LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research
Electronic Journal ISSN 1058-6768
1999 Volume 9 Issue 1; March.




Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 08:46:57 -1000
From: Liz Bryson <>
Subject: Asian Libraries

Asian Libraries

ISSN 1017-6748

Asian Libraries is the only regional specific journal for libraries and information professionals in Asia and the Pacific. For a 30-day free trial go to the journal homepage.
To keep yourself ahead of everything that's happening in library and information in Asia and the Pacific today, there's only one resource you can turn to. Only one journal provides up-to-date coverage of all aspects of library and information management with specific reference to your region. Only one journal offers the knowledge and insights you need to  find solutions to current problems, plan for the future, and formulate effective strategies and policies.

That journal is Asian Libraries: The Library and Information Management Journal for Asia and the Pacific.


Executive: Chris Keenan



Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 20:55:24 +0000
From: Gerry Hurley <Gerry_Hurley@SILVERPLATTER.COM>
Subject: Current Cites, February 1999

Here's the latest issue of Current Cites forwarded from our
friends at PACS-L.
Gerry Hurley
_Current Cites_
Volume 10, no. 2
February 1999
The Library
University of California, Berkeley
Edited by Teri Andrews Rinne
This issue guest edited by Roy Tennant
ISSN: 1060-2356

Terry Huwe, Margaret Phillips,
Roy Tennant, Jim Ronningen, Lisa Yesson
Beamish, Rita. "Rescuing Scholars from Obscurity." The New York Times (February 18, 1999): D7. - How to get wider distribution of obscure dissertations? Answer: the Web (of course). This article profiles various enterprises for distributing dissertations including two commercial sites, ( and UMI ( Also profiled is Virginia Polytechnic Institute ( which provide free access to its dissertations and is pushing other schools to join its Networked Library of Digital Dissertations (, which they hope will become a worldwide clearinghouse of dissertations. - MP
Besser, Howard and Robert Yamashita, "The Cost of Digital Image
Distribution: The Social and Economic Implications of the Production, Distribution and Usage of Image Data", 1998, ( - "A Mellon Foundation grant was awarded to UC Berkeley to study the costs and benefits of the networked distribution of digital museum information for educational use. This study takes advantage of the existing collaboration between the seven cultural repositories and seven universities that make up the Museum Education Site License Project (MESL), and utilizes professionals from the participating MESL institutions as well as the communications and collaborative structures that MESL established." This is a significant study of the issues involved in creating and delivering digital archives of primary materials in an online environment. The study concentrates on the
MESL project, and thus to images and delivery in a campus setting primarily, but many of the issues and findings extend well beyond that. Of particular interest is attention paid to the end-user and demand  and use of such databaases. The Executive Summary ( 0-execsummary.html) provides a concise 9 page overview of this very detailed study. - RR
Chapman, Stephen, Paul Conway and Anne R. Kenney "Digital Imaging and Preservation Microfilm: The Future of the Hybrid Approach for the Preservation of Brittle Books" RLG DigiNews 3(1) (February 15, 1999) ( - This short piece is a useful summary of the main findings of the full report of the same name, published by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) at in Microsft Word and Adobe Acrobat formats. The purpose of this report is to disseminate information on this hybrid approach to preserving brittle books, and to stimulate further discussion and research into this strategy. Topics covered include the characteristics of microfilm both as a source for, and end product of, digital conversion, the choice of a digital conversion path (film first or scan first), and proposed administrative and structural metadata for the page images. - RT
Dale, Robin. "Lossy or Lossless? File Compression Strategies
Discussion at ALA " RLG DigiNews 3(1) (February 15, 1999
. - The American Library Association Midwinter Conference in Philadelphia at the end of January 1999, was the site of a discussion by six experts about the pros and cons of "lossy" and "lossless" compression schemes. Lossless compression schemes can reduce the size of a file without losing any of the information contained within it; lossless schemes sacrifice some data to achieve greater file size savings. The six experts included some of the top people in the field: Carl Fleischhauer from the Library of Congress, Louis Sharpe, III of Picture Elements Inc., Howard Besser from UC Berkeley, Peter Hirtle  from Cornell, Joy Paulson of the University of Michigan, and Steven Puglia from the National Archives and Records Administration. The common theme of the remarks are that "it depends". Given one set of circumstances and goals lossless compression is called for (for example, for the preservation of digital masters), while lossy compression is often perfectly acceptable for other situations (for example, for derivative versions to be delivered to the end-user over a computer network). Recommended reading for anyone facing file format decisions for digital images. - RT
"Digital Libraries: Technological Advances and Social Impacts"
