Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship Winter 2000

Book Reviews

Indexing Specialties: Medicine

Paul G. Haschak
Linus A. Sims Memorial Library
Southeastern Louisiana University

Indexing Specialties: Medicine. Edited by L. Pilar Wyman. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1999. 119 p. ISBN 1-57387-082-X. $35.00.
This rather slender compilation of twelve articles, the second in a series of Indexing Specialties publications published in association with the American Society of Indexers, focuses on medical indexing. The contributors are Cynthia D. Bertelsen, Shelley Greenhouse, Susanne Humphrey, Frances Lennie, Max McMaster, Gerry L. Messner, Alexandra Nickerson, Helen Ochej, Loraine Schacher, Irving Conde Tullar, Carolyn Weaver, and the editor, L. Pilar Wyman. These practical articles gathered by Ms. Wyman represent the various types of work medical indexers do in their chosen field. Subspecialties such as nursing and nutrition receive coverage, as does standard and electronic reference sources. The knowledge and advice offered provide a starting point for the beginning indexer and a useful reference work for the more experienced practitioner. Additional topics covered include book indexing and MeSH, the profession's respected medical thesaurus. Some of the articles are reprints, some are rewritten versions of previously published works, while others are new. The quality of the articles reflects the professional expertise of its authors. Recommended for its intelligent, practical information.


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