John Tagler, Director of Corporate Communications, Elsevier Science, New York, j.tagler@smtphost.elsevier.com.
[Received October 4, 1995.] Issue no. 144 of the _Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues_ included a number of comments on Elsevier Science's letter on 1996 prices as well as other pricing-related matters. I would like to make some brief comments on issues raised. o There is no currency exchange windfall for Elsevier Science on exchange rates. The rates we apply to our subscriptions are the average rates we have received in twelve monthly contracts with banks. The banks take the currency risk and reap any benefits; we are publishers, not currency exchange speculators. o The U.S. dollar is the most widely-used currency in payments to Elsevier Science and there has been a strong preference expressed to us for U.S. dollar remittances from customers in Canada, Mexico and South America. Many Canadian customers have told us they maintain U.S. dollar accounts to streamline payment processing wherever U.S. dollar payments can be made. We continue, however, to evaluate ways of minimizing currency conversion problems for all parties. o As to questions relating to our decision to absorb 5% of the currency fluctuation on selected titles, North America is our single largest market -- not only in subscription sales but also in terms of editors and authors. North America is also the geographic area where we continue to make the most significant strides in rolling out electronic products. Given the degree to which the dollar was impacted this year well as the currency's troubled history over the past decade, it seemed reasonable to lessen the impact of this recent further downturn in the exchange rate via a one-time 5% absorption of part of the exchange rate increase. The absorption of 5% of the currency increase was also something that we could achieve in a single market using a single currency for payment, regardless of where and through whom a subscription is purchased. Elsevier Science sells into more than 100 countries worldwide, each using different currencies and with different dynamics relative to the five countries where we publish and whose currencieswe use for invoicing our journals. To evaluate the effects of currency fluctuation on a myriad of different currencies and to further factor in the purchasing and distribution channels involved was unfeasible. o Finally, as suggested by Fred Friend, it is appropriate to consider all alternatives and we are, in fact, evaluating distributed printing and mailing operations to improve speed of delivery. At the same time, there are production quality control issues that must be considered such as editorial, desk editorial, fulfillment and distribution. Printing is only part of the cost structure for producing a journal and printing cost alone cannot be the determining factor in selecting a country in which to publish. The infrastructure and expertise necessary to produce a high-quality scientific journal cannot be rotated about according to which country's currency offers the most favorable exchange rate for the current season. We appreciate the continued input from the library community and welcome all direct letters as well.
Sandy Gurshman, Readmore, Inc., gurshman@readmore.com.
[Received September 28, 1995.] We seem to have another situation like the Raven/Leibert title transfer of a couple of years ago. Associated Publishers of Gainesville has been publishing two titles for the American Entomological Institute: _Memoirs of...._ and_Contributions of...._ In March we received notice that they were suspending these titles and beginning two new titles: _Memoirs on Entomology_ and _Contributions on Entomology_, which were to start "from where the publication of" the other two titles was stopped by Associated Publishers, and the volume numbers were to continue "to cause the least problems in library cataloguing, etc." (I don't make this up!) We just received notice from the Institute that they were themselves continuing to publish the original titles. Phone numbers and e-mail addresses: Associated Publishers: 904-371-4071 (vgupta@gnv.1fas.ufl.edu) American Entomological Inst: 904-377-6458 (dbwahl@delphi.com) ---------- PS. In the meantime, Associated Publishers have apparently reconsidered their numbering, and have begun with vol 1.
Rebecca Simon, Manager, Journals Division, University of California Press, rrs@violet.berkeley.edu.
Since we have received several phone calls regarding institutional price increases for two of our journals, _Representations_ and _The Federal Sentencing Reporter_, I thought it would be useful to let your readers know that in both cases, the reason for the increase was to provide additional support for the editorial offices. This necessitated increases of close to 20% over the previous year's prices. However, we fully anticipate that current subscription prices of $80 for _Representations_ and $130 for _The Federal Sentencing Reporter_ will provide for the enhanced support and that any future price increases will be more moderate. 146.4 ALA ALCTS FIRST STEP AWARD ANNOUNCEMENTCatherine Nelson, University of California at Santa Barbara, nelson@ariz.library.ucsb.edu.