Computer 32(2) (February 1999). - The focus of this issue of Computer is on digital libraries, with six articles including the introductory piece (from which the special section derives its name) by Bruce Schatz and Hsinchun Chen. Half of the articles are from three of the six NSF-funded Digital Library Initiative projects (Cornell, Stanford, and UIUC), with additional contributions from those working with the JSTOR (journal storage) and New Zealand Digital Library projects. Although most of what is described in these articles comes from the "big science" end of digital libraries, some useful nuggets for the rest of us can be mined. In particular, the JSTOR article -- being more focused on production than research -- is useful in terms of the technical decisions that were made while mounting a massive archive of digital material. - RT
"Digital Library Using Next Generation Internet" IEEE Communications Magazine 37(1) (January 1999). - This special focus on digital libraries includes six articles from various research perspectives, mostly industry (IBM, NEC, etc.), edited by Chung-Sheng Li and Harold S. Stone. Although a few of the articles are somewhat cutting-edge (such as the one on software agents) and unlikely to be of practical use any time soon, others (such as the one focusing on IBM's digital library projects and the one on searching the Web) either relate to projects in production now or technologies that are on the near horizon. All things considered, if you are trying to soak up anything related to digital libraries, go for it. Otherwise, take a pass. - RT
Gessner, Rick. "The Next-Generation Layout Engine: Netscape's Gecko" Web Techniques 4(3) (March 1999):63-70
- If this were a puff piece about the latest Netscape technology, you would not be reading about it here in Current Cites. No, you're reading about it here because Gecko is potentially much more. Gecko is being developed under the Open Source model via (, which means pretty much anyone can help work on it, and the benefitd accrue to everyone. A "layout engine" is a piece (or many inter-related pieces) of software that can take an object instance and any associated files (such as style sheets, images, etc.) and render those objects on your screen. At the heart of every Web browser is a layout engine, for example. In fact, differences between layout engines in different Web browsers cause no
end of grief for Web authors striving for minute control over the look of their Web pages. As a "next-generation" layout engine, Gecko is aiming to provide full and native support for HTML and XML, cascading style sheets (full CSS1 and partial CSS2), and the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Gessner (a Netscape employee) claims that when Gecko ships, it will be "the fastest, smallest, most standards-compliant HTML layout engine available." We'll see. But meanwhile, don't let the little reptile escape your notice. - RT
Greenstein, Daniel. "Publishing Scholarly Information in a Digital Millenium" Computers and the Humanities (32) 4 (1998): 253-256. - This special issue of Computers and the Humanities features a collection of stories based on a variety of commercial and scholarly forays into electronic publishing. While these four case studies may not top your  reading list, Greenstein's preface does provide a good introductory synopsis on the risks, rewards and future directions for electronic publishing. He also has a call to action for the scholarly community: it's time to better articulate requirements (both as consumers and producers) with regard to electronic publications. - LY
Lossau, Norbert and Frank Klaproth, "Digitization Efforts at the Center for Retrospective Digitization, Gttingen University Library" RLG DigiNews 3(1) (February 15, 1999) ( -
Detailed technical descriptions of digital imaging projects are rare, which makes this short piece more interesting than it would be if they were not. Those libraries, museums, and archives that are setting up scanning operations are faced with an array of difficult decisions for which there are few guidelines. For anyone in such a position, it can be useful to discover what decisions others in similar situations have made. This piece describes some of those decisions made by the Gttingen University Library, with links to more complete descriptions (including, for example, a description of the metadata elements they insert into the TIFF file header). Anyone interested in the nuts-and-bolts side of digital libraries should take a look at this.
- RT
Withers, Rob and Jane F. Sharpe. "Incorporating Internet resources into bibliographic instruction." College & Research Libraries News 60 (February 1999): 75-76. - Some practical tips on incorporating the Internet into bibliographic instruction: don't try to cover everything; instead, identify pertinent topics such as effective searching, evaluating resources, or resources in a particular discipline; have a back-up plan (the age-old "technical difficulties" problem); market your skills to the faculty who may not associate Internet training with the library. Teaching the Internet within the contraints of the traditional instruction section is a challenge and the authors have provided a short, practical checklist of how to do so effectively. - MP
Current Cites 10(2) (February 1999) ISSN: 1060-2356
Copyright &copy; 1999 by the Library, University of California,
Berkeley. _All rights reserved._
Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computerized bulletin board/conference systems, individual scholars, and libraries. Libraries are authorized to add the journal to their collections at no cost. This message must appear on copied material. All commercial use requires permission from the editor
All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Mention of a product in this publication does not necessarily imply endorsement of the product.
To subscribe to the Current Cites distribution list, send the message "sub cites [your name]" to, replacing "[your name]" with your name. To unsubscribe, send the message "unsub cites" to the same address.
Editor: Teri Andrews Rinne,,



Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 12:35:45 -0500
Sender: "ASIS-L: American Society for Information Science"
From: Richard Hill <>
Subject: The March 1999 issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available

[Forwarded for your infromation. Dick Hill]

The March 1999 issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available at <>. The UK Office for Library and Information Networking maintains a mirror site for D-Lib Magazine at: <>; the Australian National University Sunsite maintains a mirror at <>; and a new mirror site has been added at the State Library of Lower Saxony and the University Library of Goettingen at <>.

We apologize in advance if you have inadvertently received a copy of this notice. If you wish to have your e-mail address removed from our list, please send a message to

Stories in this issue of D-Lib Magazine include:

The Getty Information Institute: A Retrospective
Eleanor E. Fink, The Getty Information Institute

The Mathematics Archives: Making Mathematics Easy to Find on the Web
Earl D. Fife, Calvin College and Lawrence Husch, University of Tennessee
- Knoxville

Collaboration as a Key to Digital Library Development: High Performance
Image Management at the University of Washington
Geri Bunker and Greg Zick, University of Washington

Smart Objects, Dumb Archives: A User-Centric, Layered Digital Library
Kurt Maly, Old Dominion University, Michael Nelson, NASA Langley
Research Center, Mohammad Zubair, Old Dominion University

The California Digital Library
John Ober, California Digital Library

The featured collection is:

Chemist's Art Gallery
Leif Laaksonen, Center for Scientific Computing
(With images courtesy of Computers in Chemistry at Cabrillo College,
Aptos, California.)

Bonnie Wilson
Managing Editor
D-Lib Magazine



Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 17:58:40 -0000
Sender: Open Lib/Info Sci Education Forum <JESSE@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU>
From: Tom Wilson <>
Subject: Information strategies, etc., in higher education
To: Multiple recipients of list JESSE <JESSE@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU>

Those with an interest in aspects of this area may be interested in a couple of papers in the current issue of Information Research at:

One is by David Allen and N.Fifield on attempts in the UK to apply business process engineering - now rather fading in business but, as usual, hitting higher education just as it is losing its appeal :-)

The other is the report of an investigation into the management information needs of academic heads of department (Deans in US parlance) - those engaged in information strategy activities might be interested in this.

Professor Tom Wilson
Editor, Information Research
Department of Information Studies
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Tel: +44-114-222-2642
Fax: +44-114-278-0300



(from: GreyNet NewsBriefNews, Quarterly Newsletter, vol 8, no. 1, 1999)

Volume 1 Number 1 of this new quarterly journal will be pblished in 2000. However in advance there wil appear in October 1999 to coincide with GL’909, the Fourth International Conference on Grey Literature in Washington DC, USA.

