plateau (O2 Technology, France)
Chinya Ravisshankar (University of Michigan, USA)
Elke A. Rundensteiner (University of Michigan, USA)
Hanan Samet (University of Maryland, USA)
Timos Sellis (NTUA, Athens, Greece)
Terence Smith (UCSB, USA)
Jan Van den Bussche (University of Limburg, Belgium)
Peter Van Oosterom (Kadaster Concerstaf LKK, The Netherlands)
Agnes Voisard (Freie Universitaet, Berlin, Germany)
Frank Wagner (Freie Universitaet, Berlin, Germany)

Extended version of selected papers will be considered for publication
in GeoInformatica (International Journal on Advances of Computer
Science for Geographic Information Systems), Kluwer Academic Publisher.

The conference will be hosted by the Institute of Computer Science
of the Freie Universitaet Berlin.

For further information please contact,
or the secretary's office, Institut fuer Informatik, Freie Universitaet
Berlin, Takustr. 9, D-14195 Berlin, Germany. Tel: +49-30 838 75 100,
Fax: Tel: +49-30 838 75 109.

* pending approval |

MEETING 22) 23 - 26 JULY 1997

........... ACM Digital Libraries '97 ..........

............... CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ...............

Philadelphia, Pa
July 23 - 26, 1997

ACM Digital Libraries is an international conference which is
building a community of individuals from diverse fields to study
research and development in digital libraries. The collection,
access and use of electronic information in a variety of formats
requires solutions to problems ranging from the technical to the
social, incorporating knowledge and experience from many fields.
Individuals with an interest in library and information science,
digital information technology, education, information policy and
economics, information behavior and other fields contributing to
digital library development are invited to participate.

ACM DL '97 will immediately precede ACM SIGIR '97 in
Philadelphia. The ACM DL series is sponsored by ACM, through

In Cooperation With ACM DL 97:
ASIS (American Society for Information Science)
CNI (Coalition for Networked Information)
D-Lib (Digital Library Forum)
NAL (National Agricultural Library)
NLM (National Library of Medicine)
SLA (Special Libraries Association)

Edie Rasmussen Robert B. Allen
University of Pittsburgh Bellcore
( (

........................... TOPICS ..............................

We welcome technical papers, posters, demonstrations, videos,
as well as proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials.
Research is welcome on any aspect of Digital Libraries including
but not limited to the following:

.. economic and social implications
.. education, learning, and collaboration
.. electronic journals, textbooks, and catalogs
.. evaluation methods and user testing
.. hypertext and hypermedia
.. image, graphical, GIS, and multimedia information
.. indexing and classification
.. information storage and retrieval
.. intellectual property rights
.. metadata and knowledge representation
.. online museums, galleries, and studios
.. scanning and digital preservation
.. world-wide web
.. user interfaces, visualization, browsing, and searching
.. user behavior and information needs analysis

..............BRIEF INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS...............


January 14, 1997: Submissions due to appropriate Chair
March 4, 1997: Notification of Acceptance
April 28, 1997: Revised papers due to Program Chair


Technical Papers & Panel Proposals:
Robert B. Allen, Bellcore
Posters: P. Bryan Heidorn, University of Illinois
Videos/Demos: David S. Dubin, University of Illinois
Tutorials: Raya Fidel, University of Washington
Workshops: David Levy, Xerox

..............ACM DL '97 STEERING COMMITTEE..................

Edward Fox (Chair), Virginia Tech
Robert B. Allen, Bellcore
William Arms, CNRI
Nicholas Belkin, Rutgers University
Richard Furuta, Texas A&M University
Gary Marchionini, University of Maryland
Edie Rasmussen, University of Pittsburgh

............... ACM DL '97 PROGRAM COMMITTEE...............

Maristella Agosti, U. Padua
Al Aho,Columbia U.
Robert B. Allen (Chair), Bellcore
William Arms, CNRI
Helen Atkins, ISI
Marcia Bates, UCLA
Ann Bishop, U. Illinois
Michael Buckland, UC Berkeley
Mic Bowman, Transarc
Joseph Busch, Getty AHIP
Hsinchun Chen, U. Arizona
Ana Maria Correia, INETI (Portugal)
Philip Doty, U. Texas
Tim Finin, U. Maryland Baltimore County
Edward Fox, Virginia Tech
Chuck Friedman, U. Pittsburgh
Richard Furuta, Texas A&M
Susan Hockey, Rutgers/Princeton
Donna Harman, NIST
Judith Klavans, Columbia U.
Rob Kling, Indiana U.
John Leggett, Texas A&M
David Levy, Xerox
Chung-Sheng Li, IBM
Ee-Peng Lim, NTU (Singapore)
Gary Marchionini, U. Maryland
Catherine Marshall, Xerox
Gary McCone, NAL
Thierry Pun, U. Geneva
Lawrence A. Rowe, UC Berkeley
David Seaman, U. Virginia
Pamela Samuelson, UC Berkeley
Sugimoto Shigeo, U. Lib. Inf. Sci.(Japan)
Terence R. Smith, UC Santa Barbara
Scott Stevens,Carnegie Mellon U.
Frank Tompa, U. Waterloo
Thomas D. Wilson, U. Sheffield (UK)
Terry Winograd, Stanford U.
Ian H. Witten, U. Waikato (New Zealand)

................... ACM DIGITAL LIBRARIES 97 ...................

MEETING 23) 27 - 31 JULY 1997

Call For Papers - SIGIR '97

(posted: <>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 20:25:34 -0500)



20th International ACM SIGIR Conference on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval

DoubleTree Hotel, Philadelphia, PA, USA

July 27 -- July 31, 1997

In co-operation with:
BCS-IRSG (UK), GI (Germany), IPSJ (Japan), (others pending)


SIGIR '97 is the twentieth conference in the premier series of
research conferences on information retrieval. SIGIR is the major
forum for the presentation of new research results, and for the
demonstration of new systems and techniques, in information retrieval.
The conference attracts a broad range of professionals including
theoreticians, developers, publishers, researchers, educators, and
designers of systems, interfaces, information bases, and related
applications. In 1997, SIGIR is collocated with DL '97, the Second
ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries, which will be held
July 23-26, 1997 in Philadelphia. We anticipate substantial synergy
between these two meetings.


SIGIR '97 seeks original contributions (i.e. never before
published) in the broad field of information storage and retrieval,
covering the handling of all types of information, people's behavior
in information systems, and theories, models and implementations of
information retrieval systems.

We encourage discussions of experimental studies, tests of
usability, explorations of information retrieval behavior, reports on
the performance of large scale systems, and demonstrations of advanced
approaches. We prefer theoretical contributions to have sufficient
proof of utility to demonstrate their applicability to information
retrieval problems. Similarly, reports on small scale experiments
should include convincing arguments or simulations to show their
likelihood of generalization.


Topics include, but are not limited to:

--Information Retrieval Theory, e.g.: Statistical and Logical
Retrieval Models, Data Fusion, Human-Centered Information Retrieval

--User Interaction and Behavior, e.g.: Models of Information
Seeking, Interface Design and Experiment, Visualization.

--Multimedia Information Retrieval, e.g.: Audio, Video, and Image
Retrieval, Links, Composite Documents.

--Experimentation, e.g.: Test Collections, Evaluation Measures.

--Natural Language Processing, e.g.: Multilingual Retrieval Systems,
Summarization, Dialogue Management, Use of Linguistic Resources for
Information Retrieval.

--Systems and Implementation Issues, e.g.: Integration with Database
Systems, Networked Systems and the Internet, Compression, Efficient
Query Evaluation.

--Applications, e.g.: Task-Embedded Information Retrieval, Electronic
Publishing, Digital Libraries.


Submissions to SIGIR '97 may be completed papers, or can be
proposals for posters, panels, demonstrations, tutorials, or
workshops. With the exception of papers and posters, submissions may
be made via e-mail (plain ASCII text). All submissions should include
complete contact information including mail address, telephone, fax,
and e-mail.


Papers (4 copies) should be submitted in English to the Program
Co-Chair responsible for the geographic region of the first author, as
indicated below. Papers should contain at most 5000 words. The first
page must contain the title of the paper and an abstract of not more
than 150 words, but no indication as to the author(s) or their
affiliation(s). In addition, authors must provide a separate cover
page with the title, the author name(s), and the author
affiliation(s), plus complete contact information (mailing address,
telephone, fax, and e-mail) for the author to whom correspondence
should be sent. Please indicate if the paper is to be considered for
the Best Student Paper Award. This Award requires that the first and
primary author be a fulltime student at time of submission. There
will also be a Best Non-Student Paper Award presented.


SIGIR '97 will begin with a full day of tutorials, each of which
should cover a single topic in detail. Proposals are solicited for
tutorials of either a half day (3 hours plus breaks) or full day (6
hours plus breaks). Submissions should be made to the Tutorials Chair
and should include a cover sheet and an extended abstract. The cover
sheet should specify (1) the length of the tutorial; (2) the intended
audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced); (3) complete contact
information for the contact person and other presenters; and (4) brief
biographies (max. 2 paragraphs) of the presenters. The extended
abstract should be 3 to 5 pages, and should include an outline of the
tutorial, along with descriptions of the course objectives and course


Proposals for panel sessions should be sent to the Panels Chair
by prospective moderators. Panels should address issues of interest
to the general information retrieval community, and should be designed
to stimulate lively debate between panelists and audience. Panel
proposals (2-3 pages) must include: (1) complete contact information
for the moderator; (2) the rationale for addressing this topic as a
panel; (3) the names and affiliations of the panel members; and (4) a
description of how the panel will be structured, with emphasis on how
general participation will be encouraged. Abstracts of panel
presentations will appear in the proceedings.


Demonstrations provide an opportunity for first-hand experience
with information retrieval systems, whether advanced operational
systems or research prototypes. Proposals (up to 3 pages) should be
submitted to the Demonstrations Chair. The proposal should indicate
how the demonstration will illustrate new ideas, and should describe
the technical specifications of the system. The hardware, software,
and network requirements for the demonstration, including the
electrical requirements of the equipment, should be indicated. A list
of demonstrations will be published in the proceedings.


SIGIR '97 poster presentations offer researchers an opportunity
to present late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or
research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical
format. Abstracts of posters will appear in the conference
proceedings, and there will be a Best Poster Award. Three copies of
an extended abstract (roughly 3-4 pages) should be submitted to the
Posters Chair. The abstract should emphasize the research problem and
the methods being used, and be headed only by the title of the
poster. In addition, a separate cover page is required containing the
title of the poster, along with the name and affiliation of the
author(s), and complete contact information for the author to whom
correspondence should be sent.


