Searching Science Resources from the Office

Workshop for the Life Sciences, Part 1

October 14, 1997

  1. Was this session helpful in introducing you to the specialized science databases and features available to you?
    ____ very helpful   ____ somewhat helpful   ____ not very helpful
  2. Was the information presented in a clear, organized manner?
    ____ very clear   ____ somewhat clear   ____ not very clear
  3. Overall, the level of information presented was:
    ____ just right   ____ too basic   ____ too advanced
  4. What change(s) would you suggest to improve the session?

  5. Please comment on the effectiveness of the presentation:

  6. Please comment on the usefulness of the handouts:

  7. Overall, please rate the usefulness of the workshop:
    ____ very useful   ____ somewhat useful   ____ not very useful
  8. Would you recommend this workshop to others?
    ____ yes   ____ no
  9. Additional comments:

Please complete, and leave this form with a presenter at the end of the workshop, or send it to: Janet Martorana, Reference Services, Davidson Library. Thank you!

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