Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
Fall 2000

Mathematics Journals

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Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogiace Nyíregyháziensis the journal of Bessenyei György College, Nyíregyháza, (Hungary) publishes papers in any parts of mathematics. Manuscripts in informatics are also considered."

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"This journal is an electronic version of Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. It publishes research articles in pure and applied mathematics."

Algebra Montpellier Announcements

"To be eligible for publication, articles have to contain new results in noncommutative algebra. Authors are requested to present their work in a compressed framework, providing sketches of proofs and highlighting the significance of their results. Short examples are encouraged, as are explicit links to related mathematics : isolated work is not the aim of the Journal. Each contribution should clearly indicate in which way it represents a new step in its area. Authors can publish a detailed version of their announced work elsewhere, acknowledging prior publication in Algebra Montpellier Announcements. Note however that an announcement in AMA can also be exhaustive."

Archivum Mathematicum

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Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions to Algebra and Geometry)

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The mathematical journal Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry was founded in 1971 on the occasion of the 65th birthday of O.-H. Keller. It publishes research articles in the areas of algebra, geometry, algebraic geometry and related fields, preferably in English language."

Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society

Indexed in: Web of Science, MathSciNet

"This journal is devoted to articles of the following types: Research-Expository Surveys, which are, by definition, papers that present a clear and insightful exposition of significant aspects of contemporary mathematical research. Gibbs Lectures, Progress in Mathematics lectures, and retiring presidential addresses will be included in this section. Research Reports, which are brief, timely reports on important mathematical developments, are normally solicited and often written by a disinterested expert. Book Reviews are accepted for publication by invitation only. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be accepted."

Documenta Mathematica

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA is open to all mathematical fields and is refereed in the traditional manner."

Electronic Communications in Probability

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Electronic Journal of Probability and Electronic Communications in Probability publish papers in all areas of probability."

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

Indexed by: MathSciNet

"The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics is a fully-refereed electronic journal that welcomes papers in all branches of discrete mathematics, including combinatorics, graph theory, discrete algorithms, etc. "

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of high quality research in mathematics. All topics related to differential equations and their applications (ODE's, PDE's, integral equations, functional differential equations, etc.) will be considered for publication."

Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA), a publication of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), is a refereed all-electronic journal that welcomes mathematical articles of high standards that contribute new information and new insights to matrix analysis and the various aspects of linear algebra and its applications."

Electronic Journal of Probability

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Electronic Journal of Probability and Electronic Communications in Probability publish papers in all areas of probability."

Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (EJQTDE)

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"All topics related to the qualitative theory (stability, periodicity, boundedness, etc.) of differential equations (ODE's, PDE's, integral equations, functional differential equations, etc.) and their applications will be considered for publication."

The Electronic Journal of the Argentine Society for Informatics and Operations Research

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"The Electronic Journal of the Argentine Society for Informatics and Operations Research (SADIO) arose from the decision of establishing a scientific information service on the disciplines that it represents: Computer Science, Information Technology and Operations Research. The new service should become a meeting point for the national and Latin-American community, a permanent means of knowledge, communication and updating for all the professionals of the area, from academy or industry; making use of the dissemination capabilities of the Internet. We will work towards that goal, with the support of all our community."

Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society (also

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"This electronic-only journal publishes research announcements (up to about 10 journal pages) of significant advances in all branches of mathematics. A research announcement should be designed to communicate its contents to a broad mathematical audience and should meet high standards for clarity as well as mathematical content. Papers with complete proofs may be published in exceptional cases if the results are substantial enough to meet the criteria. All papers are reviewed, and the entire editorial board must approve the acceptance of any paper."

Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA) (also

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"Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA) is an electronic journal for the publication of significant new and important developments in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Papers of the highest quality that deal with the analysis of algorithms for the solution of continuous models and numerical linear algebra are appropriate for ETNA, as are papers of similar quality that discuss implementation and performance of such algorithms. New algorithms for current or new computer architectures are appropriate provided that they are numerically sound. However, the focus of the publication should be on the algorithm rather than on the architecture."

Geometry and topology

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Geometry and Topology is a fully refereed international journal dealing with all aspects of geometry and topology and their applications."

Homology, Homotopy and Applications

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"'Homology, Homotopy and Applications' will publish carefully refereed significant and original research papers and expository survey papers of high level in the area, as well as research papers having substantial applications of results and technique of homological and homotopical algebra, for example to general algebra, algebraic topology, algebraic homotopy, algebraic geometry, K-theory, category theory, computer science, Galois theory, functional analysis, algebraic number theory, differential geometry and topology."

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeau publishes original papers on Number Theory and related topics (not published elsewhere)."

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Indexed in: MathSciNet, INSPEC, Web of Science

"JAIR (ISSN 1076-9757) covers all areas of artificial intelligence (AI), publishing refereed research articles, survey articles, and technical notes." JAIR was "established in 1993 as one of the first electronic scientific journals."