Proposals are solicited from individuals and groups for one-day
workshops to be held July 31, 1997. Submissions of up to 3 pages
should be made to the {\bf Conference Chair}. They should include the
theme and goal of the workshop, the planned activities, the maximum
number of participants and the selection process, and a list of
potential participants. Also include a CV for each organizer detailing
relevant qualifications and experience. After the workshop,
organizers are to provide an article summarizing the workshop for
SIGIR Forum.


IMMEDIATELY: Subscribe to SIGIR '97 mailing list by writing to Information on SIGIR '97 will
periodically be sent to the mailing list as well as posted at

January 10, 1997: Submission of PAPERS to the relevant Program

February 14, 1997: Submission of proposals for POSTERS, PANELS,

March 11, 1997: Notification to ALL authors.

April 30, 1997: Final manuscripts for PAPERS, POSTERS and PANELS
due in camera-ready and electronic forms.


Conference Chair:
Ellen Voorhees
Building 225
Room A-216
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Phone: +1 301 975-3761
Fax: +1 301 840-1357

Tutorials & Panels Chair:
Susan Dumais
445 South St.
Room 1A-348B
Morristown, NJ 07960
Phone: +1 201 829-4253
Fax: +1 201 829-2645

Posters Chair:
K. L. Kwok
Computer Science Dept.
Queens College
65-30 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11367
Phone: +1 718 997-3482
Fax: +1 718 997-3513

Demonstrations Chair:
Chris Buckley
Sabir Research, Inc.
26 Triple Crown Ct.
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: +1 301 947-3740
Fax: +1 301 947-3684

Paul B. Kantor
Rutgers University
4 Huntington Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071
Phone: +1 908 932-1359
Fax: +1 908 932-1504

Publicity Chair:
David D. Lewis
AT\&T Labs
600 Mountain Ave., 2A-410
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
Phone: +1 908-582-3976
Fax: +1 908-582-7550


For North and South America:
Nicholas J. Belkin
Rutgers University
4 Huntington Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071
Phone: +1 908 932-8585
Fax: +1 908 932-6916

For Europe and Africa:
Peter Willett
Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2TN
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 114-2825083
Fax: +44 (0) 114-2780300

For Asia and the Pacific:
Arcot Desai Narasimhalu
Institute of Systems Science
National University of Singapore
Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 0511
Republic of Singapore
Phone: +65 7722002
Fax: + 65 7744990


IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Phillips, The Netherlands
Maristella Agosti, Univ. of Padua, Italy
Micheline Beaulieu, City Univ., UK
Peter Bruza, QUT, Australia
Chris Buckley, Cornell Univ., USA
Forbes Burkowski, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
James Callan, Univ. of Massachusetts, USA
Raman Chandrasekar, NCST, India
Yves Chiaramella, CLIPS-IMAG, France
Hsinchun Chen, Univ. of Arizona, USA
Mark Chignell, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
Ken Church, AT\&T, USA
W. Bruce Croft, Univ. of Massachusetts, USA
Susan Dumais, Bellcore, USA
Leo Egghe, Limburgs Univ. Centrum, Belgium
David Ellis, Univ. of Sheffield, UK
Jim French, Univ. of Virginia, USA
Hans-Peter Frei, UBILAB, Switzerland
Norbert Fuhr, Univ. Dortmund, Germany
Gregory Grefenstette, Rank Xerox, France
Donna Harman, NIST, USA
David Harper, Robert Gordon Univ., UK
Marti Hearst, Xerox, USA
Bill Hersh, Oregon Health Sciences Univ., USA
Haym Hirsh, Rutgers Univ., USA
David Hull, Rank Xerox, France
Peter Ingwersen, Royal School of Librarianship, Denmark
Tetsuya Ishikawa, Univ. of Library and Info. Sci., Japan
Kalervo Jarvelin, University of Tampere, Finland
Haruo Kimoto, NTT, Japan
Judith Klavans, Columbia University ,USA
Shmuel Klein, Bar-Ilan Univ., Israel
Robert Korfhage, Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA
K. L. Kwok, Queens College, CUNY, USA
Dik Lee, HKUST, Hong Kong
Joon Ho Lee, KRDIC, Korea
David Lewis, AT\&T, USA
Elizabeth Liddy, Syracuse Univ., USA
Dario Lucarella, CRA-ENEL, Italy
Kathy McKeowan, Columbia Univ., USA
Elke Mittendorf, ETH Zentrum, Switzerland
Alistair Moffat, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
Sung Hyun Myaeng, Chungnam National Univ., Korea
Jan Pedersen, Verity, USA
Annelise Pejtersen, National Laboratory, Denmark
Keith van Rijsbergen, Glasgow University, UK
Ellen Riloff, Univ. of Utah, USA
Stephen Robertson, City Univ., UK
Airi Salminen, Univ. of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Tefko Saracevic, Rutgers Univ., USA
Peter Schauble, ETH Zentrum, Switzerland
Fabrizio Sebastiani, IEI-CHR, Italy
Alan Smeaton, Dublin City Univ., Ireland
Phil Smith, Ohio State Univ., USA
Craig Stanfill, Ab Initio, USA
Ulrich Thiel, GMD IPSI, Germany
Richard Tong, Sageware, USA
Howard Turtle, Westlaw, USA
Ross Wilkinson, RMIT, Australia
Mei-Mei Wu, National Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan
Emannuel Yannakoudakis, Athens Univ. of Economics, Greece

MEETING 24) 10 - 22 AUGUST 1997

International Summer School on the Digital Library

(posted: From: Jola Prinsen <> (by way of Andy Exon <>)

Second International Summer School on the Digital Library

The second International Summer School on the Digital Library will be
held at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, from Sunday 10 up to and
including Friday 22 August 1997. This provides an excellent
refreshment opportunity for librarians from university, college,
research and business libraries as well as for teachers at library
schools. Some 30 lectures, case studies and demonstrations will be
presented by international experts.

Lecturers include:
- Prof. Mel W. Collier (De Montfort University, UK)
- Ronald J. Dietz (Elsevier Science, USA)
- Mr. Hans Geleijnse (Tilburg University, NL)
- Emanuella Giavarra (Chambers of Mark Watson-Gandy, UK)
- Wendy Lougee (University of Michigan, USA)
- Drs. J. Mackenzie Owen (Ticer B.V., NL)
- Prof.dr. Kees Mouwen (Tilburg University, NL)
- Albert Prior (Swets & Zeitlinger, NL)
- Herbert Van de Sompel (University of Ghent, BE)

Themes include:
- the changing information chain (publishers, subscription agents)
- the future role of libraries
- strategic planning
- financial issues
- electronic documents (formats, copyright, dissertations,
journals, research papers)
- information technology (networks, CD-ROMs, integrated desktops)
- Internet and WWW
- users in an electronic environment
- preparing your library staff

You will gain practical experience in hands-on sessions, getting you
access to advanced tools and digital library products. Group
discussions will enable you to present your own library case and
discuss it with lecturers and fellow participants.

The first Summer School was a great success. It was attended by 60
participants from 15 different countries. Ninety per cent of the
participants indicated that they would recommend the Summer School to
colleagues in the field.

The Summer School is organized by Ticer (Tilburg Innovation Centre for
Electronic Resources) in cooperation with Tilburg University and
Elsevier Science. You can put in a request for a brochure on the
Summer School at Ticer B.V., P.O. Box 4191, 5004 JD Tilburg, the
Netherlands, telephone +31-13-4668310, telefax +31-13-4668383,
electronic mail The text of this brochure can also be
found on the home page of Ticer:

MEETING 25) 23 - 25 AUGUST 1997

IJCAI-97 Workshop on Ontologies and Multilingual NLP

(posted: <>
Approved-By: "Remi Zajac (by way of Maria Zemankova)" <rzajac@CRL.NMSU.EDU>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 10:26:56 -0500)

Call for Submissions Please Distribute Widely

IJCAI-97 Workshop on

Ontologies and Multilingual NLP

Nagoya, Japan, August 23-25, 1997

(Web page:
Workshop on Ontologies and Multilingual NLP)


A number of ontology-related workshops have been held in the past
years (e.g., 1993 in Padua, 1995 IJCAI, 1996 ECAI, 1997 AAAI Spring
Symposium, etc.). However, none of them concentrated centrally on
applications of world modeling to multilingual Natural Language
Processing (NLP).

Ontologies for knowledge-based computing and especially for Natural
Language Processing are steadily reaching a level of sophistication
and size which make them increasingly useful to the resolution of
problems in real-world NLP applications. The recent creation of an ad
hoc ANSI working group on standardization of ontologies is an
indication of the maturity of the field. More and more ontology-based
systems are being built for multilingual applications (e.g.,
multilingual machine translation, multilingual information
retrieval). However, most of the language-processing oriented
ontologies that have been built so far have English or another
language (e.g., Japanese or Spanish) as the basis (e.g., WordNet, EDR,
Pangloss, etc.). Since there is a growing need for multilingual
applications of these ontologies, it is natural to ask the following
questions: Are any of these ontologies actually used in a multilingual
setting? Can we characterize the degree of independence of an ontology
from the natural language it is based on? What are the necessary
properties of a truly multilingual (or universal) ontology? Is it
possible to obtain a language-neutral ontology from a
language-dependent ontology? What applications truly need multilingual
(or language-neutral) ontologies? How do we separate language-specific
(or lexical) information from ontological knowledge? How can the
depth of knowledge in the ontology be balanced with the needs of an
application? What are the prospects of automating ontology
acquisition? What is the relationship between an ontology as the
repository of general knowledge about the world and knowledge about
particular individuals &#45 people, places, organizations, events,

These and many more questions must be discussed much more widely than
they have been till now. Many of the previous workshops were devoted
to more formal issues in ontology building, such as the knowledge
representation schemata, closures, formal properties of ontologies,
and so on. Moreover, they included the discussion of small ontologies
that cover a very narrow domain of problem solving; NLP typically
requires a broad-coverage ontology. The hypothesis of using
interlingual representations based on an ontology is at least 50 years
old. It was originally formulated in the framework of machine
translation. However, few systems to date have tested this hypothesis,
for MT or other applications, by implementing a large-scale
interlingua-based system using a language-independent ontology. This
workshop will debate the benefits, costs and competitiveness of such
an approach to solving semantic and cross-language problems for MT,
IR, and other NLP applications.