Contributions to the new journal can be sent to:
IJGL Journal Editor, Julia Gelfand,
University of California
UCI Science Library 228,
PO Box 19556, Irvine,
CA 92623-9556, USA



Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 10:07:55 +0000
X-listname: <>
Subject: (Fwd) Invitation to Publish
To: "CIS department list" <>

**May be of interest to Information Management people**

I would like to invite papers for consideration to be  published in:

The International Journal of Technology Management (Special
ELECTRONIC COMMERCE). Guest Editor Zahir Irani

The International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (Special Issue on Supporting Supply  Chain Management Through an IT/IS Infrastructure).  Guest Editor Zahir Irani

The 6th European Conference on IT Evaluation (at Brunel  University, UK). Conference Co-Chair Zahir Irani.

Please find call for papers attached.



Dr Zahir Irani
Lecturer of IS/Industrial Placements Director
Department of Information Systems and Computing
Brunel University Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH

Tel: +44 1895 274 000 Ext. 2133
Fax: +44 1895 251 686



Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 14:35:45 -0800
Reply-To: "ASIS-L: American Society for Information Science"
Terry Brooks <tabrooks@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
From: Terry Brooks <tabrooks@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject: JASIS Millennium Issue - Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Special Topic Issue of JASIS

Information Science at the Millennium

The next Special Topics Issue of the _Journal of the American Society for Information Science_ (JASIS) is scheduled to appear at the end of 2000 on the topic of Information Sci-ence at the Millennium. The guest editor for this special issue will be Terrence A. Brooks, Associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Science at The University of Washington.

What are the forces shaping the science of information as we step into the 21st century? What information problems have information technology solved, and what problems have been introduced by information technology? How has information technology redefined familiar information objects such as documents, books and libraries? How has information tech-nology modified familiar acts such as reading and writing? What decisions and standards are we creating now that will influence information structures, sharing, storage and retrieval in the 21st century?

There are numerous research issues facing Information Sci-ence at the Millennium. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

* How has information technology redefined the document, the act of writing, the act of reading?

* How does information technology make the private public? How does it defy corporate boundaries and span national frontiers?

* How does information technology change publishing? The role of the scholarly journal? The tenure process? Teaching?

* What happens when the computer, the television and the telephone meld into one machine? When the latest music can be downloaded? When the latest movie is on the Web?

* What are the new economic models? Pricing structures of electronic information?

* What are the impacts on human society when information machines mediate sociability?

* What information science research methods retain value in the 21st century and which should be discarded? What are our new objects of study? How have they changed?

The guest editor seeks papers that discuss Information Science at the Millennium. Inquiries can be made to Terrence Brooks at or by calling (206) 543-2646, fax at (206) 616-3152.

Manuscript submissions (four copies of full articles) should be addressed to:

Terrence A. Brooks
School of Library and Information Science
University of Washington
Box 352930
Seattle, WA 98195-2930

The deadline for accepting manuscripts for consideration for publication in this special issue is March 1, 2000. A select panel of referees will review all manuscripts, and those accepted will be published in this special issue of _JASIS_. Original artwork and a signed copy of the copy-right transfer agreement will be required for all accepted papers. An electronic version of the final draft can be submitted, and is encouraged.

A copy of the call for papers will be available on the World Wide Web, as is further information about JASIS at


Terrence A. Brooks
School of Library and Information Science
University of Washington
Box 352930
Seattle, WA 98195-2930
Voice: 206 543-2646
Fax: 206 616-3152


Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 10:37:30 -0500
Reply-To: "ASIS-L: American Society for Information Science"
Richard Hill <>
From: Richard Hill <>
Subject: JASIS, Volume 50, #4

Journal of the American Society for Information Science

[Note: below are URLs for viewing contents of JASIS from past issues. Below the contents of Bert Boyce's "In This Issue" has been cut into the Table of Contents as well as material from the introduction to the special section.]


In This Issue
Bert R. Boyce
The editors of this Special Topics Issue on The National Information Infrastructure have provided their own coverage of the issue in their introduction. However, also included are two regular papers and a brief communication which will be covered here. The issue begins sadly with a memoriam for Bob Korfhage.