Journal of Formalized Mathematics

"Journal of Formalized Mathematics is an electronic counterpart of Formalized Mathematics. However it is not the same journal. MML (Mizar Mathematical Library) is continuously revised and the Journal of Formalized Mathematics represents the updated version, while Formalized Mathematics -- the state in the time of the publication. Both journals contain papers which are abstracts of Mizar articles contributed to the Mizar Mathematical Library, a basis of a Knowledge Management System for Mathematics. All papers are checked by the PC Mizar system and automatically translated into English. Check also our page about submissions of articles."

Journal for Geometry and Graphics

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The concern of this international scientific journal is to stimulate scientific research and teaching methodology in the field of graphics and graphics-related geometry by the dissemination of new results. The published papers are ordered into three groups: Theoretical Graphics (Section 1), Applications (Section 2), Graphics Education (Section 3)."

Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA)

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  • Design and analysis of graph algorithms: exact and approximation graph algorithms; centralized and distributed graph algorithms; static and dynamic graph algorithms; internal- and external-memory graph algorithms; sequential and parallel graph algorithms; deterministic and randomized graph algorithms.
  • Experiences with graph algorithms: animations; experimentations; implementations.
  • Applications of graph algorithms: computational biology; computational geometry; computer graphics; computer-aided design; computer and interconnection networks; constraint systems; databases; graph drawing; graph embedding and layout; knowledge representation; multimedia; software engineering; telecommunication networks; user interfaces and visualization; VLSI circuits."

Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics

"The electronic Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, JIPAM, aims to foster and develop further growth in all areas of mathematics relating to inequalities. The journal accepts high quality papers containing original research results, survey articles of exceptional merit, short letters and notes."

Journal of Lie Theory

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Journal of Lie Theory is a journal for speedy publication of information in the following areas: Lie algebras, Lie groups, algebraic groups, and related types of topological groups such as locally compact and compact groups. Applications to representation theory, differential geometry, geometric control theory, theoretical physics, quantum groups are considered as well. The principal subject matter areas according to the Mathematics Subject Classification are 14Lxx, 17Bxx, 22Bxx, 22Cxx, 22Dxx, 22Exx, 53Cxx, 81Rxx."

Living Reviews in Relativity (also

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Living Reviews in Relativity is a solely WWW-based, peer reviewed journal, publishing as the name suggests, reviews of research in all areas of relativity. The journal is offered as a free service to the scientific community. Articles are solicited from specialists in their fields and are directed toward physicists at the graduate student level and beyond. Articles appearing in Living Reviews provide current and insightful overviews of what's happening in the fields they cover as well as annotated insights (and where possible, active links) into the key literature and online resources pertaining to these fields. One of the most important features of Living Reviews is that its articles are kept up to date by their authors. This is the significance of the word 'Living' in the journal's title."

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The intention of the journal is to publish papers in Mathematics that are of the highest possible quality. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process, overseen by an editorial board."

Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The intention of the journal is to publish papers in Mathematical Physics and related areas that are of the highest possible quality. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process, overseen by an editorial board. The research subjects will be primarily on Mathematical Physics; but this should not be interpreted as a limitation, as the editors feel that essentially all subjects of Mathematics and Physics are in principle relevant to Mathematical Physics."

Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics

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"Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics is an International journal for the publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed original papers with full proofs in ordinary and partial differential equations and their applications. Periodically short communications are published containing main results of talks reported on Tbilisi Seminar of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. It is issued three times a year as of 1994."

New York Journal of Mathematics (NYJM)

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Welcome to the first electronic general mathematics journal: New York Journal of Mathematics"

Notices of the American Mathematical Society

Indexed in: MathSciNet, Web of Science

"Articles may address mathematics, mathematical news and developments, issues affecting the profession, mathematics education at any level, the AMS and its activities, and other such topics of interest to Notices readers. Each article is expected to have a large target audience of readers, perhaps 5,000 of the 30,000 subscribers. Authors must therefore write their articles for nonexperts, rather than experts or would-be experts. In particular, the mathematics articles in the Notices are expository. The language of the Notices is English." I don't believe this is refereed. Nevertheless, it is an important journal in the mathematics literature.

Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

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"The Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire has existed for fifteen years as a joint seminar in Combinatorics for the Universities of Bayreuth, Erlangen and Strasbourg, as well as the other Universities along the lotharingian boundaries. Regular meetings will continue in the same spirit, but it has been decided that the Seminar will now host a new international electronic journal carrying the same name. Starting with vol. 32 all papers, now appearing in electronic form, are being refereed. Most of them have been read during the sessions of the Séminaire that still meets twice a year."

Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"A journal devoted to the study of pure and applied mathematics. Articles from the sciences which are noteworthy because of their mathematical content are welcome."

Theory and Applications of Categories

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The journal Theory and Applications of Categories will disseminate articles that significantly advance the study of categorical algebra or methods, or that make significant new contributions to mathematical science using categorical methods. The scope of the journal includes: all areas of pure category theory, including higher dimensional categories; applications of category theory to algebra, geometry and topology and other areas of mathematics; applications of category theory to computer science, physics
and other mathematical sciences; contributions to scientific knowledge that make use of categorical methods."

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