The workshop is open to all members of the AI and NLP community. The
workshop is intended for researchers and practitioners in
knowledge-based NLP, artificial intelligence and computational
linguistics who have been working on large scale knowledge-based
resources, ontologies, multilingual lexical semantics, interlinguas,
and their applications. Reports of actual work including problems and
solutions in the design, construction and use of ontologies are
strongly encouraged but more theoretical work (grounded on actual work
on ontologies) aimed at defining the limits, constraints and
directions for large-scale practical language-neutral ontologies is
welcome as well.


Issues to be addressed include but are not limited to:
- Design of language-neutral ontologies.
- Acquisition problems in multilingual ontologies.
- Multilingual applications of ontologies.
- Multilingual ontologies and terminological knowledge bases.
- Ontologies and interlinguas.
- Standardization of ontologies: issues of multilinguality.
- Ontologies and Lexicons.
- Sharing and standardization of language-independent ontologies for NLP.
- Costs and competitiveness of ontology-based solutions vis-a-vis
corpus-based and transfer-based methods for multilingual NLP.

Format of the Workshop

The workshop will include twelve presentation periods which will be
divided into ten-minute presentations of positions followed by
20-minute discussions.

The attendance will be limited to 20 active participants. Papers will
be circulated among participants several weeks before the
workshop. Presentation will be short, under 15 minutes (10 minutes
preferably) with 20 minutes reserved for exchanges.

We encourage the authors to focus on the salient points of their
presentation and identify possible controversial positions. We
encourage authors not to repeat as is what has been already written in
the paper. There will be ample time set aside for informal and panel
discussions and audience participation.

Please note that workshop participants are required to register at
the main IJCAI-97 conference.

Submission Information

- March 15, 1997: Deadline for reception of submissions.
- May 1, 1997: Notification of acceptance.
- July 1, 1997: Deadline for reception of camera-ready copy.

Submissions must not exceed 6 pages in camera-ready
format. Submissions in electronic form are prefered. Authors should
follow the IJCAI format. <>

Review Process
Papers will be subject to peer review. Selection criteria include
accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results
and the quality of the presentation.

The decision of the Program Committee, taking into consideration the
individual reviews, will be final and cannot be appealed. Papers
selected will be scheduled for presentation. Authors of accepted
papers, or their representatives, are expected to present their papers
at the conference.

Electronic submission should be sent at The
subject line should contain "IJCAI97 workshop submission". Papers
should be sent at the following address:

Rimi Zajac / IJCAI-97
Computing Research Laboratory
New-Mexico State University
PO Box 30001 / 3CRL
Las Cruces NM 88003
Fax: +1-505-646-6218


- March 15, 1997: Deadline for reception of submissions.
- May 1, 1997: Notification of acceptance.
- July 1, 1997: Deadline for reception of camera-ready copy.
- July 21, 1997: Publication of final list of workshop participants.
- August 23-25, 1997: IJCAI-97 Workshop.

Organizing Committee

Rimi Zajac, CRL, New-Mexico State University, USA (Chair):
Lynn Carlson, US Department of Defense:
Kavi Mahesh, CRL, New-Mexico State University, USA:
Kazunori Muraki, NEC, Japan:
Nicholas Ostler, Linguacubun, Ltd., UK:


MEETING 26) 24 - 29 AUGUST 1997

IFLA Pre-Session in Denmark:

Bridging information gaps through technology

(posted DIGLIB, Wed 29th May 1997 -paper copy held by kerry@biblio.curtin

Participants are expected to attend the IFLA conference August 31 - September 5 1997 for which they will pay no registration fee.

Seminar held under auspices of IFLA Division of Regional Activities, Division of Management and Technbology, and Universal Dataflow and Telecommunications Core programme. 20 professionals invited to attend seminar and IFLA wished to receive nominations by August 1 1996.



Women and Librarianship

(posted: <owner-ifla-l@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Approved-By: txk@ITS.NLC-BNC.CA
Approved-By: Leena Siitonen <leesii@UTU.FI>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 09:58:01 +0200)


The IFLA Round Table on Women's Issues is inviting speakers for a program
during the 63rd IFLA Conference to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 31
August - 5 September 1997.

The theme of the conference is Libraries and Information for Human
Development, with our subtheme Women Advancing for the Future through
Life-Long Learning. We would like to have broad discussions on this theme
-- with positive suggestions on how to improve the situation that affects
women's development in the twenty-first century.

The papers should follow the RTWI's objectives regarding the status of
women and dealing with women's information needs and information services.

The time schedule is as follows: 31 December 1996, Deadline for the
receipt of proposals or abstracts; 15 February 1997, Letter of acceptance
sent to authors; 40 April 1997, the final text to be received both by RTWI
and the IFLA HQs.

We will be happy to give you further information both on the theme and the
technical requirements for a paper.

Send your proposal, including a 200 word abstract, in English to either
person listed below by 31 December 1996. You may use air mail, fax or
email. Please make sure your mailing address, fax number, telephone
number and email address appear as part of your proposal.

Welcome to join in working on enhancing women's information worldwide!

Leena Siitonen, Ph.D. Sandra Parker
LMS Information Consulting Dept of Info and Library Management
Piispalantie 8 B 4 University of Northumbria
21420 Lieto, FINLAND Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST,
email: email:
fax +358 2 489 4849 fax +44 191 227 4572
tel +358 2 487 7296 tel +44 191 227 4917

MEETING 28) late AUGUST 1997

IFLA Copenhagen August 1997
Section of Social Science Libraries - Open Session -

(posted: <owner-govdoc-l%PSUVM.BITNET@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU>
Approved-By: GOVDOC-L <raeann@UIUC.EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 11:31:49 -0600)

Fellow Librarians:
Please share this announcement with any of your colleagues who deal with
economic and/or business information. In addition to the program below, a
colleague from Ohio State University and I are planning a "workshop" at IFLA
on the topic of Social Science Data and Libraries. Please forward any names
of people you think might be interested in presenting a paper at IFLA in
Copenhagen, Denmark in late August 1997. Expenses must be paid by the
participant. Address questions to Time is of the
essence. Thanks for your assistance.

Date: 11/14/96 8:11 AM
From: Forum of the IFLA Social Scien
IFLA Copenhagen August 1997
Section of Social Science Libraries - Open Session -

Dear Colleagues

The Section of Social Science Libraries is organizing an Open Session
at IFLA Copenhagen 1997. The theme is " Economic and business
libraries in transition" .

The section kindly asks all who are interested in presenting a paper
at the session to contact Ms. Eva Thomson-Roos as soon as possible
(Stockholm School of Economics Library, e-mail:

With best regards
Eeva-Liisa Lehtonen
Organizer of the Open Session
Director of Library
Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration Library
Fax: +358 9 4313 8539

MEETING 29) 7 - 11 SEPTEMBER 1997


(posted: <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 15:32:36 GMT)

PLEASE NOTE: Deadline for submission of papers - 13 January 1996


Lancaster, UK, 7-11 September 1997



We warmly invite you to participate in ECSCW'97, the Fifth European
Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.

The success of ECSCW'97 depends upon you submitting your work for
consideration. We encourage submissions from researchers and practitioners
in academia, industry, consulting or government on topics related to the
theory, practice, design or support for collaborative work. ECSCW is an
international conference; we welcome submissions from all countries.
Papers, tutorials, workshops, posters, videos and demonstrations of
original CSCW work will be presented and debated over the five days of the
conference. With the exploding interest in networked computers the
conference will be an important forum for the presentation and discussion
of the state of the art and future visions for Computer Supported
Cooperative Work.

CSCW is a multidisciplinary area surrounding the use of computers to
support cooperative work. The community encompasses interests in systems
development and design, the theory and practice of CSCW, the installation
and use of CSCW systems, the application of novel technologies and the
relation between the social and the technical. Submissions from all areas
of CSCW are welcome. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

Development of novel cooperative applications
Empirical studies of cooperative work
Evaluation techniques for cooperative systems
Impact of technologies on individuals, organisations and society
Innovative technologies to support cooperative work
Integrative reviews of specific aspects of CSCW
Methodology and tools for the analysis of cooperative work
Technologies of architectures to support cooperative work
Theories of coordination and collaboration

The language of the conference is English. All submissions should be in
English, in the correct format, including full contact details for the
primary contact, and will only be accepted on paper.

Lancaster, Gateway to the English Lakes, is the venue for ECSCW'97.
Lancaster is an historic city with magnificent buildings including a
medieval castle and Benedictine priory, as well as superb views of the
surrounding coast and mountains. With Manchester International Airport just
an hour away it also has excellent communications.

Even if you do not plan to submit work to the conference we hope that you
will attend. Put the dates on your calendar now! We look forward to
welcoming you to Lancaster in September 1997.

Tom Rodden
John Hughes
Co-Chairs, ECSCW'97
CSCW Research Centre
Lancaster University, UK

Further information is available from:-

ECSCW'97 Conference Office
Computing Department
Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YR UK
Fax: +44 1524 593608 Phone: +44 1524 593041


Chair: Wolfgang Prinz, GMD, Germany

Papers on original work on CSCW topics are invited. Papers should make
clear the novel aspects of the work they present, and their contribution to
the development of cooperative systems. Empirical studies of work should
stress their relationship to cooperative systems development. Applications
papers should stress their contribution to understanding how to support
cooperative work. Papers addressing novel techniques and technologies
should clearly identify the relevance and importance to CSCW.

The paper must contain an abstract of not more than 100 words and not
exceed 16 pages in length. Each paper should have a cover sheet containing
paper title, authors and their addresses, plus a named contact author with
their address, phone, fax and email details. Full formatting instructions
are available from

Please direct any queries to

Submit to: Wolfgang Prinz
Programme Chair, ECSCW'97
Schloss Birlinghoven
53754 Sankt Augustin

Deadline: 13 January 1997
Number of copies: 6
Notification: 14 March 1997
Camera-ready copy due: 11 April 1997


Chair: Carla Simone, University of Torino, Italy

Workshops will take place on 7 September 1997. Workshops are designed to
offer an informal environment for focused group discussion and learning.
Workshops may be for half-day or full day sessions.

Workshop proposals should not exceed 3 pages and should clearly state
title, goals and objectives, qualifications and expertise of leaders,
intended participants, the maximum number of participants, duration and
details of any equipment needed.

Descriptions of successful workshop proposals will be printed in the
Conference Supplement.