In Memoriam
Robert R. Korfhage
Edie Rasmussen, Christine L. Borgman, Donald Kraft, and Kai A. Olsen 288

Special Topic Issue: The National Information Infrastructure
Guest Editors: Patricia D. Fletcher and John Carlo Bertot

Patricia D. Fletcher and John Carlo Bertot
The development of the National Information Infrastructure (NII) implies that government agencies are contending and can contend with a raft of digital and electronic network policy and management issues. These policies include, but are not limited to, information management, information technology (IT) management, security, intellectual property/copyright, universal service, privacy. This issue of JASIS deals broadly with some of the key issue areas outlined above, presenting readers with various perspectives on the building of the NII -- from policy analysis methodology to implications for creating and implementing government-based Web sites to new paradigms for government information and IT management.

Catching a Ride on the NII: The Federal Policy Vehicles Paving the Information Highway
Patricia D. Fletcher and Lisa K. Westerback
Fletcher and Westerback present a review of the current Federal information policies that frame and guide agency information and IT management processes as agencies engage in NII-related systems development activities. The article provides insight into the complex and multi-dimensional information and IT management policy environment in which Federal agencies reside.

Better Funding for Government IT: Views from the Front Line
Jerry Mechling
Mechling identifies a key factor that drives agency IT-related issues -- the budget. The research-based article contends that the budget process is often complicated, misunderstood, and requires cross-agency collaboration to be effective. The article provides readers with suggestions and recommendations for improving the budget process, thus leading to more effective Federal IT investments.

Descriptive Assessment of Information Policy Initiatives: The Government Information Locator Service (GILS) as an Example
Charles R. McClure, William E. Moen, and John Carlo Berto 314
This article combines policy analysis methodologies and Federal information policy. The authors present readers with a description of numerous methodologies that policy analysts and researchers can use to conduct an analysis of a particular policy or set of policies. The article demonstrates the use of these techniques by conducting and analysis of the Federal Government Information Locator Service (GILS).

And the Last Shall Be First: Recordkeeping Policies and the NII
Margaret Hedstrom and David Wallace
This article presents readers with an in-depth look at electronic record keeping issues and policies. The authors review current Federal recordkeeping policies -- both traditional and electronic -- and identify various issues with which Federal agencies, records managers, preservationists, and others must contend in the digital environment.

Government Information: From Inaccessibility to Your Desktop and Back Again
J. Timothy Sprehe
Sprehe, an author of some of the seminal Federal information policy instruments such as the 1985 Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-130, contends that the networked environment is creating a tension between the public's desire for accessible government information, technology-based Federal agency information delivery mechanisms, and societal issues such as the need to safeguard personal privacy. Sprehe explores these sometimes conflicting issues in a thought-provoking article.

Crossing the Threshold: Practical Foundations for Government Services
on the World Wide Web
Sharon S. Dawes, Theresa A. Pardo, and Ann DiCaterino
For those who think that providing interactive government services via the Web is simply a matter of installing a Web server and registering a domain name, consider the issues raised by Sharon S. Dawes, Theresa A. Pardo, and Ann DiCaterino in "Crossing the Threshold: Practical Foundations for Government Services on the World Wide Web." Through the establishment of the Internet Technologies Testbed, a Center for Technology in Government-based study identified several key agency factors that enabled agencies to engage in Web-based government services.

Government's Role in Reducing ``Year-2000'' Risks
Leon A. Kappelman, Jerry L. Johnson, and Kathy Rosmond
The article by Leon Kappleman, Jerry L. Johnson, and Kathy Rosmund, "Government's Role in Reducing 'Year 2000' Risks" clearly points out the leadership role that the Federal and state governments have in dealing with a current, global crisis in computing. They present action items for the major government programs to take in addressing the Year 2000 problem Research

The Value of Interdisciplinarity: A Study Based on the Design of Internet Search Engines
Susan Davis Herring
Using the ISI databases, INSPEC, Information Science Abstracts, ERIC, and Expanded Academic Index, Herring found 49 papers on the development and design of search engines for the World Wide Web. The references of these papers were then examined and the authors of each reference categorized as workers in library science, information science, computer and information science, computer science, or other. Six disciplinary categories of cited journals were determined from assigned headings. Twenty-six percent of the articles are by library science authors, and forty-three percent appear in computer science journals. Library and information scientists are considerably more interdisciplinary than computer scientists in terms of the journals in which they publish and the works they cite. Use of resources outside these two disciplines is very limited. Cognitive science, ergonomics, and psychology rarely appear.

