NO 147 -- October 25, 1995

Editor: Marcia Tuttle

ISSN: 1046-3410





Adapted by the editor from document on Swets Subscription Services World Wide Web site (

Our Serials Price Increases Report is a new service aimed at providing a more comprehensive survey of annual serials price increases and therefore an improved budgeting tool for libraries.

Two factors contribute to any increase or decrease in serials prices:

* the actual price increases introduced by publishers, and

* the effect of exchange rates, ie the strength or weakness of the currency of a library subscriber compared with that of the publisher.

Changes in exchange rates can have either a positive or a negative impact on the price, depending on your location as a subscriber.

Our survey concentrates on reporting the percentage increases introduced by publishers and is supported at the end of the report by information on the changes in the exchange rates of the major currencies.

It shows percent increases for 1996 over 1995 in the following 10 major 'country' areas (ie, countries of publication): USA, UK, Far East, Australasia, Scandinavia, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands; and in 5 general subject groupings: Science, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, and the Humanities. Against each category, the total number of titles reviewed is indicated. Titles are included if the 1996 and 1995 prices can be directly compared. When the final report is published in February 1996, we anticipate that some 26,000 titles will be included in the survey. Reports earlier in the year will be based on smaller numbers of titles depending on receipt at Swets of prices from publishers.

                     SERIALS PRICE INCREASES 1996

Publisher     Subject         Number of           In-/Decrease %
region                         titles          Domestic   Foreign

USA           Social Sciences   2,178            6.78        6.42
              Science           1,741           10.79       10.60
              Medicine          1,588           13.80       12.91
              Technology        2,151            8.61        8.46
              Humanities        1,062            4.63        4.97

UK            Social Sciences   1,537            7.46        7.33
              Science             789           12.08       11.96
              Medicine            853            9.59        9.97
              Technology        1,506            9.60        9.85
              Humanities          516            8.45        8.59

Far East      Social Sciences      71            0.20       -3.10
              Science              54            6.42        7.85
              Medicine             52           12.79       12.10
              Technology           73            6.13        4.59
              Humanities           22           -0.72        6.13

Australasia   Social Sciences      98            2.24        4.97
              Science              38           12.39       11.75
              Medicine             32            5.45        3.95
              Technology           72           14.02        5.28
              Humanities           43           -2.85        2.53

Scandinavia   Social Sciences      51            3.99        8.10
              Science              49            6.50        6.61
              Medicine             77           11.34       13.26
              Technology           45            3.82        4.61
              Humanities           48            5.23       10.02

France        Social Sciences     481           -0.26        0.15
              Science             172            8.95        8.50
              Medicine            183            4.62        5.61
              Technology          337            1.78        2.78
              Humanities          248            1.65        1.78

Germany       Social Sciences     269            4.72        4.65
              Science             248            7.77        8.18
              Medicine            253           11.33       11.27
              Technology          295            9.68        6.00
              Humanities          177            2.67        3.55

Italy         Social Sciences      75            0.94        4.60
              Science              30            5.45        5.35
              Medicine             79           -2.25        2.23
              Technology          122            6.23        9.10
              Humanities           71            4.07        4.52

Switzerland   Social Sciences      47           16.76       16.85
              Science              86            8.26        8.36
              Medicine             78            6.56        6.51
              Technology           90            6.71        6.71
              Humanities           31            1.88        0.91

Netherlands   Social Sciences     224           10.00        9.93
              Science             349           11.09       11.08
              Medicine            176           10.98       10.99
              Technology          220           11.07       11.20
              Humanities          109            7.44        7.46

                     SERIALS PRICE INCREASES 1996

Publisher     Subject         Number of           In-/Decrease %
region                         titles          Domestic    

Totals                         19,196            9.59        9.44

USA           Totals            8,720           10.06        9.75
UK            Totals            5,201            9.84        9.89
Far East      Totals              272            6.52        5.53
Australasia   Totals              283            8.45        6.01
Scandinavia   Totals              270            7.72        9.28
France        Totals            1,421            2.64        3.15
Germany       Totals            1,242            8.48        8.11
Italy         Totals              377            2.78        5.49
Switzerland   Totals              332            7.78        7.81
Netherlands   Totals            1,078           10.93       10.94

Totals        Social Sciences   5,031            6.39        6.21
Totals        Science           3,556           10.70       10.60
Totals        Medicine          3,371           11.49       11.27
Totals        Technology        4,911            8.80        8.67
Totals        Humanities        2,327            5.35        5.69
Exchange rates:

The increases given in this report are based on publishers' prices only and do not take account of the effect of exchange rate changes.