Please direct any queries to

Submit to: Conference Office
Deadline: 3 February 1997
Number of copies: 4
Notification: 11 April 1997
Camera-ready copy due: 2 June 1997


Chair: Mike Twidale, Lancaster University, UK

Tutorials will take place on 8 September 1997. They are designed to offer a
small number of participants the opportunity to learn about specific CSCW
concepts, methods and techniques from recognised experts. Tutorials may be
for half-day or full day sessions.

Tutorial proposals should not exceed 3 pages and must clearly state: title,
goals and objectives, qualifications and expertise of instructors, intended
audience, the maximum number of participants, duration and details of any
equipment needed. In addition a one-page summary suitable for circulation
to potential attendees should be submitted. Tutorial instructors will be
expected to provide tutorial notes for attendees.

Descriptions of successful tutorial proposals will be printed in the
Conference Supplement.

Tutorial instructors will be eligible for an honorarium.

Please direct any queries to

Submit to: Conference Office
Deadline: 3 February 1997
Number of copies: 4
Notification: 11 April 1997
Camera-ready copy due: 2 June 1997


Chair: Steve Benford, University of Nottingham, UK

Videos are sought which illustrate original CSCW systems, experiences or
applications. Videos of innovative commercial work are welcomed.
Submissions should comprise (a) the video clip of 5 - 10 minutes in length
(PAL or NTSC VHS format only) and (b) a 2 page description of the video
detailing contents, significance and novelty of the clip.

Final descriptions of videos will be included in the Conference Supplement.

Please direct any queries to

Submit to: Conference Office
Deadline: 3 February 1997
Number of copies: 2
Notification: 11 April 1997
Camera-ready copy due: 2 June 1997


Poster submissions graphically illustrating original CSCW systems,
experiences or applications are invited. Successful posters will be on show
for the duration of the conference.

Submissions should comprise of a 2 page description of the system, method
or technology the poster will illustrate.

Final descriptions of posters will be included in the Conference Supplement.

Please direct any queries to

Submit to: Conference Office
Deadline: 11 April 1997
Number of copies: 4
Notification: 9 May 1997
Camera-ready copy due: 2 June 1997


Chair: Paul Dourish, Apple Computer Inc., USA

Live demonstrations form an important part of the Conference technical

Submissions including original applications and technologies are
encouraged. Demonstrations of both research prototypes and commercial
products by those directly involved in developing the systems are welcomed.

Descriptions of demonstrations should not exceed 3 pages and detail the
content, significance and novelty of the system. Please supply exact
details of equipment needed for the demonstration.

Final descriptions of demonstrations will be included in the Conference

Please direct any queries to

Submit to: Conference Office
Deadline: 3 February 1997
Number of copies: 4
Notification: 11 April 1997
Camera-ready copy due: 2 June 1997


Chair: Yvonne Rogers, University of Sussex, UK

The Doctoral Colloquium offers PhD students in CSCW the opportunity to
present and discuss their work with each other as well as a number of
experienced CSCW researchers. Students from all the CSCW related
disciplines are encouraged to apply, although numbers will be limited.

Submissions should outline current research in progress and be no longer
than 2 pages in length. An abstract and biographical note should be

Please direct any queries to

Submit to: Yvonne Rogers
Doctoral Colloquium Chair, ECSCW '97
School of Cognitive & Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH UK
Deadline: 11 April 1997
Number of copies: 2
Notification: 9 May 1997


At ECSCW'97, instead of a panel, we are intending to have a Question Time
session. Any delegate will be able to submit a question to be put to the
invited panel. Questions selected will be debated initially by the panel
and then thrown open to the audience. Watch the Conference web site for
details of how to submit questions nearer the time of the conference. Those
submitting questions must be able and willing to ask their questions during
the Question Time session.


The smooth running of the Conference will depend on student volunteers.
Full-time students are invited to apply to act as Student Volunteers. They
will receive free registration, optional cheap accommodation, and an end of
Conference party in exchange for approximately 20 hours work during the
conference. Please apply to Stephen Viller, Student Volunteers Chair, at
the Conference Office address above, or email
including proof of student status at the time of the conference.


Sponsorship of ECSCW'97 offers commercial companies who are developers or
users of CSCW technology a unique opportunity of contacting key markets and
increasing company visibility.

All sponsors will receive acknowledgement in the Conference literature.
Depending on the nature of the sponsorship we may be able to offer
additional benefits such as the circulation of promotional material to
delegates and/or exhibition/ demonstration space. Interested parties are
invited to contact Jacqui Forsyth, Organisation Chair, at the Conference


13 January 1997 Deadline for paper submissions

3 February 1997 Deadline for workshop, tutorial, video
and demonstration submissions

14 March 1997 Notification of paper acceptance

11 April 1997 Camera-ready copy of papers due
Notification of workshop, tutorial, video
and demonstration acceptance
Deadline for poster and doctoral colloquium

9 May 1997 Notification of poster and doctoral colloquium

2 June 1997 Camera-ready copy of workshop, tutorial,
video, demonstration and poster descriptions due

end April 1997 Advance Programme out

7-11 September ECSCW97 Conference


Conference Co-Chairs
Tom Rodden, Lancaster University, UK
John Hughes, Lancaster University, UK

ECSCW95 Past Chair - Yngve Sundblad, KTH, Sweden

Programme Chair - Wolfgang Prinz, GMD, Germany

Organisation Chair - Jacqui Forsyth, Lancaster University, UK

Proceedings Chair - Kjeld Schmidt, Risø National Lab, Denmark

Tutorials Chair - Mike Twidale, Lancaster University, UK

Workshops Chair - Carla Simone, University of Torino, Italy
(Local Arrangements - Gareth Smith)

Demos Chair - Paul Dourish, Apple Computer Inc., USA
(Local Arrangements - Andy Colebourne)

Videos Chair - Steve Benford, University of Nottingham, UK

Student Volunteers Chair - Stephen Viller, Lancaster University, UK

Doctoral Colloquium Chair - Yvonne Rogers, University of Sussex, UK

Liaison outside Europe
N. American Liaison - Prasun Dewan, University of North Carolina, USA

Australian Liaison - Simon Kaplan, University of Queensland, Australia

Asian Liaison - Hideaki Kuzuoka, University of Tsukuba, Japan


Wolfgang Prinz, GMD, Germany
(Programme Chair)
Liam Bannon, University of Limerick, Ireland
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Universite de Paris-Sud, France
Eevi Beck, University of Oslo, Norway
Steve Benford, University of Nottingham, UK
Richard Bentley, GMD, Germany
Jeanette Blomberg, Xerox PARC, USA
John Bowers, University of Manchester, UK
Tone Bratteteig, University of Oslo, Norway
Susanne Bodker, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Matthew Chalmers, Union Bank of Switzerland, Switzerland
Prasun Dewan, University of North Carolina, USA
Alan Dix, University of Huddersfield, UK
Paul Dourish, Apple Computer Inc., USA
Lennart Fahlen, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden
Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary, Canada
Jonathan Grudin, University of California at Irvine, USA
Christian Heath, University of Nottingham, UK
John Hughes, Lancaster University, UK
Hiroshi Ishii, MIT Media Lab, USA
Philip Johnson, University of Hawaii, USA
Simon Kaplan, University of Queensland, Australia
John King, University of California at Irvine, USA
Helmut Krcmar, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Kari Kuutti, University of Oulu, Finland
Hideaki Kuzuoka, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Giorgio de Michelis, University of Milano, Italy
Leandro Navarro, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Christine Neuwirth, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Atul Prakash, University of Michigan, USA
Mike Robinson, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Tom Rodden, Lancaster University, UK
Yvonne Rogers, University of Sussex, UK
Hans Schlichter, Technische Universitat MŸnchen, Germany
Kjeld Schmidt, Riso National Lab, Denmark
Carla Simone, University of Torino, Italy
Norbert Streitz, GMD, Germany
Lucy Suchman, Xerox PARC, USA
Yngve Sundblad, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Ina Wagner, Vienna Technical University, Austria
Volker Wulf, University of Bonn, Germany

ECSCW '97 Conference Office
Computing Department
Lancaster University

Tel: +44 1524 593041
Fax: +44 1524 593608
MEETING 30) 7 - 11 SEPTEMBER 1997

2nd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services

(paper copy held by

Conference to be held at Longhirst Management Training and Conference Centre, Longhirst Hall, Northumberland, England.

Organised by Department of Information and Library Management, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, England.

Invited speakers, discussion groups, concurrent seminars,, posters.

Editorial Board:

(Chair) Dick Hartley, Reader, Dept Information & Library management, UNN
Ian Winkworth, Director Information Services, UNN
Dr Roswitha Poll, Director Universitats-und Landesbibliothek, Munster

Proposals invited for presentations and should be submited by 1 March 1997 to:

The Manager, Information North, Bolbec Hall, Westgate Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1SE

email:, phone +44 (0) 191 232 0877 fax: +44 (0) 191 323 0804

MEETING 31) 8 - 17 SEPTEMBER 1997

Academic library planning and design: challenges for the future

(paper copy held by

Organised by The British Council, to be held in Sunderland, England.

topics to be covered include: planing process and management of change, library design etc etc.

Enquiries to International Seminars
The British Council
1 Beaumont Placre
Oxford, OX1 2PJ



MEETING 32) 14 - 17 SEPTEMBER 1997

Conference: D R H '97 (Digital Resources in the Humanities)

(posted: <owner-diglib@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Approved-By: Terry.Kuny@XIST.COM
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 11:40:34 -0500)


D R H '97

St Annes College Oxford
14-17 September 1997

Bringing together the creators, users,
distributors, and custodians of Digital
Resources in the Humanities.

Mission: DRH97 aims to become a new forum for all those affected by
the digitization of our common cultural heritage: the scholar producing
or using an electronic edition; the teacher using digital media in the
seminar room; the publisher finding new ways to reach new markets; the
librarian, curator, art historian, or archivist wishing to improve both
access to and conservation of the digital information that
characterizes contemporary culture and scholarship.

Format : The conference will take up three intensive days of academic
papers, panel discussions, technical reports, and software
demonstrations, held this year in a comfortable Oxford college. The
atmosphere will, we hope, encourage a lot of energetic discussion, both
formal and informal. Leading practitioners of the application of
digital techniques and resources in the Humanities, from the worlds of
scholarship, librarianship, and publishing will be there, exchanging
expertise, experience, and opinions.

Sponsors: The conference is sponsored by the British Library, the
Office for Humanities Communication, the Arts and Humanities Data
Service, the Centre for Computing in the Humanities of Kings College
London, the International Institute for Electronic Library Research
of de Montfort University, the Library of University College
London, and the Humanities Computing Unit of Oxford University.

