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Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship | Summer 1998 |
Donna E. Cromer
Associate Professor and Coordinator of Reference Services
Centennial Science and Engineering Library, University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131
Julie M. Hurd, Comparison Committee Chair in 1993-94, summarized other portions of the Sci-Tech Libraries survey and described previous general and specialized surveys (Hurd 1996). The results of some of the past Comparison Committee surveys have also been published in the library literature (Hilker 1987, Hilker 1988, Brekke, Douglas, and Roberts 1988, Roberts, Brekke, and Douglas 1991).
Reporting and analysis of staffing levels, gate count, and hours of operation in academic libraries is largely lacking in the literature. While there are a few other annual and biennial surveys that include some or all of the data elements reported on here, comparisons remain difficult due to different survey populations, inconsistencies in definitions, and differing data elements.
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) annually collects data on numbers of professional, support, and student staff, but does not further delineate these categories by public, technical, and administrative services staff (Association of Research Libraries Annual). ARL also collects supplementary statistics each year (Association of Research Libraries Annualb). These questions change from year to year and may or may not cover some of the other data elements. The Association of College and Research Libraries conducts a biennial survey of non-ARL academic libraries, using the same ARL questionnaire (Association of College & Research Libraries Biennial). The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System includes a survey of academic libraries and provides data on staff, (once again, however, not separated into public, technical, and administrative categories), gate count, and hours (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System Biennial). One publication derived from these data is Statistical Norms for College and University Libraries (Statistical Norms 1993). The data are presented in groups of libraries ranked according to size and type of institution.
Several surveys concentrate on specific topic areas within science and engineering. The American Mathematical Society conducted a mathematics library survey in 1990 and 1996-97 (Anderson and Rovnyak 1991, Anderson, Dilcher and Rovnyak 1997, Anderson, Dilcher, and Rovnyak 1997b). The Engineering Library Division of the American Society for Engineering Education annually collects statistics on engineering libraries, several of which have been published in the past (American Society for Engineering Education 1984, American Society for Engineering Education 1985).
Finally, the Association of Academic Health Sciences Library Directors produces an annual survey of medical school libraries. We have chosen to compare science and engineering library personnel data with those from the medical school libraries survey to provide contrast within the science-technology-medicine (STM) library type. Medical school libraries and sci-tech libraries are two unique interdisciplinary library groups which are similar in the broad scope of their subject materials and range of collection sizes.
A number of categories were offered to respondents as options in describing the diverse physical arrangements of sci-tech library organization. Because institutional statistics are gathered in a variety of ways respondents were allowed the option of completing one survey for their science and technology collections or multiple surveys if data existed for separate science and technology collections. Those totally integrated with social sciences and humanities collections could report their organizational structure but not separate data.
The following definitions of organizational structure were used:
Of the 141 library respondees, approximately 77% serve a full medical school and graduate biomedical sciences or full medical school plus other schools such as nursing, dentistry, or veterinary. Those which are biomedical libraries (a medical library that serves the health sciences and undergraduate and graduate programs in the life sciences) amount to 14%. The remainder, approximately 9%, are either science libraries or serve a clinical sciences program only.
Breakdown of respondees by reporting line of the director provides further organizational information. Those reporting to medical schools total 34% while 32% report to a health sciences center. Approximately 26% report to a university library. The remaining 9% report to a medical library, governing board, or other organization.
staff members doing work that requires professional training or skill in the theoretical and/or scientific aspect of library work, as distinct from its clerical aspects; also persons who though not librarians are in professional positions normally requiring at least a bachelor's degree (e.g., curators, archivists, computer specialists, subject bibliographers, media specialists, etc.)
Table 1 summarizes professional, support, and hourly wage FTE data on sci-tech libraries (five organizational types) and medical school libraries. The sci-tech libraries are separated in two groups for easier comparison: decentralized, main-divisional, and stand-alone are common overall organizational structures whereas departmental and multisubject are almost always part of a larger system of decentralized or hybrid (with other possible combinations).
Decentralized library systems report a high of 31.3 FTE staff with main-divisional at less than half that number (12.4 FTE). As discussed by Hurd, library size probably influences physical and organizational structure, and decentralized libraries tend to be larger Association of Research Libraries members as demonstrated by a mean ARL rank for that type (33.4). Institutions of stand-alone and main-divisional libraries are at a higher mean rank, 50.2 and 51.5 respectively, indicating a smaller relative size, "taking into account the number of volumes held, the number added during the previous fiscal year, the number of current serials, total operating expenditures, and the size of professional and nonprofessional staff (excluding student employees)" (Hurd 1996, 149).
While a departmental library serves users of one distinct or two very closely related subjects, a multisubject library can vary considerably in range of subjects and staffing up to the size expected of a multidisciplinary stand-alone library. The departmental libraries reporting in this survey averaged about 5 FTE staff whereas multisubject sci-tech libraries averaged 17.6 FTE.