To gain a complete indication of price increases, the effect of exchange rates should also be added to the percentages. The following, as examples, show the increase or decrease of six major currencies since Autumn 1994, when the bulk of subscriptions were renewed and paid.

The percentages in the appropriate columns below should be added to the publishers' increases.

Currency of                  PUBLISHER CURRENCY / AREA
                      USD     GBP     NLG     DEM     CHF     FRF

USD - US Dollars            -1.45    7.02    6.99   10.62    6.15
GBP - Pound Sterling 1.47            8.59    8.56   12.25    7.71
NLG - Dutch Guilders-6.56   -7.91           -0.03    3.36   -0.82
DEM - German Mark   -6.53   -7.88    0.03            3.40   -0.78
CHF - Swiss Francs  -9.60  -10.91   -3.25   -3.29           -4.05
FRF - French Francs -5.79   -7.15    0.82    0.79    4.22
Average prices:

The average price of serials for the main publishing areas is given below. This is the local domestic price only. As a number of publishers use foreign currencies, rather than the local currency for their foreign subscription rates, we are unable to give average prices for these.

USA                341.77   USD -  US Dollar
UK                 210.99   GBP -  Pound Sterling
The Netherlands  1,551.37   NLG -  Dutch Guilders
Germany            468.45   DEM -  German Marks
Switzerland        836.64   CHF -  Swiss Francs
France             879.64   FRF -  French Francs


David Garbary, St. Francis Xavier University and International Phycological Society,

The International Phycological Society is pleased to announce that beginning with the 1996 volume year, it will take over the publication of its journal _Phycologia_ (ISSN 0031-8884) currently published by Blackwell Scientific Publications. As a result of savings being realized through self-publication, the subscription price for _Phycologia_ for 1996 will be reduced to $350.00 from the current $414.00. The new subscription address starting with the 1996 volume is:

                       P.O. Box 1897
                       Lawrence, KS 66044-8897
                Tel: 913-843-1221 / fax: 913-843-1274

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Statements of fact and opinion appearing in the _Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues_ are made on the responsibility of the authors alone, and do not imply the endorsement of the editor, the editorial board, or the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Readers of the NEWSLETTER ON SERIALS PRICING ISSUES are encouraged to share the information in the newsletter by electronic or paper methods. We would appreciate credit if you quote from the newsletter.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The NEWSLETTER ON SERIALS PRICING ISSUES (ISSN: 1046-3410) is published by the editor through the Office of Information Technology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as news is available. Editor: Marcia Tuttle, Internet:; Paper mail: Serials Department, CB #3938 Davis Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill NC 27514-8890; Telephone: 919 962-1067; FAX: 919 962-4450. Editorial Board: Deana Astle (Clemson University), Christian Boissonnas (Cornell University), Jerry Curtis (Springer Verlag New York), Janet Fisher (MIT Press), Fred Friend (University College, London), Charles Hamaker (Louisiana State University), Daniel Jones (University of Texas Health Science Center), Michael Markwith (Swets North America), James Mouw (University of Chicago), and Heather Steele (Blackwell's Periodicals Division). The Newsletter is available on the Internet, Blackwell's CONNECT, and Readmore's ROSS. EBSCO customers may receive the Newsletter in paper format.

To subscribe to the newsletter send a message to LISTSERV@UNC.EDU saying SUBSCRIBE PRICES [YOUR NAME]. Be sure to send that message to the listserver and not to Prices. You must include your name. To unsubscribe (no name required in message), you must send the message from the e-mail address by which you are subscribed. If you have problems, please contact the editor.

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