Timetable: Proposals are invited for academic papers, themed panel
sessions and reports of work in progress. Extended abstracts (1500 to two
thousand words) should be submitted by April 7th 1997. All proposals
will be reviewed by an independent panel. Full versions (2 to 4
thousand words) of accepted papers will be required by July 7th 1997
for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

Themes: creation of digital resources, textual, visual, and
time-based; integration of digital resources as multimedia; policies
and strategies for electronic delivery, both commercial and
non-commercial; cataloguing and metadata aspects of resource discovery;
pedagogic implications of digital resources and electronic delivery;
encoding standards; intellectual property rights; funding,
cost-recovery, and charging mechanisms; digitization techniques and

Cost and accommodation: We hope to hold the conference fee at last year's
level (225 pounds, covering lunches, dinners, and the whole academic
programme). For accommodation, delegates can choose between ensuite rooms
at 45
pounds/day or study/bedrooms with shared bathroom at 30 pounds/day for B & B.
All accommodation is on campus in modern purpose-built blocks adjoining the
quadrangle and within a few minutes walk of all conference facilities. The
conference banquet will cost an additional 40 pounds.

Further information: The conference web site at will be regularly updated, and will
include full details of the procedure for submitting proposals, the
programme, and registration information. Bookmark it now!

MEETING 33) 16 - 17 SEPTEMBER 1997

Second IEEE Metadata Conference

(posted: <owner-diglib@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 17:28:00 -0500

Second IEEE Metadata Conference


* Location: NOAA Auditorium, Silver Spring, Maryland
* Dates: 16 - 17 September 1997
* For more information:

Sponsored by:

IEEE Mass Storage Systems and Technology Technical Committee
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Hughes Information Technology Systems
IEEE Digital Libraries Task Force

The IEEE Metadata Conference goal is to encourage discussion of metadata
issues. Metadata is loosely defined as "data about data", or "additional
information that is necessary for data to be useful". Papers that contribute
to practical understanding are strongly encouraged. Survey papers, short
tutorial papers, and product or project experiences are welcome. Previously
published papers will not be considered. Panel proposals should describe the
topic, intended audience, and list the likely participants. Panels should
discuss topics that can involve the audience rather than being mini-paper
sessions. Proposals for poster displays and/or demonstrations should focus on
presenting novel and interesting technical aspects of metadata research or
development. Soon-to-be products that emphasize substantial technical support
for metadata are also welcome.

We are soliciting abstracts of 500 to 1000 words for potential papers and
panel proposals, along with abstracts of poster and/or demo presentations of
up to 500 words of text.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Metadata Management:
o modeling and representation of metadata, including
+ impact of modeling choices (oo, relational, ..) on
extensibility of metadata
+ impact of metadata on storage, retrievability and use of data
+ metadata for logical/semantic representation of the WWW
o metadata mining/extraction
o metadata for mass storage and warehousing
o integrating multi-level metadata
o metadata repository architecture
o systems for managing metadata
+ recording/providing/accessing/utilizing
+ WWW-based metadata management
* Application-specific issues of metadata:
o earth sciences (weather/climate, ecosystems)
o resource management (mining, agriculture)
o other data-intensive application areas (census, film/video
archives, etc.)
* Emerging applications in Global Information Infrastructure, including
o Digital library metadata issues:
+ search through multimedia documents
+ metadata for multimedia and heterogeneous digital data
+ metadata for mass storage
o metadata for managing WWW-based information resources
o information/electronic commerce
* Standards:
o government "documents" (email, voicemail, ..),
o tape format and file metadata,
o self-describing data formats (such as netcdf)
o survey of existing standards
o bridging multiple overlapping metadata 'standards'
o standards for information interchange and stewardship
* Working Systems demonstrating any aspects related to metadata

Please file your submissions electronically at

For further information on submission, please contact:

Margie Templeton

For further information on the conference, please contact:

Ron Musick
Phone: 510-424-5015
Fax: 510-423-2993


Chris Miller
Fax: 301-713-1249

Important Dates

* Deadline for paper abstract, poster-demo abstract, panel proposal
submission: March 15, 1997
* Acceptance/rejection notification: April 20, 1997
* Full hard copies of the papers (8-10 pages suggested) due: July 20,
* Final cooperative review for full papers ends 8/15

Proceedings will be published electronically, as were last year's (see
Metadata-96). There will be low cost hardcopy proceedings available for
conference participants.


Robert Coyne IBM, USA - Chair
Joy Colucci Hughes Information Technology Sys, USA - Vice Chair
Merritt Jones MITRE, USA
Ben Kobler NASA, USA


Nabil Adams Rutgers, USA
Al Aho Columbia U., USA
Owen Ambur Fish & Wildlife, USA
Gerald Barton NOAA, USA
Barbara Bicking Environmental Sys. Research Institute, USA
Dian Gaffen NOAA, USA
Sara Graves U. of Alabama, Huntsville, USA
Dave Johnson Earthware Systems, Australia
Chris Miller NOAA, USA - Vice Chair
Matt Morgenstern Xerox, USA
Ron Musick Lawrence Livermore National Labs, USA - Chair
Amit Sheth U. of Georgia, USA
Jamie Shiers CERN, Switzerland
Terry Smith UCSB, USA
Margie Templeton Data Integration Inc., USA
Volker Vent-Schmidt Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany
Mark Whiting Pacific Northwest Lab, USA
Matthias Zingler European Space Agency, Italy


Mr. Terry Kuny Phone: 819-776-6602
XIST Inc. Email:
Global Village Research URL:


MEETING 34) 26 - 28 SEPTEMBER 1997

The Ethics of Electronic Information

(posted: <owner-ifla-l@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Approved-By: terry.kuny@XIST.COM
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 18:08:06 -0600)

September 26-28, 1997

Sponsored By: The University of Memphis Libraries
The U of M Information systems
The U of M Linder Center for Urban Journalism
The U of M Division of Research and Graduate School
The U of M Marcus Orr Center for the Humanities
The U of M Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law
The U of M Fogelman College of Business and Economics

Fogelman Executive Center, The University of Memphis, Memphis TN, U.S.A.
Additional Memphis Web Site:

Recently historian Neil Postman warned against the naive belief that
information is "an unmixed blessing, which through its continued and
uncontrolled production and dissemination offers increased freedom, creativity,
and peace of mind" (1992, p. 71*). Indeed, information and information
technology raise a host of difficult issues:

Who will be authorized to have access to the plethora of information that
is generated by computers in the 21st century?

Will privacy, that most revered of American values, be passe, given the
power of computers and the invasiveness of information bureaucracy and

Will the possession of information mean riches for the possessors, and
will those possessors of information inevitably be the rich nations and
neighborhoods of the earth?

Who will own information, and who will be barred from access to
information? How will copyright be administered on the Internet?

These are only a few of the myriad of questions and concerns that occur
to practitioners in a variety of professional fields.

New York, Vintage Books, 1992.

The Symposium Planning Committee seeks original research and application
oriented papers, not previously presented elsewhere, which address
questions about ethical considerations attendant to the forthcoming
Information Age. You are invited to submit an abstract of a proposed paper
for consideration by the Review Committee. Alternative modes of presentation,
e.g., panel discussions, case studies, will be considered. The deadline for
receipt of proposals is April 11, 1997. The following guidelines should be
observed in the preparation and submission of your abstracts:

1. The abstract should be a precis of your paper and should be between
1000 and 1,500 words in length.
2. The heading should include the title of your paper, followed by the
name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), and the name, address,
FAX number, and email address of the author who will present the
paper at the Symposium.
3. Acceptance or otherwise will be at the discretion of the Symposium
Planning Committee. The presenting author will be notified of the
Committee decision no later than April 25, 1997.
4. Upon acceptance of abstracts, authors will be required to forward,
no later than August 1, 1997, a copy of their papers as an ASCII
file, or a URL which can linked to the Symposium site.
5. Abstracts should be sent to:

Dr. Lester J. Pourciau
Director of Libraries and
Executive Chair,
EIS Planning Committee
McWherter Library 203
The University of Memphis
Campus Box 526500
Memphis, TN 38152-6500


Mr. Tom Mendina
Assistant to the Director
The University of Memphis Libraries
Phone: 901/678-4310
Fax: 901/678-8218

Fogelman Executive Center Hotel
$65 for one person; $10 per additional person

Ridgeway Inn
$76 for one person
Complimentary airport shuttle

To register for symposium attendance only or paper presentations, complete
the form BELOW and mail it for receipt no later than August 30, 1997 to:

P.O. BOX 1000, DEPT. 313
MEMPHIS TN 38148-0313 U.S.A.


September 26-28, 1997


Make checks payable to: The University of Memphis

FAX NUMBER 901-678-2272

Card number____________________________________
Expiration Date_________________________________
Signature of cardholder_________________________

FEES (includes breakfasts, lunches, and Friday evening cocktails
and banquet)

Attendance only: $150
Presenters: $100
Late Fee: $50 added to any remittance after
August 30, 1997











Receipt #_______________(for UofM Office use only)

MEETING 35) 27 - 28 SEPTEMBER 1997


(posted: <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 01:13:06 +1100
From: Australian Society of Indexers <>)




Mountain Heritage
Country House Retreat
Apex and Lovel Streets
Katoomba NSW

27-28 September 1997

The conference is being organised by the NSW Branch of the Australian
Society of Indexers. The conference dinner to be held on the Saturday night
will include the presentation of the 1997 AusSI Medal. =20


"The Futureproof Indexer" is the theme of the conference. The program will
provide a range of activities - papers, panels, workshops and clinics -
aiming to arm indexers with knowledge and skills to operate in the rapidly
changing environment of the information industry. While designed for
professional indexers, the program will also be useful for information
professionals in fields related to indexing, such as publishers, editors,
librarians, and technical writers.

Speakers from Australia and overseas will deal with a range of topics, such=

=B7 the future of publishing and indexing
=B7 skills in specialised fields such as technical communication and=
electronic materials
=B7 software developments and standards
=B7 professional issues such as education, accreditation, costing, contracts
and a code of practice for indexers

When and where

The conference is being held at the Mountain Heritage Country House Retreat
, Katoomba, NSW from 27-28 September 1997.

Mountain Heritage, built at the turn of the century, is a member of the
Historic Hotels of Australia. It is located in the heart of the Blue
Mountains high on a ridge commanding sweeping views across Katoomba and the
Jamieson Valley. It is a few minutes from the centre of Katoomba with its
mix of miners=92 cottages and Federation-style homes.