Information Science and Information Policy: The Use of Constant Dollars and other Indicators to Manage Research Investments
Albert Henderson
Henderson, using the growth in collection expense numbers of 41 ARL libraries with National Science Board deflators, and R&D expenditure growth from the NSB, finds parallel growth until the post-WWII research expansion, a recovery of library growth in the 1960s due to the federal response to Sputnik and the presumed superiority of Soviet information systems. With President Johnson's decision not to run in 1968, and the decreased defense spending resulting from the controversial war in Vietnam, library funding began a sharp decline and library growth was flat between 1970 and 1980, while research recovered in 1975. Research dollars continue to increase in the 1980s and 1990s, and library expenditures growth roughly parallels this growth in the 1980s, with divergence beginning in the 1990s. Henderson presents a pessimistic portrayal of declining library fortunes due to a policy fixation on technology rather than knowledge.
Brief Communication

Impact of Information Needs an Organizational Design
M. E. Burke and Karen Tulett
In the brief communication, Burke and Tulett find that a mechanistic model of organizational design is more restrictive than an organismic structure on lower echelon individuals, but that it is nonetheless cost effective for information processing.

Book Reviews

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 11:33:02 -0500
Sender: Open Lib/Info Sci Education Forum <JESSE@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU>
From: Richard Hill <>
Subject: JASIS, Volume 50, Number 5
To: Multiple recipients of list JESSE <JESSE@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU>

Journal of the American Society for Information Science

[Note: below are URLs for viewing contents of JASIS from past issues. Below the contents of Bert Boyce's "In This Issue" has been cut into the Table of Contents as well as material from the introduction to the special section.]


In This Issue
Bert R. Boyce


Increasing Link Marker Effectiveness for WWW and other Hypermedia
Interfaces: An Examination of End-User Preferences
John R. Carlson and Charles J. Kacmar
How do hypermedia users rate the effectiveness of link marker design? Using various text node forms, and a graphic node, Carlson and Kacmar apply seven different marker designs. An instrument for each node was used to evaluate the reactions of 122 undergraduate students. All groups expressed a clear preference for link designation by color and generally for graphic bounded markers over character set markers or unbounded graphics, like bullets. The design of the link marker seems to be of more importance to novice searchers than to those more expert.

The Role of Experience in the Information Search Process of an Early Career Information Worker: Perceptions of Uncertainty,
Complexity, Construction, and Sources Carol Collier Kuhlthau
Kuhlthau carries out a case study over a 5-year period of a security analyst's perception of information seeking processes. Novice efforts involved preparing a correct story for each client that fit that the person's style and information needs. As an expert, the role is seen as adding value to the client's knowledge base even if it involves pointing out the story is wrong. Both internal and external sources were used extensively at both stages, but internal sources less as an expert where clients were also information sources. A mediator was not viewed as important, and indeed a possible role was considered to be the training of analysts in the research process.

A Parallel Relational Database Management System Approach to
Relevance Feedback in Information Retrievel
Carol Lundquist, Ophir Frieder, David O. Holmes, and David Grossman
Using a relational structure, parallel processing, and standard SQL, Lundquist et al. calculate similarity coefficients between documents and queries and isolate the highly similar documents. SQL is then used to extract the terms from the isolated documents, and to rank these terms to select terms for feedback. SQL statements then create new queries and allow for varying new term weights relative to the initial terms. Using TREC queries and TIPSTER data, the collection weight times the number of isolated documents provided the best improvement in measures. The  best number of documents for feedback term selection was between five and twenty, and the best number of terms from a list so generated between ten and twenty. The parallel processors and disk I/O imbalance remained below 10% during computation, indicating that additional processors would reduce response time. Parallel efficiency, however, falls with a large number of processors since words are more likely to start with some letters than others and data is unevenly distributed. Balanced data storage results in better CPU times than would be predicted by processor increases.