The Medical School Libraries Survey utilized slightly different categories of staff and functions than the Sci-Tech Libraries Survey. For purposes of comparison the library specialist paraprofessional staff category was combined with support staff, and the functional areas of collection development (acquisitions, cataloging, collection selection, and materials processing) and automated systems were equated with technical services. Those areas defined as public services were information services (resources interpretation, education, LRC/computer services, outreach) and collection distribution (circulation, ILL, photocopy, and stack maintenance). Mean FTE staff in medical school libraries totals 32.9, slightly more than the largest of the sci-tech libraries.
Main-divisional sci-tech libraries, where more staff functions may be shared with other divisions in the same facility, show .7 support staff and .6 hourly wage staff for every professional. In departmental libraries the ratio of professional to support to hourly wage results in a nearly equal balance: 1 to .9 to 1. Medical school libraries appear to use fewer hourly wage staff than any of the sci-tech library types, only .5 for every professional staff, while the support staff to professional staff ratio is closer to decentralized and stand-alone organizational types (1.8 to 1).
Functional ratios of administrative to public and technical service staff provide another comparison among organizational structures. (Table 3) Medical school libraries appear to employ fewer public service staff for every administrator than any of the sci-tech library types but also have one of the highest technical service to administrator ratios. Because such a high percentage is administered through the medical school or health center campus of the institution, medical school libraries may tend to be more self-contained in terms of technical services, interlibrary loan, and automated systems than are sci-tech departments. Among sci-tech libraries far less variance is shown in the administrator to technical service ratio than in administrator to public service staff where main-divisional libraries employ over 22 public service staff for every administrator.
One additional measure which may indicate relative staffing levels among these libraries is number of staff per hour open, also shown in Table 4. There is a steady progression from .07 staff for every hour a departmental library is open to .29 staff for every open hour in stand-alone libraries and .34 staff in medical school libraries. It would appear that larger libraries may be able to offer more services while open in addition to being open more hours.
The sci-tech libraries survey also requested data on reference hours but because the question was interpreted in different ways the responses were unusable. Future surveys will attempt to collect comparative data on this standard library service which could also be compared with reference hour data provided by the Medical School Libraries Survey.
American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. 1984. Annual Statistics of Academic Engineering Libraries. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Engineering Education.
Anderson, N.D., Dilcher, K. and Rovnyak, J. 1997. Mathematics research libraries at the end of the twentieth century. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 44:1469-1472.
________. 1997b. Mathematics Research Libraries at the End of the Twentieth Century; A Report on the 1996 AMS-IMS-MAA Survey, August 1997. [Online]. Available: http://wsrv.clas.virginia.edu/~jlr5m/survey/survey.html [July 10, 1998].
Anderson, N.D. and Rovnyak, J. 1991. Mathematics research libraries: a 1990 snapshot. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 38:1258-1262.
Association of Academic Health Sciences Library Directors (AAHSLD). 1994. 1992-93 Annual Statistics of Medical School Libraries in the United States & Canada, 16th ed. Seattle: Association of Academic Health Sciences Library Directors.
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Biennial. ACRL University Library Statistics. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Association of Research Libraries. Annual. ARL Statistics. Washington DC: Association of Research Libraries.
________. Annualb. ARL Supplementary Statistics. Washington DC: Association of Research Libraries.
Brekke, Elaine, Douglas, Kimberly and Roberts, Elizabeth. 1988. Academic science and technology libraries: facilities and administration. Science & Technology Libraries 11:107-16.
Daval, Nicola, and Brennan, Patricia, comps. 1994. ARL Statistics 1992-93: A Compilation of Statistics from the One Hundred and Nineteen Members of the Association of Research Libraries. Washington DC: Association of Research Libraries.
Hilker, Emerson. 1987. Statistical data for stand-alone science/engineering libraries in the United States and Canada 1984/1985. Science and Technology Libraries 9:89-127.
Hilker, Emerson. 1988. Survey of academic science/technology libraries. College & Research Libraries News 88:375-76.
Hurd, Julie M. 1996. ARL academic science and technology libraries: report of a survey. College & Research Libraries 57:144-160.
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Biennial. IPEDS: Academic Libraries. [Online]. Available: http://nces.ed.gov/Ipeds/library.html [July 14, 1998]. [Note: Link moved; URL changed 9/8/98 by ald]
National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resource Studies. 1998. Federal R&D Funding by Budget Function: Fiscal Years 1996-98; An SRS Special Report. Historical Tables. [Online]. Available: http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/nsf98301/listtab.htm#historical [July 14, 1998].
Roberts, Elizabeth P., Brekke, Elaine and Douglas, Kimberly. 1991. Physical structure and administration of science and technology libraries: an historical survey. Science & Technology Libraries 11:91-105.
Statistical Norms for College & University Libraries: Derived from U.S. Department of Education Fall 1990 IPEDS Survey of Academic Libraries. 1993. Boulder CO: John Minter Associates.
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