Nearby are bushwalks, scenic drives and lookouts, as well as antique and
craft shops, historic houses, gardens, cafes and art galleries. Mountain
Heritage also has its own range of activities to offer - swimming,
volleyball, snooker, table tennis, a mini gym and mountain bikes.


An all inclusive package of accommodation and meals is available on a twin
share basis. Arrangements can also be made for partners or guests to
accompany delegates. =20

All rooms include a full sized bath (or spa) and shower, toiletries,
refrigerator, direct dial STD/IDD, colour television, radio and individually
controlled heating and cooling. Many rooms have views of the Jamieson
Valley and the hotel features open fireplaces in the lounge areas and a bar.


The trip from Sydney to Katoomba by car is approximately two hours. Car
sharing arrangements from Sydney will be available.

The hotel is within easy walking distance of the railway station at
Katoomba. For those coming from Sydney by train, the trip takes
approximately two hours from Central Railway Station. The trains depart
for the Blue Mountains every hour on both weekdays and weekends. Transport
to and from the station to the hotel will be arranged for the Saturday
morning between 8.00 am and 9.45 am.


The overall cost for delegates from Saturday morning until departure at
approximately 3.00 pm on Sunday, is $285.00 for registration by 25 July
1997. This covers the registration fee, accommodation and all meals,
including pre-dinner drinks and the Medal Dinner on Saturday night.
Registration after 25 July 1997 will incur an additional charge of $30.00.

Additional accommodation for the Friday night (includes bed and full buffet
breakfast) is $113.00 per person on a twin share basis.

Further Information

For any further details please contact Michael Wyatt:
Phone: (02) 9331 7764
Fax: (02) 9331 7785

or visit our home page:


27-28 September 1997

Mountain Heritage
Country House Retreat
Apex and Lovel Streets
Katoomba NSW

Registration Form

Name (This will appear on your conference badge)


Occupation (eg indexer, editor, librarian)


Organisation (if

Postal Address






Registration options and costs

Conference Delegates
All inclusive (registration, accommodation on Saturday night and
all meals from morning tea on Saturday to lunch on Sunday $ 285.00

Additional accommodation on Friday night (bed and full buffet=20
breakfast) $113.00

Late registration fee (after 25 July 1997) $ 30.00

Accommodation per night (bed and full buffet breakfast)
$ 113.00

Friday Saturday
Conference dinner and pre-dinner drinks $ 62.50=09

Please note that accommodation at Mountain Heritage is on a twin share basis
and will be allocated by the conference organisers. If you would like to
nominate a delegate with whom to share please indicate this below:

I would like to share

Please indicate if you would prefer vegetarian meals.

Please indicate if you wish to participate in car sharing arrangements to
and from Sydney.

Workshop and Clinic Preferences
The Conference organisers would like to gauge interest in possible workshops
and clinics to be held during the Conference. Please indicate your order of
preference below (1=3D most preferred etc) . The final program will depend=
the amount of interest shown.

Workshops (2.00pm-3.30pm Saturday)

Technical communication Non-text material
Data base indexing Negotiating with publishers
Legal material=09
Clinics (11.00am-12 noon Sunday)

Nuts & bolts. Please list any suggestions for topics:

In addition, from 5.00pm-6.30pm on Saturday has been set aside for 'Birds
of a Feather' (BOFS) discussions on an informal basis. If you would like to
convene or attend an indexing discussion on a topic of special interest to
you, please indicate below:

Children=92s books
Family history=09
Another topic (please

Emergencies (who should we contact?)



I enclose a cheque/please charge my=20

Bankcard Visa Mastercard


Name on

.....Amount $.............................

Cheques should be made out to the Australian Society of Indexers (NSW=

The registration form and payment should be forwarded to:

Pamela Johnstone (Treasurer)
Australian Society of Indexers (NSW Branch)
PO Box 217
Wentworth Falls NSW 2782

or faxed (both sides) to: (02) 9958 0699

NOTE: Do not email this form. If you wish to register for the conference,
please print out this form and fax or post as indicated above.

Dwight Walker
Webmaster and Editor
Australian Society of Indexers
+61-2-93986726 (h) +61-2-94393750 (w) W-F, fax +61-2-94383729 (w), fax
+61-2-96623037 (h)

MEETING 36) 13 - 17 OCTOBER 1997

INFO'97 in Cuba

(posted: <owner-ifla-l@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Approved-By: txk@ITS.NLC-BNC.CA
Approved-By: Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnica/IDICT <bnct@CENIAI.CU>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 12:34:46 EST)



International Conference Center, Havana, Cuba.
October 13-17, 1997.

As in other occasions the " Instituto de Informacion Cientifica
y Tecnologica" (IDICT) has the pleasure to communicate you that
from 13-17 october, 1997 will be held at the Havana International
Conference Center the International Congress of Information INFO'97,

Parallel to the Congress, an International Fair-Exhibition EXPOINFO'97
will be organized.


* The professional program of INFO'97 includes: Keynote lectures,
Round tables, Seminars, Workshops, Panels and Presentation
of free themes.
* The Organizing Committee is working intensively on the conception
of these activities. Final denomination of the various professional
activities will be informed in due time.
* This meeting will also include pre and post Congress courses which
will permit a wide exchange of experiences among participants.


* Towards a knowledge-based society.
* Networks and new information technologies.
* New communication ways.
* Business information in the globalizations era.
* Physical and intellectual access to information.
* Change and reengineering in information organizations.
* The modern information professional and users.

* First Colloquium of Special Libraries.

* Management of information units: towards a change in our action.
* Information and globalization.

* New challenges for information science education.
* Research in Information Sciences, its contribution to development.
* Challenges for latinamerican publications. New outlooks.
* Global information networks (Seminar-Workshop).
* Archives: Management and Action. New Approachs.

* Design of information products and services.
* The marketing of libraries and information services.
* Information for business and virtual networks.
* New challenges for professional associations.
* Information management in university environment.
* Energy Information Workshop.
* Patent information: its impact in technological and commercial

* Access to information, libraries and networks.
* The modern information professional and information superhighways.

* Users or clients: with or without intermediaries?
* Iberoamerican Meeting of Juridic Information and Documentation.

Until now, the following activities are being considered:

Specialized Information Services Workshop.
20-22 october, 1997.
Organized by BIOMUNDI

Workshop Management of university knowledge.
20-24 october, 1997.
Organized by the Ministry of High Education.

Four courses of continuous education that will
be organized by PROINFO (two before the Congress
and two after the Congress)


You may submit your papers on any of the topics
included on the Scientific Program or related items.
The INFO'97 Scientific Commission will define the
presentation forms of papers; this includes oral
presentation or posters.

* Abstract should be sent to the Organizing Committee no later than April,
17. 1997.
* Papers must reach the Organizing Committee no later that July 1, 1997,

WORKING LANGUAGES : Spanish and English.


In the context of INFO'97 and parallel to the International
Congress of Information the Exhibition EXPOINFO'97 will be held.
Companies, corporations, institutions and organizations in the
information market will have the opportunity to promote and sell
their products, services, equipments, publications and other items
of interest for information consumers.

EXPOINFO'97 will take place in the facilities of the International
Conference Center, on 13 - 17 October, 1997.

The rate of the modular interior stand is US $130,00 m2 during the
exhibiton period and includes:


Speaker US $220,00(*
Delegate US $270,00
Accompanying person US $150,00

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Promotional Registration Fees by Representative Agencies *
* of the International Conference Center. *
* *
* Speaker US $170,00(*) *
* Delegate US $220,00 *
* Accompanying person US $100,00 *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(*) Only the principal author will be the ones favoure with
registration fee. In case that other person acts a speaker,
this should be Notified in advance to the organizing committee.

Any additional information, can be request to:

INFO'97 Organizying Committee
Apartado postal 2019, La Habana 10200, Cuba.
Telf. 53-7-635500/626501.
Fax: 53-7-338237 / 219416 / 218270 / 228382
E. Mail: /


Name and surname:..........................................................
City:.............................Country: ................................
E. Mail:...................................................................
I wish to participate as: Speaker _____ Delegate ______
Title of paper:............................................................
Apologies for crossposting. Thank you very much for your attention.


Ing. Luis A. Mourelos
National Library of Sci. & Tech.

MEETING 37) 15 - 18 OCTOBER 1997

COSIT'97: First Call

(posted: <>
Approved-By: Cassandra Armstrong <brush@LIS.PITT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 12:27:41 -0500
From: Cassandra Armstrong <>)

First Announcement and Call for Papers

C O S I T ' 9 7

Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA
October 15-18, 1997



Andrew U. Frank (Technical University Vienna)
Stephen C. Hirtle (University of Pittsburgh)
Werner Kuhn (University of Muenster)
David M. Mark (NCGIA, State University New York, Buffalo)


The third international conference on spatial information theory, COSIT'97,
will concentrate on theoretical aspects of space and spatial information.
It will deal with all aspects of "large scale" or "geographic" spaces and
the description of objects, processes or events in them. Spatial
information theory is the basis for the construction of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS), but also necessary for other uses of geographic
information and useful for information system design in general. The use of
GIS technology reveals a large number of interesting research questions
which require an interdisciplinary approach for their solution. COSIT will
bring together researchers from different disciplines, e.g.

* Geography
* Engineering
* Geodesy
* Computer Science
* Cognitive Sciences
* Environmental Psychology
* Artificial Intelligence
* Administration
* History
* Sociology
* Anthropology

The conference organizers welcome all contributions on Spatial Information
Theory. An idea of the conference's orientation can be gained from the
proceedings of COSIT'95, published by Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 988 (see The following
topics are indicative for the field of interest and do not exclude other
research areas:

* Cognitive structure of space
* Social and cultural organization of space
* Languages of spatial relations
* Structure of geographic information
* Time in geographic information
* Spatial and temporal reasoning
* Quality aspects of geographic information
* Treating incomplete or imprecise spatial data
* Spatial data integration
* Presentation of spatial information
* Simulation of processes in geographic space
* User interface design
* Spatialization of user interfaces
* Design of generic elements for GIS interfaces
* Metaphors for GIS
* Naive geography
* Virtual reality
* Cooperative work with spatial information
* Administrative and legal processes in space


At the conference, results from recent research will be presented and
discussions about advanced work in progress will take place. The conference
program will be selected by an international, interdisciplinary program
committee. Papers will be selected through a rigorous review of full paper
contributions and the proceedings will be printed by a major publisher
before the conference. Panels will discuss the relevance of research
questions and compare possible approaches. Before the conference, Tutorials
or Workshops introducing the topics of the conference will be organized,
lasting from half a day to two days. Topical Meetings ("birds of a feather
sessions") can be organized and proposals from convenors are welcome at any
time before or during the conference. A 'Doctoral Consortium' will follow
the conference. It is intended as a forum where Ph.D. students can meet and
discuss with others at a similar stage in their careers. The consortium
will be facilitated by a small panel of experienced researchers.