Hypersonic and Supersonic Flow Roadmaps Using Bibliometrics and Database Tomography
R. N. Kostoff, Henry J. Eberhart, and Darrell Ray Toothman
In a somewhat larger bibliometric study Kostoff, Eberhart, and Toothman use what they term Database Tomography (DT), a technique which extracts phrases from text, counting their frequency of occurrence and measuring their proximity to one another. Experts then select themes from the high-frequency phrases. Science Citation Index and Compendex were searched for the terms ``hypersonic'' and ``supersonic,'' and the results divided into relevant and nonrelevant sets. High-frequency phrases from the relevant set were ORed to the query and those from the nonrelevant set were combined using an AND NOT operation. Papers (1,284 in all) were retrieved with an average 2.63 authors per paper. Authors, journals, institutions, and countries concentrate in a few high contributors. Few papers were highly cited, and these tended to be recent.

An Analysis of Orientedness in Cataloging Rules
Shoichi Taniguchi
By ``orientedness,'' Taniguchi means an inclination of a cataloging rule toward a certain objective or function of bibliographic description. A code should state objectives, principles based upon these objectives, and rules oriented toward the objectives. Objectives are associated with orientedness toward identity, contents, bibliographic relationships, access conditions, provenance, consistency, and cost-effectiveness. Analysis of a code's principles and rules in this light will show that a consistent weight application to orientedness would result in changes to AARC2, and that different weight applications would lead to different rule sets.

Information Society or Cash Nexus? A Study of the United States as
a Copyright Haven
Julian Warner
During the 100 years after 1791 when the U.S. did not grant copyright to foreign citizens economic and political developments are seen by Warner to precede and influence information developments. Spatial expansion and economic development created a growing economic market in the U.S.A., a high literacy rate, and a demand for reading material. After the late 1870s, the closing of the frontier and declining growth rates led to a higher dependence on exports and increasing interest in conforming with other foreign trade policies. Early U.S. copyright policy is compared to current policies in the Republic of China.

Brief Communication

Do Deans Publish What They Preach?
Blaise Cronin and Holly Crawford
In this issue's brief communication, Cronin and Crawford report on a search of the sitting library and information science school deans or directors of the top 20 programs in the 1996 Gorman Report using the Social Science Citation Index to determine citation level to their publications from January 1981 to December 1997. Sixteen are in the 0-99 range. There appears to be no relationship between a school's ranking and its administrator's record of scholarship.

Book Reviews

The DDC, the Universe of Knowledge, and the Post-Modern
Library, by Francis L. Miksa
Birger Hj\orland

Basic Research Methods for Librarians, by Ronald R. Powell
William T. Fischer


American Society for Information Science
8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 501
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 495-0900 FAX (301) 495-0810
The ASIS home page <> contains the Table of Contents and brief abstracts as above from January 1993 (Volume 44) to date.



Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 13:17:19 +0000
Sender: International Federation of Library Associations mailing list
From: Sara Gould <Sara.Gould@MAIL.BL.UK>
Subject: Now available: Interlending & Document Supply, Vol27(1)

Volume 27, No 1 of the journal Interlending & Document Supply has
recently been published.


Document delivery services in China's agricultural sector: a survey Qiaqiao Zhang

The Digital Object Identifier system: digital technology meets content management
Norman Paskin

Charging users for interlibrary loans in UK university libraries - a new survey
Pat Clinton

Opinion paper: From interlending and document delivery to cooperative collections and document access
Lars Bjornshauge

Interlending and document supply: a review of recent literature - XXXV
Pauline Connolly

Compiled in collaboration with the IFLA Office for International Lending

Index to Vol 26, 1998.