CALLING ALL NEW SERIAL LIBRARIANS AND OTHERS INTERESTED IN SERIALS WORK! The FIRST STEP Award, sponsored by the Serials Section of the Association of Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) and underwritten by John Wiley & Co., is open for nominations for the coming year. THE DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS IS DECEMBER 1, 1995. The award is a professional development grant -- the purpose is to provide librarians new to the serials field an opportunity to broaden their perspective and to encourage professional development in ALA conferences and participation in the Serials Section of ALCTS. REQUIREMENTS: Any ALA member with five or fewer years experience in the serials field, who has not previously attended an ALA Annual Conference is eligible. A $1,500 grant donated by Wiley is applicable toward round trip transportation, lodging, and registration fees. NOMINATION PROCEDURE: Applicants should submit a current resume, cover letter and two written references to: Mary Ann Itoga Chair, First Step Award Committee University Libraries Cataloging Management Team The Pennsylvania State University E506 Pattee Library University Park, PA 16802-1805 Fax: 814-863-7293 Voice: 814-86501755 Email: mai@psulias.psu.edu FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MARY ANN OR CALL ALCTS AT 1-800-545-2433 ext.5037 (Shonda Russell) NOTE! ALL REFERENCES AND PAPERWORK MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE DEADLINE IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED -- APPLICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMING THEIR REFERENCES OF THIS CONDITION. THANKS.146.5 FULL-TEXT ACCESS TO KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS JOURNAL ARTICLES
Press Release, dated September 1995.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, [is] first to sign agreement with Pica, Centre for Library Automation in Leiden, on electronic access of full text journal articles within the WebDOC pilot project. Within the WebDOC project, initiated by Pica, a number of Dutch and German academic libraries will cooperate with commercial publishers to offer their endusers access to electronic journal articles. Publishers will deliver SGML-headers of journal articles containing bibliographic data and abstracts. From these data, Pica will build a catalogue (WebCAT) linking to full text articles stored on local servers maintained by the information providers or on a server at Pica's. Initially, the Kluwer journals to be accessed will be mainly in the field of Mathematics, Information Science and Economics/Business Information. For the time being, document formats are restricted to Postscript, PDF, HTML and TIFF-images. Kluwer has opted for PDF files. Documents will be made accessible via WWW-browsers such as MOSAIC and Netscape to endusers who are registered at one of the participating libraries. Endusers of libraries that are subscribing to journals Kluwer makes available in WebDOC will have unlimited access, whereas a pay-per-view system will apply for journals to which there is no subscription. Pica is building the technical infrastructure to arrange access toWebCAT and to the document servers including the accounting mechanisms which control the access. WebDOC is expected to go live on January 1, 1996 and will run for an initial trial period until the end of December 1997. At that time, the project will be evaluated and will be continued if the results are as planned. Libraries that have agreed to participate are: * in The Netherlands - Royal Library, The Hague - University Library Groningen - University Library Utrecht - Library of the Erasmus University, Rotterdam - University Library Nijmegen - Library of the Limburg University, Maastricht - Library of the Technical University Twente, Enschede * in Germany - Hamburg University Library - Gottingen University Library - University Library Oldenburg - Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt - TIB Hannover It is expected that more libraries and publishers will follow in the course of the project. Further information can be obtained from: Kluwer Academic Publishers Pica Mr M. van der Linden Mr M. Dekkers P.O. Box 17 P.O. Box 876 3300 AA Dordrecht 2300 AW Leiden tel. +31 78 (6) 392 392 tel. +31 71 (5) 257 257 fax +31 78 (6) 392 254 E-mail: vanderlinden@wkap.nl
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Statements of fact and opinion appearing in the _Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues_ are made on the responsibility of the authors alone, and do not imply the endorsement of the editor, the editorial board, or the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Readers of the NEWSLETTER ON SERIALS PRICING ISSUES are encouraged to share the information in the newsletter by electronic or paper methods. We would appreciate credit if you quote from the newsletter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The NEWSLETTER ON SERIALS PRICING ISSUES (ISSN: 1046-3410) is published by the editor through the Office of Information Technology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as news is available. Editor: Marcia Tuttle, Internet: tuttle@gibbs.oit.unc.edu; Paper mail: Serials Department, CB #3938 Davis Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill NC 27514-8890; Telephone: 919 962-1067; FAX: 919 962-4450. Editorial Board: Deana Astle (Clemson University), Christian Boissonnas (Cornell University), Jerry Curtis (Springer Verlag New York), Janet Fisher (MIT Press), Fred Friend (University College, London), Charles Hamaker (Louisiana State University), Daniel Jones (University of Texas Health Science Center), Michael Markwith (Swets North America), James Mouw (University of Chicago), and Heather Steele (Blackwell's Periodicals Division). The Newsletter is available on the Internet, Blackwell's CONNECT, and Readmore's ROSS. EBSCO customers may receive the Newsletter in paper format. To subscribe to the newsletter send a message to LISTSERV@UNC.EDU saying SUBSCRIBE PRICES [YOUR NAME]. Be sure to send that message to the listserver and not to Prices. You must include your name. To unsubscribe (no name required in message), you must send the message from the e-mail address by which you are subscribed. If you have problems, please contact the editor. Back issues of the Newsletter are archived on the UNC-Chapel Hill World Wide Web site. For a complete file, telnet to: library.unc.edu; login as library; choose UNC Internet Library; choose Electronic Journals. For issues since March 1994, the url is: http://www.lib.unc.edu/prices/prices.html. Issues are also archived on the listserver. To get a list of available issues send a message to LISTSERV@UNC.EDU saying INDEX PRICES. To retrieve a specific issue, the message should read: GET PRICES PRICES.xx (where "xx" is the number of the issue). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++