Authors are requested to submit full papers, not abstracts, in English to
the program chairs. The title page of the paper should contain the title,
author(s), affiliation(s), the submitting author's mailing address,
telephone number, fax number and e-mail address, as well as an abstract.
The total length of a paper should be less than 18 pages double spaced
(less than 6000 words), including figures and bibliography. The Program
Committee will evaluate the papers based on scientific significance,
relevance to the conference, novelty, relation to previously published
literature, and clarity of presentation. If you are interested in holding a
tutorial or workshop, please submit a brief proposal describing the topic,
objective, and intended format as soon as possible.


Deadline for receiving full papers: March 31, 1997
Program committee meeting: May 19, 1997
Information on acceptance sent out: May 23, 1997
Revised papers (camera-ready): July 7, 1997
Conference: October 15-18, 1997


The conference will be held at Hidden Valley Resort and Conference Center
in the Laurel Highlands, one hour east of Pittsburgh, near Somerset,
Pennsylvania. Housing will be available in 2-3 room suites at a rate of
$89/single or $59/double per person. There is ample opportunity in the
area for outdoor activities, including hiking, mountain biking, and
whitewater rafting. There will also be an excursion planned to Frank Lloyd
Wright's house, "Fallingwater," during the conference.


The following registration fees cover full participation at the conference,
a copy of the proceedings volume, and social events:
Early (on or before August 1, 1997) US $240; Late (after August 1, 1997)
$270; Students $100.


If you intend to participate, present a paper, propose a tutorial or
workshop, or suggest a panel, please send us a preliminary title for your
contribution together with your name, affiliation, email address, and fax
number. Further information (e.g., about travel and accommodation) will be
available on the conference web page
(http:// Please address all
correspondence about the conference to:

Stephen Hirtle
School of Information Sciences
135 N. Bellefield Ave.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Phone +1 412 624-9434
Fax +1 412 624-2788


The conference will be organized primarily using the Internet. We would
greatly appreciate further distribution of this announcement and are
particularly grateful for inclusion in newsletters and other outlets.

Please redistribute to anybody who might be interested. We apologize for
multiple postings.


FID/II International Conference on SMEs

(posted: To: FID LIS-FID Readers
Dtae: 8 November 1996
WWW site address:

International Conference on Business Strategic Information
Management in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,

Lisbon, Portugal
Tentative date: Oct. 1997

To be organized by FID/II and INCITE (The Portugese Association to the
Development of
Scientific and technical Information). For more information contact

The use of strategic internal and external information is crucial for
the present and future
competitiveness for small ad medium-sized enterprises (SME) all over the
world, and for the national economies since more than 90% of industry on
a world basis is SMEs. Many national governments have taken considerable
actions and initiatives; intergovernmental organisations are active
contributor, chambers of commerce, and trade unions like European
Communities are heavily involved. Development organiations are
proactive. Still it remains a challengable issue to briddge the gap
between the actual business need of the SME with the to-the-point
information resources from the vaste ocean of potential sources

The main objective of this international conference is to build a forum
to discuss different experiences and methodologies that are being
carried out in several countries in the world, in the fields of
promotion and use of business strategic information management for SMEs.

The conference will also be a manifestation of the FID SME inititiative


Welcome addresses:

#Portuguese Ministry of Industry
#International Organising Committee chair; FID/II Chairman Karl
#National Organising Executive Committee chair Maria Jose Brito

Day 1- Key note session:

#The present competitive situation for SME - challenges and
#European SME policies - where and how are EU bringing the SMEs

Session 1 objective: To put emphasis on the need for business executives
to include information
management on the business strategic agenda.

Session 2 objective: To focus on how National information services must
be planned, developed
and implemented to meeting SME requirements

Day 2 - Key note session:

Session 3 objective: To show examples of successful SME companies and/or
information services for SMEs from the Iberian Peninsula

Session 4 objective: To show examples of successful information services
for SMEs from

Closing session:

#FID President

Registration as a potential speaker.
Mail your resume, an abstract of your paper to Karl Kalseth
NB: all costs (travel, accomodations, etc) must be paid by the
Registration as a participant.
Mail your name, affiliation and contact address to Karl Kalseth

Mr. Karl Kalseth
Chairman FID/II
Director, Corporate Staff Information Systems
Norsk Hydro
P.O. Box 200
Tel: +47 2273 7965
Fax: +47 2273 9579

FID General Secretariat
P.O. Box 90402
Tel.: +31 70 3140671
Fax: +31 70 3140667
Ben G. Goedegebuure
Executive Director
International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID)
P.O. Box 90402

Tel.: +31 70 3140671
Fax.: +31 70 3140667 (Preferred!)

MEETING 39) 1 - 6 NOVEMBER 1997

ASIS 97 Call for Participation Deadline is December 15

(posted: <>
Approved-By: Joseph Busch <JBusch@GETTY.EDU>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 10:06:32 -0800)

Digital Collections:
Implications for Users, Funders, Developers, and Maintainers
ASIS 1997 Annual Meeting
November 1-6, 1997
Washington, DC

*** All intents to submit contributed papers and proposals for technical
sessions must be received by December 15, 1996 ***

To find out more about ASIS '97, visit the Web site at

Feel free to forward this message to your colleagues and other list

Joseph Busch
ASIS '97 Technical Program Chair

>>>>>>>>>> ASIS '97 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION >>>>>>>>>>

The emergence of the Global Information Society has profound
implications for the future: implications for how we work, how our
children discover their world, how we communicate and form
relationships, and how we understand, appreciate, and transmit to future
generations the richness of ideas and experiences. Poised at the
intersection of research, scholarship, communication, publishing,
entertainment, and commerce, digital collections have the potential to
combine the ideas and methodologies of wide-ranging disciplines in
unique and creative ways and of effecting technological and social
change. This integration can enrich perspectives and expand our ability
to understand how the various sectors could benefit from and participate
in emerging global networks. But it can also lead to social, economic, and
political isolation, control, and mediocrity.

The ASIS 1997 meeting will deal broadly with the emerging phenomenon
of collections of digital objects -- text, image, sound, and multimedia --
accumulated in central as well as distributed repositories or virtual
collections. Topics to be addressed will include research, technical,
cultural, political, economic, and other key issues for users, funders,
developers, and maintainers. These themes will be elaborated by
keynote and invited speakers, and through refereed papers, panels,
technical sessions, and other presentations which will address the
following aspects of digital collections.

Users. Who are the users? What are their capabilities and needs? What
are the benefits for users? What are useful evaluation mechanisms?
What existing research is applicable? What research needs to be done?
What is the bigger social, political, and commercial context into which
digital collections fit? What are the negative impacts? How can the
bandwidth and server gap between multimedia and text browsers be
overcome? How will access be guaranteed?

Funders. What are the funding sources? What are their political and
commercial expectations? How can funding be secured to digitize less
profitable subject areas such as the arts and humanities? How can
collaboration and cooperation be encouraged? What are the funding
realities? What returns can be expected on the investments? How can
these returns be realized?

Developers. What are the practical technical applications? What are the
current and future technical architectures? What current research is
applicable? What research needs to be done? What are the issues of
intellectual access?

Maintainers. How will digital collections be maintained? What are the
information management issues? What tools are needed for managing
collections (both high-end "quality" collections and personal or small user
community collections)? How can the authenticity, validity, and reliability
of objects be identified and maintained?

>>>>>>>>>> TYPES OF SUBMISSION >>>>>>>>>>

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS. All intents to submit contributed papers must be
received by December 15, 1996. Papers should address one or more of
the research issues outlined above. Presenters of accepted papers will
be allowed 15-25 minutes for delivery. All papers will be refereed. To
submit a paper, send the title and a 250 word abstract or draft of the
proposed paper to the Contributed Papers Coordinator at the address
must include the name, position, complete address, telephone and fax
numbers, and email address of the author(s). Preliminary approval will be
made by January 15, 1997. Submit proposals by DECEMBER 15, 1996 to
the Contributed Papers Coordinator:

Mark E. Rorvig
Associate Professor
University of North Texas
School of Library and Information Sciences
P.O. Box 13796
Denton, TX 76203-6796
fax: (817) 565-310

proposals for panels, technical sessions, and other presentations must
be received by December 15, 1996. Panels, Technical Sessions, and
other Presentations are developed by an ASIS Special Interest Group
(SIG), by collaboration among two or more SIGs, and/or with other
organizations and individuals within the ASIS community. To submit a
proposal, send the title and a 500 word description to the Sessions
Coordinator at the address below. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION ARE
ENCOURAGED. An electronic form for submitting proposals is available
by pointing your browser to
Submissions must include the sponsoring SIG(s) and/or organization(s);
the name and complete address, telephone and fax numbers, and email
address of the organizer (contact person); and the names, positions,
and affiliations of presenters and other session participants such as
moderators, reactors, etc. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the
contact person by February 1, 1997. Submit proposals by DECEMBER 15,
1996 to the Sessions Coordinator:

Stephen Toney
Systems Planning
2205 Gabriel Drive
Las Vagas, NV 89119
fax: (702) 795-3831


Technical Program Chair: Joseph A. Busch, The Getty Information
Institute, email:

Committee Members:
David Bearman, Archives and Museum Informatics, email:
Nicholas J. Belkin, Rutgers, email:
Berndt Frohman, University of Western Ontario, email:
Judy Gerber, Digital Equipment Corp., email:
Myke H. Gluck, Florida State University, email:
Karen M.G. Howell, University of Southern California, email:
Mark E. Rorvig, University of North Texas, email:
Candy S. Schwartz, Simmons College, email:
Stephen Toney, Systems Planning, email:


CALL for PAPERS: Classification Research

(posted: <owner-ifla-l@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA>
Approved-By: lld@ITS.NLC-BNC.CA
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 20:51:02 -0800)


Classification Research Workshop:

An interdisciplinary meeting.

Washington D.C., Sunday, November 2,
1997, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m

The American Society for Information
Science Special Interest Group on
Classification Research (ASIS SIG/CR)
invites submissions for
the 8th ASIS Classification Research Workshop,
to be held at the 60th Annual
Meeting of ASIS, November 1-6, 1997,
Washington D.C.,
workshop will take place Sunday, November 2, 1997, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00
The conference hotel is the J.S. Marriott on Pennsylvania Ave,
Washington D.C.