Interlending & Document Supply (ISSN 0264-1615) is published 4 times a year by MCB University Press, in association with the British Library Document Supply Centre.

Articles are invited on all aspects of document delivery and interlending. Opinion papers or brief communications are also considered. For a copy of the Guidelines for authors, or to submit articles for consideration by the editorial board, please contact the Assistant Editor, Dave Johnson, at the British Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, UK. Email




Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 06:49:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Call fpr Papers: Library Consortia Management (fwd)
From: Kathleen Lannon <>

Forwarded message:
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:20:07 -0000
Sender: Records Management Program <RECMGMT@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU>
From: Chris Keenan <>
Subject: Call fpr Papers: Library Consortia Management

Apologies for Cross Posting

Library Consortia Management: An International Journal

--------Call for Papers--------

The Editor invites prospective authors to submit original manuscripts for possible publication in this international journal.

-Editorial aims and objectives-

Library Consortia Management: An International Journal is a forum for discussion of, and dissemination of knowledge about, the theory and practice of library consortia management around the world. The journal reflects the perspectives of the various stakeholders in library consortia, including library directors, consortium executive directors, library trustees,  publishers, information industry vendors, and directors of information technology within library organizations.

-Scope and topicality-

Library consortia have been increasing in number, scope and importance, are now a vital facet of library management, scholarly publishing, and the electronic information industry. To enable the value and power of consortia to become more efficiently exploited globally, this journal provides insights and describes methodologies to improve the negotiation of information licenses and contracts, archive electronic information, provide resource sharing services, and the manage the library consortium as an organization. The following illustrates some of possible journal topics.

Electronic information licensing, including: selecting electronic resources for consortium collections; international initiatives in the management and building of electronic information resources; publisher and vendor negotiation strategies and opportunities (including ideas from other industries and organizations that have formed purchasing co-operatives); reviews of services and offerings from different information providers and publishers; technical systems and requirements for providing content and statistical information; access management; authorization and security; preservation and archiving of electronic resources; collaborative cataloguing; user education about consortium services; and, copyright and intellectual property issues.

Management of print and other traditional library resources, such as resource development (approval plans, serial services), interlibrary loan, and direct patron borrowing.

Emerging areas for consortial services, such as new information formats, facilities management, union catalogs and patron-initiated circulation systems, managing memberships in multiple consortia; technology and telecommunications management for effective delivery of consortium services (including information systems, data protection, telecommunications practices); and, legal and security management issues (such as legislation, liability, integrity and confidentiality).

Consortium internal organizational management. Covers the techniques and strategies to manage library consortia and networks, including: member relationships and internal management; how to form and join consortia; consortium financial planning and control (including revenue generation and allocating costs among consortium members); consortium finance; consortium facilities management; human resource management; strategic management of libraries; maintaining membership involvement in the consortium through advisory committees and other means; surveys of current consortium management practices; human resource management and training; and, project management.

-Article Presentation-

Articles should be between 2000 and 4000 words in length, although shorter communications dealing with more immediate issues, responding to points raised in articles and raising new issues for discussion will also be included. Such items should be up to 1000 words in length. Articles should be typed with wide margins and double spacing. Two copies should be sent to the Editor together with a brief autobiographical note, 1-6 keywords, an abstract of approximately 150 words and a suggested title.

-Submission of disks-

Once an article has been accepted for inclusion within the journal, disks should be supplied with manuscript whenever possible. Contributors in a position to comply with this request should submit any 3.5" disk prepared on a PC or Macintosh system in Word format.


Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work in not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.

-Review Procedure-

Each paper submitted is subject the following review procedures:
It is reviewed by the Editor for general suitability for publication If it is judged suitable a blind review process takes place Based on reviewer recommendations, the Editor then decides whether the particular article should be accepted as is, revised or rejected.

-How to Submit-

Manuscripts or outlines of proposed articles should be submitted to the Editor:

Arnold Hirshon
4129 Fawn Trail Road
Allentown PA 18104 USA
phone: 610/758-6263

Please circulate this call for papers among your colleagues