The Classification Research Workshop is
designed to promote the exchange
of ideas among active researchers with
interests in classification
creation, development, management,
representation, display, comparison,
compatibility, theory, and

Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Applications
such as subject analysis, natural language understanding,

information retrieval, expert systems.
- Automated techniques to assist
in creating classification schemes.
- Bases for semantic classes.
Classification algorithms.
- Comparison and compatibility between
classification schemes.
- Concept acquisition.
- Data structures and
programming languages for classification schemes.
- Image
- Inheritance and subsumption.
- Interfaces for
displaying classification schemes.
- Knowledge representation schemes.

- Procedural knowledge in classification schemes.
- Reasoning with
classification schemes.
- Relations and their properties.
Representation and access on the Internet.
- Software for management of
classification schemes.
- Statistical techniques used for developing
explicit semantic classes.
- User-based classification strategies.
Warrant for concepts in classification schemes.

The Classification
Research Workshop welcomes submissions from various
interested in participating are invited to submit:

1) a short
(2-3 page single-spaced) research paper summarizing

substantive work that has been conducted in the above areas or

other related areas,

2) a statement briefly outlining the reason
for wanting to
participate in the workshop, and

3) a
brief (1 page) personal statement describing research interests.

* Submissions may include background papers as attachments.

papers will be refereed for acceptance. The authors
of accepted
papers will be asked to submit an expanded version.
Some of the authors
of expanded papers will be invited to speak to their
papers in brief
presentations during the workshop. All expanded papers
will be
published in the preliminary proceedings and mailed to all early

registrants prior to the workshop. After the workshop, authors will be

given the opportunity to revise their papers for final publication of
proceedings by Information Today, Inc.

Early registration fees
for ALL PARTICIPANTS are $35.00 for SIG/CR members
and/or participants
with expanded papers; $45.00 for ASIS members; $60.00 for
(As the workshop is separate from the ASIS Annual Meeting,
additional registration is required for the Annual Meeting).

proceedings are titled "Advances in Classification Research:

proceedings of the n_th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Workshop" and are

published by Information Today, Inc., 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford,
08055. Tel: 609/654-6266; URL:


April 11, 1997: Extended Abstract (2-3 pages single-spaced,

in english, following the APA Manual of Style 4th ed, 1994)

should be received by the workshop chair. E-mail submissions.

May 9,
1997: Notification of acceptance, and publication
of detailed
specifications for expanded papers.

June 27, 1997: Expanded papers due
to workshop chair for refereeing by
the program committee.

July 23, 1997: Refereed papers back to authors for final revision.

August 29, 1997: Final copies of expanded papers in camera ready copy

are to be received by the workshop chair for publication
the workshop proceedings.

a) Workshop
Proceedings: includes all accepted papers;
b) "Advances in
Classification Research: proceedings of
the 8th ASIS SIG/CR
Classification Workshop": includes selected papers.

Organizing and
program committee:

Workshop Chair:

Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, UCLA

Program committee:

Marcia Bates, UCLA
Allyson Carslyle,
University of Washington
Clare Begthol, University of Toronto

Raya Fidel, University of Washington
Elin Jacobs,
Indiana University
Barbara Kwasnik, Syracuse University
Schwartz, Rutgers University
Paul Solomon, University of
North Carolina

Submissions and information requests:
should be made by email (paper copy, fax or postal, submission
is a
non-preferred method) to arrive by Friday April 11, 1997, to:

Efthimis N. Efthimiadis
Assistant Professor
Department of Library &
Information Science
Graduate School of Education & Information Studies

University of California, Los Angeles
Mailbox 951520
Los Angeles, CA
90095-1520, USA
phone: 310-825-8975; fax: 310-206-4460; email:

Email or Postcard confirmations will be sent upon
receipt of
submissions. For additional information, email:
or access URL:

MEETING 41) 2 - 12 NOVEMBER 1997

The Management of Archives and Records: the impact of electronics and the internet
(paper copy held by

International seminar organised by the British Council and held in Liverpool, ENGLAND.

Enquiries to International Seminars
The British Council
1 Beaumont Placre
Oxford, OX1 2PJ


MEETING 42) 13 - 14 NOVEMBER 1997


(posted: <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 12:35:06 +0100 (MET))


"Perspectives on the Design and Transfer of Scientific
and Technical Information"


Jean Monnet Building, Luxembourg

13-14 November 1997

Sponsors and Committee .......... 1
Goals and Objectives ............ 2
Program Outline ................. 3
>>> Call for Papers ................. 4 <<<
Registration Form ............... 5
More about GL'97 ................ 6



SPONSOR: CEC Commission of the European Communities,
Directorate General XIII
Telecommunications, Information Market and
Exploitation of Research

CO-SPONSORS: CRL The Center for Research Libraries, USA
EAGLE European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation
JST Japan Science and Technology Corporation

COMMITTEE: CEC Commission of the European Communities, DG/XIII/D2
CRL The Center for Research Libraries, USA
EAGLE European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation
FID Int. Federation for Information and Documentation
GREYNET Grey Literature Network Service, The Netherlands
IFLA Int. Federation of Library Associations & Institutions
INIST Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique
JST Japan Science and Technology Corporation



While the title "Perspectives on the Design and Transfer of Scientific
and Technical Information" reflects the topics and themes that will be
incorporated in the Third International Conference on Grey Literature,
so also its logo reflects the development that has taken place in this
expanding field of information. At the first conference in this series
held in 1993, emphasis was placed on printed grey literature. The second
conference in this series held in 1995, expanded the scope of grey
literature to include electronic publications. And, at this third
international conference, which will be held in Luxembourg on 13-14
November 1997, attention will be focused on new uses of grey literature
in facilitating the innovation process. A process in which new producers
and publishers of grey literature provide us with new forms and types of
grey literature. Where new methods and mediums of storing and distributing
grey literature create new uses for these resources, and in turn, where
new users of these resources demonstrate their further capabilities for
scientific and technical gain.



Session One:

The impact and use of grey literature for scientific
and technical purposes.

Session Two:

A management and organisational approach to new forms of grey
literature in networked environments.

Session Three:

The development of curriculum and instructional programs needed to
interpret the knowledge-base in this expanding field of information
and to provide direction for further research.

Tutorial Sessions:





Participants who wish to present a paper at GL'97 are invited to submit an
English abstract not to exceed 250 words. The abstract should deal with the
problem/hypothesis, the research method/procedure, and the (expected) results
and conclusions of the research.
Accompanying the text of the abstract should be the full title of the paper,
the author(s) name(s) and institution(s), and the complete address/phone/
fax/email information. This data will be used to compile the GL'97
Information Products.


The abstract must be submitted on or before the 1st of April 1997 either by
electronic mail or on a disc in WordPerfect. Also include a copy in printed
form. The author will receive written verification upon receipt of the
abstract. The GL'97 Program Committee will use these abstracts in order to
finalize the GL'97 Program and Agenda. Please note that the speakers are
not exempt from the registration fee.


Koninginneweg 201
1075 CR Amsterdam

Tel/Fax : 31-20-671.1818
Email :
URL's :



The conference fee includes attendance at both the Plenary and Clusters
Sessions as well as at the Tutorial Sessions. The fee also includes a copy
of the GL'97 Pre-Program and Final Program, the conference badge and pouch,
as well as attendance at the Inaugural Reception, the lunches, coffee & tea.

Payment received before 1 August 1997: (Check one of the boxes, below)
Payment received after 1 August 1997: (Please add 50 DFL Surcharge)

[ ] Regular Fee [ ] GreyNet Subscriber
DFL. 650 DFL. 550

Participant's Name (Title):


[ ] Bank check/draft enclosed and payable to TransAtlantic.
With reference to GL'97 and participant's name.

[ ] Remitted to TransAtlantic for GL'97| ABN-AMRO Bank No.
in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With mention of the participant's name.

[ ] Remitted to TransAtlantic for GL'97| PostBank Giro No. 5192147
in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With mention of the participant's name.

[ ] MasterCard/Eurocard, [ ] Visa, [ ] American Express, [ ] Diners Club card
No. _____________________________________________________________________ . Expiration date: .
If the name on the credit card is not that of the participant, print the
name that appears on the card, here______________________________________

SIGNATURE: _____________________________ DATE : ___________________________

TransAtlantic/GreyNet, Koninginneweg 201, 1075 CR Amsterdam - Netherlands
Tel/Fax: 31-20-671.1818 Email:



A conference of this nature will not only offer an opportunity to compile
existing information on grey literature but it will also generate new
information and knowledge in this field e.g.:


* Announcement and Call for Papers * Conference Proceedings
* Quarterly Newsletter coverage * Conference Program
* Pre-Program * Annotated Bibliography on GL
* Int. Guide to Persons & Organisations * GL*SSARY of Terms used in GL


* General Conference Services: Administration, Registration,
Social Program: Birds-of-a-Feather Luncheon, Inaugural Reception, etc.

* Electronic Mail Services and GreyNet Gopher/WWW coverage


* Hotel Information
Upon receipt of your Registration Form, more information about lodging
and hotels will be forwarded to you.

* Cancellation
Complete refund up to August 1, 1997. After this date, no refunds will
be made. You may, however, designate a replacement.

* Language: English

* GreyNet Subscription
Reduced rates are available for the Conference and the GL'97 Products
and Services. If you would like more information about GreyNet, please
contact the Organising Bureau.

TransAtlantic/GreyNet, Koninginneweg 201, 1075 CR Amsterdam - Netherlands
Tel/Fax: 31-20-671.1818 Email:

MEETING 43) 11 - 17 OCTOBER 1998

The 49th FID General Assembly, Conference and Congress.

New Delhi, INDIA, 11 - 17 October 1998.
(paper flyer held by

For more information, write to: 49th FID Congress Secretariat
Indian National Scientific Dpocumentation Centre (INSDOC)
14 Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi - 110 067
email: FID98@sirnetd,ernet,in

phone: +91 11 6863617, fax: +91 11 6862228


This document may be circulated freely
with the following statement included in its entirety:

This article was originally published in
_LIBRES: Library and Information Science
Electronic Journal_ (ISSN 1058-6768)
March 1997 Issue 1

For any commercial use, or publication
(including electronic journals), you must obtain
the permission of the Editor-In-Chief:
Kerry Smith
Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia

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